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Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020
I've done all the other "mainstream" psychedelics many times, however never mescaline.

Can anyone describe it in their own words? Maybe compare it to LSD/mushrooms/2c-x?

I grew up in an area where peyote grew naturally, but never got my hands on it.

I'm curious and might extract some san pedro or peruvian torch. Is it even worth it? These cacti are expensive.

I've had it maybe a handful of times. Pretty underwhelming at doses it's normally sold at from what I gather, not truly psychedelic until 300mg+ in my experience. I think the most I took was around 400mg, it was definitely psychedelic at that dose, and fairly unique in the type of visuals and vibe in general. Although it was quite awhile ago and I can't remember it that well. It always had too much of an amphetamine-esque edge for me, quite a lot of body load for not that strong of a trip.

I'd say if you've taken 2c-x compounds they are quite similar in feeling/experience/visuals to mescaline, I tended to like them better. Especially 2c-b.

I believe mescaline is quite difficult to synthesize, which is probably why it is so rare, I'm pretty surprised I even came across it in Midwest US.

No experience with cacti but I believe it has even more body load that way. Some people seem to really like it. It definitely has that magic and depth good psych's tend to have. Just too speedy for me.
I only tried eating cacti once and although it was fun, it was annoying that I had a full stomach for the whole trip as if it wouldn't digest properly. I've used synthetic mescaline about 20 times or so without any side-effects. My ideal dose would be about 300-400mg. Every trip can vary so much I will not even try to describe it. Definitely worth it, though. I would not even compare it to any 2c-x in my opinion.
It's probably worth noting that I don't react so well to phenethylamines in general. Most of them have a similar body load issue for me. 2c-b probably the least of the ones I've tried. I'd probably try mescaline again if the opportunity arose as it's been about a decade. I did feel a 'sacredness' to it and a sort of feeling of there being potential there for really deep experiences. I only had glimpses of that at 400mg though
Mescaline is definitely worth trying, no doubt, with regards to ‘feel’ it’s for sure closest to the 2C-x. In a way it feels like the grandmother of all phens, maybe a little more raw and ‘basic’ in it’s effects, but there’s something to that. 2C-x feel somewhat more sharp and refined. There’s a warmth and gentleness to mescaline that is so amazing, I’ve had some very deep, euphoric and loving trips on it. Do try :) there won’t be any regrets

When you get it right it’s pure love, it’s an empathogenic experience of the highest order. Unlike MDMA which only often extends empathy to your fellow man, Mescaline makes you love the universe. You look at a little ant and it’s importance is on the same level as yours, crushing that ant would be the equivalent of killing a human being in your eyes, everything becomes as sacred as we cherish human life.

More often than not though it’s a chill psychedelic experience that is underwhelming.

I've done all the other "mainstream" psychedelics many times, however never mescaline.

Can anyone describe it in their own words? Maybe compare it to LSD/mushrooms/2c-x?

I grew up in an area where peyote grew naturally, but never got my hands on it.

I'm curious and might extract some san pedro or peruvian torch. Is it even worth it? These cacti are expensive.

I've no idea how easy this is to get in UK. It's one of the last things I haven't tried yet.
I've no idea how easy this is to get in UK. It's one of the last things I haven't tried yet.

Probably kinda rare. It's rare in the US and the cacti grow over here. You can buy the cacti online, I'm sure they ship international.
I've done all the other "mainstream" psychedelics many times, however never mescaline.

Can anyone describe it in their own words? Maybe compare it to LSD/mushrooms/2c-x?

I grew up in an area where peyote grew naturally, but never got my hands on it.

I'm curious and might extract some san pedro or peruvian torch. Is it even worth it? These cacti are expensive.


Buy some seeds online and grow your own. The San Pedro grow really easy and when you chop enough for a trip the bit you leave behind will sprout more, you'll never run out (unless you kill the plant) - a couple of years will see you at that stage. I have a few Peyote growing for my retirement :)
Buy some seeds online and grow your own. The San Pedro grow really easy and when you chop enough for a trip the bit you leave behind will sprout more, you'll never run out (unless you kill the plant) - a couple of years will see you at that stage. I have a few Peyote growing for my retirement :)

That would take forever. From seeds to a size that are big enough to extract. Also the extraction process isn't the easiest in my opinion.
That would take forever. From seeds to a size that are big enough to extract. Also the extraction process isn't the easiest in my opinion.

