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What Are All The Drugs You've Tried In Your Lifetime (Taking An Inventory Of Oneself)

This is pretty funny.

I guess if I wasn't so tired I'd write mine out, though it's not very "impressive" LOL...which is probably a good thing.

Honesty I am finding this amusing imagining having to present it for review to drug dealers so they can see that you use enough drugs for them to sell to you or something.

You'd have to have junkie-references to confirm that you have used smack and meth for prolonged periods of time or they wouldn't sell to you hahaha.

I don't use hard drugs, just like Kratom, weed, Phenibut, booze etc, but the idea makes me laugh.

Haha, it's the future of the drug industry!
2006 - 2008
MJ, Opium, Datura, Cof.

2009 - 2014
Meth, Opium. Cof.

2014 - Pres.
Datura, Opium and Cof.
I just so happen to have a list of most psychoactive substances worth noting that I have experience with.
No, I will not be dating any on this... its embarrassingly long as is and id prefer not to spend too much time looking at it.

cocaine (freebase and hcl) - amphetamine (speed, d-amp sulphate and mixed salts) - lisdexamphetamine (vyvanse) - methamphetamine (ice, crystal and speed) - mdphp - 3f-pvp - a-ppp - neh (n-ethyl-hexedrone) - ephylone (bk-ebdp) - methylphenidate (ritalin, concerta) - 4f-mph - bupropion (wellbutrin) - 4-FA - 4-FEA - mesembrine (kanna) - nicotine ((tobacco - smoked and buccal) vape fluid) - kavalactones (kava) - alprazolam (xanax) - diazepam (valium) - lorazepam (ativan) - clonazepam (klonopin) - etizolam - clonitrazolam (AKA clonazolam) - bromazolam - flualprazolam - flunitrazolam - gabapentin (neurontin) - gbl - diamorphine & 6-mam (heroin: tar, gunpowder and china white) - fentanyl (or similar fentalog in china white, and tar) - codeine - oxycodone (percocet, oxycontin) - hydrocodone (vicodin) - buprenorphine (suboxone) - tianeptine - tramadol (prodrug to o-dsmt) - mytraginine & 7oh-m (kratom, red & green strains) - akuammine (main akuamma alkaloid) - ethanol (drinking alcohol) - quetiapine (seroquel) - trazodone - clonidine - psilocin & psilocybin (psilocybe mushrooms) - 4-aco-dmt - dmt (crystal and changa) - mdma - mda - 6-apb - 3-mmc - 2c-b - 25-e-nboh - 25-b-nboh - DOC - lsd - al-lad - ketamine - 2f-dck - ephenidine - 2'-oxo-pce - 3-meo-pce - 3-ho-pce - mxe - 3-meo-pcp - 3-ho-pcp - dxm (purified and pharmaceutical suspension) - n2o (whippits) - diphenhydramine (also dimenhydrinate) - scopolamine (AKA hyoscine, found in datura) - doxylamine - mirtazapine - thc & cbd (cannabis & edibles) - muscimol & ibotenic acid (amanita muscaria) - salvinorin a & salvinorin b (salvia divinorum) - myristicin & elemicin (nutmeg)
2004-2006: Weed, alcohol
2006-2010: Weed, alcohol, prescription pain killers
2010-2015: Weed, alcohol, LSD, Shrooms, cocaine, MDMA, Xanax
2015-2017: Weed, alcohol, crack, heroin, cocaine
2017-2019: Weed, IV crack, IV cocaine, IV meth, IV heroin
I dont have exact dates. Ima just name them. DPH, DXM, Air Duster, Spray Paint, Clonazepam, Galatpins, Percosets, Oxycodone, Oxycotton, Vicodin, Wellbutrin, Buspar, Dramamine, Acid, Shrooms, Beer, Vodka, Rum, Whisky, Crack, Cocaine, Heroin, Keif, Hash, Weed, Spice, Crystal Meth, Poppy Seeds, Nail Polish Remover, Sharpie, and Nail Polish...
2003-2019- Everything basically.

2003-2009- Weed, opioids, benzos, amphs, psychedelics, dissociatives, ethanol.

2009-2016- Weed/synthetic cannabinoids, psychedelics, dissociatives, benzos, rare opioid, rare exotic stimulant, exotic gabaergics, gabapentionoids.

2016-2018- Heroin, cocaine, ocassionally meth, weed, ethanol mostly.

2018-2019- Weed, ethanol mainly with the ocassional psyche or disso.

Need to make an updated list. Last one in name all the drugs you've taken thread was like 2014 and was somewhere around 126. So all in all, at least one resume is well filled out with a lot of experience....
1999-2000 - Weed and alcohol
2001 - Weed, alcohol, Coricidin (didn't even know what DXM was), alcohol
2002 - Weed, MDMA, mushrooms, alcohol
2003-2005 - Weed, kratom, LSD, mushrooms, MDMA, Adderall, alcohol
2006-2009 - Shit tons of RC psychedelics, LSD, weed, kratom, some other opiates, very occasional alcohol
2010-2013 - No psychedelics, weed, OPIATES (lots and lots), no alcohol (worst period of my life)
2014-2019 - Psychedelics, increasingly less weed, alcohol, GHB for a little while, stimulants, occasional disso
@Captain.Heroin posted his in one of @Libby 's threads and I really liked the idea.

