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Experienced X Cannabis users input needed


Nov 27, 2014
So I have been debating this for awhile and wanted to kind of put it out there for comment/discussion

I am aiming it at people who would consider themselves to be X 'heavy' pot smokers and maybe 30-60 yrs of age.

Do you agree that weed is harmless? Do you think it should continue to be legalized? Do you think it is something that should be promoted in contemporary media?

I used to smoke a lot of bud over many years and gradually stopped smoking it, I still take a few tokes from time to time when the mood strikes but for the most part I dont smoke. Maybe once or twice a year on average for the past three years. I just wonder what the long term impacts of chronic use are in terms of mood, outlook on life, ambition, and even mental illness. I see that there are some studies suggesting chronic use can lead to certain psychoses, trigger schizophrenia, and lead to depression.

I wanted to get some feedback discussion going among older, experienced, users who may have something to contribute on this. I know weed is 'cool' now and just wanted to know if anyone out there thinks there may be some incidental/unintended outcomes to legalization.
You sound like your pushing some hidden agenda or to find the negatives of long term affects, but for what reasons why I have no clue. Just off enough for me to point it out.

As someone who uses cannabis mainly for certain muscle tension & blood circulation issues I'm still learning to what extent is remnants of old neglected injuries, areas like exercise /nutrition neglected in development, and just general genetic predisposition. While I don't see cannabis as something I'll smoke forever it will be an essential part of my life, but not for specifically the THC.

So to really conclude my point it is hard to see what you want to debate. Essentially hemp is cannabis that lacks the genetic codes to produce THC, but many produce CBD as well as possibly (IMO hopefully, but research is needed to confirm) much higher amounts of CBC & CBG vs. A plant that has the ability to develop THC & CBD as they utalize the CBG and CBC to do so. It's just THC has been demonized and attacked when it really takes understanding and using the full spectrum of cannabinoids even including THCa, THCv and the other a/v counterparts. That's not even going into the terpenes, flavinoids, and other useful compounds that have more than aroma therapy effect. As well as the negative interactions with certain mental health triggers with people with predisposition exist, but there is still a long way to go to understand it.

So to conclude I don't think of drugs as cool or uncool, but if it is beneficial to my health in the long run. I can't really say if it is or not as it's hard to identify what's the weed and what's placebo be it negative or positive especially as there is still much research actually being done into the medical effects of cannabis.

To try to help I think you should check into the GW pharmaceutical website. There is a lot of collected data going into studies with cited info to back their explanation of the effects of the cannabinoids in cannabis. It will definitely lead you to the information you're interested in and more so peer reviewed studies vs. personal experience. Anyways I've rambled on enough of something I know little about and generally people don't know about as theirs a lot of science to understand. Good luck on your info search though.
I'm not as old as 30 and would say I was a moderate user, however I do think it should continue to be legalised, or at least decriminalised. No matter what the subject is, - be it food, alcohol or cannabis - heavy usage or too much of anything is always going to have adverse effects on health. Moderation is key. I do feel that now it is becoming more and more available, people's greed is taking over though. People are able to get more and more and push the limits trying to get higher and higher. That is what I would say one of the main negatives are.
So I have been debating this for awhile and wanted to kind of put it out there for comment/discussion

I am aiming it at people who would consider themselves to be X 'heavy' pot smokers and maybe 30-60 yrs of age.

Do you agree that weed is harmless? Do you think it should continue to be legalized? Do you think it is something that should be promoted in contemporary media?

I used to smoke a lot of bud over many years and gradually stopped smoking it, I still take a few tokes from time to time when the mood strikes but for the most part I dont smoke. Maybe once or twice a year on average for the past three years. I just wonder what the long term impacts of chronic use are in terms of mood, outlook on life, ambition, and even mental illness. I see that there are some studies suggesting chronic use can lead to certain psychoses, trigger schizophrenia, and lead to depression.

