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I legit want a tattoo on my arm of a pill bottle with various pills like Valium, Xanax, oxy pouring out down my arm but apparently that's a bit too bait. I'm like "nah it's totally innocent I'm just a patient who really likes his medication" but apparently people won't buy that 😂

i already got a poppy tattoo, will post the mu one when i get it lols.
I legit want a tattoo on my arm of a pill bottle with various pills like Valium, Xanax, oxy pouring out down my arm but apparently that's a bit too bait. I'm like "nah it's totally innocent I'm just a patient who really likes his medication" but apparently people won't buy that 😂

i want a pool of oxy 80's in my garden XD

Ball of fish scale.
Very jealous haha, we would have that in the uk 20 years ago ... I'm afraid our shit is just cut so much now with novacaine & other adulterants it puts me off , would love to have that euphoric feeling again, bet you enjoyed yourself
Be - You - tiful !!
thanx for sharing.

i already got a poppy tattoo, will post the mu one when i get it lols.
i already got a poppy tattoo, will post the mu one when i get it lols.

That's actually a nice tattoo man, and even though it has that meaning to you no one who just sees it would link it to drugs either, good idea.
That's actually a nice tattoo man, and even though it has that meaning to you no one who just sees it would link it to drugs either, good idea.
ueah indeed that's what makes it cool. If someone who is naive about drugs asks me what's it mean. i justtell em it's a flower i like haha. MY LOVELY OPIUMMMM
Am already loving the tianeptine so have to be careful with this one. It's a TCA antidepressant but with very different pharmacology to other TCAs and that includes full agonism at the μ-opioid and δ-opioid receptors. It also enhances serotonin reuptake rather than inhibiting it and apparently enhances dopamine activity too.

Do be careful with tianeptine, shit is very moreish, but abuse will leave you with a combination of opiate and serotonin/antidepressant withdrawal. A friend of mine got addicted to it and said the withdrawal was worse than any regular opiate withdrawal including IV heroin, because of the additional mechanism of action simultaneous withdrawal.
Do be careful with tianeptine, shit is very moreish, but abuse will leave you with a combination of opiate and serotonin/antidepressant withdrawal. A friend of mine got addicted to it and said the withdrawal was worse than any regular opiate withdrawal including IV heroin, because of the additional mechanism of action simultaneous withdrawal.

Yeah I get the feeling it's like tramadol in that respect, a synthetic opioid with dual action, except unlike tramadol it's actually good and doesn't give ya seizures.

I don't have enough here to get hooked on anyway (about 10 caps) but I am aware they're the more potent sodium variant and they do hit fast and feel really good. I can see this would be very easy to get a psychological pull going especially when I can order them so easily on the clearnet.

That said most of the truly horrific withdrawal stories I've read involved doses in the grams. I know what tolerance is like for opioids but I just cannot see myself getting to that level for something I currently dose at 10-20mg without first realising I'm getting diminishing returns and should probably just taper.

But yeah I know well enough by this point to be wary of any opioid stronger than codeine. I doubt I will get more when these run out, but I will reup on the phenibut because it's just such a great social drug and my recent experiment mixing it with MDMA was a great success too. This picamilon ain't half bad either, not as "rushy" as phenibut but it has more of a body high and it creates a Valium-like calm feeling, really nice subtle stuff. Only had one 150mg cap tonight to test it out, will double the dose next time I try it to see what that's like.

I will guess though that given picamilon is so closely related to phenibut it will build up tolerance and dependence similarly quickly so this is an occasional treat. I have no problem controlling myself with these types of drugs normally so that's fine.

Tianeptine though, it is probably a good idea for me to not have large amounts lying around just to stay on the safe side.

Now this is a bit of an interesting one for me. Tianeptine sodium 10mg, phenibut 400mg, and picamilon 150mg.

I'm familiar with (and a big fan of) phenibut, and this is very good phenibut indeed, but have only used tianeptine a handful of times and have never done picamilon before but I understand it to be a more potent yet less intense version of phenibut which is more suited as a straight anxiolytic than a recreational drug, but it kicks in quicker and has a much shorter duration so could be useful for anxiety management.

