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Tell us about the psychiatric (or addiction related) meds you have been on (even a little tip would help!) - give other BLers a heads up


Apr 29, 2018
For example, I recently had a terrible experience and have PTSD. I'm seeing my doctor ASAP but he will NEVER give me a benzo, not a single 2mg diazepam. I was hoping to ask him (for the PTSD and anxiety) if I can get Pregabalin or at least Hydroxyzine or something. But I have no idea which would work and how and whether there are other things that would help like Gabapentin?

I don't wanna make this so long people won't bother reading it so I'll add a few of mine and post the rest if this thread takes off.

1) Citalopram (Celexa) - The mental health med I ever took (for severe depression and anxiety). As usual I started on the lowest dose...and never took another one. My anxiety sky-rocketed. It was like a 48 hour panic attack. So this gets a 1/10 for me.

2) Sertraline (Zoloft) - I went back to my doctor a week later (the appointment was already set up so he could see how the Citalopram was going. This was 2009 so I'm not sure there were SNRI's then, but he just told me we'd keep trying to find an SSRI where I could handle the initial effects and prescribed me the lowest dose of Sertraline. Not wanting a repeat of previous, I snapped them in half and took half of the lowest dose (25mg/day) for the first 6 days. Within 3 days I felt better than I ever remember feeling (which is the same as "felt average/normal" to most people) and experienced hypomania (the good, mild kind) for the next few weeks. It cured maybe 75% of my depression and anxiety and I was brave enough to go out with my brother and his friends (only a 1 year age different) and it got me socially active and for once I didn't want to die. I have now been on it for 10 years and it's still working. 8.5/10 from me. Would have been a 10 if it had cured more than 75-80% of my symptoms.

3) Methadone - I've usually referred to this in a somewhat negative way, yet I have a (self-referred) appointment next week to get back on it. The negatives that made me quit it CT the last time is because, despite knowing it cam cause weight gain and prepared for that by eating 250 calories a day less than I normally do; I gained 25lb during the 18 months on it. I also had "Secondary Hyperhydrosis" (profuse, excessive sweating) but that is also caused by alcohol and I think it was the combination. It was also a pain in the arse going to the pharmacy almost every single day. The positives were: it's free! You don't have to be dashing around trying to find your dealer. One dose lasts for 24 hours and it means you never have to worry about withdrawal. And a new pharmacy opened near me that offers to deliver all your meds to you at home - 6/10.
I've tried countless meds. Alprazolam,diazepam,clonazepam. gabapentin,pregabalin. Quetiapine, Risperidone, Levomepromazine,nasty shit like injected haldol or topiramate. Been to 4 rehabs AND 1 psych ward. from allí the meds the best ones for me were clonazepam from the benzos. both gabapentin AND pregab are really good aswell. From the antipsychotics the ones that worked for me were quetiapine AND olanzapine al low doses both otherwise they are too sedating. The worst shit id never do again are risperidone (nasty nasty pill),Levomepromazine shitty pill too. haldol injected god why dont they just shoot ppl injecting em with this Is Utter torture. AND lastly that gross poison called topiramate that gsve me really painful paresthesia. Meh, never really liked antidepressants.cus they make your peepee die.Thats some qyick info i csn give from my 5year experiencies throgh detoxes.
SSRIs as a family - horrid, made me suicidal

Mirtazapine - caused horrid nightmares, made me sleep 12 hours and act like a zombie while awake, then also made me suicidal

Quetiapine - absolutely horrid nasty shit, mega zombie drug, and one of the side effects is causing random cardiac arrest... lovely

Pregabalin - turns you into an absolute retard if you take it daily and you'll forget everything constantly, withdrawal worse than benzos

Medical marijuana can't come to the NHS soon enough.
It seems that most psychiatrists have a list of psychiatric meds they roll new patients through until they find the one that sticks. I have been through most SSRIs and most atypical antipsychotics. It seems clear that one person's wonder drug is another person's devil's drug. One only needs to read the discussions about seroquel in BL.

I found I cannot take SSRI's because they trigger mania (I am bipolar) and one of the consequences of my mania is drug taking. I tolerate atypical antipsychotics a lot better and they have been beneficial to me because they either block drug cravings (e.g. abilify stops cocaine cravings) or else block the effect of drugs entirely providing a disencentive to use.

Unfortuantely atypical antipsychotics also slow me down cognitively and reduce overall motivation levels - but I am lucky that my psychiatrist is happy to offset that with ADHD stimulant drugs and then he'sd happy to offset the stims with some benzos (prescriptions for 5 mg every 3 days but I like to save them up for special occasions / necessity)
I've been on a couple of antidepressants and antipsychotics and all were useless at best, but SSRIs are particularly nasty.

