Chapter II: The Abyss is Eternal !

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nice tunz... i like as it fits my mood atm but feel it switching to something else... think the diazepam is regaining control again... i can see why those on stims prfer it to alpraz. live and learn.
i get the following now - somewhat; i need exposure
look at mae legz

am writin da x-files

see how i move'em

the cabinets
vatican shadow is actually good
Never heard of them til now but have something to take to sleep with tonight besides edgy ass metals and plastics
Idk yo, for me the most atmospheric piece of techno I ever heard was from Brunner. Hands down, what this guy is able to do with Ableton it's what his name says ''Recondite''. A language

man this is boss right now
i could kiss a cat tbh
preferably of human nature
gonna have a touch more kratom and something else
blututh on....
you'll like this one
a seer ya say? ya right
Nxt on plylst
shits gettin deep up in ere folk
is kratom legal in PA? gotta check real quick like

still legal but:
"Before kratom takes lives destroys families and creates further drug related havoc in Pennsylvania let s work together to ban kratom before it ... " ooooooohhhhh........ hahaha
cooking food, hoping my sickness will go away soon :|


color me sk00ld
no where near sleepy yet and been sleepy for days
might take a early morning ride to no where
I love doing that.

I'm about to have spaghetti and will commence eating soon.

I'm in so much pain it sucks. It shall pass I hope.
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