Exhausted Your ideal opiate withdrawal kit

well if you're down to 10mg oxy and a few norcos... if I was you I'd just take em all tonight, get drunk and listen to some good music to say goodbye

that's what I'd do :)

better to go out with a bang (don't OD or some stupid shit), I hope you get what I'm saying
I’ve thought about this the last few nights. Just to be able to sleep 😭
Weed (smoked flower)
Weed (edible)
Weed (concentrates)
Valerian root
Low strength lager or pilsner stocked in fridge
Lots of easy comfort food (frozen cafeteria style stuff/snacks/soup)
Valium if available
Lots of pleasant and easily consumed media (films/shows/music/games)
Appreciate all your input. Will update tomorrow. Still interested in everyone’s ideal withdrawal kits.
14 years of HEAVY abuse and addiction here.

Throw aaaaaaaallllll that shit away except the lope (careful now).

Go ahead and just take your last bit of opiates. 10mg of this and that won’t do ANYTHING except prolong the inevitable. Take it now (I only say that cuz we both know you won’t just flush it) and start ACTUALLY withdrawing. As for the RLS... well, it’s gonna be a rough two weeks. Set up child care and logistical arrangements and dive in. You’ll be praying for death. It WILL get better. Get mad at it. Flex on it. Tell it to go fuck itself. You’re better, stronger and you WILL win. FORCE yourself to move during the day. Walk, stretch, do yoga, fuck your significant other. Don’t expect anything, certainly not sleep.

Ride the misery. Toss. Turn. Twitch. Spaz. Yawn. Relish it. KNOW that it’s the last time. No question.

Once PAWS sets in, spend time with your child. Find seratonin, no matter how small, through your 2 year olds laughter. Relish the small things. Watch them wiggle and giggle. Wake up early and go to bed late.

Fight. FIGHT LIKE YOUR CHILDS LOFE DEPENDS ON IT. They will NOT remember their mother broken and beaten. They WILL grow up knowing you gave them what they deserved.

Fight. Fight and win.

Once it’s been 2 weeks, take stock. I assure you that you will be in better place. You will be miserable but “better” is objective and you will be better.

In 3 weeks, better still.

The well being and life of your child depend on your strength. FUCKING FIGHT. Win. And be done with the demons. Say “no more”.

Your life will amaze you. The bandwidth in your mind once free from addictions will open up new levels of compassion, intelligence and empathy you didn’t know you have.

Do it for that little baby. No crutch, no bullshit. Be you. Be what that little human deserves.
14 years of HEAVY abuse and addiction here.

Throw aaaaaaaallllll that shit away except the lope (careful now).

Go ahead and just take your last bit of opiates. 10mg of this and that won’t do ANYTHING except prolong the inevitable. Take it now (I only say that cuz we both know you won’t just flush it) and start ACTUALLY withdrawing. As for the RLS... well, it’s gonna be a rough two weeks. Set up child care and logistical arrangements and dive in. You’ll be praying for death. It WILL get better. Get mad at it. Flex on it. Tell it to go fuck itself. You’re better, stronger and you WILL win. FORCE yourself to move during the day. Walk, stretch, do yoga, fuck your significant other. Don’t expect anything, certainly not sleep.

Ride the misery. Toss. Turn. Twitch. Spaz. Yawn. Relish it. KNOW that it’s the last time. No question.

Once PAWS sets in, spend time with your child. Find seratonin, no matter how small, through your 2 year olds laughter. Relish the small things. Watch them wiggle and giggle. Wake up early and go to bed late.

Fight. FIGHT LIKE YOUR CHILDS LOFE DEPENDS ON IT. They will NOT remember their mother broken and beaten. They WILL grow up knowing you gave them what they deserved.

Fight. Fight and win.

Once it’s been 2 weeks, take stock. I assure you that you will be in better place. You will be miserable but “better” is objective and you will be better.

In 3 weeks, better still.

The well being and life of your child depend on your strength. FUCKING FIGHT. Win. And be done with the demons. Say “no more”.

Your life will amaze you. The bandwidth in your mind once free from addictions will open up new levels of compassion, intelligence and empathy you didn’t know you have.

Do it for that little baby. No crutch, no bullshit. Be you. Be what that little human deserves.
I needed this. Thank you. Still can’t sleep. RLS killing me.
I needed this. Thank you. Still can’t sleep. RLS killing me.

Good. It’s supposed to. Be miserable and KNOW that it’s only progress from here on out.

Tomorrow will be better. The day after that, more so.

Keep going. Forward is the only direction now.

So you’re tossing turning... ok. So what? Does your baby sleep under a roof? Safe and full? Then fuck it. It’s all worth it.

Focus on those little chubby cheeks and remember how that little person relies on you to be your best self. Do it for them. Do it for the chubby bubby!

You got this, Ladi. When it gets to be too much, get up. Take a bath. Cry. Scream. Get mad. Fuck this bitch up and be BETTER.

You got this. Keep going. Let me know how you feel when the sun comes up.

If you want some motivation, hit my profike and read my recovery journal. It got very dark before it got light but now it’s so bright and warm that I’ll never go back.

