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EADD Benzo Discussion V. I forget

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Thanks for the reply mate. What do you mean by rapid taper exactly? Do you have an example?
Rapid taper would usually entail coming down to zero over the course of 1-2 weeks.

So if you continued with your three times a week dosing regime and tapered over two weeks you could dose...10,8,6,4,2,1mg as your six doses over the course of two weeks.

I would say it's safe to cold turkey from that level of consumption if you wanted to though. I would probably just do that myself but lots of people would go for the taper instead.
Reduce your dose whenever it is that you do it, like let's say if you always take ten mgs? Start taking only half a pill on the day you take.

Initially you'll feell shit, but hold on tight and dn't fuck the taper plan.

After maybe a few weeks, reduce the day of the week you take, like instead of 3 times, only take twice a week. After some time, skip to only once a week. After some more time just either stop or start taking quarters.
Thanks. I think that's what I'll do. I have 10mg pills, so I'll start by taking halves, then when I'm comfortable with that, move to quarters, then reduce the number of times per week, then eventually quit. The only spanner in the works could be a big night out on MDMA, when I usually rely on a big dose to knock me out. I have a rave coming up soon, could I make an exception on that one night?
I had the same problem but if I'm honest i think it sets you back upping the dose when your on a taper and are serious about it. I got some valerian root and recently tried kratom, Iv been experimenting with that combo plus weed and have to say it really does put me on my ass and eventually to sleep.
I would honestly not stress too much about this, getting off 30mg a week isn't going to be a big battle physically. If you took a few days off work next to a weekend and timed it right you could probablt ct it and just use the four days to ride through the worst of the wd. The psychological battle is probably going to be your biggest enemy here.

Whichever route you take you certainly have a very good chance of getting through with a minimum of disruption if you prepare yourself nicely.
Does anybody remember the pills called C10's that were orange in colour? They were sold a couple of years back on T***x as diazepam. I bought some and they did feel pretty strong but the strange thing was that they felt stronger the day after i had actually taken the pill, made it very hard to wake up the following day & would feel drowsy for a good few hours.
^yeah had loads of them remember someone posted a kit tested they was legit iirc

250mg xanax powder landed yeaaao
Normally 30mg a week, spread out over the week in doses of 10mg. Usually to deal with stresses at work. Not scripted, bought from the dark web.

Try half it and CT, i came off at 14mg a week (2mg a day) thats a reasonable dosage. been off it now for months and im glad. It is scary going CT but trust me on a low dose it isnt bad atall i would go as far as to say getting off 2mg was a walk in the park. 30 mg a day CT was horrfic though lol
30mgs a week aint much, grassman. taper if you want but id say its probably safe to cold turkey. just dont plan on sleeping mich for a few days and a bit of anxiety. maybe valerian root as and when needed could be helpful for that tho, but its not necessary really. good luck mate. i ct'd off 15-30mg a day etizolam, that was hell on earth; actual pychosis and horrible night terrors (when i could sleep) for a week. very stupid but i was fine
I'm getting there. Down to 15mg a week now, apart from one incident which was 10mg the night before a presentation at work. Got a reasonably easy week at work next week, so will try and drop it down again, maybe CT.

I think my main downfall long term will be after stims. I do love the odd rave up, and have relied on Diaz for the comedown for a couple of years now. Next rave is July, so I should be off it by then.

Cheers all!
^yeah had loads of them remember someone posted a kit tested they was legit iirc

250mg xanax powder landed yeaaao

nice one.you going to put that powda into a PG solution?

I prefer Etizolam and I do that.
The golden rule in a taper is slower is better - unless its possible to do a rapid detox like a 2 week methadone - if you are taking 10mg of valium x3 times a week and i assume its not consecutive days you need to remember the ridiculously long half life 100-200 hours so when you taper it can take a few days before you feel the drop. I would either look at the Ashton method and see if thats applicable in your situation or maybe look at 10mg, 3/4 of a tab, 3/4 for the 1st week then 3/4, 3/4/1/2 for the 2nd week see how you feel if all ok then try 5mg,5mg 2.5mg (1/4tab),2.5mg,2.5mg,1.5. If you can get 2mg tabs it will help in the finall leg...1.5,1.5,1....., 1, 1, .5..... .5, .5 , stop. You need to monitor yourself and how you feel and may need to up what you are taking.
I presume this is not a prescribed dose otherwise your doc could advise but you are not on a very high dose and others here may have a different POV.
Considering his history, I'm quite surprised that he hasn't started creating blatantly obvious shill accounts to promote himself on here yet. Oh wait, maybe that will be his next move.
Does anyone else quite like lorazepam? It seems to be widely disliked, but I like it. It doesn't incapacitate you like alprazolam or have the same euphoriant effect as temazepam, but, to me, not every benzo has to be like alprazolam or temazepam. Lorazepam is floaty, serene, and satisfied. I'm stuck in the psych ward at the minute, but thankfully I've got a lorazepam scrip, so I get 2mg in fifteen minutes. I barely feel 2mg, I'm afraid, but I can go back and ask for another 2mg an hour later. The end result is not at all bad.
Does anyone else quite like lorazepam? It seems to be widely disliked, but I like it. It doesn't incapacitate you like alprazolam or have the same euphoriant effect as temazepam, but, to me, not every benzo has to be like alprazolam or temazepam. Lorazepam is floaty, serene, and satisfied. I'm stuck in the psych ward at the minute, but thankfully I've got a lorazepam scrip, so I get 2mg in fifteen minutes. I barely feel 2mg, I'm afraid, but I can go back and ask for another 2mg an hour later. The end result is not at all bad.

Yes-really like Lorivan. Like you say its not really sedating and quite enjoyable. These days I seem to stick with valium as I enjoy the feeling at low dose and I fall asleep on higher ones so I can't take more and more.
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