I wanted to get some feedback discussion going among older, experienced, users who may have something to contribute on this. I know weed is 'cool' now and just wanted to know if anyone out there thinks there may be some incidental/unintended outcomes to legalization.

I'm 54 and a medical pot user. Depending on the weather, I use anywhere from 1 to 4 g per day for rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. Can't take NSAID pain killers because of kidney failure and hypertension.

Is weed harmless? No; I wouldn't want to drive to work high or face high drivers

Should it be legalized? Yes, with age restrictions.

Should it be promoted? Do you mean advertised or proselytized? I don't see why not.

The long term impact on me is that I can continue to function, not go on short/long term disability > unemployment insurance and then welfare because I can't move.

I don't give a shit that weed is cool. I use it as medicine and fuck you (in a general sense, not you OP specifically) if you want to try tot take it away from me.

That having been said, I have ZERO problems with adult recreational use of MJ.

Here's one for you. When people come over to my house, they know in advance that there will be paraphernalia and widespread evidence of pot. I'm not hiding it. I will try to respect the wishes of guests and not consume it if it bothers or offends them; but I tell them 'If I need it, I will tell you and then I will use it'.

So OP, my answer is this "I am a medical user and I care little for the opinion of others with regard to my MJ use'.

I haven't fully quit yet, but I don't smoke as much as I used to. I don't know if we need government stepping in to regulate the media, but I do think it a bit irresponsible for people to promote its use like there is no repercussion. It is ridiculous how many artists today brag about its use and get mainstream play- it bugs me more because of complete lack of originality and creativity, there definitely is a "weed" band-wagon, or green rush that people are jumping on and some making a lot of money off of misleading people, particularly the youth. Not all of it is evil though, and I believe in freedom of media even though it isn't always a good thing it is better that a tyrannical media.

I don't think it is harmless, not anymore at least. i was definitely much more ignorant to its side effects at one time and I am paying the price now. The way in which it impacts memory, cognitive ability, and motivation make it hard to deny it has serious and limiting side effects, and that is speaking from just what I have seen in my own life first hand. The emotional side effects are much harder to pin solely on weed, but there does seem to be a correlation from what I've witnessed and experienced myself. My dad is an ex-heavy smoker and has a battled with a range of emotional problems all my life and probably for much longer than that. Not all of it was caused directly from his heavy weed use, but I am sure that it wasn't helping him and nor myself in these types of struggles. There are so many other factors than can contribute as well, but I do think that for some it may serve as a sort of trigger for setting off emotional/mental problems.

I know for some it is a legitimate medicine and for that reason should be available for any who wish to use it for that purpose. Also, I think that it is more of a crime to lock people up and slap them with charges for doing something that isn't directly harming anyone(except maybe the user). Cigarettes, alcohol, fast food, and twinkies are legal. Of course, then the question becomes where do you draw the line- is coke and heroin next? Do you allow users but stop growers and cartels? Ban home grows and untaxed sales or impose stringent permitting and regulation process of the growing and distribution of it? But wait, these are the types of things the create a black market in the first place- so then you have most users supporting a black market because it makes economical sense, yet people still going to jail for weed charges- sounds like the same old shit to me.... What I mean to say is that IMO, legalization is a sticky situation but so long as there are less and less people being criminalized for benign weed charges it is an improvement.

It is a strange thing, and I don't think it a positive one, the way in which that it is becoming the new cool. It isn't much different from the culture that is inspiring binge drinking, cocaine and pills either. It is a culture that has been around for quite some time now and seems to be growing if anything. The counter-culture drug scene has become mainstream again.

