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RCs Clonazolam (Clonitrazolam)

I agree with most of what you're saying here. Essentially problems such as anxiety, depression and lack of attention / hyper-attention are medicated because these are issues which stop people being "productive" within society (stop people going to work). The fact that so many people suffer from these problems it itself shows that these are not individual problems we are all experiencing, they are a shared problem we all have due to the way society is structured, and no matter how many pills we shove down our throats these problems will never disappear because after the drugs wear off society is still enforcing this pressure on you.

However, even though I am aware of this, I am also aware that these substances do perform a function. Saying "there's absolutely nothing that can justify using benzodiazepines for "treating" anxiety disorders like social anxiety" isn't true because they clearly do help people in these situations. They aren't a cure, because that would require a radical change in the way society is structured (which I am all for btw), but they do serve a purpose.

Social and other phobias do respond to benzos and I prescribe them for that but I also know that if you combine the chemical approach with cognitive and behavioural therapy treatment and slowly withdraw the chemicals a permanent solution can often be found. Is it a bad thing that I want people to be as functional as possible and free from the yoke of addiction?
Obviously, I am a gatekeeper but that applies across the board for all things including ingrown toenails. When it comes to drug addicts I believe that addicts cannot be forced to give up and I should be able to be the supplier of their drug of choice because then, at least, I know the quality of the drug they are getting, retain a relationship with the patient and keep them out of the criminal justice system. I think it absurd that that being caught in possession of a bottle of whiskey is not a crime but with heroin, coke and many other drugs it is. It is scientifically illiterate and criminalising decent people whose drug of choice is not alcohol or nicotine is an affront to society.

It is true that I worry about street drugs of unknown quality and dose. I don't want to create more addicts because I see what the stigma of addiction does to people and the harm done to third parties by the actions of some addicts who commit crimes to support their addiction.

I want to help addicts, not demonise them or force them into treatment programmes which never work unless the addict wants them to work. I despise 12 step approaches which seem to be respected when all the evidence suggests that doing nothing yields better results.

I have a perfect right to be worried about the wide availability of drugs like clonazolam, particularly in powder form which invites eyeballing because I see the effects on people that state of affairs creates.

Really glad there are people like you who are in the medical profession.
Social and other phobias do respond to benzos and I prescribe them for that but I also know that if you combine the chemical approach with cognitive and behavioural therapy treatment and slowly withdraw the chemicals a permanent solution can often be found. Is it a bad thing that I want people to be as functional as possible and free from the yoke of addiction?

No not at all. But I do feel (like I mentioned in my previous post) that many things are medicated or treated for the benefit of society rather than the individual. If you're going to work for example, and your boss is bullying you on a daily basis, then a legitimate response to that will be to feel anxious and maybe even depressed. If you undertake CBT and drug treatments they might help you cope with that situation, or make you feel better or think differently about it, but the boss is still a bully.

I dunno if this is making any sense..... I myself take medication (both prescribed and not so prescribed) and have mixed feelings about it all.
No not at all. But I do feel (like I mentioned in my previous post) that many things are medicated or treated for the benefit of society rather than the individual. If you're going to work for example, and your boss is bullying you on a daily basis, then a legitimate response to that will be to feel anxious and maybe even depressed. If you undertake CBT and drug treatments they might help you cope with that situation, or make you feel better or think differently about it, but the boss is still a bully.

I dunno if this is making any sense..... I myself take medication (both prescribed and not so prescribed) and have mixed feelings about it all.

It does and I make a point of telling patients that their boss is acting in an unlawful manner and have personally written to HR departments ,with the patient's permission, to remind them that now they have been made aware of it a failure to take action to stop it renders the employer liable to financial sanctions which, in some cases, qualify for removal of the employment tribunal compensation ceiling and could result in a compensation order unbounded by any limit.
It does and I make a point of telling patients that their boss is acting in an unlawful manner and have personally written to HR departments ,with the patient's permission, to remind them that now they have been made aware of it a failure to take action to stop it renders the employer liable to financial sanctions which, in some cases, qualify for removal of the employment tribunal compensation ceiling and could result in a compensation order unbounded by any limit.