Lethargy, severe depression, panic attacks, loss of appetite, horrible sexual dysfunction, a sharp drop in intelligence, and the overall inability to experience any sort of joy or pleasure...and that was just while I was on Prozac, never mind the withdrawals and the unbearable slump I was in for the next couple of years. I'd rather go through heroin withdrawal a thousand times than take a single dose of any SSRI again. Bleh.
What's especially mad is doctors, including psychiatrists, in the UK have a habit of scripting quetiapine (Seroquel) off-label for literally everything as if it's harmless. It's downright irresponsible.

Quetiapine is the go to treatment for BPD even though there is no evidence it works to treat that condition and it's not approved to do so.

Even seen it scripted to supposedly treat autism. Which again, makes no sense and is an unlicensed use.

It seems where there is a mental condition that has no approved medication, they just rush to script quetiapine based on no evidence of efficacy but hey throwing random pills at people is just what we do.

God forbid they script a single pill of diazepam but here everyone take these antipsychotics that cause sudden death from cardiac arrest, no evidence they'll treat your condition or anything though.
What's especially mad is doctors, including psychiatrists, in the UK have a habit of scripting quetiapine (Seroquel) off-label for literally everything as if it's harmless. It's downright irresponsible.
When I was 16 I was suicidal and had insomnia so they put me on Seroquel... like, wtf? They then had me blood tested to make sure it wasn't increasing my chance of diabetes. Why would you give me a drug that can lead to an incurable disease?!
When I was 16 I was suicidal and had insomnia so they put me on Seroquel... like, wtf? They then had me blood tested to make sure it wasn't increasing my chance of diabetes. Why would you give me a drug that can lead to an incurable disease?!

I was given it for GAD just because the doctor didn't like scripting benzos. Apparently a low dose of diazepam is far more dangerous than a drug that causes diabetes, pancreatitis, and sudden death.
I was given it for GAD just because the doctor didn't like scripting benzos. Apparently a low dose of diazepam is far more dangerous than a drug that causes diabetes, pancreatitis, and sudden death.
Shit i didn't Know that, thanks for the info. Im not taking that poison anymore then.
What's especially mad is doctors, including psychiatrists, in the UK have a habit of scripting quetiapine (Seroquel) off-label for literally everything as if it's harmless. It's downright irresponsible.

Quetiapine is the go to treatment for BPD even though there is no evidence it works to treat that condition and it's not approved to do so.

Even seen it scripted to supposedly treat autism. Which again, makes no sense and is an unlicensed use.

It seems where there is a mental condition that has no approved medication, they just rush to script quetiapine based on no evidence of efficacy but hey throwing random pills at people is just what we do.

God forbid they script a single pill of diazepam but here everyone take these antipsychotics that cause sudden death from cardiac arrest, no evidence they'll treat your condition or anything though.

Oh god the off-label use of seroquel is insane. They gave it to me like "ehhh yeah you have some issues take this you'll be fine". Spoiler alert: NOT FINE.

I like Lyrica though I saw that mentioned. Really helps my anxiety almost on par with a benzo. Can make me a little dumb though. I forget how to speak when I take too much.
I went to the ER with a panic attack a few nights ago - not mentioning I was detoxing from meth but advising I was on Abilify - treatment was 10 mg valium followed by being sent home with a box of 25 mg seroquel and advice to see my psychiatrist as soon as possible.
ive been on so many different ones, but pointless to name them all.

Epitec- a mood stabilizer. really helped me with my depression. it saved me at one point.
Lexamil- it helped in the beginning with my overall general anxiety - but side effects for shit and it stopped working.
benzos. while im an addict, tried most of them. Xanax being my favorite of course.
Seroquel- this is a hate it or love it drug. for me its really helped. i would say its kept me sane. helps with my fucked up way of thinking and being. i am on a high dose of 400mg at night , best thing is you get all the sleep you need. it doesn't turn me into zombie. i wake up fresh. but that's just me
SSRIs as a family - horrid, made me suicidal

Mirtazapine - caused horrid nightmares, made me sleep 12 hours and act like a zombie while awake, then also made me suicidal

Quetiapine - absolutely horrid nasty shit, mega zombie drug, and one of the side effects is causing random cardiac arrest... lovely

Pregabalin - turns you into an absolute retard if you take it daily and you'll forget everything constantly, withdrawal worse than benzos

Medical marijuana can't come to the NHS soon enough.

I forgot the Seroquel besides my Amphetaminsulfate. I take it about 8 years now every evening because on low doses (till 150 mg i guess) we use the side effect, it makes you tired and it works! If you take 25 mg for the first time you will have an overhang the next day. I take 100 mg since years and I also never had problems with my blood controls that could have to do with it. I'm grateful this medi exists, because with my extreme sleeping problems it is the only one after so many that works constantly, I never had to dose up, for me the best sleeping med (besides a Joint). When i have Marihuana I don't take it and its never a problem.