Really tho, if we are relying on mainstream media for our morals and values then we are fucked as a society. It is mostly just the kids without someone to show them right from wrong, but it isn't always the parents fault I suppose.
It's fucking weed, man. Cannabis makes you sound like a pretentious douche nozzle. And why the interest in something you only partake in once or twice annually? Even if there were long term Ill effects, you certainly wouldn't be under any risk! Not at your consumption rate. You sound like some high school kid who just got stoned for the first time, became enlightened overnight, rushed out and bought The Emperor Wears No Clothes, and decided to write your Junior year research paper on weed decriminal..., no excuse me, cannabis decriminalization.
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I'm 56, and smoked pot for 40 years. I've grown it, "found" it, and bought it. I can tell you 100% accurately that there are two types of pot smokers.
Those that had brain cells before, during, and after use, and the ones that couldn't form a lucid thought from the time of their birth.
The brain owners smoke for many different reasons, and I don't have to go into that.
The "stoners" smoke for one reason. They are too stupid to do anything else.

Same can be said for all naturally occurring compound users. You have to have something to begin with in order to finish with something.
Responsible users will go thru school. Work a job. Raise a family just like non users.
People that know they are clueless, and can not bear to put in an effort will spiral down, and blame "drugs" for their failure. It's proven. Not just some pet theory.

I come from a family of drunks, and drug addicts. Some did very well while others blamed everything under the sun but themselves. Sooooo Pot is not the antagonist, cause, or curse. People are. IMHO
It's fucking weed, man. Cannabis makes you sound like a pretentious douche nozzle. And why the interest in something you only partake in once or twice annually? Even if there were long term Ill effects, you certainly wouldn't be under any risk! Not at your consumption rate. You sound like some high school kid who just got stoned for the first time, became enlightened overnight, rushed out and bought The Emperor Wears No Clothes, and decided to write your Junior year research paper on weed decriminal..., no excuse me, cannabis decriminalization.

Correcting somebody on something that they aren't doing wrong makes you sound like a pretentious douche.

Really, sounds like OP is trying to have a factual and meaningful discussion on a very serious subject. And here you are trying to insult and attack him?

You sound like the kid... and probably are one lol. OP is probably old enough to be your dad.
I agree with many of Mafioso's points (also his bashing of Elvis Pills).

I have smoked cannabis regularly for nine years (Christ, has it been so long?) Never more than 5-10 times a month, and often with breaks lasting two to three months, but it has definitely impaired my memory.

I quickly noticed that smoking reduced my ability to remember and learn names and words. More worryingly, I have also felt that it has dulled my observations of human behavior. At this very moment I can hear my mother and her partner quarreling in the kitchen. Earlier this week my girlfriend and I broke up. Before I started to smoke I would normally remember telling and charged details from situations like these for years. Now the details just perish.

I am now 27, and nowadays I get cannabis hangovers every time I smoke. They usually last 2-5 days and they always impair my concentration, obliterate my short term memory, wither my associations, make me more self-centered, remove my ambitions and evaporate the feeling I have of the here and now (the feeling the music I listen to now will remind me of in the future, so to speak).

I have smoked so many strains, so many types of hashish, in so many countries, with so many people, on so many places, that I also feel that cannabis is unable to surprise me anymore.

For these reasons I smoke rarely, but for the intense pleasure it induces I still haven't completely given it up, even though I have considered quitting for the last five years.

That said, I have learnt a new language, completed my master's degree, got the job I wanted and matured to a very satisfying degree even though I have smoked regularly, so I do not regret it (or at least I won't admit it).
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I know weed is 'cool' now

when we was weed never cool amongst teens?

there are two types of pot smokers.
Those that had brain cells before, during, and after use, and the ones that couldn't form a lucid thought from the time of their birth.
The brain owners smoke for many different reasons, and I don't have to go into that.
The "stoners" smoke for one reason. They are too stupid to do anything else.

well put...

weed has its down side but it and all drugs should be legal... if someone wants something someones gona be there to sell it to em... whats the point of making it more dangerous then it needs to be??
So I have been debating this for awhile and wanted to kind of put it out there for comment/discussion

I am aiming it at people who would consider themselves to be X 'heavy' pot smokers and maybe 30-60 yrs of age.

Do you agree that weed is harmless? Do you think it should continue to be legalized? Do you think it is something that should be promoted in contemporary media?