Mine would be:

2009-2011: SSRI's, Alcohol
2011-2013- Alcohol, Prescription opiates and benzodiazepines
2013-2016 - Alcohol, prescription opiates, benzodiazepines, barbitures, heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, sleeping pills, various other prescription meds, methadone
2016-2018 - Same as before but no alcohol or methadone
2018-present: Many, many prescription meds, predominately opioids
I don't remember dates.but I don't think of myself as a addict, I love all my drugs equally, I'm a drug conasor..but me and my girl crystal got a special relationship..I've done it all except for the alligator stuff
In the order I first did the substance (approximately):
Oxycontin/oxycodone in general
Not gonna date this because I... have no idea, but in a general chronological order, here goes:

Amphetamine (lisdexamphetamine incl.)
Salvia divinorum
Nicotine (vaped)
Tobacco (smoked, oral)

Medical use:


Nootropic use:

Rhodiola rosea
N-Acetyl Semax Amidate
Lion's mane
N-Acetyl L-Carnitine
Red Reishi
Bacopa monnieri

I may be a little too young to have this long of a list, but oh well, I'm still here!
2006 - 2008
MJ, Opium, Datura, Cof.

2009 - 2014
Meth, Opium. Cof.

2014 - Pres.
Datura, Opium and Cof.

wow - dedication to datura, that's rare!

Personally, I used it a handful of times around 2000-2003, but I swore off it the last time I had it, as it didn't hit me too hard but I was watching my girlfriend on it and it really turned me off taking it, further - she had full-blown hallucinations as much as 6 weeks after taking.

At any rate, it's literally the one drug (and that whole family of plants / scopolamine) that I refuse to take any more and generally advise others not to try.

Out of curiosity, why do you keep consuming it years down the road?
Ok, I won't date mine but here's a shot at what I have used, though my goal is actually to use AS FEW substances as possible in the near future. I don't know if psych meds count, so I'll just put in whatever I felt altered my consciousness enough to be even remotely relevant. It's not "impressive" like most peoples LOL, but I think that's a good thing, minus the lack of interesting but safe psychedelics, which I totally do want to change as I don't really think psychedelics are habit forming "drugs":

Weed/Hash/Kief/THC and CBD products of every strain and kind pretty much
LSD (gel tabs and blotters)
Prolintane (VERY interesting rare stimulant)
Nitrous Oxide
Hydrocodone (pills and syrup)
Codeine (pills and syrup)
Kratom (plain leaf, many strains)
Kratom Extracts (different kinds)
Dexadrine (IR and ER)
Adderall IR
Baby Hawaiian Woodrose Seeds
Morning Glory Seeds
Salvia Divinorum
A random mix of herbs that gave me auditory hallucinations
Liquid Valium
Fake Opium
Indian Warrior (interesting herb)
Blue Lotus Stamens

Honestly, I want to use fewer drugs, but the drugs that i really hope to someday try are: Mescaline, DMT, 5-Meo DMT, 4-ACO-DMT, Ketamine, MXE, Ibogaine, Ayahuasca, Khat and Amanita Muscaria. I also think that Kambo frog drug sounds interesting.

However, I take Lexapro so taking a few of those like Ibogaine and Ayahusca could kill me, but most I think I'd be ok with.

I would also like to try MDMA/MDA and PCP, but again, those would either be dangerous or in the case of MDMA, most likely not work.

But for now I am happy to say it's been one week without Kratom or Dexadrine and I have zero PHYSICAL dependence towards either (psychological addiction's a different matter...)

Still been drinking too much and took Phenibut the past 2 days (I'll NEVER let myself get dependent on that shit or help me god...)....but cutting out the Kratom and Dex is going to be good for me, and it's not only been a week, it's been a week since I used, but I took time off before that.

Better to be healthier IMO for me at this current moment for sure.

I need work on my diet and I need more exercise.

Drugs are fun, but in the long run, using too much of anything for any extended period of time never ends well for me.
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she had full-blown hallucinations as much as 6 weeks after taking.

How much did she take? and what part of Datura plant did she consume? the seedz?

Out of curiosity, why do you keep consuming it years down the road?

Good question.
Datura is NOT a party drug. You'd better stick to your own D.O.C If "having fun" is your main goal to achieve.

I often use a very small amount of Deliriants like Datura and Biperiden to enhance the effects of Opium. The opium itself makes me sleepy at average/high dosages but 5- 10 seedz of Datura could keep me up at nights to get my stuffs done. The result of such combo is somehow stimulating. I feel calm, talkative and motivated.
Percocet, Molly, Percocet.

