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Oral cannabis & microdosing


Jul 22, 2010

I'm a daily smoker at moderate doses (approx. 50-70mg of high quality bud a day), mostly vaporized or smoked (w/o tobacco). I've had some experiences with oral cannabis, but always felt like it is kind of hit and miss. either it's a bit too strong for my liking or too subtle (but when I ate cannabis, I wanted it to be a proper experience, something special).

Recently I've been thinking to try to replace my normal inhaled dose with an oral tincture (easier way to dose than making edibles), probably 50/50 AVB/fresh bud in olive oil. I know that it will be less potent than smoking and vaping, but I want to try to be on a dose where I can function normally with out the constant coming down in between like it is with inhalation. I am aiming for a level where I have the positive effects of daily cannabis use (mood lift, being grounded) but with a more drawn out comedown, so I can dose in the afternoon (or morning if possible) and be satisfied for longer, because with smoking I feel that with every redose, the negative effects get stronger (fuzzy mind, getting tired, problems focussing).
Smoking/vaping is also really more-ish sometimes, so when I am depressed or in a shitty mood, I tend to smoke a bit too much, I was hoping that oral use might not be as re-enforcing.

I will start the experiment next weekend, before that I have too much work to do, but I think I will start at 50mg on empty stomach for the first dose and see how it goes (no inhalation at the same time of course).

has anybody experiences with regular/daily dosing of edibles in a similar fashion (doses on which one remains functional), or any ideas? I will report back anyway :)

PS: in my experience, cooking cannabis in milk is considerably more potent and works faster than eating baked goods, so I assume that dosing an oil infusion will work in a similar fashion.

50mg might even be a bit much, especially if you're interested in "microdosing".

Just make a tincture (glycerin is a good option, as is coconut/MCT oil, olive has kinda fallen out of fashion, but if you like it, I don't think there's a big issue) with whatever recipe you like best online, but a slow and slow temperature/time is your best bet (something in a crock pot). Then just start with 1 drop 2-3/day and work your way up from there.

If it's not a problem to acquire, you'll have more success making a larger batch of tincture, probably 1oz bud. If you have access, you can also use trim or shake, as you'll strain out the plant matter from your liquid.
Surely you don't really mean 50mg? There are 1000mg in 1g, so 1/20th of a gram of bud a day? You mean 500-700mg surely?

Oral doses can be a bit hit or miss, especially if you're not trying to get wreaked. You don't know how much THC is in your bud, especially if it's AVB. Regular dosing will give you a tolerance.

Milk is one of the best ways to prepare it because it's absorbed easier than oil.

If you can make a larger batch then at least you can learn how strong that particular batch is, so the doses aren't as random, but then you've got to store it & keep it fresh.

Alcohol tincture is another possible option, at least it should stay fresh.
If you're looking for 'micro doses' of oral cannabis 50mg of THC is not going to be one.

If you want a micro dose since you smoke/vape often aim for 2-10mg if you can get or make edibles that are accurate in their THC mg.

If you want to have a very psychedelic experience from cannabis eat a high dose of it; but make sure you don't have to drive or go anywhere like work or school for awhile.

If you make a beverage/decoction or edible food with cannabis or hash, keep in mind that it's entirely way too easy to consume a high dose, and that oral cannabis or hash does take awhile to take into effect.

I have experience with both a high dose of cannabis, and a low dose. The high dose was psychedelic and very intense at times, and completely different than smoking. The low dose of oral hash was enjoyable and made me energetic but sort of sleepy but I was OK with this as I was traveling through Spain and not driving.

Next time just use actual cannabis or hash, and don't use any vaped/avb at all.
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Surely you don't really mean 50mg? There are 1000mg in 1g, so 1/20th of a gram of bud a day? You mean 500-700mg surely?

Oral doses can be a bit hit or miss, especially if you're not trying to get wreaked. You don't know how much THC is in your bud, especially if it's AVB. Regular dosing will give you a tolerance.

Milk is one of the best ways to prepare it because it's absorbed easier than oil.

If you can make a larger batch then at least you can learn how strong that particular batch is, so the doses aren't as random, but then you've got to store it & keep it fresh.

Alcohol tincture is another possible option, at least it should stay fresh.

I wonder if this has anything to do with the reason why the only edibles I've cared for are chocolate bars. 500mg will have me feeling good, similar to how half a gram would.
thanks for the input! I don't buy dairy products, so milk is not an option. I think I'll stick with olive oil and I'll prepare a 1g/100ml solution to test the waters. don't really wanna make more than this for the first time in case I don't like it that much.

maybe microdosing wasn't the right expression, I'm looking for noticable effects in roughly the same intensity as my normal inhaled doses. and to DrGreenthumb, I meant what I wrote.. ;) I just like to keep my doses low these days, because with tolerance kicking in, 500mg will be the same kind of high anyway at some point (been there). I find that sticking to vaping and smoking small hits from a pipe really conserves your material. joints are just plain wasteful in my opinion.
oral dosing builds tolly quick iirc.

difficult to give you an idea on what to dose oral compared to smoked as there are many variables. you now this.

oral possibly my favourite roa though.

agree about joints.
maybe microdosing wasn't the right expression, I'm looking for noticeable effects in roughly the same intensity as my normal inhaled doses.

That's not what edible cannabis feels like.

Prepare to get too high (or not high at all) a few times before you hit your sweet spot. And then you'll realize that it still isn't the same as smoking.

NOTE: I eat cannabis oil everyday, but it doesn't replace vaping/smoking for me, just in addition.
yeah I guess so. well, I have a long weekend coming up to experiment!
well I didn't have the time to make an extract afterall, but I cooked it in some milk, 100mg for a cup (but 80% of it was AVB, so with green only, I'd use substantially less). I didn't smoke/vape beforehand and only smoked a little in the evening when the effects were gone.

about an hour after consumption, I definately felt the effects building up and I still felt it until late in the afternoon (drank it at 11am). at the peak it felt similar intensity-wise to smoking the same amount in a joint, I got really tired when the effects started to fade, but I didn't sleep much the night before and was physically exhausted as well. I also think that using AVB always gives a more sedating high, maybe because of higher CBD to THC ratio in it?

I really liked the effects and I think I will continue with this when I have more time to experiment. next time probably less, but equal amounts of green and AVB, hopefully for a more energetic high.

greets :)
Came across an oral spray at my local dispensary that was 250 mg spread over 80 sprays, which is pretty micro dosages. Keep an eye out for something like that, maybe, seems like what you're looking for.

What with the amount of time it takes to be hit by an edible, I think microdosing might be a waste.