It's good that you operate this way. Would you say you're the norm under these circumstances or an exception to the rule?

Back to the Clonazolam discussion. Have again taken 1 x 0.5 capsule today and it works as well as it did the first time. Think I genuinely love this substance.
Taken 1mg at once today about 2 hours ago and it's completely jiggered me. Definitely only doing 0.5 for future reference. Feel amazing but the chances of me getting anything done is far below zero.
Obviously, I am a gatekeeper but that applies across the board for all things including ingrown toenails. When it comes to drug addicts I believe that addicts cannot be forced to give up and I should be able to be the supplier of their drug of choice because then, at least, I know the quality of the drug they are getting, retain a relationship with the patient and keep them out of the criminal justice system. I think it absurd that that being caught in possession of a bottle of whiskey is not a crime but with heroin, coke and many other drugs it is. It is scientifically illiterate and criminalising decent people whose drug of choice is not alcohol or nicotine is an affront to society.

It is true that I worry about street drugs of unknown quality and dose. I don't want to create more addicts because I see what the stigma of addiction does to people and the harm done to third parties by the actions of some addicts who commit crimes to support their addiction.

I want to help addicts, not demonise them or force them into treatment programmes which never work unless the addict wants them to work. I despise 12 step approaches which seem to be respected when all the evidence suggests that doing nothing yields better results.

I have a perfect right to be worried about the wide availability of drugs like clonazolam, particularly in powder form which invites eyeballing because I see the effects on people that state of affairs creates.

You sound like an alright person, I told you from the start.It's a bit infantilizing though to be told man watch out for those 0.5mg clonazolam gelcaps! When you probably have a patient on 2mg xanax prn up to 8 tabs a day (extrapolation), let's say Ativan or Serax. I mean, yeah, people don't want things in powder, i remember back 4-5 years ago when I got my first bag of 250mg of etizolam powder (which I got the scales for), I studied chemistry, I'm a chem technician, a level lower than an engineer...by a manner of just one certain class I was unable to beat after 3 semesters where my schedule was empty except for the 6 hours a week of said course...anyways, my failures aside, nobody gave a fuck about it. One time I had 4mg flubromazepams pressed pellets on me and every pill head wanted some. I was told that powder like that was "bad presentation" and remembering telling the friend bringing me there "I wasn't a tupperware lady and I didn't want to sell anything in the first place"...that dude isn't my friend anymore.

So yeah, I mean, you just became a bluelighter here, imagine people with upwards 500 posts start knowing what they're talking about, those that don't kind of get put in their place very fast, for harm reduction purposes but also because of some's (it's not as bad now) ingrained trolling, but since anononomous isn't a thing anymore I've seen changes in multiple communities where the tryhards at being annoying gnats have disappeared. Your insistence that RC benzos is a bad thing reminded me of some guy being happy GBL was now really difficult to find even when legal, like here.

Seriously, benzos are not even a blip in the arena of danger to one's health. There is 2 supermarkets, 1 smaller grocery store and 3 Couche-Tards (kind of like 7/11's)in my neighborhood with enough beer combined to kill half the town. And I don't include the government controlled wine and liquor store, because it's a bit farther, past the train overpass so not in my neighborhood. Oh I forgot about all the cancer sticks too. I'm glad I stopped the cigs 5 months ago, gave me some confidence again that I can have some control over what I put in my body and not act by pure logic and end up like in that special Futurama episode where Bender asks what it would be like if he became human.

