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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

How would suboxone or methadone effect someone who’s not opioid tolerant?

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Aug 19, 2013
I’ve been curious about what would happen if I took suboxone or methadone without having opioid dependence. I’ve tried opiates in the past (hydro/oxycodone and hydromorphone orally) without getting much effect. I’m curious what opiate tapering drugs would do for me as someone who has never had dependence.
OD - > BDD
My guess would be depending on the dosage you'd either get high or overdose
Personally Suboxone will most likely make you spew.... I've seen countless people with no opiate tolerance take this drug and have a very bad time. Methadone on the other hand may hold more "recreational value" I've known people to get addicted to methadone by itself. Methadone is more commonly used as a narcotic painkiller than Suboxone.
I’ve been curious about what would happen if I took suboxone or methadone without having opioid dependence. I’ve tried opiates in the past (hydro/oxycodone and hydromorphone orally) without getting much effect. I’m curious what opiate tapering drugs would do for me as someone who has never had dependence.

You will get high. As previously stated... suboxone can make you very nauseous. I dont suggest taking more than 1 mg. My sister is opiate naieve and loves the feeling of suboxone. I dont know as much about methadone except its easy to OD... but as for recreational effects... its probably has more than suboxone.
I'm sorry guys, I've not been feeling well for the past few days and my presence obviously reflects that.

OP, I'm aware that you're curios about the effects of Opioids. Who wouldn't be, concerning all of the hype? Unfortunately, you've made the same mistake that a large portion of new members make, in assuming that we are more or less a den of drugs addicts here simply to get the most fucked up and acquire the most drugs possible. That is what a lot of outside viewers think of us and it's not true.

We are a Harm Reduction forum, that is, we are here to provide advice to individuals who have already chosen to use drugs. We are here to keep people safe and because of that, we really need to pay close attention to the content that we allow to operate here. There is only so much room on "the front page", which is the only place that most people visit, so, even though this question was made with an innocent intent, it actually doesn't reflect any kind of Harm Reduction principle and it really is not going to be helpful to anyone if we are looking from the perspective of HR.

Please create threads that follow the forum guidelines and will actually be beneficial to those who read it.

"What do Opioids feel like?", is simply not appropriate content. Closed.
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