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  • P&S Moderators: Xorkoth | Madness

I'm going to be what God set me out to be

Actually it's people like this and Shady's Fox who went out of their way to come into this thread just to make fun.

Maybe they got dropped on their head as a baby and don't understand that if you don't like a topic, they should stay out of it. Not continually harass people.

You haven't said a thing about them @Xorkoth, only me. Just sayin.
At least @CFC tried to step in.

You're preaching fire and brimstone talking about how satanic rock music is etc. on a drug website. Who's the real idiot here?


A sure sign of a pact with the devil and the Illuminati!
^The Corna - the Italian hand symbol, tradition to ward-off the evil-eye. Think I read somewhere that R.J. Dio, was the first to use it in his shows; apparently, it was taught to he, by his grandmother.

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What's trilatetalism? Can you catch it when using a public toilet?

Not sure, I was kind of partial to the "marihuana & pot parties". Is that what kids call it these days? I heard if you smoke even a little marihuana you're actually considered insane while under its influence.
I'm sorry but I gotta pull out of this.
The moment ANYONE brings up "The Illuminati" I go blank & laugh.

I suggest you read Robert Anton Wilson - Cosmic Trigger I: The Final Secret of the Illuminati & actually look into & learn who Adam Weishaupt was.
Haha There are people who go door to door, usually Jehovah's Witnesses. I'm not buying what they're selling though.
Here I am thinking that people share the TEACHINGS of Jesus, but now I understand that it's all a sales pitch for the mighty dollar $$$.

Thanks for the clarification.
Here I am thinking that people share the TEACHINGS of Jesus, but now I understand that it's all a sales pitch for the mighty dollar $$$.

Thanks for the clarification.

Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons do not believe in salvation. They do not believe Jesus is the only way into heaven. Their teachings are not like the Bible. People who don't know any better will fall for it. Jesus is indeed the only way into heaven. Btw I didn't actually mean Jehovah's Witnesses are selling anything, it was an expression. In other words, I don't believe what they believe. They usually knock on your door and offer you a pamphlet to read for free.

I'm sorry but I gotta pull out of this.
The moment ANYONE brings up "The Illuminati" I go blank & laugh.

I suggest you read Robert Anton Wilson - Cosmic Trigger I: The Final Secret of the Illuminati & actually look into & learn who Adam Weishaupt was.
The information I wanted you to get was John Todd's dealings with witchcraft and how that whole thing works. He just happened to be in the Illuminati (which is real), but mostly I wanted you to listen to what he said about witchcraft and what it's all about. Funny how you laugh about the Illuminati, but you think it's perfectly fine to worship a demon and while under its control, you go get a coke to put on its altar.
You should be laughing at that. Get that demon out of you and turn to Jesus.
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The weird & ironic thing is I learned of the best preacher ever Leonard Ravenhill from another Santa Muerte follower that lives now in Mexico, D.F.
I suggest ANY Christian checks this, 6 minutes that will change your life & opinion on what "Jesus" "God" etc really is,99.9% of Christians are a fucking joke these days.

"Put your so called faith & love INTO ACTION
Not sure, I was kind of partial to the "marihuana & pot parties". Is that what kids call it these days? I heard if you smoke even a little marihuana you're actually considered insane while under its influence.

It's because marijuana, just like meditation, opens you up to demons communicating with you.
Just saying @CoastTwoCoast, I like you I swear I really do BUT you come up short on your faith.
Maybe one day you'll be saved via my posts, I truly hope you learn the true path you are walking down.

I am already saved! Are you talking about being "saved" by the demons you worship? No thanks.

I really hope you open up your eyes. You need to be headed to a preacher who can lay hands on you and cast those demons out. I'm not mad at you, it's the spirits within you who are controlling you. I love you.
The day you truly cry due to the love of God, pray from 10pm till 5am each night just like Ravenhill talks about, help the truly poor, avoid these toxic pits of filth Christians go to in the USA you too may find God.

"I often say my prayers; But do I ever pray? "
― Leonard Ravenhill

One of these days some simple soul will pick up the book of God, read it, and believe it. Then the rest of us will be embarrassed.”
― Leonard Ravenhill

“The Church right now has more fashion than passion, is more pathetic than prophetic, is more superficial than supernatural.”
― Leonard Ravenhill,
You hear that vegetarians? I always new that PETA was the work of satan.


Haha! Definitely stay away from Twilight movies for the simple fact that they suck. I never cringed so much in my life.

This isn't a long video, but check this out. He talks about what happened while smoking weed in the studio with others.
