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Need help with taper/detox plans to get me off opioid


Jan 10, 2017
Toothpastedog, Im very very nervous and anxious cause I keep posponing my withdrawals,,,Really dont know what to do and its killing me. Before I came upon BL I search the web for some info and the web site that I mentioned above gave me some light and insight of how I could maybe cope with all of this. Here is a example:

Anyone out there who could give me a quick taper plan/idea? Im lost. Thanks again and sorry if I repeat myself, like i said Im really anxious.
That site is helpful enough, though it is very disappointing they don't mention one of the all time best opioid detox meds ever invented and used specifically for this purpose (gabapentin) is rather disturbing. Or maybe I missed it. Regardless, otherwise good generally practical info. Thanks for sharing.

Hopefully you'll get some good feedback here. Some questions to help folks give you the best feedback possible:

  • What is/was your habit like?
  • What are/were you using?
  • How long, how much and how often were/are you using?
  • Why do you want to stop using?
TPD, thanks for starting a thread with my question. I had a box of lyrica before but never tought I would need it and trew it away...fuck. I don't know why the guy doesn't mention gabapentin. I don't remember if Ive read it or not.

3 week of using 0xy. Started low enough, now 250mgs/day. I want to stop. I have 2 choices; CT or quick taper. But don't know how to start the quick taper from where Im at now. The longer I stay on it, the tougher it will be. Ive already stopped fentanyl wich was so hard. Oxy is diferent. Don't know why. Ive got OTC meds and benzos and Kratom. Thanks in advance for all your advice. I could tell all of my story but that would be to long. Maybe one day in a blog. BL is helping tremendously.
So well my mind was trying to play with me so I gave my husband all that I had left...So Im jumping from a very high dose of oxy...Im scared. But Im thinking its only been 3 weeks. (24 days). Ive got Clonadine, Loperadime, paracetamol with codeine, ketazolam, kratom and I was thinking of sleeping trough it, if its possible, with the help of benzos.
Don't know if its a good idea. My husband doesn't know shit about drugs or w/ds. Do people tend to get seizures with w/ds? Wish me luck. Thanks BL and SL.
You've got lots of good comfort meds to work with, so if you really are going to take the plunge you will be in some pain but you'll be fine. And if you've only been using for three weeks the kick won't be so bad. But, if I may, how did you get up to 250mg doses after only three weeks? Where you dependent on it or another opioid prior to this?

Use the clonidine as needed, once in the morning and once at night @ 0.2mg. It is used for hot/cold flashes and the chills, and helps with the general restlessness experienced during withdrawal. Best used at night, but for the first four or five days feel free to use it in the morning if you need something.

Kratom is a great withdrawal aid. There are lots of good threads about how to use kratom to aid the detox process. Please use the search engine.

I am not familiar with ketazolam per se, but if it is anything like alprazolam or clonazepam, use it no more than twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. After 4-7 days only use it once a day at night. Avoid using it longer than 2 to 3 weeks total.

Paracetamol and codeine will be really helpful, but only use it for the first three days. What is the ratio of APAP to codeine? If there is too much APAP then you'll want to do a CWE (again use the search engine for info on codeine CWE techniques), but if there isn't too too much APAP for you to take 60-120mg codeine at once, then you can just take the pills whole. For the first 2-3 days you can take this once to twice a day to seriously minimize any withdrawal symptoms. Just don't take both kratom and codeine at once, better to save the kratom for when you aren't taking codeine.

Sleeping through acute detox, if possible, is awesome. To accomplish this rely primarily on ketazolam and clonidine.

If you are only detoxing from oxycodone/opioids, you will almost certainly not experience anything like a seizure. You'll just feel like shit, but it won't kill you.
YDP, thanks for the advice, Ive jump, sunday was my last day. 58hrs in...Im ok i guest. And yes I was dependent before on fentanyl and oxy for months. Detox from fent I was abusing it too and its so dangerous, and then oxy with Iboga. But because of very acute pain due to cancer, back and hip surgery, at the beginnig of december I had another RX and well I abuse it before and I new deep down that I would not be able to stop myself. So for 9 days I took a lot, my tolerance went up really quick and I stopped. And again started just before christmas cause couldnt cope with the chronic pain but didnt took it as prescriped...no no, I use to be hooked on IV H when I was younger so opiates are my drugs of choice. I plug the oxy cause I new it was a bit like IV, I could plug 120mgs at a time, and then again a few hours after another 120...Just to feel a rush. It had to stop asap. I have better things to do then be high and not doing much. So here I am alive and feeling not so bad due to all of comfort meds. Thanks all!! I so appreciate. Feeling alone in this battle but with BL and SL, not so much!
Hiya ?