Extraction can be fairly simple depending how involved you want to get, but your right it sounds like growing from seed isn’t a quick and easy process by any means. I’ve always bought cuttings and grown from there with seemingly better results.

A decently potent extract can be made with a simple dilute distilled vinegar soak followed by evaporation. The product is usually in the potency of 2-4g for a dose, fully water soluble.

For me, it's probably my favorite and I've explored dozens. While the 2C-X are close, imo they aren't "comparable." Mescaline is great in all doses. Light doses are stimulating and brighten your day, medium doses feel like MDMA that is gentle and not fake (and is quite erotic.) High doses are gentle for a full-spectrum psychedelic, and remarkably clear headed. The visuals are simple, but beautiful when present. As the doses creep higher, it begins to resemble tryptamines more in depth and character, becoming more lunar and less solar, deeper and less clean. This can be good, too. I find it excellent for interpersonal insight and emotional healing more so than cosmic or metaphysical insight ala mushrooms. It's much more heart-based, less cerebral than LSD, although pure LSD and pure mescaline can be otherwise quite similar. The nausea sucks, but that usually lasts about two hours and then it's done. MAL is cloudier and more electric in its body energy, but it's otherwise got a lot in common with it. 2C-T-2 also has a lot of similarities, but is more grounded and mundane, and feels kind of gross at the higher levels. Mescaline is the only psychedelic that (after the nausea) feels like I've taken a healing medicine for my body, and it has a wonderfully long afterglow, almost like you never come fully all the way down.
For me, it's probably my favorite and I've explored dozens. While the 2C-X are close, imo they aren't "comparable." Mescaline is great in all doses. Light doses are stimulating and brighten your day, medium doses feel like MDMA that is gentle and not fake (and is quite erotic.) High doses are gentle for a full-spectrum psychedelic, and remarkably clear headed. The visuals are simple, but beautiful when present. As the doses creep higher, it begins to resemble tryptamines more in depth and character, becoming more lunar and less solar, deeper and less clean. This can be good, too. I find it excellent for interpersonal insight and emotional healing more so than cosmic or metaphysical insight ala mushrooms. It's much more heart-based, less cerebral than LSD, although pure LSD and pure mescaline can be otherwise quite similar. The nausea sucks, but that usually lasts about two hours and then it's done. MAL is cloudier and more electric in its body energy, but it's otherwise got a lot in common with it. 2C-T-2 also has a lot of similarities, but is more grounded and mundane, and feels kind of gross at the higher levels. Mescaline is the only psychedelic that (after the nausea) feels like I've taken a healing medicine for my body, and it has a wonderfully long afterglow, almost like you never come fully all the way down.
Great answer, thanks! No idea how easy it is to get in the UK, but I'm pretty sure my more festivally hippy friends have had it. I'll have to ask them. I'm a big fan of 2C-B/ 2c family and MDMA, but I have to have a strong word with myself about life before I touch LSD again (it's been a long time). Thanks again
I believe mescaline is quite difficult to synthesize, which is probably why it is so rare, I'm pretty surprised I even came across it in Midwest US.
not really I believe... but since the dose is so massive, making it either wouldn't be profitable or so expensive that noone would buy it in the first place. getting it from cacti seems much more economical for those who want to take it. but since that also is a hassle, especially when a pure-ish crystalline dose is desired, mescaline will stay a niche drug.
not really I believe... but since the dose is so massive, making it either wouldn't be profitable or so expensive that noone would buy it in the first place.

Oh, maybe it isn't. I just read that somewhere recently, I think in an article about Leonard Pickard... Probably not the most reliable source for that kind of thing lol. I'm only beginning to wrap my head around the basics of chemistry so I really have no idea. The lack of profitability would probably be sufficient in making it a rare thing. It was quite expensive every time I came across it
Mescaline is only as easy to synthesize as the precursors obtainable. With some sites selling 3,4,5-trimethoxy nitrostyrene and benzaldehyde it makes synthing your own Mescaline not too hard. Starting from something like Vanillin not so much..

