Mental Health Coming off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v3

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I cant keep doing this I guess I'm in better shape than lots I only got 1 shot its only been 6 months my theory
0-2 years drug elimination initial recover
2-5 years bulk healing
5+ years hopeful full recovery
I cant go through life this way but me be forced too unfortunately my happiest day will be on my 40th birthday when I finally feel healed from this state sponsored abuse I need help to know this isnt forever I'm scared I guess someone that only got 1 short should heal sooner than someone that got 25 shots.?
I need help guys I'm in dark place I feel like its permanent I just want dopamine and serotonin again I really do even if it takes 10 years I just wanna feel better
How did u feel before the invega
Literally awesome I was in connection with the land and GOD had so.much energy now I feel dead
I hope that in my lifetime I can recover even if it takes a long long time I just want to feel better
Say after 5 years will taking adderall reboot the dopamine receptors.?
Maybe the receptors need to be booted back up again with strong dopamine producers like several possibility man I'm hoping that this is just a chapter in my life I do see why people can't get lawyers and sue invega I guess if you don't developed breasts they don't care huh
I hope to heal I really do so I wanna heal so badly
i mean it'd do something. will the positives last longer than the adderall? you might have to continue to take it. but i think it'd defintely jump start your brain, mostly when the invega is out of your system. idk if it'd do anything while it is in your system.
but there's some laws protecting big pharmas bro so alot of the cases probably are dead ends. i'm sure people tried to sue before cause the shit is devastating to some people.
Literally awesome I was in connection with the land and GOD had so.much energy now I feel dead
I hope that in my lifetime I can recover even if it takes a long long time I just want to feel better

you got insurance? you should call several physicians and see if you can find out how which one will see how much invega is in your system and to see if your insurance covers it. it's probably under half or a quarter of what you initially took, but i think that's when the release of it slows down, but it still goes down by roughly half apparently every 25-49 days depending on the mg of your shot. they measure it in ng/ml though. idk how that transcribes into mg but that might be something you can ask a physician. it's expensive. probably $1500-$3000, but it's not expensive for an insurance company.
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Ya I'm just hoping I can become restored I got 1 156 mg shot 6 months ago I am hoping to feel different by 1 year then feeling better at 2 years by 3 feeling good Hopefully by 5 years I am healed the thing is 1 shot stays in your system for close to 2 years and then it takes your brain possibly 2-5 years after the poison is gone to fully return to a normal reality one thing invega has taught me is it not about this life at all hoping to be restored in my lifetime imagine the happiness when you no longer are suffering from in vega one day 3 years from now you wake up feeling ok and then 5 years you sau....
You know what.?
I feel pretty good today that is what I am shooting for :)
Good news.

I have contacted the lawyer and there has been changes in my probation order (I am from Canada). I was told by the judge that I am not forced to take the medication (invega). When i don't take my medication from the psychiatric clinic, i will need to report to the probation officer once a week or at their direction. other wise, i was told to seek a mental health lawyer through legal aid (i had a criminal lawyer) so i can completely remove the condition.

So there you have it. I am almost there. I will no longer be forced to take invega as it is not required by the judge.

So to those who are in a similar situation, seek a lawyer to fight this battle. you never know what good could come out of it.

and yes, i am still recovering from invega. They recently put me on the 3 month injection but things are changing for me for the better. i still have probation order but i am still following all of the rules and the condition. i can kind of feel that my body is slowly recovering from this nasty criminal drug.
How long should 1 shot take to clear our.?
18 months to clear out and then another 2-3 years for recovery.?
I'm done with this man I can't handle it all I do is sleep sleep sleep
I'm getting worried I wanna be healed I can't wait to wake up 4 years from now feeling better honestly I want it to happen so bad I can be patient I just want to know it actually happens and I will never get another shot ever again all I am doing now is waiting for recover
Waiting for a brighter day who knows tho
How long should 1 shot take to clear our.?
18 months to clear out and then another 2-3 years for recovery.?
I'm done with this man I can't handle it all I do is sleep sleep sleep
how long have you been on invega for? i have not read your story but it seems like you are suffering a whole lot. are you in canada? by any chance, would a mental health lawyer be the answer?

i can't give you any advice because i am recovering myself. i just know that i will not be legally required to take invega shots. and that is okay with me. invega sucks but you just have to be patient. drink lots of water and avoid bad habits.
you got insurance? you should call several physicians and see if you can find out how which one will see how much invega is in your system and to see if your insurance covers it. it's probably under half or a quarter of what you initially took, but i think that's when the release of it slows down, but it still goes down by roughly half apparently every 25-49 days depending on the mg of your shot. they measure it in ng/ml though. idk how that transcribes into mg but that might be something you can ask a physician. it's expensive. probably $1500-$3000, but it's not expensive for an insurance company.
i don't trust doctors no more but you are saying that there are methods one can take to remove invega from the body? how does that work? I live in Canada for your information. The sooner i remove invega from my system, the better i am. i am going cold turkey on this.

I had two injections of 234mg and 156mg in April.
I wanted to know if there could be an experience sharing for this specific case (two injections) to know the time of return to a normal state.
I read on this forum that the delay could be between 8 and 14 months. Do you think that with just two injections it could be faster?

Thank you.

I had two injections of 234mg and 156mg in April.
I wanted to know if there could be an experience sharing for this specific case (two injections) to know the time of return to a normal state.
I read on this forum that the delay could be between 8 and 14 months. Do you think that with just two injections it could be faster?

Thank you.
Invega shrinks your testicles and lowers your testosterone levels

I had two injections of 234mg and 156mg in April.
I wanted to know if there could be an experience sharing for this specific case (two injections) to know the time of return to a normal state.
I read on this forum that the delay could be between 8 and 14 months. Do you think that with just two injections it could be faster?

Thank you.
I think this link could be helpful:
i don't trust doctors no more but you are saying that there are methods one can take to remove invega from the body? how does that work? I live in Canada for your information. The sooner i remove invega from my system, the better i am. i am going cold turkey on this.

no i'm not saying there are methods to remove invega. the only option to do that i think is to take St. John's Wort.
You're going to have to list a source for that or I'm going to edit it.
Someone said their testicles shrunk on here a while ago. I’m probably gonna leave this thread. I don’t wanna be harassed and censored by perps and people who haven’t even taken Invega
do you think it will be possible for me hike and climb mountains one day.?
Right now I feel awful I want to make it back to being in connection with life once more
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