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Edible help/question Dosing ?

Thomas Davie

Moderator: CD
Staff member
Feb 6, 2013
Hey all;

I've got some Cannabis oil (edible kind) that I bought from a licensed producer (Canada). It is 100 ml Sunflower oil @ 17 mg/ml THC. So, 1700 mg for the whole bottle. It came with a dosing syringe that attaches to the bottle for removal of the product.

I've had edibles in the past (brownies, granola bars, little blocks of hash, milkshakes, etc). But I've got no idea what they were dosed at. Last edible was ~4 years ago. Some home made firecrackers containing ~1g vaped bud in each.

Colorado calls for 10 mg as a starting dose. Is that likely underdosing on my part?


We set 10-mg limit in CO for recreational edibles, but left medical where it was, no particular regulations. I get an edible that's 225-mg but divided into 10 pieces. I eat b/w 44- and 88-mg when I medicate.

10-mg is very low, very safe.

Thing is, I know lots of people that smoke wildly various amounts regularly, as there seems to be little correlation b/w, smoking tolerance and edible "tolerance" (or tolerability might be a better term). Edible tolerance will settle in as you continue to dose edibles. You'll find your sweet spot.

I'd say start with 30-mg and then do the standard - wait two full hours and dose more if you need. When you get to where you want you'll know what you like. Though, if it takes you several re-doses to get the right effect, remember that next time you'll need somewhat less than the total you consumed during your trial b/c some metabolized during your trial run. So, if you had to titrate up to say 100-mg (that's a high end for almost eveyone I know taking professionally made edibles, until they get a big tolerance) maybe only dose 80-mg the next time. Should be about the same.

Always consume with some fatty food in your stomach, recently consumed, and you'll get the most out of it. Edibles on an empty stomach can have a much muted response, possibly leading to overestimating needed in the future.

Dosing too high will ruin your experience. Always can take more, not less. Give every increment two full hours to take effect.


Edit: my edibles are 225-mg divided in ten pieces, not 10-mg increments. So I usually dose by the piece, starting at two pieces, so ~45-mg, then I'll take one piece every two hours until I'm good. Sometimes 45-mg is fine, others I'll go up to ~90-mg. Anything over 100-mg gets very weird for me. I believe the variability in response isn't so much poor dosing by the manufacturer, but rather my mood, pain level, smoking habits, stomach contents and the oddities of my benzo taper. If I didn't mention above it's Blue Kudo bars that I buy and eat, and only them. That's only useful info for my fellow residents. They do make recreational bars as well. Just capped at 100-mg per package, and divided into ten "doses" for consumer safety. And it costs more... So glad I'm legit medical when it comes to tax, pricing and choice.

Edit 2: the edit above makes it seem as if I vary my dose most times. I don't. Almost always three pieces does me fine. So, most often I dose at about 68-mg (3x22.5 +/- some). That's an amount I'll sometimes take all at once, if I'm going to be doing nothing much, as I easily can handle it if that is a bit more than I probably needed. If I need to go up to 90-mg I do so in several increments, errors at that dose can be uncomfortable for me. Rarely do I need more than 68-mg.
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I was conservative and took 1 ml (17mg) about 15 minutes ago. I was trying to hold the oil under my tongue, but it was difficult because it tasted pretty good - so I ended up swallowing it after a few minutes. I can always take more at another time or bump the dose up in a few hours.

Thanks speedballs_over Although I've smoked a number of years and consumed edibles, this is the first time I've used a labelled medical extract/edible. That's actually the only currently available legal edible in Canada - food grade oils from the licensed producers.

Anywyas, like I said - it tasted good, so I'm sure I'll use it a lot and add to this thread.

How'd it work out? What amount did the trick, assuming the trick got done? Thanks, I'm always curious what others think of mass produced edibles and their dosage. As I wrote, I use a mass produced edible for consistency and ease of access.
Always consume with some fatty food in your stomach, recently consumed, and you'll get the most out of it. Edibles on an empty stomach can have a much muted response, possibly leading to overestimating needed in the future.

I'm on an edible oil (10mg/ml olive oil). I use 5 ml or 50mg twice a day but always on an empty stomach, I've had issues with delayed onset as late as 10 hours if I have eaten recently.

I've been told to eat about 45 minutes to one hour after taking my oil. Seeing your advice to not take on an empty stomach just stood out to me. I never take any additional oil regardless of "not feeling it" after two hours as the dose doesn't usually get me much of a 'high'. I just wait out 6-8 hours til I reuse.

How much do you suggest eating before use? Do you ever experience long delays before onset?
Test #1 1.0 ml (17) mgs Taken on a largely empty stomach. Definitely felt it within 90 minutes and I would have characterized it as muscle relaxation plus waves of drowsiness. The muscle relaxation felt like a low level body stone.

Test #2 I was intending to take 2.0 ml (34)mg; but instead of using a pipettes, I used the included dosing syringe. I figure ~2.4 ml, or 40.8 mg. This time, I had eaten a 1/4 lb home made burger minutes before taking the oil. Having that mass of food impacted or delayed onset. No transition to getting 'high', just increasingly drowsy. I was counteracting the drowsiness by taking small bong rips of a strong Sativa, but after 3-4 hours, I had to call it a night.

I had really wanted to buy the Sativa oil, but it was sold out. I'm still going to grab it when possible.

So far, I think it hit harder and quicker and at a lower dose. - because the first time I tried it, I was on a 20ish hour fast. On 17 mg, I felt completely normal. On 40.8 mg, I felt sluggish, impaired and quite couch locked. Both times, one beer was on board.

Best part though, is no hangover or sluggishness in the morning. Solid sleep, and an instant start.

I'm on an edible oil (10mg/ml olive oil). I use 5 ml or 50mg twice a day but always on an empty stomach, I've had issues with delayed onset as late as 10 hours if I have eaten recently.

I've been told to eat about 45 minutes to one hour after taking my oil. Seeing your advice to not take on an empty stomach just stood out to me. I never take any additional oil regardless of "not feeling it" after two hours as the dose doesn't usually get me much of a 'high'. I just wait out 6-8 hours til I reuse.

How much do you suggest eating before use? Do you ever experience long delays before onset?

My suggestions on consuming with fatty food is the general consensus of the medical marijuana community, at least in my area. I'd look into more concrete sources than myself. There's lots of good info out there.

IME, I have noted muted effects without food, but just in this thread alone we have different experiences.

So... Not sure what to say. I suppose it could vary a bit by individual.
My metabolism doesn't allow for the fun times with edibles everyone talks about :(

I've tried them all, to no avail.
My metabolism doesn't allow for the fun times with edibles everyone talks about :(

I've tried them all, to no avail.

Do you get high from smoking / Vaping / Sublingual etc or just edibles ?