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Kratom to be banned soon by DEA! How will it affect USA? v All kratom talk goes here!

1) Yes, especially for some people. Even though you can get high on it mine was all physical dependence I never had a psychological addiction.
2) I think you could use it twice a week without developing a physical dependence. Just to let you know many have said the withdrawal is like a mix of opiate and benzo. When I came off I did a 4 month taper and if I were to do it again it would be at least another month. With that said, like benzos I often take them once or twice a week in non recreational doses for help with sleep/comedowns.
3) I don't know on the SSRI because like I said I've mixed it with tramadol's SNRI properties many times and never had any problems, in fact because of tramadol's potential seizures I always felt more comfortable mixing the two since lyrica is an antiepileptic drug.

Hmmm, doesn't sound like something I'll go looking for but IF I was offered some of happened to stumble upon a way to easily get it I'd probably try a small dose but not before asking more questions on here and doing more internet searches to see if it was dangerous on my SSRI.

What drugs does it feel most like??

NOT including Psychs and Stims I'd assume it wouldn't have any similarities with I've done: Oxy, Hydro, Phenibut, Klonopin, Kratom, Kratom extract

Those are the only things I've done I'd assume it could have any comparison to.
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Kind of like a mix of weed and alcohol.

Damn that sounds almost like the perfect drug for me then as I LOVE the combo of weed and alcohol!!!

I'm pretty surprised something like that would feel anything like weed.

What is it typically referred to in terms of it's drug class??

How does it usually feel combined with things like weed and/or booze and/or Phenibut??

Sounds like something I'd probably try to get my hands on now...assuming I could take it with my SSRI and use it infrequently enough to avoid addiction/WDs...
Hmm, after looking it up Wikipedia says Lyrica/Pregabalin is a "GABAentoid and CNS depressant"

How then would it NOT have negative interactions with my Klonopin or other CNS depressants/GABAergic drugs??

Wiki also says "the effects appear after one week".

Is Wiki wrong to say you will need to take it every day for a week to get beneficial effects (aka "get high" LOL)?
I was devastated when I heard the news. Ive been taking kratom for a few months now after a relapse on heroin.

It really is a God sent herb. It's helped me so much with not only curbing my cravings for heroin and other drugs, but it helps me with my pain... and gives me energy so I can wake up and be optimistic in the morning. I struggle from serious depression and anxiety. I almost had a panic attack this morning looking at my bag of kratom... realizing that soon I will probably never see it again... that when I have a panic attack or need energy in the morning... I'll be absolutely shit out of luck. Caffeine makes me feel edgy and anxious, alcohol makes me sick... kratom and weed are all I still use. Even weed can make me paranoid and anxious... which is when I take kratom with it to calm me down.

Before I got back on kratom, I had no energy... I had to drag myself through work... where id be irritable... want to literally lay on the ground and fall asleep... etc. Wanting to quit my job every day and would hardly make it through work... once back on kratom it almost made work... dare I say it, enjoyable? Id be talking to customers... happy, and pain free...

I literally am devastated that this happened... all I can say is FUCK THE DEA! FASCIST FUCKS.

I'm so sorry to hear that. Hopefully all of the petitions and protests will work.
I have never tried it (not to rub it in but I live in Canada, so getting kratom still -- at least yet -- isn't much of a problem) but I do have two boxes of Valerian tea that I plan to take when I take a break from krat.... anyone ever try this? I gave some to my BF and it knocked him out after an hour. ONE teabag. If you're looking to ween off, possibly an option? Also, I don't know if anyone's experimented with smoking it. I know it smells and tastes really good.
Yes it works great for withdrawals. I am so upset over this ban and just when I thought the USA was starting to go in the right direction with marijuana laws finally being overturned.

It's possibly because kratom could potentially have much higher health benefits than marijuana, because it works universally on everyone, whereas pot doesn't agree with many people. It threatens pharma companies because it is, quite literally, a miracle drug. Pot is at best a mild psychedelic that works on some and not on others.
Damn that sounds almost like the perfect drug for me then as I LOVE the combo of weed and alcohol!!!

I'm pretty surprised something like that would feel anything like weed.

What is it typically referred to in terms of it's drug class??

How does it usually feel combined with things like weed and/or booze and/or Phenibut??

Sounds like something I'd probably try to get my hands on now...assuming I could take it with my SSRI and use it infrequently enough to avoid addiction/WDs...

Antiepileptic drugs (AED)

I haven't tried phenibut and never really drank when I was on them but when I did it was always a really low dose. Booze just felt like more booze, same with benzos. I wouldn't recommend taking recreational doses with alcohol.

High doses with weed can be really intense but with low doses it's just kind of like adding a benzo.
Antiepileptic drugs (AED)

I haven't tried phenibut and never really drank when I was on them but when I did it was always a really low dose. Booze just felt like more booze, same with benzos. I wouldn't recommend taking recreational doses with alcohol.

High doses with weed can be really intense but with low doses it's just kind of like adding a benzo.

I'm still wondering how it doesn't have a negative effect with benzos though if it's also a GABA drug and a CNS depressant?

And is wiki wrong in saying you need to take it for a full week to get good effects from it?
This is my concern.

I am temporarily staying with my parents and I feel it's wrong to stock this much of a schedule one substance here and put them at risk.