Well, he becomes insanely fat, has all the beers, all the pussy, all the cigars and dies. So obviously, only thinking in self-defeating use of logic isn't going to help one or others.
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Benzos are a major danger to some groups. Once a person is approaching their late 50s they literally become an accident waiting to happen as they accumulate the ordinary but treatable conditions that come with age. The number of black eyes, orbital fractures and hip fractures that are a result of interaction, efficiency of metabolism changes and motor skill loss combined with a benzo habit is frightening. Not to mention accidental repeat dosing of complete medication sets due to memory loss.
Clonazepam is not a drug for treating anxiety and its licence in the UK does not include its use in the treatment of anxiety disorders. I prescribe it, rarely and sparingly, for epilepsy and certain idiopathic non-convulsive epileptiform disorders and epilepticus states of those disorders. There are some off licence conditions I can prescribe it for but only in small doses. Also, tolerance to etizolam is less burdensome than most benzos. Clonazolam with its sub-milligram action is an accident waiting to happen.

Clonazepam is the most effective benzodiazepine for panic disorder combined with agoraphobia in the 1mg every 12 hours dosing or 0.5mg 3 times a day. It was a godsend for me for many years before I switched to Valium which doesn't TOUCH agoraphobia to start a very long taper due to the time I'd been on benzos. Clonazepam is more effective than Valium in every way,not to mention it has an antidepressant effect not found with any other benzo and isn't considered recreational except by a very select few who get euphoric from it. It's a shame the UK doesn't recognize its benefits.
I am not against the use of benzodiazepine drugs in specific instances. To say that clonazepam is only used for anxiety in Canada is a shrinking truth. At its peak 95% of prescriptions were off-label. Current guidelines simply include it in the list of benzodiazepines suitable for use as adjunctive therapy in the early phase of treatment. Guidelines in Canada state that benzos should be used at regularly dosed intervals for a short period of time and not used on an as needed basis. Roche do not market Rivotril as an anxiolytic and, as in many countries, its use as such is in decline.


Are you serious? I would say that besides Lorazepam Clonazepam is the most prescribed benzo for anxiety in Canada. If i was going to bet i would say Lorazepam would be number 1, Clonazepam number 2 and with maybe Valium coming in at number 3. Temazepam would probably be the most prescribed hypnotic benzo. This varies depending on where you live in Canada though of course and i have noticed Valium and Bromazepam are prescribed alot more here then on the mainland. Probably because that's what old school docs like prescribing. In the UK i think Clonazepam is hard to get for anxiety but in Canada it's one of the first they will try you on. It is used as a benzo to take everyday on schedule and also to take as needed.

Personally i don't think that long term benzo use for anxiety is that bad as long as the person does not abuse them or atleast keeps to just taking a few extra every now and then. I would certainly consider benzos safer then using say Seroquel or some other atypical anti-psychotic off label for anxiety. Also as someone who has been through both withdrawal from a SNRI like Venlafaxine is about as bad as benzo wd if not worse and SSRI's and SNRI's can take just as long or longer to wean off safely. As for Gabapentin i found that to be possibly the most physically painful drug to taper off. So i would say using benzos for anxiety is no worse then most alternatives as atleast you won't get type 2 diabetes from Clonazepam. I have seen doctors do really dumb shit such as prescribe high doses of Seroquel, give a patient 30mg's of Zyprexa a day resulting in Tardive Dyskinesia and cardiac problems, giving someone Chlorpromazine and even Haldol ffs to treat anxiety all because they did not want to prescribe a benzo. Despite these drugs having far more risks and Haldol is one they only even use in emergencies or if nothing else works in patients suffering from psychosis or mania. I guess their rational for this is that anti-psychotics aren't fun at all but to a small proportion of people benzos are.

I have been on Clonazepam since about 2005 for GAD as well as panic disorder as well as to help my manic episodes as i have bipolar disorder. It also helps the Trigeminal neuralgia i have so i do take it for more then anxiety although anxiety was the first reason i was prescribed it. I have been on 6mg's of Clonazepam a day since 2007 and except for when someone made off with my pills when i was in a shitty city in upper Canada i haven't run out more then a few days early and that only happened a few times and since it's no problem to get a refill a few days early on benzos that was never a problem. Often i don't even take my full dose of the month and having some left over is handy.

