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RCs The Methiopropamine N-methyl-1-(thiophen-2-yl)propan-2-amine (MPA) Megathread V2

not sure but if it is the brown stuff its shit had 25g of it about two years ago and it wasn't far off inactive that's how i bust my hip built up blood pressure so high i popped my hip out of place
use her lips ? :)

i cocked up again last night and reset my recover back again got 3 g of this coming with 3 of 3fpm so i will find out if i missed out on iddp or it was this that when mixed kicks like a good pill
Personally I found the HCl salt fine for vaping as is.
You could attempt to freebase the material, though I'm unsure how effective that would be.
I liked EPH because it worked fine with my SSRI's (Only use stims every few months) but I've realised this also has serotonin releasing agent's i like EPH because it worked on Dopamine, Is this stuff a no go for me or shall i stick with shitting cut mephedrone(Mkat) from the dikchead across the street
Any supplements that prevent stim dick? Ginseng? I wanna meet this girl and have a puff before but don't wanna have a shrivelled dick and no action
You can edit your posts to prevent multiple one liner posts ;)

Dose lower or long enough before sex but if you take so much that your D gets small there is not much you can do about it.
I'd like to know if it's safe to mix Etizolam (2mg) while bumping some dose of Methiopropamine (like 20 - 30mg) every 30 minutes or hours.

Is it safe to do?

Thank you :)
yes just make sure your last benzo is taken long before your stims run out and remember you can still blackout like you do when just taking benzo on there own
I took the Etizolam and Methiopropamine both at the same time. I'm still doing bumps of MPA right now. What can be dangerous ?
its like with a speed ball the always the problem that the benzo will out last the stim and you end up dropping to much

ive end up having fits as well because ive gone into withdrawals from benzo while high on stims

i cant take stims now with out dropping a benzo first

also stay away from them Deschloro-etizolam ones the made me dysphoric
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Had my last shipment of this jacked by customs (Im assuming) but they let the pyrazolam I ordered with it through(albeit about 3 and a half months late). Theyve gone through my packages before and always let MPA go through but it's possible it will be banned soon?
@Kishka Actually a benzo with a stim such as mpa can be useful in blood pressure/ vasoconstriction as well as anxiety. However the combo is not without its dangers especially relating to blackout, tolerance/dependence, and withdrawal issues as fools gold has poonted out. I definitely would not wanna encounter benzo withdrawal while on a stimulant yikes!!
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