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?? ? THE SOCIAL CLUB v. Come Say Hi! ? ??

Hey Gregg. Sorry, but it sounds like you don't have any experience plugging gabapentin, so I'm afraid we just can't have you on board.

wtf? plugging gabas? how desperate are you? gtfoh. cant be on board what the fuck kinda shit is that
Them's the rules Gregg, gotta show extreme desperation to be a part of the group.=D
Sell your neighbors dog for dope money, then come back and we'll see.
Nah that's just an argument, I mean sell fido for heroin, provide pics.
hahaa i dont have picture of myself breaking the law. not that stupid. i aint gotta prove shit to nobody.
Well played... although selling a dog is legal.

I give him a seal of approval scrof.
Hard to prove ownership of a dog lol, most people don't have paperwork.

Unless they're chipped.
most people have photos with the animals they own...a simple investigating would prove its not your dog my friend. lol might be about 50-50 u get away with it, haha
Sounds like OLD.GREGG is already scheming to defraud us on his membership, convincing us he sold a neighbor's dog for drug money.

Just stick a gabapentin up your asshole gregg, no need to bring the neighbors into this. And, please don't post the photos here, put them up on your Facebook and we'll look at them there while we go over your application. You have to tag your Auntie when you post it.

Just thought of something: so say some weirdos believe you stole their dog, call police, who on a very slow day in suburbia, show up to demand to check your dog's chip for proof of ownership. Can you refuse that? I think so, since a dog might as well be a toaster, legally.

But you usually need a license for your dog, maybe they get around it that way. Still have to wait till you were walking the dog to demand that. ? ??
Depends on the dog, some cost more than some cars lol.
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I dunno, some pups go for $2,500. That might as well be a 1996 Honda Accord, though it's difficult to stash a Honda in the closet.
Hmmm, quick read thru, so hi? Hope it picks up, u guys r obviously trying. Wanted to ask a question re smoking methods or materials , I shud say, is this an appropriate place ?
Neil, btw. Recently re employed welder of long standing pattern of self disablement? For want of putting it another way!! Notice there's a lot of interest in the nuts n bolts chemistry here? Which I find attractive. Is it a reccuri
g theme? Thanx for accept if that's relevent
Irvine welsh

Agree 100% with the first part, haven't read Island yet so I guess that's another addition to my reading list! (So many books, so little time... :( )

Any Irvine Welsh fans here? I really enjoy his books, especially those centered on the "Leith crew" -- Trainspotting, Porno, Glue, Skagboys and I guess The Blade Artist as well although that one's really only about Francis Begbie.

Took me a while to understand the Scottish dialect though! Found that if I read it out loud I would suddenly "get" it. =D
I found that too! The wasp factory is brilliantly dark, if u haven't read it.
Nice to have some new blood around, instead of the same few people.