• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Need Help I need anger management tips ASAP

Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020
I've been sober 2 days now except for the valium... I was fine until I drove 45 min to downtown for work only to realize I forgot my face mask and had to drive back home and then back downtown again. I AM SO FUCKING ANGRY AT EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW. I AM LIVID. AT EVERYTHING.

this is out of character for me I am generally a very chill dude and it takes a lot for me to get this mad.

All I want to do is fucking drink right now BUT THIS IS NOT AN OPTION IN MY LIFE ANYMORE. I can't even explain how fucked up I am over this stupid mistake right now. I'm having some sort of breakdown again.

Taking more valium is not going to calm me down. I need to fucking meditate or something but I can't because I need to work. I literally have $10 to my name right now after the doctor the other day.I have to work no other choice.

Fucking ranting right now but I don't know how to handle this. I don't know how to deal with anger sober.

Fuck me man
Slow deep breaths. Count to 5 on the way in. Hold for 5. Count for 5 in the way out. In through the nose, out through the mouth.

Just three has a calming effect but do as many as you need. Works for anxiety as well as anger.
Thanks bro. Unfortunately I did stop and bought a beer. I drank half of it and then read your message. I was able to throw the rest of the beer out. I forgot about breathing techniques. They work!

One step back two steps forward. Trying not to beat myself up for this mini relapse.

This song always helped me calm down during bad trips. Also helping me calm down right now. It's therapeutic.

After all that rage I feel physically exhausted now. I almost got into a car accident. Fuck
Not really, I have so many unpaid bills and about 5k medical bills. I don't have health insurance. What I honestly think I need is an AA sponsor.

I don’t believe in the whole AA package but I once did 90 meetings in 90 days and spoke at every one of them when I wanted to clean up my act and get totally sober. In a way it was like free therapy and it worked for me it straighten myself out (not permanently obviously).
Could be your cognitive function is really off right now, which means you forget major things and may have MDD/GAD symptoms too. It's very frustrating I know. Keep pushing forward and don't use it as an excuse to relapse right now, you're still withdrawing.