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Why do you think so many people are depressed today?


Jun 29, 2017
Studies have shown that more people, in particular teens/young adults are reporting higher rates of depression. The suicide rate in many places has also climbed in the last 50 years.

My opinion is that the combination of social media combined with disillusion and a longer work life is fueling depression. As kids, we're told we can do anything in life. When people reach adulthood and realize this isn't the case, it's a crushing blow. This isn't made better by social media which shows as people who seem to be better than us in terms of how much money they have, how attractive they are etc...

Also having to work more hours for less money than our parents/grandparents doesn't seem great.
Less and less self reliance and way too much acceptance of "authority" in most areas of life. Another contributing factor is the prevalence of the myth that purpose of life is to be happy without even really knowing what would make one truly happy. Since the word "depressed" is used than it should be added that "pharmacological/therapeutical statism" that is being established in almost every country is very much contributing to this phenomena, as it serves the purpose for the "state" because dependent people are easier to control.

As I see it, the basis of it all is export of personal responsibility to some vague authority and than blaming that vague entity for ones (inter)personal troubles.

Or I am just delusional and could benefit from "olanzapin+tegretol+duloxetine combined with some form of psychotherapy". :unsure:
Teens/young adults whatever these days gotta deal with a shit economy, low wages, debt that only gets bigger, and they've already had to live through two economic crashes, a couple wars, and now a seemingly never ending pandemic.

Not that shit wasn't messed up for earlier generations, but psychiatry wasn't nearly as entrenched, so people are more likely to get help for their depression these days.

It can easily be perceived as a pretty dark world for a fair amount of people, most people are pretty broke just scraping by. That alone causes stress.
I got a referral to a behavioral specialist for talking about life and all that fun stuff. When the lady tried to schedule the appointment today, she said the earliest appointment was July 10th, 2021(what!?).

I believe this thread is meant to discuss historically, but a huge compounding factor currently, in addition to many issues mentioned previously in this thread, the pandemic has really caused a lot of problems with mental health for a lot of people as of late.
Studies have shown that more people, in particular teens/young adults are reporting higher rates of depression. The suicide rate in many places has also climbed in the last 50 years.

My opinion is that the combination of social media combined with disillusion and a longer work life is fueling depression. As kids, we're told we can do anything in life. When people reach adulthood and realize this isn't the case, it's a crushing blow. This isn't made better by social media which shows as people who seem to be better than us in terms of how much money they have, how attractive they are etc...

Also having to work more hours for less money than our parents/grandparents doesn't seem great.

How dare you.

I say that with a smile as it starts the link below, and because intelligent children, --- from the age of reason on, --- will rightly judge their parents lives as unappealing and perhaps pointless, --- and decide not to partake of it, showing that future prospects is their focus and not the cash.

Almost all living today have done better, cash wise, than their parents.

At no other time though have we parents been seen as actively destroying the environment our children need to live in.

That is what intelligent children see. That is what is depressing to all intelligent life.

I agree with your other evaluations.

Because we aren't allowed to self medicate and work through our issues without society and the police fucking shit up

You would not like to be allowed, because everyone else would also be.

You have always chosen order over chaos. So have we all.

People are cut off from their animal roots of been a human. A lack of rites of passage in western society means a majority of people never became a adult and instead are still living like children in the adult world unable to care for themselves and get through life. A lack of spiritual growth and needs fulfilled. Depression has many different causes some people become better after SSRIs only having a chemical imbalance. Some people are resistant to every treatment and then the smallest group are even resistant to the depression healing of ketamine and shrooms.

The deepest route is a desire to return to the source of creation a self annihilation. Maybe if people took up deep meditation and kundalini yoga every day and focused on becoming liberated they would feel more fulfilled than chasing materialism
^ Well said 👌

People are cut off from their animal roots of been a human. A lack of rites of passage in western society means a majority of people never became a adult and instead are still living like children in the adult world unable to care for themselves and get through life.

Spot on assessment.
It's harder to find meaning in society these days. Back in days you'd go as a war as a boy and become a mother as a woman. That's simple and easy.
There are so many choices for young people that they get overwhelmed.
Information overflow is a big problem which affects the development of children.
Now people get to see all the horrors around the world and humans have this tendency to look at negative things. That's why there's stories made about extremely negative things all the time.
Not good things.
Also, the thing that kids get told that they're special and they can do anything they want and they end up believing in it.
But it doesn't work that way.
Also, everything getting filmed is a pretty big problem I think. I don't like getting filmed at all.
Don't know if this is a cause for depression, but when I was kid we used to fight and next day shake hands.
These days it's on video which leads to bigger loss of status and hurts the ego more.
This discourages people from trying new things, you know - maybe going to some contest to try out a new dance since they know they'll end up as a meme or in cringe complication.
It's just sad.
As kids, we're told we can do anything in life. When people reach adulthood and realize this isn't the case, it's a crushing blow.

So what you are saying is that is YOUR case & try to project YOUR bad trip upon everyone else, are you sick in the mind or something?
Why push your bad vibes upon everyone else? How do you know that is the case I've put in bold above?
People are cut off from their animal roots of been a human. A lack of rites of passage in western society means a majority of people never became a adult and instead are still living like children in the adult world unable to care for themselves and get through life. A lack of spiritual growth and needs fulfilled. Depression has many different causes some people become better after SSRIs only having a chemical imbalance. Some people are resistant to every treatment and then the smallest group are even resistant to the depression healing of ketamine and shrooms.

The deepest route is a desire to return to the source of creation a self annihilation. Maybe if people took up deep meditation and kundalini yoga every day and focused on becoming liberated they would feel more fulfilled than chasing materialism

THIS ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Teens/young adults whatever these days gotta deal with a shit economy, low wages, debt that only gets bigger, and they've already had to live through two economic crashes, a couple wars, and now a seemingly never ending pandemic.

Oh Lord help me please, I am fucking begging you here!!!!!

Why you gotta "play" the usual social game? I'm NO fan of Leary the nasty piece of dog poop but he said one good thing in his life & it's his most famous quote we all know.
"The System" you speak of is an illusion, why play the game you are told by everyone is the way in life? Fuck that, I'd pick living in a cave collecting rain water & eating cats above playing this joke of a life game most people accept as "truth"
TV has really melted peoples brain destroying their dopamine from a young age. If i ever have kids i will not have a tv in the house til they are teens. The crucial years of development should be spent outside experincing LIFE not a concrete jungle or staring at a flashing box of lies all day. Kids should be out in nature every day connecting with life
TV has really melted peoples brain destroying their dopamine from a young age. If i ever have kids i will not have a tv in the house til they are teens. The crucial years of development should be spent outside experincing LIFE not a concrete jungle or staring at a flashing box of lies all day. Kids should be out in nature every day connecting with life

There's good stuff on TV too that can open the mind, but I agree in general with getting kids (and everyone else) out of the house and doing stuff, especially in nature (well, what there is left...).
People are cut off from their animal roots of been a human. A lack of rites of passage in western society means a majority of people never became a adult and instead are still living like children in the adult world unable to care for themselves and get through life.

In what way are people still living like children?