I feel it could become a burden and that I might want to get rid of it but you don't just throw something considered as illegal as heroin in the garbage if you panic and risk being caught.

What would you guys do if forced to stash that much of a schedule one substance in SOMEONE ELSE'S HOUSE??
just stock up man it's not fully illegal yet they sell it in <snip>, cops have more important stuff to be looking for, at least in Cali lol all they want out here in Antioch is drugs and guns... they don't even care about weed all my life me and my friends have had a cop smoke a blunt right in front of us and laugh and drive away lol and if had them just give all my shit back and not even care lol they're not looking for that stuff at all..they wouldn't even know wat it was, plus all you have to tell them is you bought it from the store a while back and you didn't know it was outlawed, how were you supposed to know? Lol I've detoxed from heroin tons of times and I've never heard of Kratom actually working for that. Does anyone have any comments saying that it truly does work?????
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Hey guys, I made a thread in the Support forum suggesting a front page article about the emergency scheduling. It hasn't gotten much attention but maybe some of you could chime in and get our voices heard.


I know this is an international site, but still think this would be important to have on the front page. Some people still don't know about it.

The White House petition is up over 70,000 already, which is awesome! The other important thing is, if you can, to donate to the American Kratom Association. They'll be the ones heading a legal case and PR exposure, so could use any help you can give.


I do not think that this ban is beyond contesting at this point, keep spreading the word and doing what you can!
Hey guys, I made a thread in the Support forum suggesting a front page article about the emergency scheduling. It hasn't gotten much attention but maybe some of you could chime in and get our voices heard.


I know this is an international site, but still think this would be important to have on the front page. Some people still don't know about it.

The White House petition is up over 70,000 already, which is awesome! The other important thing is, if you can, to donate to the American Kratom Association. They'll be the ones heading a legal case and PR exposure, so could use any help you can give.


I do not think that this ban is beyond contesting at this point, keep spreading the word and doing what you can!

I think that's a great idea! If enough people email news organizations and media it may very well get headline news. Then the DEA will look really bad, and we all know how the US media is at the hands of the government (and vice versa). Media has a big pull on the general public. I mean, we have to look at two sides of the story. On the one hand, media and the people win, but then pharma companies lose. It depends on what has a bigger pull on the choices made -- the media / people or pharma?
So another forum I read about someone trying to organize a literal protest, kind of like Black Lives Matter but with kratom.. what if members of the krat community got together and formed a protest? How many people would be willing to try that? I say it isn't a bad idea, especially since it's still legal!
So another forum I read about someone trying to organize a literal protest, kind of like Black Lives Matter but with kratom.. what if members of the krat community got together and formed a protest? How many people would be willing to try that? I say it isn't a bad idea, especially since it's still legal!

Check out the link posted above. There is a real protest, the information is in the link.

I'm still wondering how it doesn't have a negative effect with benzos though if it's also a GABA drug and a CNS depressant?

And is wiki wrong in saying you need to take it for a full week to get good effects from it?

Technically it's not a GABA drug but it is a CNS depressant and depending on how you look at it one mans "negative effect" is another's potentiation and I said that it potentiates benzos and alcohol to a large degree. With that said I was prescribed 30mg temazepam, 300mg Lyrica and 30mg mirtazapine daily all from the same doctor and he never lifted a eyebrow at this being dangerous.

It worked right away for me, no full week required.
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Utter bullshit. I have been clean (off oxy) for 3 months now thanks to kratom. 100% sure I would've been dead by now without it, if not from overdose, probably suicide. I'm currently able to function again and live a "normal life" after sleeping through entire shifts of work, failing exams, and have mental breakdowns at the peak of my addiction. I don't even need kratom on a daily basis anymore, I just use it when I get a serious craving and I'm itching to go buy. I suppose I'll just stock up in the meantime and sign every petition that I can..
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I was devastated when I heard the news. Ive been taking kratom for a few months now after a relapse on heroin.

It really is a God sent herb. It's helped me so much with not only curbing my cravings for heroin and other drugs, but it helps me with my pain... and gives me energy so I can wake up and be optimistic in the morning. I struggle from serious depression and anxiety. I almost had a panic attack this morning looking at my bag of kratom... realizing that soon I will probably never see it again... that when I have a panic attack or need energy in the morning... I'll be absolutely shit out of luck. Caffeine makes me feel edgy and anxious, alcohol makes me sick... kratom and weed are all I still use. Even weed can make me paranoid and anxious... which is when I take kratom with it to calm me down.

Before I got back on kratom, I had no energy... I had to drag myself through work... where id be irritable... want to literally lay on the ground and fall asleep... etc. Wanting to quit my job every day and would hardly make it through work... once back on kratom it almost made work... dare I say it, enjoyable? Id be talking to customers... happy, and pain free...

I literally am devastated that this happened... all I can say is FUCK THE DEA! FASCIST FUCKS.

It pains me to read this, I am going through something so similar. I was on edge all day today thinking about what I'm going to do in the future, a relapse seems much more likely now for me. 6 months ago I didn't even care if I lived to see 2017 and now that I'm clean and have kratom to help me I feel like I have dreams and plans for my life again. Just want to lie in my bed and scream into a pillow, how can people not see that this plant is LITERALLY SAVING LIVES