Rivotril may only be officially marketed on the product monograph as use as a anti-Convulsant but it's primary use is in treating anxiety disorders. It also seems to be the go to benzo for treating Trigeminal Neuralgia as well as other forms of neuropathic pain. I mean they use Lorazepam as a go to drug for stopping seizures these days (well either that or Valium) in Canada but officially on the product monograph it is not indicated for this purpose. Despite Ativan for IV/IM use being a standard medicine in every clinic in Canada because of it's anti-Convulsant properties. Clonazepam is indicated for use in various anxiety disorders in Canada but for some reason the product monograph of Rivotril only lists it as a Anti-convulsant which is probably just left over from when Rivotril was first marketed in Canada. It is a good choice as a everyday benzo if you have to take them regularly because the long half life makes sure missing a dose or 2 won't hurt you that much (though it's a bad practice to skip doses especially if your prone to seizures) plus compared to the short acting benzos used for anxiety such as Lorazepam and Alprazolam (Xanax is rarely prescribed where i live for some reason) Clonazepam is less addictive. Unlike other long acting benzos such as Valium and Flurazepam aka Dalmane Clonazepam has no active metabolites which is another thing doctors like about it.

So yes it is used quite often for anxiety in Canada and is going to be one of the first drugs prescribed to you for that purpose if a doctor thinks you need a benzo for your anxiety. Most if not all benzodiazepines posses some anti-Convulsant properties though Clonazepam and Valium seem to be the 2 most prescribed benzos to treat long term seizures. I guess Lorazepam's short half life makes it unsuitable for long term treatment.

I don't see why people are so eager for RC benzos as the only benzo i have found to pack any euphoria is Temazepam. I have had ampules of Valium and vials of Ativan for IM/IV use and i didn't even get any euphoria taking those 2 IV. But oral Temazepam is great and i could and have eaten those red and blue caps all day. But then again i have noticed that in some places doctors treat any benzo like fucking Dilaudid. If i didn't actually have a need to take Clonazepam i wouldn't because i don't get any euphoria from it so to me it's no different then the Lamictal i take really. I don't know why that in some places i have been to they seem intent on not prescribing benzos and a ER in Canada's shitty frozen capital city was going to refuse to prescribe them to me even though i had run out through no fault of my own and had proof from a GP, shrink and neurologist that i needed to be on it. I think if i was going to scam a doctor i would atleast go for a decent opiate not a fucking benzo. Yet they hand out SSRI's and SNRI's like candy. Thank fuck i can't take either because of my Bipolar disorder both are off limits for me though

I would rank Clonazepam as being very effective for anxiety although Valium at equal doses is abit more sedating but no doctor is going to prescribe 120mg's of Valium a day. Temazepam is also good for anxiety but sadly it's use is restricted to being a sleep aid only. Probably a good thing or i would be eating Temazepam all day ;)
Heh, he brought up the hip fractures.

He's really reaching here, reminds me of the now removed triazolam (yeah, goodbye Halcion, glad I had you only once at least) that really focused on the dangers to the elderly etc. We're all aware of this here.

