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Dec 23, 2006
well I met this cats and we have been getting chill and there was some L around and I offered them some and to trip with us, however they declined and said they only do L from there own sources, we figured fair enough with the bunk going around and left assured what we had was clean. Now I can tell a nbome a mile a way a DOx even more so, our papers seemed good but anyways a week or so later these guys mention t
here guy might know somethin so I took a shot and WOW first time I ever took l without feeling the need for benzos, woke up with an afterglow not a toxic feeling. simply great.

I guess the point of this thread is there are a lot of molecules that mimic L very closely and ingesting one you will think you got the real deal until you do get the real deal. Than huzzah.
well I met this cats and we have been getting chill and there was some L around and I offered them some and to trip with us, however they declined and said they only do L from there own sources, we figured fair enough with the bunk going around and left assured what we had was clean. Now I can tell a nbome a mile a way a DOx even more so, our papers seemed good but anyways a week or so later these guys mention t
here guy might know somethin so I took a shot and WOW first time I ever took l without feeling the need for benzos, woke up with an afterglow not a toxic feeling. simply great.

I guess the point of this thread is there are a lot of molecules that mimic L very closely and ingesting one you will think you got the real deal until you do get the real deal. Than huzzah.

Wow. This barely makes any sense but from what I gather you tried new tabs and they feel a bit different. Tripping is wildly subjective and can change from one dose to the next so unless tested all you have is heresy.
^ This. Or it could easily have been ALD-52 (or another lysergamide.) Without testing is possible to know.
Or it could easily have been ALD-52 (or another lysergamide.)

That is pretty unlikely though. For dealers, it is much cheaper to acquire actual LSD-25 than to make their own blotters using ALD-52/1p-LSD/AL-LAD powder.

In all likelihood, OP just blames all his bad trips on NBOMe's/NBOH's/DOx's, ignoring the inherently unpredictable nature of LSD.
That is pretty unlikely though. For dealers, it is much cheaper to acquire actual LSD-25 than to make their own blotters using ALD-52/1p-LSD/AL-LAD powder.

In all likelihood, OP just blames all his bad trips on NBOMe's/NBOH's/DOx's, ignoring the inherently unpredictable nature of LSD.
Correct me if I'm wrong but is LSD not a precursor to these subs? Wouldn't make sense to spend the extra money to synth these chems when you already have the real deal. Plus then you have to go through the same old same old with a new user, "yes it's an rc, no, it is not an nBome. Yes, its tasteless and just as safe as regular lsd. No, just because it's an rc doesnt mean one tabs going to put you 6 ft under."
I understand, to me there's a huge difference in real L and the RC's that get passed off as L. It happens all the time too with the NBOME. I won't accept anything from anyone unless it's someone I can trust. Too much shenanigans these days in that area.
The best thing to do is get a test kit. However, there are tell-tale signs that will be present with common LSD adulterants that are dead giveaways:

NBOMes - The tabs will be very bitter and will numb your mouth. It's pretty hard to miss this one, "if it's bitter, it's a spitter"

DOXs - The tabs will taste substantially bitter. Not nearly as bitter as NBOMes, but decidedly bitter.

5-MeO-AMT (I'm sure no one is still using this one) - This has a terrible nasty bitter tryptamine taste.

Now, if the tab doesn't taste like anything, or is ever so slightly bitter (the inks can be slightly bitter but it won't be much), it basically has to be a lysergamide because everything else that can fit on a blotter would have a noticeable taste, or be a bunk tab with nothing on it. Theoretically it could be an LSD analogue, like AL-LAD, ETH-LAD, 1p-LSD, or ALD-52. However actual LSD is cheaper in bulk than these chemicals so it's very unlikely. And all of those lysergamides are great drugs that you don't need to have concern about if you accidentally ingest, they're similar to LSD and quite safe (as far as we can tell).
Yep, test kits are your friend. "Someone you can trust" is not an acceptable alternative.

5-MeO-AMT on a blotter? Ewwwwww, that stuff would taste terrible! Glad those days are behind us for now
Yeah it was the original material to pass off as LSD. I had a few decent experiences on it (I knew it was 5-MeO-AMT though, it wasn't on blotters or anything) and it's a decent drug, but the bodyload is pretty huge for the effects.