I used to smoke a lot of bud over many years and gradually stopped smoking it, I still take a few tokes from time to time when the mood strikes but for the most part I dont smoke. Maybe once or twice a year on average for the past three years. I just wonder what the long term impacts of chronic use are in terms of mood, outlook on life, ambition, and even mental illness. I see that there are some studies suggesting chronic use can lead to certain psychoses, trigger schizophrenia, and lead to depression.

I wanted to get some feedback discussion going among older, experienced, users who may have something to contribute on this. I know weed is 'cool' now and just wanted to know if anyone out there thinks there may be some incidental/unintended outcomes to legalization.

was a heavy user for a decade in the 90's.

I don't agree it is harmless. it used to be a lot safer in the 70's when the THC and CBD ratios were close to equal and around 4~5%,

but then the drug cartels got a hold of it and started breeding heavier THC strains, and nearly breed out the CBD altogether.

without CBD, THC peaks the CB receptors pretty high and builds up cannabinoid tolerance, this for many leads to seeking out stronger and stronger strains.

I stopped buying commercial street weed in 95 and cultivated myself with strains that still had CBD equal in them, the seeds at that time were hard to come by but easily found now that medical marijuana began bringing those strains back. by 1997 I quit smoking and was strictly oral consumption of my wonderful organic grown supply.

I quit growing and subsequently consuming in 2001 due to domestic issues and the "illegality" of it.

According to the studies I concur it is dangerous especially to the adolescence developing mind, if you are familiar with the Canadian studies. as well as those with chemical imbalances in the brain.

I don't really know what relevance media plays it in other than it had a huge influence on it becoming illegal in the US, propaganda, but I'd be interested in hearing what impact our current social media may have.
btw, just out of curiosity what does "Nation within and Nation" mean?

did you mean to say nation within an nation, or nation within a nation?

I know Canucks engrish is a bit different then your southern brohams. just wondering if the "and" is intentional conjunction. =D
I know Canucks engrish is a bit different then your southern brohams. just wondering if the "and" is intentional conjunction. =D

prob just hit the wrong key from having a sugar buzz... IVing maple syrup makes your hands soooo fucking jittery...
The pattern I'm seeing is the people that smoked, and claim injurious results were indeed (no offense intended) in my second group, and smoked simply.to get high.
The same result will apply if you drink 4 pots of coffee a day just because you crave the rush.

I smoked almost daily except... I smoked 1/2 to 1 joint to relax, and that was ONLY after doing my billing, sending out correspondence, playing w/ the kids, dog, washing the walls, whatever.
On a weekend I'd have some beers, smoke w/ friends, kick back. I NEVER woke up, and did a fucking gravity bong or wake, and bake or any stupid shit like that. That is the second group. Like I said irresponsible IS irresponsible. Those people should NEVER be taken into account in any real study group because they had impaired judgement before any drug was in the picture.
Again I mean no offense to anyone for their choices. I use simple words, and string them together so they are understandable by anyone.

To properly look into this you need to determine which group you wish to study. Otherwise you are pissing in the wind, and your results are worthless.
It's fucking weed, man. Cannabis makes you sound like a pretentious douche nozzle. And why the interest in something you only partake in once or twice annually? Even if there were long term Ill effects, you certainly wouldn't be under any risk! Not at your consumption rate. You sound like some high school kid who just got stoned for the first time, became enlightened overnight, rushed out and bought The Emperor Wears No Clothes, and decided to write your Junior year research paper on weed decriminal..., no excuse me, cannabis decriminalization.