RC Benzos are more a good thing than a bad thing. It keeps me from being in that damn cycle I was in because I am underdosed (on purpose, I could ask for a raise, well, more like a switch, more likely to Bromazepam 6mg x3 a day to compensate the 20mg valium a day, I don't think he'd want to put me on 30mg of valium a day) and sometimes life's circumstances, especially things I cannot change, overwhelm me so much because well, now I know, thanks to clonazepam putting a stop to my panic disorder from 2007 to 2010, it made me think things through and find other ways to calm myself and also be able to think in different processes that allows for one not to be trembling in fear due to a feeling of lack of control/imminent death/country 'A' as the FBI calls it going all Samson on us when the eventuality the rest of the world gets sick of their barbarity inevitably happens. It helped me put away my fear of close contact with people of the opposite gender, I used to push away girls, even the pretty ones who would show interest in me, clonazepam helped me in so many ways. It was like a pause button for my brain which was stuck watching a horror movie.Then when I felt the addiction wasn't worth it anymore, because I felt TOO carefree and kinda zombified at 3.5mg a day, I asked, to the surprise of my psychiatrist, to be tapered down using diazepam, but I got stuck at 20mg because we didn't exactly use the Ashton manual, and then, it had been 3 and a half years I had been on ever increasing doses of clonazepam, after using for more than a year, there's no way that when I decide to leave the diazepam behind, from where I'm at, it's going to be 1mg at once every 2-3 weeks, and even have pauses in reduction, again if necessary.Thankfully the dosages of valium pills allow for 1mg reductions which is a plus. 3.5mg of clonazepam was converted to 55mg of valium for a week, 50, 45, 40 etc. and I thought I could do it. Something traumatic happened when I got to around 25mg in my life (just had to happen right then, didn't it?), well it happened to everyone's life, but it's not like they ever noticed,most of em anyway. So when I dropped to under 20mg of valium to 15mg, the drop in dosage was way too much and I had to call in sick and go to the ER to have things sorted out, had to tell the ER doc about all the antidepressants I took and why I stopped them(to his insistence). When he heard about my Paxil mania, he said, okay, we'll put you back on 20mg until you meet your psychiatrist again.But the whole time he was telling me "Anxiety is treated with antidepressants, ALWAYS". 8).

So right now, at 20mg, on a threshold dose to feel ok and sleep okay, I do get bad days and good days too, where I take less, split a 10mg in 2 and have 15mg a day, or 10. The supplemental benefits of professionally (it is possible to know how professional X vendor is, I can't tell you how one can do this here, it would count as sourcing) of having these on the market for me to buy freely and take responsibly for those damn days where I needed 30mg to get by, or 25...I tell you never again do I want to live in a state of cold turkey benzo situation because a)can't refill b)can't go to the ER and hope to be helped, i'd have to invent stuff about losing my script etc. and at some point, I did that too often so I didn't go to an ER in years now (3) so that I won't be treated like the last time I was in benzo CT withdrawal due to not taking my script exactly as scripted (which is illogical like i said, the fact the dosage is rigid is what causes problems like this). Yeah, last time I went in because I had 4 days left before I could renew, the extremely stuck up female doc I happened to meet (not saying all female docs are like her, but they happen to be more strict and protocol abiding in all cases, which is a female trait) who said, "go back in the waiting room and wait until you seize out, I'm not not helping you. You abuse your script and I will tell your doc."

They keep me and others from annoying these sanctimonious ER docs when experiencing the hell on earth that is benzo withdrawal. And with valium I endure it, because it's an endurable torture. Back when I was on clonazepam, at the dosage I was, and the fact I seem to metabolize it faster than usual,it does have a large range of metabolization, from the top of my head it was about 35 to 110 hours. Considering the vast majority of people who use benzos out there, don't take them everyday, and use them purely in utilitarian fashion, I say yeah, it's still better that you use that, than an opiate or alcohol to put yourself to sleep after using stimulants,psychedelics etc. Or just the occasional insomnia, without the insane annoyance that is of having doctor's appointments and trying to convince them that is not trazodone for occasional next-day delibitating insomnia. Before I got on that benzo train, my old school doc, who now unfortunately retired last fall, back in the early '00s he was scripting me Seconals, I would tell him how many exams I was scared of failing which happened in the morning the next day, and script me one dose for every night before such exams, such a trust was wonderful. When the feds removed all barbs except for a 2, useless for sleep, he used Placidyl for my educational anxiety caused insomnia, Placidyl was removed in 2006. I was using OTC Promethazine 50mg pills,diphenhydramine 50mg and all the shit things I could get when all those were gone, never asked for a benzo, until I was scripted 0.25mg xanax by him before sleep. 0.25mg didn't do much, 0.5 just calmed me but did nothing like what we wanted, so I got a script to the best z-drug we had, Starnoc (Zaleplon), used that for the occasional insomnia, especially as my issue is falling asleep, once I do, i'm a brick. Canada removed Zaleplon because I guess it came in gelcaps, which contained a snortable powder (yeah you could do that with Zaleplon, I'm sure americans here knwo that from whenever they had some Sonata). It would give this wonderful psychedelic euphoria and suddenly lights out, so of course you had to be in bed when it started to kick in. We only had Zopiclone and that thing is useless and tastes like what I imagine alien drugs taste like and we didn't have zolpidem until like 2 years ago, tried it, its not covered by my province's insurance so 44 dollars for 15 10mg sublingual pills, which also taste so horrible, I don't know what they were thinking, and its the only form in comes in, Sublinox 10mg Sublingual. It didn't even help me sleep when out of my mere 20mg of valium.

