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The MDxx Discussion Thread Number 3!

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Yeah I know you are right with that. I should mention though, that i'm not actually buying directly from a dealer. A friend (the experienced one) is purchasing them for me off someone who is/was I assume, his go-to drug dude. My friend used to take MDMA apparently every weekend last year (doesn't anymore for obvious reasons) but this leads me to believe he would at least have a reliable contact.

Also, for some reason I neglected to mention this in my OP, but this will be my first time using MDMA (hopefully anyway).

Definitely stick to one if it's your first time
Oops, realised should have been in pill testing q&a - mods please delete.
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Same here. Over it. I'm just gonna stick to doing acid from now on.even tho I rarely get on it these days. Can't be fucked puttin my money into the pockets of shit drug dealers. Can't believe how much the scene changed. All the honest ones are now either dead or locked up and the scene is full of greedy fucks that don't give 2 shits about anything other than making a quick buck.

Hey, i have shared the same views for years but our dream has finally arrived. There is currently 96% purity mdma availible in melbourne. It is the old days back again. Really cannot say much more but good luck on ur hunt. And expect to see 150mg locally pressed pills in the very near future.
Hey, i have shared the same views for years but our dream has finally arrived. There is currently 96% purity mdma availible in melbourne. It is the old days back again. Really cannot say much more but good luck on ur hunt. And expect to see 150mg locally pressed pills in the very near future.

lol. =D
I won't hold my breath waiting mate. Even if pills did start getting pressed that dose here they'd be fucking expensive and only small batches. The good ol days are long gone.
^ From a harm reduction point of view one is still safer taking a reasonable dose of MDMA on it's own than they are combining a couple of RC's. Polydrug use is dangerous at the best of times, but particularly when you are talking about RC's I think poly drug use is pretty unwise. The effects of these drugs on their own are not fully researched or understood, let alone the implications of throwing a few of them in your body at the same time.

What is the point of coming into the MDxx thread just to trash talk MDMA and then basically suggest people go out and try a more dangerous drug combination instead. This is a harm reduction board, not a place to suggest an irresponsible RC combo to people.
150mg locally pressed pills?
The few times I've helped people out at raves with my own (very good) gear, and then what I've seen of them an hour later, 150mg pills? I don't want to be the only one able to stand and dance in the club.
Has anyone had any troubles finding pills recently? I've got 3 friends who turned out to have nothing, and also talking to a friend who also said their people have nothing either kinda odd..

Any news on green xboxs? I can find some for those and thats it.. No reports on PR in Australia but they have some in Dublin, the PR id is 33655. Could also get lady beetles too but yeah..

Also i was planning to take either 2 xbox or 1cap and 1 xbox, which would be better? (leaning towards 1,1)
^ I don't know, but these look cool hey (from Eu)

Well I decided to buy 1 cap and 1 xbox, the caps look like he done them himself so hopefully they're good, looks like less in the caps than the last time i had them but maybe because theres less shit in there.

By the way, through word of mouth I heard that the xbox contained mdxx, ketamine and amp. I was surprised as I've never taken ketamine before but can't confirm the info either. Now that I have them I'm not sure what to think..(about taking them)

what I would give to just hold any one of those
There is a new drugs inc just out called 'molly madness' which shows some dealers capping up caps (in the USA), and some tasty looking rocks, some pinkish ones caught my eye, try and watch it if you can.
Well I decided to buy 1 cap and 1 xbox, the caps look like he done them himself so hopefully they're good, looks like less in the caps than the last time i had them but maybe because theres less shit in there.

By the way, through word of mouth I heard that the xbox contained mdxx, ketamine and amp. I was surprised as I've never taken ketamine before but can't confirm the info either. Now that I have them I'm not sure what to think..(about taking them)

what I would give to just hold any one of those

I had an x-box on the weekend. I'd already had two biccies hours eariler in the day/night but I found the xbox pretty sweet. Seemed just like MDxx to me, a good dose though, probably a little bit weaker then the Blue Diamonds if you tried them.

And PD I'll check out the new drugs inc tonight, been waiting for a new doco on MD
Took some supposed "MD" as a beigeish rocky powder - slight aniseed smell in the Melb region recently , about 70mg initially and then a few 25mg top ups.
Not the slightest love or energy , just sedating and quite psychedelic , eye wobbles and jaw tremors at this relatively low dose were pretty extreme.

I remember why I don't fuck with this shite anymore , can't believe a drug dealer lied to me...........
Took some supposed "MD" as a beigeish rocky powder - slight aniseed smell in the Melb region recently , about 70mg initially and then a few 25mg top ups.
Not the slightest love or energy , just sedating and quite psychedelic , eye wobbles and jaw tremors at this relatively low dose were pretty extreme.

I remember why I don't fuck with this shite anymore , can't believe a drug dealer lied to me...........

But a test kit doesn't. Only got yourself to blame mate, sorry.
Took some supposed "MD" as a beigeish rocky powder - slight aniseed smell in the Melb region recently , about 70mg initially and then a few 25mg top ups.
Not the slightest love or energy , just sedating and quite psychedelic , eye wobbles and jaw tremors at this relatively low dose were pretty extreme.

I remember why I don't fuck with this shite anymore , can't believe a drug dealer lied to me...........

Similar situation with me last week. Came from around abouts the same area too.

Fairly disappointing.

I can't even remember what rolling feels like, it's been too long, and it'll probably never happen again.
Yeah I have had a similar experiences, the last caps we got tested up great and were supposed to be the bomb, but turned out I got hardly any effect at all from the 100mg cap, and that was with over 6mnths break before hand. Really wasnt impressed and dont wont to waste money again.
Took some supposed "MD" as a beigeish rocky powder - slight aniseed smell in the Melb region recently , about 70mg initially and then a few 25mg top ups.
Not the slightest love or energy , just sedating and quite psychedelic , eye wobbles and jaw tremors at this relatively low dose were pretty extreme.

I remember why I don't fuck with this shite anymore , can't believe a drug dealer lied to me...........

Is it possible that it was MDA? There seems to be a lot more of this floating around than there has been for many years. It could be just some clever RC that is a close match.

I haven't bothered with pills for so long that I almost forgot what nicely pressed ones look like. Even when they are choc full of mdma more often than not they are a rushed press with no aesthetic care taken. There is a definite market in Australia for a uniquely shaped pill that knocks peoples socks off. I have fond memories of nice love hearts from around 98/99. First one in would corner the market until the shit clones are produced
Can anyone from south east queensland - caboolture to brisbane region - comment on the general quality of the beans that are floating around atm.

I've got some decent acid available and am looking to candyflip within a few months, no rush really. And just need to get a grasp on the general scene.
But a test kit doesn't. Only got yourself to blame mate, sorry.

I was joking, it's actually not uncommon for dealers to mislead buyers.

Test kits are great, but when you take MD about once a year as a spontaneous decision they're not much help.

Could have been MDA I suppose, just going by smell ,taste and consistency it's identical to good mdma. can anyone confirm if physical side effects like eye wobbles are more common with MDA? I've taken mixed beans back in the day but never the compound by itself.
Maybe I'm old school but a big part of taking ecstasy was the empathic loved up effect, without that I don't see much to rave about in these mdma like compounds. I'd rather just take a classic psychedelic or stimulant.
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