Some day I’ll eat synth Mescaline :)

No idea how easy it is to get in the UK,
Probably kinda rare. It's rare in the US and the cacti grow over here. You can buy the cacti online, I'm sure they ship international.

Theres a couple of uk based listings on the DW, so seems available here, even if not popular... Like DMT. Might have to give this one a try.

* Is it best alone, with people, or either?
* Dosage advice? I see someone mentions 300mg synthetic mescaline.. how much active substance do you get on average in the dried cactus? Good starting dose? Once or multiple?
* Any major differences between synthesized / natural other than it being pure (in ttheory)
* any particularly major differences to doing other psychedelics that i should be aware of (other than the nausea someone else mentions). Just the usual psychedelic guidelines, or anything new? I've done LSD, DMT, 2c-b and mushrooms before several times, 2C-Bs being a particular favourite
* SSRI/ SNRI interactions anyone? I'm guessing the usual 'it will dull the experience' caveat that comes with a lot of drugs

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Theres a couple of uk based listings on the DW, so seems available here, even if not popular... Like DMT. Might have to give this one a try.
If it's not outlandishly expensive, then it's probably not mescaline. My recommendation would be to source the cactus, then just slice, dry, and powder. Toss and wash the powder. Bridgesii is the most potent, so you need to consume the least amount. No chemistry required.

* Any major differences between synthesized / natural other than it being pure (in theory)
Not if the end result is pure, crystalline mescaline. If you're using cacti or full-spectrum extracts from cacti, then people do say that they find there to be differences. Pachanoi is said to be dreamier, bridgesii is said to be quite intense. YMMV.

* any particularly major differences to doing other psychedelics that i should be aware of (other than the nausea someone else mentions). Just the usual psychedelic guidelines, or anything new? I've done LSD, DMT, 2c-b and mushrooms before several times, 2C-Bs being a particular favourite
Just the longer than average duration, I think. It's quite kind and forgiving.

* SSRI/ SNRI interactions anyone? I'm guessing the usual 'it will dull the experience' caveat that comes with a lot of drugs
Not that I know of. I imagine that they'd be quite blunting. Arguments have been made that the only reason that bridgesii can be so strong is due to the presence of a MAO inhibiting alkaloid in it. As far as I know, that's speculative. I'm usually the first to be skeptical of supposed MAOi activity, but bridgesii really does seem to me to be inexplicably strong. If you're on SSRI/SNRIs, you may want to avoid that species just to be on the safe side.
If it's not outlandishly expensive, then it's probably not mescaline. My recommendation would be to source the cactus, then just slice, dry, and powder. Toss and wash the powder. Bridgesii is the most potent, so you need to consume the least amount. No chemistry required.

Not if the end result is pure, crystalline mescaline. If you're using cacti or full-spectrum extracts from cacti, then people do say that they find there to be differences. Pachanoi is said to be dreamier, bridgesii is said to be quite intense. YMMV.

Just the longer than average duration, I think. It's quite kind and forgiving.

Not that I know of. I imagine that they'd be quite blunting. Arguments have been made that the only reason that bridgesii can be so strong is due to the presence of a MAO inhibiting alkaloid in it. As far as I know, that's speculative. I'm usually the first to be skeptical of supposed MAOi activity, but bridgesii really does seem to me to be inexplicably strong. If you're on SSRI/SNRIs, you may want to avoid that species just to be on the safe side.
Wow thanks so much for your detailed response! Really appreciate it. What kind of prices would you expect? I need to check the suppliers but I think it was about £80 GBP gram, need to double check though. I've no idea how feasible sourcing a live cactus is in the UK, I doubt it's possible unless you have crusty techno / hippy contacted.
Anyone use an anti emetic like valoid with it or do you just suffer through the nausea?

I used to like HBWR, the dreamy easy trip would have been fantastic were it not for the early part where I am sweating bullets trying to keep it down the more when I am vomiting up.