So benzos kill 2 birds with one stone....I could have lived with just one stone for one bird though and do as I did in the past with my anxiety issues, deal with it. Now I can't. So RC benzos are welcome to all the poor souls that have to live with benzo addiction, something that is brushed off as almost non existant by many doctors, or just a mere annoyance that goes away rapidly. It's just not so. Or else I'd be off them. That's why there is such demand, my case is surely not unique...

And, I have the official Health Canada benzo conversion + info charter from 2009 here, still contains outdated info like Halcion being there, but other than that, clonazepam is approved for anxiety issues. It says it's not ideal for insomnia (I agree), because you wake up still on it and that it is useful for some nevralgic pain. Which is why I first got it from a neuro, who told me, it's also used in psychiatry so I won't refer you to a psychiatrist," this + the Topamax will take care of your pain issue and also your anxiety issues (which were worsened by that damn medical problem not being found out for years, went through surgery, removal of perfect wisdom teeth and about 5 neurologists before they found out what was going on. That'll also make you doubt your sanity, if you believe in sanity anyway.

You're lucky you can still get a couple days refill early P_A, the pharmacy I go to (now, since the opiate addiction incident, where I go take my suboxone and have to fucking stand there like an idiot for 5 minutes for the pills to dissolve and due to my jaw and nerves being fucked, i can't even show them the underside of my tongue out very well, it won't go up as much as other people would), they're also hardasses (except for the owner, who I am so happy when he is the one working, that if in a worst case scenario, like last year, when I lost my bottle of valium commuting in the bus from my girlfriend's apartment to mine and was like 15 days in advance, I was lucky that when I called he was the one at work. The ghost looking ginger will not under any circumstances renew my valium script before the exact date and she's there all the fucking time. And the 2 new female, again, girls were most likely told "this one's on suboxone" so they never wanted to either.

At my old pharmacy before I was forced to switch, I was able to renew days in advance, especially when I was still on my mom's insurance and not the government's, I was still a student past 25, but her insurance didn't cover for such a situation, so it got more difficult then and even more later because as you must know, only certain pharmacies have the liquid methadone...which is the same brand name Metadol for pain except in liquid. Now that I'm on subs i could switch pharmacies, but my old one is now owned by a different person and he switched all the staff so I got no idea how they run the place. There's a smaller pharmacy not too far where I could switch, but they certainly would not have suboxone in stock and would need to order it. So when I do switch, it's gonna have to be a perfectly coordinated op.
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Heh, he brought up the hip fractures.

He's really reaching here, reminds me of the now removed triazolam (yeah, goodbye Halcion, glad I had you only once at least) that really focused on the dangers to the elderly etc. We're all aware of this here.