The best natural sleeping med is Marihuana, it always was.

I am currently taking...

This is a lifesaver. It is by far the best bipolar medication I have ever taken and it evens my moods out wonderfully so long as I'm taking it properly. Only downside is it's hard on the kidneys, so I'm required to get bloodwork taken regularly.

Abilify by injection:

Just got my first shot of this a few weeks ago or so, about due for the next. Not much I can say about this except I suppose it keeps the negative effects of any amps I take down quite a bit, and also the positive effects. It's a good thing


I rarely take this except as a sleeper. Don't take it on schedule at all, just a booster.


Amazing. All the good effects of an amphetamine and none of the negatives that coming along with smoking or IVing crystal meth. Keeps me up and feeling well, able to think and do stuff. Drastically reduces my cravings for meth, though I have a tendency to overuse sometimes..


I don't notice much with this or with my prior pregabalin script except it takes the edge off a bit. Might be muddled by all the other stuff I'm taking. I'm prescribed this to keep my alcohol cravings down and nerves steady.


Is supposed to reduce my alcohol cravings. I can't even think about alcohol however because..


I'll get very sick if I drink. This is probably my most effective medication, because it squashes half my addiction completely. I'm severely alcoholic since about 19/20 years old and absolutely refuse to even think about drinking in any situation or circumstance because I'm taking this.

Past Meds (no description):

Antidepressants: Escitalopram, effexor, paxil
Antipsychotics: risperdal
Sleepers: Zopiclone
Other: Pregabalin
Mood Stabilizers: Valproic Acid
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Fluvoxamine 200mg per day for depression
Gabapentin 300mg PRN for anxiety
Trazodone 50mg PRN for insomnia (I rarely use this one)
Methadone 85mg per day for opioid use disorder
I've been on a bunch of psych meds.
Lexapro, Cymbalta, seroquel, mirtazapine.

All this stuff was after my suicide attempt. I got off it all after a little while since it never seemed to help. Besides, it can be hard to regularly fill prescriptions when you have an increasingly out of control heroin habit.
Thankfully I'm no longer on a any psych meds, but have been before...

For Depression:
Zoloft (Sertraline hcl) - Kind of made me a little manic, did lift my depression a bit, but also the unwanted sexual side effects were unbearable (inability to cum, ever).
Wellbutrin (Bupropion) - Did not help with my depression at all and made food, weed and cigarettes all taste terrible to me.
Valdoxan (Agomelatine) - Felt no effects at all. Did not help or hinder my depression. May as well have taken sugar pills imo.

For Sleep:
Ambien (Zolpidem) - Fairly effective and can be quite trippy if you take some and stay up.
Zopiclone - Very effective sleep medication, also a Z drug like Ambien. Had mild anxiolytic properties too. Easy to build tolerance to, so should be used sparingly.
Seroquel (Quetiapine) - Heavy hitting sedative anti-psychotic. Would absolutely knock me out when I was going through Heroin withdrawals. It worked, but man it made me feel super dumb during the day and groggy too.
Lormetazepam - A hypnotic benzo that works quite well for sleep and some very minor anxiolytic properties. Also rapid build up of tolerance and should be used sparingly.

Treatment of acute Psychosis/PTSD induced by Methamphetamine Withdrawal/ Benzo Withdrawal/Heroin Withdrawal and Trauma:
Tercian (Cyamemazine) - Ineffective anti-psychotic and resulted in some of the worst Akathisia I have ever experienced when coming off of it. I was borderline suicidal with my inability to stay still for about 3 weeks. Stay the hell away from it I think.
Abilify (Aripiprazole) - The most effective anti-psychotic for me. Did not experience any major adverse side-effects and it brought me out of psychosis with a steady regimen.
Amisulpride - An anti-psychotic. I believe it was fairly effective at reducing my psychosis.
Ativan (Lorazepam) - Very effective benzo and a personal favorite. Very good anxiolytic properties. Calmed me right down.
Valium (Diazepam) - Also an excellent benzo with strong anxiolytic properties that last a long time. Also great for upping seizure threshold.
Methadone - Very useful when getting off of Heroin as a substitution therapy. I did a very rapid taper off of it too as I didn't want the "liquid handcuffs." Withdrawal was pretty bad, but I don't think i could have gotten off the Heroin without it. Very useful med, but not to be abused or trivialized.

Whew, that list is longer than I thought and there are probably some I am forgetting. Anyhow, am happy to be off all psych drugs.
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