That's a pretty heavy jump.. Luckily your user time was pretty short. Stick to this, you can totally do it. But if you continue down this road you will end up buying off the street in no time. I applaud you for seeing yourself spiral and getting a grip early on..

For most of us, we rationalise the script as we "need" it.. It's in my name. But realistically, I don't believe any of us truly need opiotes.

Hang tough girl, were here for you.

Hey Sixx, thanks so much! Yep its a pretty jump but doable and yes thankfully it was 9 straight day of use, then a week break then 24 days in a row and now nothing since sunday night. Clonodine is making me light headed! And Im pround as well as to know better then go back to something that takes control over me and dont let me live my life. I have to be strong will and tell my doc that I dont need it anymore so he wont rx again. Thats the next step!!
I just wanted to explore something a bit:

What are your goals regarding this whole process? Where do you see yourself opioid free that is different from where you are now?
Im fucking stupid, couln't cope anymore with the fucking pain and gave in. Had to battle with my husband and at the end I won...No good, not good at all. Im in hell. Please dont leave me alone. No one around me knows and they would'nt understand anything. Its so hard, so fucking hard. And its all my fault. I knew deep down when I was first prescribed Fentanyl and oxy that I was not going to be able to control myself due to past experiences with H. They only thing Im proud is that I didnt go back of shooting up...fuck fuck fuck, stupid fucking women. Its very hard. You all know it. Thanks again for all of your help...
10years, dont you have clonodine? It was a god send for me.no runy nose no sweating. If you can, use it. Im back a -0. I gave in...so fucking stupid...

Keep you head up Sun. What "triggered" you and led you to end up using?

Also, please don't forget that a little lapse or even a relapse doesn't erase all the progress you've made until then in your early recovery. Our mistakes and slips present us with the greatest opportunities in early recovery, and ultimate the only true failure is not continuing to try and reach for your goals and dreams.

Be well!
We're here hon, you slipped... Fuck it, get back on the train if that's what you truly want. It'll never be easier then right now. I'm here if ya need to talk.

I shared this in the other thread. Have a listen. And I will say that I'll be at week three tomorrow... I'm starting to see light. So I know it's out there.

Im fucking stupid, couln't cope anymore with the fucking pain and gave in. Had to battle with my husband and at the end I won...No good, not good at all. Im in hell. Please dont leave me alone. No one around me knows and they would'nt understand anything. Its so hard, so fucking hard. And its all my fault. I knew deep down when I was first prescribed Fentanyl and oxy that I was not going to be able to control myself due to past experiences with H. They only thing Im proud is that I didnt go back of shooting up...fuck fuck fuck, stupid fucking women. Its very hard. You all know it. Thanks again for all of your help...

Please try not to beat yourself up too much. Yeah, perhaps you failed according to the previous goals you had, but this isn't such a horrible thing. Failure presents us with the greatest opportunities in life generally. Use your lapse here to fine tune you strategy for maintaining abstinence from harmful opioid use in light of your experience slipping up. This is a great time to do some good old fashioned learning.

Perhaps you were a bit too hard on yourself with the goals surrounding your detox. Perhaps a taper would work better for you rather than just having your partner hold on to all your meds (I mean, generally speaking keeping stuff around like that, even if held by a loved one, when we try to kick and achieve abstinence doesn't tend to work; eventually we'll have such a shitty day or be in so much pain and discomfort from life is not the detox that we'll end up doing what is necessary to regain access to our stash).

Perfection is the near enemy of recovery, so what I was getting to asking you questions about your goals in early recovery, in getting off oxycodone, was so that I could more effectively where you were at in the process of realistically assessing your situation. Generally, in early recovery we go into it with the rather adversarial mindset of "it's all or nothing, I should be able to do this this particular way," etc etc.