Actually according to Health Canada's drug product database Triazolam is still available in 0.25mg pills in generic form only made by AA pharma. Good luck getting a doctor to write a script for it though as it is the 1 benzo available in Canada that i have never seen anybody prescribed. Hell i have even seen Dalmane prescribed a few times but i don't know anyone in Canada who has ever been prescribed Triazolam. It does seem to be prescribed alot more in America for some reason while here the number 1 benzo hypnotic would most likely be Temazepam.
Actually according to Health Canada's drug product database Triazolam is still available in 0.25mg pills in generic form only made by AA pharma. Good luck getting a doctor to write a script for it though as it is the 1 benzo available in Canada that i have never seen anybody prescribed. Hell i have even seen Dalmane prescribed a few times but i don't know anyone in Canada who has ever been prescribed Triazolam. It does seem to be prescribed alot more in America for some reason while here the number 1 benzo hypnotic would most likely be Temazepam.

Yeah, I saw man. I don't know who AA Pharma is. Maybe it's available in one province or two still. But Quebec has nothing from AA pharms. Never saw anything AA-X mg if you know what I mean. It disappeared from RAMQ's list of medication pdf published every month in sept 2013, where it was still available as APO-Triazo (You'll see it if you search for removed versions of triazolam), when I had it, it was APO-Triazo, green 0.25mg pills. It's funny the stuff used to be available in 2mg doses when it came out (an older friend of mine remembers them as fondly as Seconals, which says a lot, he's 45). But yeah, good luck in whatever province where it is available to get it. My pharmacist confirmed to me they still have stocks of the Apotex ones but after those are gone, they're gone, he doesn't even know who AA pharms are heh.

That guy who's 45 had his Halcion script (brand name) in 2003 switched to Xanax bars, was scripted 8x2mg twice a day to feel equivalency...holy s...and I doubt that guy lies when he says they used to be available in 0.5,1 and 2mg as is typical for high potency benzos, at first.

My best friend's mom is scripted Dalmane, 30x30mg a month, it keeps her from drinking, so her doctor made a choice. The few times I tried it is because she's the coolest mom of all the friends I have, she gave me like 12 last time I visited, a while ago, she lives kinda far from here and I won't be this asshole friend who will nag his friend for his mom's meds :)

And yeah, more used in the US, I bet. Like all benzos, really. Here it seems to be not very popular to be into pharms, it even took a long time for opiates to catch on, my city was PCP and LSD and cocaine town for the longest time and even still to this day, had i admitted to shooting up dilaudid and not just snorting it, i would have lost all friends instantly, so it was always kept a secret. If you were a fan of Breaking Bad, if you ever want to go through a rewatch marathon, there's this episode early on when Walt accepts treatment and you see his pile of American orange pill bottles (orange bottles, only saw them on tv, so in american settings) and his damn annoying wife who's a major hypocrite through the whole series who won't let Walt even smoke weed while he has cancer, talks with her sister about their weed smoking days and later in the episode we see her look at the pile of bottles, and the others are blurred out in the back, we see her looking at the Triazolam bottle, have a kind of "no,don't" in a moment where she's stressed out. And well, they'll say what they want, tv if made well enough can feel very real, I felt her jonesing as in when I reach for an extra valium cos something startled me that day and for the better of myself and my gf, it's better I just overmedicate. Just a funny thing they wouldn't even show say his Ondansetron but the Triazolam was clear as day.

edit: MagicalKat777 : Funny, what you say about clonazepam having antidepressant qualities. Of course that's your own subjective feel for it, but what this official Health Canada(our FDA) Benzo comparison chart with equivalencies and info for each available in canada, is saying that clonazepam is the benzo most likely to cause depression in long term use. Alprazolam is the one that is said to have some, it's written this way "(?)Antidepressant Activity), meaning there's anecdotal data pointing to such. Another interesting one is that long term chronic use of bromazepam could cause bromine poisoning but that it is very rare and most likely to occur in liver impaired people. Heh, I thought such could only happen with people really overdoing DXM HBr. Anyways, didn't we collide with each other over this antidepressant thing not long ago ? ;)
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Well, Clonazepam is a GABAA receptor positive allosteric modulator, just like any other benzodiazepines. There's no special mechanism of action that would be responsible for antidepressant effects (which, at least acute, happen with pretty much every benzodiazepine, which is why they're rather popular among depressed/anxious people).
All of this adds weight to the fact they should stick to Frisium (Clobazam) in neurology, except for the neurologic pain issues like facial neuralgias where clonazepam indeed works well (I can back up P_A on this) although my issue kind of resolved itself with time, since it is related to a jaw accident, I had more chances that the nerve damage would get more tolerable one day.

