Chapter II: The Abyss is Eternal !

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I used to work on this weekly tracking study for an FDA-mandated tracking of adverse events from the DTaP vaccine (we never found a single adverse event reported from 72 people per week over 6 years, by the way). We received a record from a kid named ESPN Gonzalez. We called the parent to see if it was a misspelling. Nope, it was ESPN, specifically all caps, named after the sports channel.

There was also a Muh'Kay'Luh (with apostrophes)
I used to work on this weekly tracking study for an FDA-mandated tracking of adverse events from the DTaP vaccine (we never found a single adverse event reported from 72 people per week over 6 years, by the way). We received a record from a kid named ESPN Gonzalez. We called the parent to see if it was a misspelling. Nope, it was ESPN, specifically all caps, named after the sports channel.

There was also a Muh'Kay'Luh (with apostrophes)

Man, I feel like parents are kinda fucking their kid over when they give them ridiculous names. It's so short-sighted, I mean, shit, kid's going to grow up and need to put fucking ESPN as his name on job apps...
Btw everyone, I'm not dead, I've just developed a crippling Civ VI addiction. Seriously, that game is crack. I don't think I've been this hooked on a game since I played Red Alert as a kid. It's like the grown up version of an RTS, well maybe just a strategy game and because it's turn-based, you can totally drink, smoke a joint whatever, in-between turns. I've literally been dreaming about the game and seeing shit like the tiles in the garden as the squares you'd see in the game. Think I'm gonna take a break....maybe one more turn....
watching my friend play civ was supes boring

hope u r enjoying urself

dick wet over here

doggos need more outdoor activities
Nah, no need. I re read what I wrote... I best not... I may have been right or I may have been wrong. I can honestly care less. I tend to push people away even irl
Oh yeah, and for me when you mix psychotic shit with my nature its no wonder that there used to be drama. I think drama is too stressing for my mental health nowadays.
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