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How high are YOU? v. winter has come! time to face the white powders, eh.. walkers*

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I've always been more of a downers person. But I have never once been able to save cocaine and go to sleep. I've been up for 3 days doing the stash until it was gone or had to give away cocaine because I was worried I would just keep doing it.

I can stretch a stash of opioid but cocaine was never possible to moderate for me

I'm with you on the coke! If I have it, I do it, end of discussion. I always used to say back when I was young and did that stuff, if I was a rich rock star, I'd kill myself with that shit. No doubt!
Snortin Afghan #4
Dosed my pre-meth noots
Smoke a bowl of blue dream
Gonna dose a few mg of d-meth before work
Got xanny bars and more dope for later

Gonna be a good day.
60 mg of hydrocodone and 1,5 mg alprazolam.
Hits off the indica vape pen.

I am barely feeling the pills...wtf I took a one week T break? And was nodding hardcore last weekend nfrom this same combo.

I always get way higher if I do the opiates a 2nd or 3rd day in a row. Don't know if the trace stuff left from the previous day...or some sort of receptor up regulation after a first use after a t break is the reason I get such better highs after a few days in a row...this is what I had done last weekend after a smaller priming dose the day before
How is the hulu kapuas? I just got sone res thai
My tolerance to bali is pretty hogh so im switching up but red bali and bali gold are my favs. Also do you do anything to potentiate the kratom.

I like this strain a lot, it's more stimulating and a bit more euphoric than the average red vein. Try it if you can!
Maybe I'm just lucky but my tolerance has remained stable, I don't use any true potentiator despite the fact that I've been taking the same dose for more than a year. I usually mix it with caffeine in the morning and with cannabis and tobacco at night, these 3 substances have a very nice synergy.

Have you tried DXM? It's supposed to be a nice potentiator (plus it can lower your tolerance).

3g of green hulu kapuas and red maeng da (50/50 mix).
About to smoke a spliff.
Not sure how much d-amphetamine but I’ve been awake 40hrs give or take. That’s even after taking 2g methocarbamol, 30mg of flurazepam and 300mg Lyrica tonight alone. Been chain smoking all day. Probably gonna keep taking more dextroamphetamine until the shadow people show up and scare me so bad I have to sleep.
I've always been more of a downers person. But I have never once been able to save cocaine and go to sleep. I've been up for 3 days doing the stash until it was gone or had to give away cocaine because I was worried I would just keep doing it.

I can stretch a stash of opioid but cocaine was never possible to moderate for me
I feel like for some reason cocaine is just not as good for me as it is for most people. I can appreciate it for sure and before I've started doing it, if it's around, and especially if I've had a few drinks, it's very hard to resist. But I've never stayed up for days, or even wanted to, usually at around the 12 hour mark or even before is my limit, I can just feel that my body is suffering, I start noticing the peripheral effects a lot more like jaw tension and racing heartrate, and doing more makes me feel marginally better but eventually just not enough to justify continuing... not sure why my experience is like this, maybe some quirk of my dopamine system, but I have always got pretty torturous comedowns which probably helps the decision to stop earlier.

Also could be something to do with the fact that I pretty much always drink before doing coke... and there's only so many hours you can continue to drink alcohol before no drug can blot out the encroaching badness... in my experience anyway.
About ten grams red thai kraton
75 mg diphenhydramine

Gonna take an eca stack with some l-theanine either before oe in lieu of a nap.
7g White Maeng Da and a couple bowls of Purple Hindu Kush. I got a quarter of this stuff and blew through it way too fast. Can't seem to cut down on kratom either, it's just so automatic. :/
Oh where to start:

- insufflated and vaporized d-meth, ~250mg split 2 ways over the course of a night
- a few points of good afghan #4 to mellow throughout the night
- a small bottle of 1800 and some awesome live music
- lots of beer via drinking games, joints, hash oil, and nicotine via Newports
- a Xanax bar then puffs from hash oil (89.99% THC) cart (and possibly 3mg etizolam pg solution if it's ready) to wrap up the night

Great goddamn 14 hours.
20mg Oxycodone about 3 hours ago... much to my surprise I am pretty underwhelmed.

I am almost completely opiate naive except for CWE codeine a few times when I was younger, and tramadol now and then a while back. I realise now I may have overshot the dosage a little for a first time user - I insufflated 10mg at first, after which in retrospect I guess I was feeling pretty chilled out, although nothing remarkable. 40 minutes later I insufflated another 10mg which was obviously a bit too soon. An hour from the first dosing and I'm feeling pretty distinctly uncomfortable. Itchy, hot, drowsy, a bit nauseous (did eat a big meal almost just before dosing so probably this was another mistake) and just overall in a pretty dysphoric state of mind feeling like I'm just waiting for it to wear off. Went for a half hour walk just now and it's kind of windy, rainy, and refreshing outside so that was pleasant enough, if only that it gave me something else to do to distract me from the uncomfortable body sensations.