Cannabis IN THE Cannabis discussion thread

Also referenced as weed, pot, smoke, and bud in the few paragraphs I asked my question(s) in. Did you graduate high school or is that why you are preoccupied with it? Was that where your mom got pregnant with you while drinking swish with the janitorial staffer who fathered you? Did he look like Elvis? I want to reach out over the internet and slap your stupid, sideburned face, MAN! Like did you ever intelligently respond to a question MAN? Did you ever intelligently respond to a question ON WEED MAN??
Cannabis IN THE Cannabis discussion thread

Also referenced as weed, pot, smoke, and bud in the few paragraphs I asked my question(s) in. Did you graduate high school or is that why you are preoccupied with it? Was that where your mom got pregnant with you while drinking swish with the janitorial staffer who fathered you? Did he look like Elvis? I want to reach out over the internet and slap your stupid, sideburned face, MAN! Like did you ever intelligently respond to a question MAN? Did you ever intelligently respond to a question ON WEED MAN??

Brother... You just blew all credibility

This was your thread with an apparent goal. Slamming someone just because of a few words, rather than ignoring it shows a lack of pure motive
It's shit like this IMHO that make people assume that everyone is a douche, and just out experimenting with other peoples emotions.

I now have to agree that you sir are a douche nozzle.

In fact it is apparent to me that you are one of the people in my second group, who's life sucks, and you are looking to :"PROVE" that weed did it to you.
Fuck off!
The pattern I'm seeing is the people that smoked, and claim injurious results were indeed (no offense intended) in my second group, and smoked simply.to get high.
The same result will apply if you drink 4 pots of coffee a day just because you crave the rush.

I smoked almost daily except... I smoked 1/2 to 1 joint to relax, and that was ONLY after doing my billing, sending out correspondence, playing w/ the kids, dog, washing the walls, whatever.
On a weekend I'd have some beers, smoke w/ friends, kick back. I NEVER woke up, and did a fucking gravity bong or wake, and bake or any stupid shit like that. That is the second group. Like I said irresponsible IS irresponsible. Those people should NEVER be taken into account in any real study group because they had impaired judgement before any drug was in the picture.
Again I mean no offense to anyone for their choices. I use simple words, and string them together so they are understandable by anyone.

To properly look into this you need to determine which group you wish to study. Otherwise you are pissing in the wind, and your results are worthless.

Dear responsible pot smoker,
No one is suggesting a study or looking to determine the validity of the 'results' from your two (not many, many, many) groups. It was just a set of questions I was interested in peoples feedback on. Seriously though I dont fall into either of your identified groups nor do many millions of other people or their experiences with weed. I am far more successful than either of my parents ever were financially, but I still could have probably done better academically If I wasnt stoned from 13-23. Maybe I would have just been a disenfranchised phd with a couple hundo in red instead of black but its completely beside the point. Weed wasn't acceptable outside of the fringe when I was growing up and its a compleltely different animal today than it was even ten years ago. Now stoners have corporate sponsorship and their own lobby, whats next? Where does it lead? Where does it stop? Are we going to be any better off? I dont know, I'm not sure it matters, I guess I'm just surprised it can be traded
Brother... You just blew all credibility

This was your thread with an apparent goal. Slamming someone just because of a few words, rather than ignoring it shows a lack of pure motive
It's shit like this IMHO that make people assume that everyone is a douche, and just out experimenting with other peoples emotions.

I now have to agree that you sir are a douche nozzle.

In fact it is apparent to me that you are one of the people in my second group, who's life sucks, and you are looking to :"PROVE" that weed did it to you.
Fuck off!

Still doesnt have a 'goal' just intended for discussion. Couldnt give a fuck what you think about how I beat up on Elvis, douche nozzle is something a douche would say. Sorry I'm not as big of a human as you are, finding your hypocrasy hella amusing though
btw, just out of curiosity what does "Nation within and Nation" mean?

did you mean to say nation within an nation, or nation within a nation?

I know Canucks engrish is a bit different then your southern brohams. just wondering if the "and" is intentional conjunction. =D

It was a mistake, but now I kind of like it....also the MS iv does give me a shit ton of jitters..
when we was weed never cool amongst teens?

Weed isnt cool among teens in the Netherlands and hasnt been for almost twenty years, which is when they more or less legalized it...oh irony you sweet sweet whore