Am already loving the tianeptine so have to be careful with this one. It's a TCA antidepressant but with very different pharmacology to other TCAs and that includes full agonism at the μ-opioid and δ-opioid receptors. It also enhances serotonin reuptake rather than inhibiting it and apparently enhances dopamine activity too.

At the very bottom of that pic you can see a blister pack too, that's some good old 30mg DHC which I have to say unsurprisingly mixes very well with tianeptine. DHC never lasts long in my hands though. Had 240mg last night as landing gear for a roll and took another 120mg this morning. 120mg DHC + 10mg tia is enough to even give me a nod which is bloody amazing, but tbf I do still have oxy in my system from last night.

Becareful with the tianeptine i just went through 5 grams in 2 days. I only ordered it because my back is killing me, but i blasted through 5g because im a former opioid addict (a current one too i suppose, a non-addicted one).

The opioidergic properties only come through above 80mg.

I take 350mg at minimum per dose even though i dont have a tolerance right now. While i dont have a tolerance per say, i remember what its like to be extremely high on opioids, so that memory has a tolerance like effect in a way...

For the record tianeptine withdrawal isnt as bad as IV heroin withdrawal. It is severe at high dose for sure but shorter lived. It is worsw than tramadol withdrawal (though similar) but not as severe as even oral morphine withdrawal.

It is unclear precisely how serotonergic tianeptine is. The 5g i just blasted through will absolutely produce withdrawal symptoms in the coming days. What is guaranteed is depression, joint pain (i get it in the knees particularly), anxiety and insomia. Will be back to baseline in 6 days.

I have been flat out addicted to tianeptine once (everyday use) but quit after 80 or so days.

That said if you have a 5g+ a day youre in bad shape. Ive heard of buprenorphine not being able to resolve severe tianeptine withdrawal.

On a side, after finishing said 5g this afternoon at 3pm, i notice an aching in my feet and knuckle.

I have some iodo tianeptine ethyl ester (supposedly 5x+ more potent than traditional tianeptine) but id like to avoid using it until im over this rapidly approaching tianeptine withdrawal.
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I've seen this pic floating around online for years and genuinely tried to look up where to buy the t-shirt but apparently they don't sell it anymore due to the trademarks.

I do however own this t-shirt:


Becareful with the tianeptine i just went through 5 grams in 2 days. I only ordered it because my back is killing me, but i blasted through 5g because im a former opioid addict (a current one too i suppose, a non-addicted one).

The opioidergic properties only come through above 80mg.

I take 350mg at minimum per dose even though i dont have a tolerance right now. While i dont have a tolerance per say, i remember what its like to be extremely high on opioids, so that memory has a tolerance like effect in a way...

For the record tianeptine withdrawal isnt as bad as IV heroin withdrawal. It is severe at high dose for sure but shorter lived. It is worsw than tramadol withdrawal (though similar) but not as severe as even oral morphine withdrawal.

It is unclear precisely how serotonergic tianeptine is. The 5g i just blasted through will absolutely produce withdrawal symptoms in the coming days. What is guaranteed is depression, joint pain (i get it in the knees particularly), anxiety and insomia. Will be back to baseline in 6 days.

I have been flat out addicted to tianeptine once (everyday use) but quit after 80 or so days.

That said if you have a 5g+ a day youre in bad shape. Ive heard of buprenorphine not being able to resolve severe tianeptine withdrawal.

On a side, after finishing said 5g this afternoon at 3pm, i notice an aching in my feet and knuckle.

I have some iodo tianeptine ethyl ester (supposedly 5x+ more potent than traditional tianeptine) but id like to avoid using it until im over this rapidly approaching tianeptine withdrawal.

5 grams in two days? Fuck me.

I'm curious is that the sodium or sulphate? From what I understand the sodium is much more potent and sold only as a drug, while the sulphate is the form that's actually prescribed as an antidepressant, but needs higher doses for the opioid effect.

I got the sodium and 20mg gives me a nice mild floaty opiate high, and mixing it with as little as 120mg DHC or, only because my mate gave me some for a comedown, 20mg oxy, gets me nodding. But my tolerance is low as fuck these days since I quit my oxy habit. And I'd prefer to keep it that way so I won't get more when these are finished, at least not for a while.

Thanks for looking out everyone, appreciate it for real.

Hope you can ride out that withdrawal and it doesn't last too long man. Good luck.