Maybe this will make more sense: What do you want to achieve in recovery that your opioid use is preventing you from having already achieved? Have a closer, healthier relationship with your children and husband, achieve the career you really want, improve your personal health and wellbeing, etc etc? What your priority in desire for a better life?

Setting goals is one of the single most important skills we need to learn in recovery. Unrealistic goals generally are next to impossible to achieve; they set us up for failure and when we do fall it is all the harder to pick ourselves up because we feel defeated as we couldn't accomplish what we wanted - even if what we wanted was never a realistic goal to begin with.

That said, no one is able to wake up one day and pull realistic goals that take into consideration both where they want to get AND where they are currently at in recovery. Goal setting is a learned skill, it takes practice, help from others brainstorming and, generally speaking, a few failures before we figure start getting the hang of distinguishing what we want from how to get there.
Thanks so much TPD for your encourangement! The pain, just the fucking unbearable pain, pain. No cravings or anything but Im really tired of being in pain 24/7 since 7 years ago do to medical malpractice...It sucks really and the only meds that works, even tough sometimes it does'nt, are the opiates. When I went under the knife for cancer, they touched nerves they shouln't never never have touched, they left me paralised and in so much pain, not just to say that I almost bleeded to death after the second surgery...Ive tried so hard to help myself with my recovery without any help from the medical fields, until I gave in and 2 years ago I started with opiates. I was ok for a few months and then I started to used it not as prescribed...I know I have to stop cause I cant control myself. Maybe I just have to accept that the pain will be "my friend" forever and thats it. Dont know what to do really... I use to be in top shape, running marathons and doing triatlons and surfing and loads of power yoga. Im so fed up. Cant even pick up my kids or play with them...Life sucks
Always. It sounds like you're, understandably, still really struggling to integrate your loss in terms of mobility and lifestyle or find things you still CAN do (like slow rope yoga type body work) to develop new/redevelop old healthy hobbies that reflect your passions and will promote your recovery.

Remember, if we focus only on how shitty our situation is (and, we are all entitled to do this is we choose, I don't judge), as opposed to paying attention to WHAT our situation is with an opened mind, it becomes all the more challenging to move on and transform outlives, let alone appreciate the positives we all have in our lives, no matter how dark they may seem.

If someone can come to peace with their location in a 6x9 cell in prison, anyone can ;) It just takes time and effort to cultivate a more balanced mindstate that can also effectively comprehend and made sense of your suffering in the broader context of your life and all life.
Oh wow, im in tears, you guys are awesome. I have no words for letting you know how much this help. Yes I will try not to beat myself up too much. Im super good at this. SixxAm, Im listening and looking at your videos and my buddha, your pretty dam good! The one your at the piano in Paris. So happy for you, week 3! Good job. Your alive! Life is beautiful!
And TPD, your way of helping people over here, by writing from the heart, trully amaze me, your something TPD. I wish I could wright better in english to let you know how stopping buy is helping me a lot even tough I slipped. Thanks from the bottom of my hearth! Ill beat this shit, hell yeah!
Always :) I don't have much in the way of family, so BL/SL has kinda become my adopted family. And I like to take care family in their times of need, and allow myself to be taken care of by family in my times of need. BL is pretty darn good at this AFAIC.

Being kind and gentle with ourselves is something that comes more naturally to some, but for the vast majority of folks I've come to see just how difficult it is to change deeply ingrained thought habits related to the adversarial mind, self hatred, perfectionism, shame, etc. Shit it took me almost a decade and I seem to be one of those more inclined to be kind and gentle with myself to begin with.

Like recovery, it's all about learning though. The more options we have, the more creative we are with what we're doing, the more we find ways to set more achievable goals (I'm not talking about the goal: to get sober, more like the goal to do something healthy and kind to yourself once a day for a week, small, simple, most basic of goals like that), the better off we are in our recovery. I like to look at recovery as really nothing more than out journey in life, and we all have stuff to recovery from whether we use substances or not (specifically, shame, self hatred and the adversarial/judgmental mind).

Keep keeping up the good work Sun! May I ask, which continent are you in? Some parts of the world really encourage and help facilitated cultivating happiness and health more than others, so I'm always curious to hear where people come from (not that it isn't hard for all of human kind to do so).