Alright serious answer:

Uni days (2010-2013): etizolam, flubromazepam, flubromazolam, clonazolam, meclonazepam, diclazepam, diazepam, temazepam, phenibut, cut to shit street amphetamine ("base") which the mention of using later got a psych to offer me Ritalin haha, codeine, dihydrocodeine, OxyContin 20mg (girl had a script), acid, AL-LAD, aMT, and of course cannabis, cocaine, and MDMA standard. Can't graduate uni in the UK without doing those last three. Was also boshing the caffeine at this time which I've since stopped and I dunno why but even one energy drink or sometimes regular coffee will now cause a full on panic attack without the intervention of benzos. Ironically I get along fine with real stims (I'm scripted amphetamine) but caffeine is now a no go.

Psychiatrist days after busting outta uni due to a suicide attempt (2013-2016): weed, etizolam, pregabalin, Concerta, Vyvanse, dexamphetamine, diazepam (finally scripted!), various anti-depressants (hated the lot), fucking Seroquel just for bloody GAD (binned it), bit of codeine and DHC here and there.

Head (relatively) more stable, work days where I'm either getting by/making shifts go by quicker or having a bit of fun on the weekends (2016-present day): weed, concentrates/dabs, dexamphetamine, alprazolam, clonazepam, diazepam, etizolam, bromazepam, lorazepam, temazepam, nitrazepam, zopiclone, zolpidem, phenobarbital, codeine, dihydrocodeine, Oramorph my love, tapentadol (waste of time, even worse than tramadol but at least it's less likely to cause a seizure!), oxycodone (various brands, all crushable, but mostly Longtec which is the new OxyContin), nicotine (but only with opioids), kratom, ketamine, mephedrone, MDMA, 2-CB, 4-AcO-DMT, LSD, NOS, and finally been drinking more booze recently too. Just having a bottle of cider every night shit like that.

Certainly more I just can't remember off the top of my head, it's past midnight and I'm on a load of downers.
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Weed, meth, coke, adderal, vyvanse, suboxone, DXM, benadryl, alcohol, xanax, oxycontin, codeine, morphine, ritalin, nutmeg, LSA, gabapentin, hydrocodone, spice/k2, nicotine, valium, ambien, seroquil, opana, MDMA, MDA, nitrous oxide, caffeine, lyrica, buspirone, klonopin, wellbutrin, air duster, subutex.

What I want to try: dimethyltriptamine, ketamine, shrooms, lsd, etizolam, 4-aco-met, salvia divinorum, mescaline, many rc stimulants and psychedelics/dissociative.
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I'm a cannabis grower advocate
Benzos (all of em but mostly Alp)
Meth (once...meh)
(I'll probably have to update this im on 6mg of Alp)
Anyone tried tianeptine IV? DOSAGE?
PS- as s canna activist i can't stand bho/high strength dabs
Gimme chArsas any day
I am not good with exact dates or years, so I used ages

13 - tobacco & pot
14 - 17 tobacco, tons of booze and pot
17- 19 Percocet, klonopin, methadone, oxycodone, lots of random pills people gave me that I don't remember, pot, alcohol, coke, crack (3 months)
20-21 Ritalin, coke (a little), adderall
21-23 SHIT TON OF BOOZE, ritalin, coke (a little)
23-25 MDMA once (tested positive but I just felt awake) SHOOTING UP ALL THE METH
26-30 Occasional bottle of wine or hard cider, a few opiates here and there for migraines, back pain and relaxation, 3 months of tramadol (150 mg daily)(started for migraines and realized it got me jacked)
Found a bottle of focalin, abused the shit out of it, got some concerta, just used that to manage my adhd better. Honestly if I found some meth, I'd use that too.
Can you say Everything! I'm not going to bother writing them all out but I can't think of anything I haven't done, except these new RC drugs.
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don’t have exact dates, don’t think they matter all that much, but will list in the order of when i first tried them

weed, DXM, codeine, tramadol, LSA, LSD, percocet & oxycontin, somas, phentermine, cocaine, meth, vicodin, ativan, kratom, ritalin, adderall, ketamine, MXE, 3-FPM, 1P-LSD, a couple other RCs i don’t remember using as i was regularly shooting MXE and M-holing, valium, gabapentin, PCP, MDMA, heroin, klonopin, xanax, morphine, crack, dpoppy seed tea, modafinil, lyrica, dilaudid, fentanyl, suboxone, and zubsolv
Shit, let's see.
Codeine (exstensively)
Alcohol (abused rather)
DXM (abused for a year almost every other day)
4-AcO-DMT (A little too fond of it)
4-HO-MiPT (same as Aco)
4-Aco-EPT (wasn't too fond of this but enjoyed it)
Ketamine (liked this way too much)
2F-DCK (same as ket)
MarryJuAna (Of Course)
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