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Is it okay to have sex on Ambien?


Jun 29, 2017
So I might meet up with a girl for the first time on Tinder. We're obviously not gonna have sex on the first date but get to know each other a bit and then maybe after two weeks, do it.

I've heard the first time people have sex they panic. I don't want to use alcohol as I hate that shit with all its side effects (more dysphoric than euphoric). benzos and BDZ drugs (zolpidem) on the other hand leave me feeling wonderful.

I was wondering if we should both take 20mg of zolpidem each. Since she's probably going to be drug-naive and have no tolerance to Ambien, is it a bad idea to give her any at all? I've heard people can have bad reactions to it and terrifying hallucinations. I've never hallucinated or done anything stupid.

If things go sour, Is risperidone on hand a good idea to stop a psychotic episode?
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If she's not done it before, 20mg will probably just knock her out! Personally I've never found z drugs recreational though, just used them for sleep.

Take a permanent marker and draw Dick's on her when she passes out!
So whose first time is it, precisely? Yours?

I don't think giving her Ambien is going to stop you panicking. Drugs don't work that way. You have to take it yourself. If she wants to get high, she'll probably tell you.

But really, it sounds like a terrible idea. Sex is (supposed to be) a strenuous physical activity, if you're on sleeping pills I find it hard to imagine doing a good job. My first time I was coming down from 25I-NBOMe and methylone ("shitty candyflip") and smoking weed, which probably made me last longer than I otherwise would have. I don't want to tell you to take drugs, but something like that would be better than a sedative.
I tried to fuck my wife while blacked out on zolpidem once when I was taking it for insomnia. I was so clumsy I accidentally hurt her in the process and she did not enjoy it at all, and I have no recollection of the event.

So yeah, I would shy far away from z-drugs and sex. Especially dosing the girl 20mg? Very rapey... I have a good tolerance to these types of drugs but 10mg could still make me black out.
Jesus fucking Christ dude.

Do not give the girl any drugs ffs. That should be a no brainier. Do not push your weirdness towards sex on anyone else please. Fuck me pink. Even asking that question deserves a quick smack to the back of the head.

If you aren’t comfortable with sex tell her and take it slow. You don’t have to have sex in 2 weeks if you don’t want to but do not make her feel like taking drugs is the answer to you feeling comfortable enough to have sex. It shouldn’t be and if it is then don’t have sex at all. It’s not for you at this point in your life.

You really could do with some therapy I think. Surely your uni or place you’re doing your course has someone to talk to. I know you’re in Ireland, I’ve a few colleagues down in Dublin I can link you up with but you can find some good therapists anywhere in the country if you want to.
This could very easily lead to her saying that you encouraged her to take something to cloud her judgment and get her to sleep with you. That may not be where you're coming from, but it would likely be seen that way. Especially since you're talking about recommending that she take such a large dose of a drug that she's never taken before and is notorious for causing blackouts and out of character, regrettable behavior. You could easily end up getting accused of rape if you do this, possibly successfully. Also, taking such a large dose could actually be dangerous for some people, especially since she's never taken it before.
Why? What would cause you to panic? Maybe work out why you think this might happen before you take the leap. I would NOT suggest taking a z drug before sex especially if it’s your first time. And obviously do not give any drugs to your partner. Again why?
Leave it to someone to ask a legit question in here and everyone shames them into something wrong. 20 mg is a bit much hell 5 is the drug takes away your conscience when you fight it so I wouldn’t use it for sex in the first place. But damn to push therapy on someone cause they asked a question I’d love to see some of your lives on the big screen what skeletons do you hide
Leave it to someone to ask a legit question in here and everyone shames them into something wrong. 20 mg is a bit much hell 5 is the drug takes away your conscience when you fight it so I wouldn’t use it for sex in the first place. But damn to push therapy on someone cause they asked a question I’d love to see some of your lives on the big screen what skeletons do you hide
Definitely have had some experiences that are skeletal in nature like that. Last night I very nearly went out to meet two guys I'd never met before to party with meth and ghb. I wasn't feeling great about it because I didn't find the guys to be particularly attractive but sex is sex sometimes in this hookup scene... I was looking for total oblivion since I've been in a bad way lately... meth and ghb is an awesome mix. I was going to bring ketamine at first too, though I decided not while getting ready. They had the ghb and their own meth as well.

I got showered, dressed, wrapped up a half g meth was about to call the cab, but I stopped. I thought about it a few minutes more. Something felt off and I ultimately blocked them without explanation. I've gone out and used this combo of drugs before, with strangers. tt's gone fine. Just drink a cap of it straight, not gonna black out or anything like that especially with the meth. Something about the way I was being talked to though didn't settle right. I've also been in some bad situations that weren't fine.

I have a feeling about certain people when they're looking for something less than consensual or want to target me somehow, or otherwise are just bad people I shouldn't be around. It's in the way they talk, it's the look in their eyes, even in a picture. I've been in some shit before and there's a commonalty there I can't really explain. There's just a darkness to some people.

The people who wind up being into some really weird shit or have ultimately targeted me all have something in common.

Anyway I obviously can't say anything about these guys for sure. It felt like something bad was gonna happen though. I've gone out into the same sort of situation before, without this feeling and without getting into any problems. I also have a feeling about the OP here, that there's an ulterior motive.

It's pretty fucking blaring obvious actually. "kinky" with sleeper drugs and whatever else for someones first time (or any time) isn't kinky, it's flat out rape if this girl goes down and is no longer able to consent. People with anxiety issues don't drug the other person the reduce their anxiety, rapists do. Asking about this 20mg dosage "is it enough", is just a backward way of saying "will she black out".

Sorry OP, I'm calling you out on this one, I don't think your intentions are any good here.
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That's such a stupid question I can't believe. What if you knock her out and she accuses you to gave her a rape drug? That's not only happening between man and women! OMG!