Now back at T+190 minutes from initial dose, T+150 minutes from the redose and I feel like I'm starting to come down and feel a little more normal again, I'd like to take something else to take the lingering edge off but frustratingly I don't feel like I responsibly can as I don't have any anxiolytics that aren't downers... :X This was really not what I expected at all but I guess that's the risk you take every time you take a drug you haven't tried before, some are hits and some are misses. Anyone else have this reaction to some opiates/opioids??
Dosed 120mg Methadose this morning.
Dosed 6mg Diclazepam this morning.
Dosed 3mg ClonazoLam this morning.
Smoked some Cannabis Sativa (Gelato)
Vaped a shit-load of CBD oil with a bit of Nicotine in it.
Smoked a few cigs.
And have been sneakin drops of Diclaz and ClonazoLam all day *teehee, probably more close to 10mg Diclaze and 5mg ClonazoLam.

I'm such a dork, I blended a portion of my Diclazepam solution with the same part Clam ) solution and I call it Diclazolam (joke, I don't think I invented anything special or am even the first to try this, but it tickles me; thought it might tickle you).

Edit: Forgot the 150mg Thc, 1.5MG CBD edible.
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So since my last post I started to feel better after coming down slightly and starting to vape some THC liquid. Eventually decided I was baseline enough to drink 2 small beers at T+5 hours since last dose... A bit later I even got out the cocaine and had a few lines, 100mg total at T+8 hours... Following the coke wearing off I realised I am a pussy who just can't handle even the most brief but crushingly anxious comedown period from such a small amount of blow, so contemplated doing some Zolpidem again, but gradually, and staying up until a little more time passes since the Oxy. Eventually settled on 750mg Phenibut, some magnesium, and 20mg Zolpidem insufflated over 30 mins. It's now T+11 hours since my 20mg oxy dose so I figure I should be out of the woods, so to speak. Took my blood pressure, high normal systolic but nothing unusual after the cocaine. Wondering if I could get some sort of cheap home-usable respiration measuring device so I can reassure myself about not being likely to die in my sleep on too many downers... probably a bit overcautious, but, better than the opposite.

I'll be fine though, right? :D Kind of after the fact, semi-rhetorical question, but feel free to chime in if you are experienced with mixing opiates and other downers.
i gotta move out of my house tomorrow so i'm in 100% pure DGAF mode.

junk food and TV all day, beer now, plus some sleepin' pills. maybe some loud music to piss of the neighbors before bed. whatever.
i gotta move out of my house tomorrow so i'm in 100% pure DGAF mode.

junk food and TV all day, beer now, plus some sleepin' pills. maybe some loud music to piss of the neighbors before bed. whatever.

Sorry to hear that g. Problems with the LLs right? I've been there, no bueno. If you don't already have a crib, then I wish you luck in your house hunting. You'll come up on something good I know you do well for yourself.
I been tweaked since maybe 115pm today and it's 1209am now. still tweaked.
I'm bout to blow another line but a small one cause I got work in 6 hours
this shit some serious heat tho. best I've had potentially of all time (for sniffing. I haven't banged or smoked on this batch here yet)
I love methamphetamine. if I didn't have work I'd bang up but I have work everyr day this week and banging speed makes me so visibly fucked up that I can't unless I do a small shot which defeats the main point (dat rush) or I have a night to myself and I don't have to be presentable in the morning.
later this week I'll do a night where I do a fat shot once my mom goes to sleep and then chill.
^ jealous as hell... haven't been able to find any decent tweak since I quit... these fucking city tweakers don't know what they're missing.
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Up all night again but gotta go to work in a couple hours.

15mg flurazepam
1.5mg Klonopin
lots of nicotine
ungodly amounts of caffeine (to go ahead and get me woke up)
1.5g methocarbamal (having to work injured so have to rely on it Lyrica, prescription anti-inflammatories and the max dose of APAP you can take in 24 hrs cause I can no longer get my prescription opiates and don’t have any weed right now)
150mg Lyrica
10mg Dexedrine before I go and repeat as needed to keep me going
I've ingested my usual morning mixture of caffeine, cannabis and methadone

Woke up at 4:45AM and finished the bowl of gorilla glue topped with a half g of shatter from the night before
5:00-6:15AM two cups of coffee
7:15AM 125mg methadone
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