💀 The Abyss 💀 (Open 24hrs)

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Why u eating frozen pizza? cook it ffs.
Im moving out, literally all I had and I threw it the fuck up. I guess its better than going to a mental ward after my meth doses earlier today.

Lol and not frozen but I was trying to describe the pizza itself. Dont know the word.
Im moving out, literally all I had and I threw it the fuck up. I guess its better than going to a mental ward after my meth doses earlier today.

Lol and not frozen but I was trying to describe the pizza itself. Dont know the word.
U ate it frozen?
Why am I calm on stim comedowns. Well maybe cause theyre propably fucking working still. I took way too much.

"Schizo experiment #45000"
I'm never drinking again, mezcal hangovers are terrible

Had the most insane vivid dream too, like back when I took trazodone and my dreams were nightmarish acid trips
i hate those insane dreams, i hate all my nightmares, hopefully you can get some sort of kick out of 'em when you're awake :)

i gotta go soon and I'm like UGH no eewww real life yucky
Bye doggos

I have to go absorb the corona

Already had a beer

Std panel came back all negative
morning is my fav time to drink...
prob cuz when I was a kid my buddy would knock on my window " wanna drink " plus if you get drunk and pass out when you wake up prob still be daytime... goodtimes drink 1 4 me😎
Shit I havent paid the 395€ in advance that I should have. Hopefully I ll be able to do it tomorrow or I have to call the owner of my apartment.
hey peeps been on another leve with my back.
working but kinda floatin too
can i get a double absolute lemon drop bartender? and a budwieser back, please.
where da fuck he go?

cuz u posted at 4:20
imma blow some wood t celabrate
hell syer
hahahahhhahaahaha I didn't realise but it counts it was after work always high after work, hellyeah good eye😮
Her brother Sawyer Spielberg, 27, had his debut role in the “feverish horror” movie “Honeydew.” The flick is set in New England, “where strange cravings and hallucinations befall a young couple after seeking shelter in the home of an aging farmer and her peculiar son,” according to. The Hollywood Reporter.

Meanwhile, after posting a public message about how “new fans mean the world” to her, Mikaela made her Instagram account private.

It's interesting how they are all focusing on visual arts.
And just when you thought everything's already invented, then there is Mikaela.

This is the first I have heard of her, i think. I did read spielbergs bio so maybe.
I wonder if she likes her parents. I will try to research that. Maybe. Is this the Abyss. oh my.

She looks like she could jump outta cake singing Happy Birthday to YOU. <3

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