Chapter II: The Abyss is Eternal !

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I think Im finally done with the weed. I cant loop anymore, I KNOW it makes my psychotic like almost every time. Benzo withdrawals aint fucking worth it anymore either. Had the worst time of my life after quitting them and still taking them weekly.
That's a shame - weed is like a fix-all for me.

Im going to literally take 2 puffs of some chronic and a 1mg pin.
Meh, I still got the hard drugs :alien: It used to be fun getting high and making people laugh. Last time I laughed uncontrollably at the word homeless. The waves are trying to tell me something.
Yeah, i remember you saying that.

I told my boys at the house i'd smoke them up big time. They're all pumped for me to get off.

Thing is i'll probably be spun the fuck out.

No rest for crosstops in my mind.
On my own, here we go.
Yeah, but you can take it. I could too but my friends dont want to see me psychotic anymore. And they are right. Its not worth it.

Also about the waves, I talked about vyvanse just 2 days ago for the first time in long ass months. Then Im suddenly getting them for half free. When you are this much in sync with the universe you dont need to give a fuck.
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