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Bluelighters I miss....

remember tekken, very nice chap who went thru a rough time and i think sorted himself out.

another very nice person on here few years back was discopupils, hopefully there ok.

few Manchester heads MDMAhhead, the RZA and Mattnotrik, think he came back with a different name but vanished again. seemed like sound blokes.
Some fine fellas there but, as I recall, Tekken posted some of the best music ever posted here on BL (aside from mine, obviously ;)) so it would be especially great to hear from him again. This is in no way a selfish post... but day-um did that boi haz tunes 8o
Just a copy paste job from ccf.

Ahh i miss blue light. You may tell them that after six months in rehab im now exactly a year clean, and living with my 1 year old back up north :). And hello back to shm

Aw, this is great news. I often find myself thinking of her, and I'm glad she's doing okay.

Always saddening every year to see I no longer share a birthday thread with Dave :(<3

Another legend. I'm forever replaying the last couple of times I saw him in my head. It doesn't seem that long ago, and yet it does. I miss him.
I just got a very tired but happy "blimey!!!" from Shambles when I told him you posted tribal girl. What a great hello from quite the legend yourself. Hope you're doing well. It's great to see you here again. <3
^Ah, how is the hubby? It's been a long time. :)

Me, legend?. Definitely not. I am doing much better of late, though. I think I'm finally starting to learn from my mistakes. And not just recognising them for what they are, but actually changing things for the better.

If I don't pop in again for a while, I hope next year brings much happiness for all. We need it. <3
Well I hope you do pop in....

Yes, as you can tell from this thread alone, there are legends of a girl named tribal....

Harsh lessons mistakes... Only harsh when you learn from them I guess. Sounds like you're doing pretty damn well. Im really happy to hear that!

BTW, sham is doing very well. He's currently got the cat sleeping on his arse and at 5am I find this. Sadly hilarious as he's completely oblivious to pussy on his ass. Ffs I need sleep, I've work tomorrow ( today) I'd love to keep some sort of rep by saying I'm hard core and I've been rocking it all night but sadly I fell asleep after dinner and just woke up at an odd time.

You were up all night were you sadie, WERE ye now, me' wee muffin?

Was it by any chance yours truly that I got a missed call on my cell from, at about say, half 3-half 4 in the AM last night luv?

Because SOMEone did. And very very few people on this side of the pond even possess that number. Fewer still would or have ever spoken to me at that time in the morning or share in my..err...well I'd say 'unconventional circadian rhythms', only it would be more of a 'complete lack of circadian rhythm in the first place, and going from fatigued ready to drop, and diethyl-ether-ed-up-to-fucking-fuckness right the way to wide awake, bright eyed, bushy tailed and on some of my better form, courtesy of a little help from a friendly passing AMPAkine:)

Sorry if it was, that I missed your call. If it wasn't then I wonder who the FUCK it was lol. If it was ye' then I apologize. Compressor and vac were both making a bit of a racket and didn'ae hear the dog'n'bone go off.

And of COURSE you rock sadie, you can't help that. Its innate gurrl, you fucking rawk.

Would love to see you flap too...and flap and twist and spin and rock back and forth and flap some more. THAT would be so damn hawt xD ^_^
Wiznea me unless I arse dialed darling. Nowt in my call history.
Calling Squid in Sunglasses. Come back. EADD is finally drama free and your insightfulness and classic humour is missed. Come and grace us with your presence.
do you guys remember mendo_k?

he seemed like a pretty cool dude
Mendo-K was a great guy - used to enjoy his patter.

Josh is also a great miss from the section and again somebody who should come back now the place is drama less. I often think about Bezofury and hope that he is doing well in his travels.
Josh has come back, well sort of. He started a new acc (called Josh1 I think). He's just not posting much these days.

I haven't seen him posting in ages - glad he is ok though. Thanks :)

@Subotai - She got herself banned.
Has anyone heard from 'Ceres' recently ? I know I was missing for a while but I cant remember the last time they posted. Catinthehat hasn't been posting is culinary masterpieces for a while either ?