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Harm Reduction Anti-Seizure Medication (UK)


Apr 29, 2018
I have a seizure disorder and was initially put on Levitiracetam (keppra)) but it didn't work very well so about 6 weeks ago I was switched to Lamotrigine (Lamictal). I've now had to stop taking it as I was experiencing intolerable side-effects.

What other medications are available to treat seizures? I'd like to hear from anyone else who has been on anti-seizure medication. What were your experiences with different meds? What worked for you and what didn't?

I'm thinking of asking my GP if I can get Gabapentin because I also have neuropathic pain so it'd be killing two birds with one stone (three if it also helps my anxiety).
I am not sure if Gabapentin works to well with seizures. It did not help mine at all but it is possible that it could work on someone else.
There is this one anti-epileptic that is very high on my what-if-to-do list. It is listed under that category in the 98' edition of prescribed meds. Didn't notice it the many times I went through 'the drug bible'. But it exsist's and is apperently been prescribed over here. But Benzodiazepinen are first choice.. Indication of use: status epilepticus, sedation for procedure's under local anesthesia and delerium tremens.

Clomethiazole. But advising someone with epilepsy about meds. Sorry but that is risky Chemically Enhanced. You could start by looking for a bible of that sort that is used by your dr. 's. Ask your dr if he has an edition of the year before you can have?

Find out what is your specific form of epilepsy. That would give some personal insight on the deal.
I have epilepsy as well. I use a medication called Vimpat. It works EXTREMELY well. Gabapentin works okay, but there are better medications imo (but than again, I'm not a neurologist so maybe they know better than I do). I used to be on Keppra too, but it had horrible side effects (ever hear of Keppra rage?).

I have temporal lobe epilepsy, that eventually goes into full grand mal seizures. What type of seizures do you have?

He/She might have to put you on 2 medications for seizures. Thats very common for people who have seizures.

Have you tried taking CBD oil to help? I started having complex partial seizures and the CBD oil took that away.

Im not sure if you use stimulant type drugs (recreationally/medically), but those can be extremely bad for people who have seizures. It "excites" the Central Nervous System, giving you a greater chance of having a seizure. Thats one of the main reasons why I never used them...
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Keppra is what they have my niece on and it isn't helping her. As a matter of fact she was just in the hospital because of it. CBD oil seems to help her more and it is natural.
I don't have a normal epilepsy (in fact an MRI showed no epileptiform activity when exposed to neuro-irritants such as flashing lights and noise). I had many gran mal seizures due to alcohol withdrawal in the past. One seizure was so severe that that part of my brain was damaged and I now have a permanent seizure disorder. My doctors refer to it as atypical epilepsy.
I have grand mal seizures but (dangerously) I go into status epilepticus pretty much every single time I have a seizure. I don't just come out of it like most epileptic seizure, I will just keep on fitting until medical intervention. Often IV lorazepam and diazepam don't work and they have to put me into a phenobarbital coma before it kills me.
I was actually in the hospital waiting room after a seizure when I last had one. It went on for over 6 minutes and I fractured my spine, orbital socket and elbow, dislocated my shoulder and broke 4 ribs. The specialist said I would definitely have died had I been anywhere but already in a hospital.
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Just did some insight reading on the subject. The so called blackouts that would occure once in a while on drugs binges. That included lack of food and sleep. Had a few myself. They resemble the description of Grand mal seizure's very well. I never lost conciousness during like in the description. Just went down with the jerking movements and attempts to vocalize.

It would have a very looping quality, sounds, muscle contraction's and thoughts would repeat untill I came by 100%. I remember bumping with my teeth enamal to the tiles of my bathing facility repetivelay. Not even realizing what was happening.

If I am correct that was probably a lack of glucose induced Grand mal seizure. Never realized it was some sort of seizure.

Status Epilepticus is a whole other deal loosing conciousness, way more dangerous.
Just did some insight reading on the subject. The so called blackouts that would occure once in a while on drugs binges. That included lack of food and sleep. Had a few myself. They resemble the description of Grand mal seizure's very well. I never lost conciousness during like in the description. Just went down with the jerking movements and attempts to vocalize.

It would have a very looping quality, sounds, muscle contraction's and thoughts would repeat untill I came by 100%. I remember bumping with my teeth enamal to the tiles of my bathing facility repetivelay. Not even realizing what was happening.

If I am correct that was probably a lack of glucose induced Grand mal seizure. Never realized it was some sort of seizure.

Status Epilepticus is a whole other deal loosing conciousness, way more dangerous.

No, it's 100% status epilepticus. I've had it happen in front of experts and been formally diagnosed. Was not on drugs at the time. And I was unconscious the whole time, of course.
Just read about the difference. That is certainly more dangerous as grand mal seizure's. Although you can hurt yourself very well physically with both. Good luck

Btw Clomethiazole is out of our up to date edition of the pharmatherapeutical kompas. And only supplied in hospital setting's anyway. But I would advise you to have a look at the UK version of that medicine bible. It will give you insight on what is available for the specific type of problems you have.
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Just read about the difference. That is certainly more dangerous as grand mal seizure's. Although you can hurt yourself very well physically with both. Good luck

Btw Clomethiazole is out of our up to date edition of the pharmatherapeutical kompas. And only supplied in hospital setting's anyway. But I would advise you to have a look at the UK version of that medicine bible. It will give you insight on what is available for the specific type of problems you have.

The only thing that has ever worked for me was Phenobarbital but they're making it fucking impossible to get again. "There are many more effective medications with less side-effects" - umm, not for me there aren't. I got zero side-effects from it and did not have a single seizure while on it.
Maybe it's my prejudged brain. But they know about your alcohol thing.

If in the ideal situation your dr at least has half a brain. Then it is all good I guess, but what if your past is coloring his judgement in prescribing anything alcohol like. Despite it having medical benefits. Just thinking out loud Chem.
They *think* it is a form of brain damage originating from alcohol withdrawal seizures causing permanent damage [been sober over 3 years now].
Sorry I didnt fully ask the question lol. Which part of the brain do they start in? Temporal lobe? Frontal Lobe? Parietal Lobe? Occipital Lobe?
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Ohh, right. I honestly have no idea. They've never been able to "induce" a seizure to find out.

Ahh I gotcha. Well hopefully you can find a medication that works! Maybe bring up Vimpat on your next Doctors appointment. Its been amazing for me :)
Vimpat is extremely exspensive right???It has no generic....
You are correct, it has no generic. BUT the website has a coupon (which lasts forever), so each months supply is only $20. My doctor gives me a 3 month supply and 1 refill. So each time I pick up my prescription, its $60. No insurance is needed (even though I have it). $240 bucks a year isn't too bad (i think), especially since it works so well.
Oh wow! Thats crazy! Esp. since its a generic lol typically they're cheaper.