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Heroin BA of IM heroin?


Bluelight Crew
Nov 18, 2008
My veins are burned out. I start methadone tommorow but I want to finish my dope tonight. What's the BA of IM heroin and should I do it in my shoulder area or butt? I have 29 gauge long needles if that matters. Any tips are appreciated. Like I'm thinking just yah the needles all the way into the muscle right?
We typically recommend at least 5/8" rigs for IM, usually we stock 27G5/8 and 23G1 1/2" (1.5")- those we recommend as the best IM rig we can stock - to ensure it his the muscle. Using a typical 28G1/2 we don't endorse, you'll likely end up with an abscess prone SC injection, which will get you high. Just like a miss will. This is all just at the syringe access program I support and volunteer at (and occasionally am a "client")

Sounds like you got longer rigs (>1/2" tip), that's good, very good. Many people, myself included, used to use our "regular" 28G1/2 to IM. If it took me too many tries and too many new points to hit a vein. I usually used my butt, but again I've learned from my HR work that the upper arm, where you typically get inoculated as a kid (or adult if you travel overseas, flu shots, etc...) is the best spot due to good blood flow.

Clean everything, and prepare shot as if it were for IV, insert fully at spot on upper tricep, try to be at a perfect 90 degree angle, pull back to be sure you're not in a vein if you are then you can decide on the fly if you want to take the opportunity or pull out or backload a new rig, add a little clean, cold water if there's much blood in the solution, shake to mix, and go around again - and plunge slowly. I've never got a vein doing IMs, more likely you'd hit an artery with a 1.5" needle. If you do pull out immediately! I never got an artery with about 50 IM injections and our clients don't report that they have done so. Still, it can happen.

You won't get a rush, I rarely did IV much less IM unless I did too much by IV. Your danger is in using too much b/c it will hit delayed, but you'll get the full effects of the loaded rig. Don't redose for at least a half hour or more, you risk OD, it's happened to me with misses, a few times I immediate reloaded and hit properly after just a few minutes. Too much, too fast.

You won't loose any dope if it's done properly, but your high may feel a bit muted. I never minded to much, and sometimes IM'd straight away if I was sick or in a big hurry (using a family member's bathroom, public place, etc...)

Best wishes for your recovery, you are going for a complete switch and end to dope use, correct? I hope so, there's so much more to life, don't let it pass by.

Be clean, deep abscesses suck, and your risk I believe is higher by IM'ing versus a good clean IV hit, so if possible I used wheel filters, but rarely was that practical.

Best. Wishes. Get well. Love life!
Thanksso much for the info! Very helpful! Yeah man I'm just trying to quit heroin completely. I am not worried about kicking the weed and benzos at the moment. One thing at a time you know? I will defiantly try to be sterile! Again thank you!
The higher infection / access risk is true. Have you considered plugging?
It should be 100% bioavaliblity. The only difference between I.M. and I.V. is you dont get the rush associated with the latter.
I never tried IM ...I think I always thought it would be like it is when you miss. I know some people say they can feel the dope from a miss but personally I could be in withdrawal and miss and it didnt even slightly take away the wd. Obviously if I was IVing 3 bags I k know missing (SC injection) wouldn't get me good--but I wouldn't experience even a little help with taking away the wd

Good luck with the methadone. I've been on the clinic again for a little over a year and haven't used anything since last June. (Funny part is I got off state parole in July and could've went to town but I'm just sort of grown past that desire). Methadone can be a life changer if you really just take that and stay off the opiates. I've actually been coming down cause--get this-- I'm bored with being able to nod out on demand and waste the day away. Was at 90 and am now down to 65 and I felt no discomfort coming down at all

Sorry I can't help much on your IM part. Theoretically I believe it is100 percent bioavailability but with slower onset as someone said.

Good luck!