But yeah, nobody is going to steal an epileptic's clobazam. It is totally impossible to get real benzo effect from it, it is more likely to do so with Oxazepam (and I need at least 3 of the 30mg white tablets to get a very short but intense bout of anxiolysis, it explains why it has to be dosed 4-5 times a day. P_A, have you noticed Lorazepam is more used on females in NL also? Because here all the girls except one who's on xanax i know on benzos are lorazepam, oxazepam and clonazepam. In that order, one sometimes helps me out when i'm fucked with her her Oxazepam 15mg pills...as nice as the gesture is, something I have to take 3 tablets at once to get somewhere with is quite something to ask many tabs of when I know too well how generous the person is to spare some of their benzos for me.

I'm reading how clobazam is used for anxiety too. Okay. Maybe for kids before dental procedures, I know my dentist uses 5mg valium for dental fear for kids over 6. I don't see how it could work for anyone with a real pressing issue. Alright, I'm done derailing the thread, truth maintenance achieved.

Clonazolam is really good and should be considered as an rx'able benzo in any case if any country is inclined to. Like Etizolam already is even if sold online.

I wish etizolam wasn't the exception to the rule though. Where's my vendor that has temazepam or loprazolam? ;) Or in some vendor's logic, brotizolam, since it's not a benzo and they're playing it safe.
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I've got a 100 pellets coming in sometime next week! I almost exclusively use benzos to knock me out after stimulant use. I've got virtually no benzo tolerance although I've got a good bit of experience with them. 1mg should suffice for this purpose?
I've got a 100 pellets coming in sometime next week! I almost exclusively use benzos to knock me out after stimulant use. I've got virtually no benzo tolerance although I've got a good bit of experience with them. 1mg should suffice for this purpose?

Assuming the pellets are 0.5mg, then one of them might be all you need tbh. I only have experience researching with the capsules (which are also 0.5mg), but from what I've heard from other people the pellets kick in quicker. I suppose it depends what doses with other benzos you normally take for such purposes? 1mg Clonazolam will certainly do the job, but it might be a bit too much for what you need.

I also have 100 pellets appearing sometime soon so I'm interested to see what the differences (if any) are.
Assuming the pellets are 0.5mg, then one of them might be all you need tbh. I only have experience researching with the capsules (which are also 0.5mg), but from what I've heard from other people the pellets kick in quicker. I suppose it depends what doses with other benzos you normally take for such purposes? 1mg Clonazolam will certainly do the job, but it might be a bit too much for what you need.

I also have 100 pellets appearing sometime soon so I'm interested to see what the differences (if any) are.

So it's that potent eh? I did order the 0.5mg pellets. I need 2mg of etizolam and 1-1.5mg of xanax to knock me out on a comedown. If I'm still quite wired but want to call it a night I'll take a bit more (3mg eti or 2mg xanax). How would clonazolam compare to those doses?
So it's that potent eh? I did order the 0.5mg pellets. I need 2mg of etizolam and 1-1.5mg of xanax to knock me out on a comedown. If I'm still quite wired but want to call it a night I'll take a bit more (3mg eti or 2mg xanax). How would clonazolam compare to those doses?

Personally I'd test 0.5 to see how it made you feel first (in a situation where you're not coming down and have a day to spare), but considering what you have been doing previously 1mg sounds about right. It will definitely do the job! The only reason I'd be cautious is because I've heard from peeps that 1 - 1.5mg has caused blackouts. Just play it safe mate. It takes roughly half an hour to kick in and full effects are felt after about 3 hours, so you could always try one pellet and see how you feel an hour later.