We got your back.
14YearsofFlux—That was so beautifully put!
I just tried Kratom for the first time 11 hours ago in an effort to stave off withdrawals from the 90 Oxys that should’ve lasted me another 10 days (per my refill schedule). I’ve cut my remaining Oxys in 1/2, and I can take one of these only every other day, because I really fucked up. I’m hoping that the Kratom + 1/2 an Oxy every other day will mean I have zero to minimal w/d effects but I have no way of knowing until I see how I feel about 40 hours from now when the effects should be really kicking in.
I’m also not sleeping, but no RLS. I think the Kratom was a bit more of a stim than I was anticipating. Even with gabapentin, benedryl, baclofen and CBD I’m wide awake...
I’ve gone thru opiate wd before. But it was not anywhere near this intense. I’m guessing it’s the buprenorphine. It’s miserable.
To be honest, the way I had to do it was continue to use full agonist opioids to get through the withdrawals from buprenorphine, and it lasted for months. I doubt I could have been successful coming off buprenorphine any other way, that half-life just makes it never ending misery.

Interesting you say this... I’ve found these days my addiction for buprenorphine far outweighs any love I have for full agonists. I’ve never been able to get through the long withdrawals.

Which full agonist did you use and how long?

If you have serious responsibilities, like a child, then subs might be the answer. It's up to you brother.
Subs are what I need to get off of. They’re what’s giving me the wds. And I was only doing like a 32nd of a pill a day. Did not expect this. I mean I expected something but I’ve done em before n left em easy. This time not so much.
To be honest, the way I had to do it was continue to use full agonist opioids to get through the withdrawals from buprenorphine, and it lasted for months. I doubt I could have been successful coming off buprenorphine any other way, that half-life just makes it never ending misery.

this was my plan. As soon as I figured out it was sub wd and not the sketchy oc/fent, I knew I had a problem. So I’m trying to go from those which i had to do every 2hr, to the oc 10-had 3-which I am trying to make last at least 6hrs, to the norc 10s which I only have 2 of, to 2 norc 5s... but it’s all happening very fast. I took my last oc 10 at 9am.
And another night of not falling asleep yet....it’s 2:11am, I stayed up all night last night and I was hoping to get some sleep tonight. So far, no such luck.
In all honesty, I haven’t slept well since a scorpion sting in a few weeks ago. Weird new numbness and creepy sensations since the event have left my right finger/hand/arm/neck and face feeling weird. If this is my new norm, from a odd sensations standpoint, I’m not onboard with this yet.
I’m also not sleeping, but no RLS. I think the Kratom was a bit more of a stim than I was anticipating. Even with gabapentin, benedryl, baclofen and CBD I’m wide awake...
This was me last night. Minus the baclofen, Benedryl & cbd. Plus some Bali gold around 10, 2 10mg flex,600mg gaba, and melatonin. However, when I did finally fall asleep (@3), the RLS didn’t wake me, and I didn’t sweat like mad crazy. I’ll find a winning combo soon.
Needing to get clean after a year or so of opiate use. I’m feeling like the last sub binge left me wrecked. Decided I wanna get my shit together and have another kid. Had no clue about the half-life on subs. So after that had some stupid fake 30s w fent. Ok awesome but not for taper. So those are gone. I now have in my “get your shit together arsenal” ..
1mg xanax (reg rx)
gaba 100 (reg rx),
4meloxicam 7.5 (from a long time ago)
2x hydroxyzine 25mg (also a long time ago)
7x 5mg diazepam,
Trazadone 50mg
1x 10mg oxy
2x 10mg norcos
Like 6 tramadol
Maybe 10 t3s

I’ve been taking as little opiate as I can to try to taper down. I made 10mg oxy last 7 hrs today. It wasn’t pleasant at all. Then another ten for 7. I had to take the Xanax which I do on the reg anyway. Same w gabs and also am rx’d adderall 30mg2x/day plus 15 afternoon.
My biggest problem is the RLS at night. I can’t sleep. Took ambien last night and still woke at 230am and had to take muscle relaxers.

what’s the best way to go about this taper?? I did also eat a 10 norco tonight when the headache and stomachs shit kicked on. So. This is what I have left. What’s the wisest way to go about getting off opiates? Will deal w the rest later. One thing at a time. I just don’t wanna sweat my ass off all night, not sleep, and shit my brains out. Also— kid to take care of. Need to be able to function. Less than 2yr old doesn’t understand.
Immodium AND tons of lyrica, clonidine Is all you Need brother.
And another night of not falling asleep yet....it’s 2:11am, I stayed up all night last night and I was hoping to get some sleep tonight. So far, no such luck.
In all honesty, I haven’t slept well since a scorpion sting in a few weeks ago. Weird new numbness and creepy sensations since the event have left my right finger/hand/arm/neck and face feeling weird. If this is my new norm, from a odd sensations standpoint, I’m not onboard with this yet.
If you're able to get 100mg-200mg Seroquel or 10mg zyprexa thst will shut off Ur brain.