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Can you tell if someone dosed on methamphetamine? Even at a very low dose?


Sep 13, 2018
I’m curious if you have experience noticing someone else or being noticed while having dosed on Meth? One puff out of a glass pipe noticeable at all? I’m not sure, as my eyes arn’t dilated nor my teeth clenching in any way. Body odour? That has been taken care of with a shower, deodorant, antiperspirant, and cologne. Thanks all!
I’m curious if you have experience noticing someone else or being noticed while having dosed on Meth? One puff out of a glass pipe noticeable at all? I’m not sure, as my eyes arn’t dilated nor my teeth clenching in any way. Body odour? That has been taken care of with a shower, deodorant, antiperspirant, and cologne. Thanks all!

I know I always feel like people can tell, and they damn sure act as though they can tell, whenever I am geeked up. But I used to always use fairly high amounts at a time. I doubt anyone will notice one hit
Of course I deny deny deny but come on, lol. Now I'm guilty of doing more than one hit tho,maybe just one and I could act right, I dunno.
You generally look as high as you feel, in my experience. One puff for you is not equal to one puff for me. I have to smoke a lot to really get high from it, and it takes some time to kick in because of my asthma (tight chest)
You generally look as high as you feel, in my experience. One puff for you is not equal to one puff for me. I have to smoke a lot to really get high from it, and it takes some time to kick in because of my asthma (tight chest)

Smoking to me feels very subtle which is why I hate smoking it. The ritual is fun amd I love the taste but the "rush" (if thats what u wanna call it) and the high is ehh. The only ways to do Meth IMO is banging, bombing, and plugging. Snorting, smoking, and sublingual just don't cut it IME.
I have gotten geeked out of my mind from snorting it.But in Texas we get some Bombay shit.But when I'm on it people literally act scared of me...
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Smoking to me feels very subtle which is why I hate smoking it. The ritual is fun amd I love the taste but the "rush" (if thats what u wanna call it) and the high is ehh. The only ways to do Meth IMO is banging, bombing, and plugging. Snorting, smoking, and sublingual just don't cut it IME.

Very meh. I think I got spun from it once. I was smoking and smoking and it hit me out of nowhere. Lots of fun, but definitely not as good as banging.
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I haven't gotten geeked out of my mind from snorting it.But in Texas we get some Bombay shit.But when I'm on it people literally act scared of me...
Well it doesn't really have much to do with quality I think. Its just the way that all amps affect me. Speed paste, Adderall, Cathinones, Meth, ect.; they all gave a very underwhelming effect to me when I snort them. I feel very speedy, but little or no euphoria -- kinda like taking ephedrine. Yet I can eat the same exact dose and get Waaaay more euphoria (and oral is significantly lower in BA compared to the intranasal route when it comes to amps). Some people say the opposite: they can eat it and only feel a subtle high but then snort it and be geeked out of their mind. I've also seen people who perfer to snort get very very high of the same batch im snorting while I barely feel any of the desired effects. The quality of Meth down here has been fairly high since 2015 so its definitely not that. Although the quality was shit back in 2013/2014 back when I first got into doing it
Yea I dont fuck with it no more.I have fried my white/gray matter in my brain from doing so much meth and MDPV etc and get Psychosis from Ice real bad causing me to lose jobs.friends, family and quiet frankly on life...I think the Social Anxiety got so bad that it turned into Psychosis.My worst fear come to life...
Very meh. I think I got spun from it once. I was smoking and smoking and it hit me out of nowhere. Lots of fun, but definitely as good as banging.
Yeah I have actually gotten a good high from smoking a few times. The first time I got a bad ass high from smoking I was mixing Meth, cocaine, kine bud, malt liquor, and moonshine. So im sure alot of those other substances had something to do with it. The other times were because I was smoking .3+ bowls but even then it was much more subtle than what that dose would have been had I banged it or even ate it.
Yea I dont fuck with it no more.I have fried my white/gray matter in my brain from doing so much meth and MDPV etc and get Psychosis from Ice real bad causing me to lose jobs.friends, family and quiet frankly on life...
Dude same here. I did not know that what was causing the psychosis was frying my grey matter but nowadays it seems like if I do meth just once I start feeling boarderline schizophrenic -- and thats without staying up even one night. Used to I did not start even getting mild hallucinations until after day 5 of no sleep. Shit just hasn't been the same since I got real bad Amphetamine psychosis back in 2016
Yea I've researched it a little bit and Methamphetamine is neurotoxic and frys white matter in the brain which is a big cause of schizophrenia
People sometimes swallow (gulp?) when it's not natural like mid-word during a conversation while they are intoxicated by stimulants.
What is this brain-white-matter and is it proven that schizophrenia will inevitably be caused? What is the function of this white-matter and how else does it damage the brain?
No one can tell, except the other people who do it.

I generally talk more
Zone in on things
Can stand having a conversation with my mother ??
You generally look as high as you feel, in my experience. One puff for you is not equal to one puff for me. I have to smoke a lot to really get high from it, and it takes some time to kick in because of my asthma (tight chest)
i know they know when i get told to shut the fuck up ^^
No one can tell, except the other people who do it.
This. Where I'm from we have a saying "junkie knows a junkie" and for most of my experience it was true. Hell, I've been successfully hiding my addiction nearly 4 years.