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EADD What Are You Munching on? V. Fray Bentos Injury Support Group

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Chicken, avocado and peanut butter sandwiches. The avocado and peanut butter are because I'm trying to cane as many calories as I can, still not putting any weight on and every time I get sick I lose a couple more kilos. Not easy when you can't eat anything with easy calories like sugary or fatty foods :(
Chicken, avocado and peanut butter sandwiches. The avocado and peanut butter are because I'm trying to cane as many calories as I can, still not putting any weight on and every time I get sick I lose a couple more kilos. Not easy when you can't eat anything with easy calories like sugary or fatty foods :(

Damn, man. I feel so sorry for you.

Avaocado and peanut butter are very fatty. So I take it you're referring to saturated fats? Can you take milk? Great for calories, as is most dairy food. Copy the body builders and take few protein shakes and you're laughing (im sure you've been told all this)
Yeah can't do saturated fats. Milk is ok but I don't really like it so it's hard to consume loads of it all the time. I really need to look into protein shakes, loads of people keep telling me to! They actually give me something similar when I'm in hospital sometimes, Fresubin I think it's called. Might see if I can get it on prescription heh.
The advantage with protein shakes is that they have a very high Biological Value (which basically means the stomach absorbs more of the content) for someone having trouble keeping his food in, I'd imagine that would be ideal for you.

They're no where near as calorific as actual meals (unless you mix them with full fat milk, which I don't think you will) so remember to only use them as a supplement, not a replacement.

Oil's low in sat fat (Hemp oil, cod liver oil, flaxseed oil) are also great options for you.
The advantage with protein shakes is that they have a very high Biological Value (which basically means the stomach absorbs more of the content) for someone having trouble keeping his food in, I'd imagine that would be ideal for you.

That's pretty interesting, I'll have to look into it a bit more. Cheers man!
Yeah can't do saturated fats.

So peanut butter isn't saturated fat? I always thought it was bad for you, so that's nice to know as I love it.

Incidentally, I've just had some guacamole I made out out of some semi-gone-off avocados in the fridge with some frozen prawns (also one step away from poisonous) in a decidedly worrisome sarnie . I was going to post a pic of the minging, leftover khaki sludge stored in a sandwich bag - just to offset the food-porn going on in this thread, but I thought better of ruining things for everyone.

Edit - it was pretty tasty, as it goes, but definitely on the perverted fetish end of the food porn spectrum, visually.

P.S. Nurishment is pretty nice if you want to try to put on weight - loads of different flavours too and some of them are quite tasty (if you're in the mood).
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So peanut butter isn't saturated fat? I always thought it was bad for you, so that's nice to know as I love it.

I think it's about 80% unsaturated, so not too bad for us :) I can eat the stuff out of a jar with a spoon. Need to find a shop that sells other types of nut butter around here, when I lived in Devon there was one of those arty whole / health food shops near me that had just about every single nut butter you could think of, all about a fiver a jar but totally worth it. My local Tesco Express just doesn't have the same kind of quality.
Need a dish that an unfussy 9yr old will like. On the cheap.
Already got a delicious soup made.
Any idea's?
Any suggestions will receive good karma. :)

There will be adults as well. I'm not just cooking for 9yr olds.
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first time ive made a bit of effort for my evening meal for ages. Bacon and brocoli fried in garlic oil doesnt half transform Batchelors Pasta n Sauce.

Semi-kedgeree. One of me faves - half price smoked haddock and leftover rice fried up with egg (one of very few eggy things I can eat is egg-fried rice) onions, garlic, fresh chillies, various spices, diced smoked sausage that I've got a bit leftover of and peas. Bloody lovely so it is. Could more or less live on it although it seems unlikely that would ever be necessary.

EDIT: And raspberry and white choc pannacotta for pud.
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That looks quite tasty MDB. I might have to try that one out; might be good for quick comfort food.

Got to love being at my folks...

I just had Duck & Cabbage soup (courtesy of my Dad; he has loads of homemade soups in the freezer) with a Ham Sandwich. (Mayonnaise on one side, Lurpak on the other)

I never used to like Mayonnaise, but after tasting this stuff... I've realised that real mayonnaise is very tasty:

^ Real mayonnaise is very tasty indeed.

MDB's quick 'n' easy pasta creation actually looks really appetising. Couldn't eat Shammy's haddock dish though. Can't stand fish. :(
Can't stand fish. :(

Nor can my mother but she'll happily eat smoked haddock. It's most strange. Smoked haddock is quite a fishy fish compared to other white fish so has always baffled me why she likes smoked haddock but no other type of fish because they all "taste of fish". I did ask her why this was once and whilst she acknowledged the oddity she had no explanation either.

Dins tonight will consist of Szechuan Chicken and egg-fried rice. Picked up the former for £2.50 in Co-Op and is one of their rather tasty semi-DIY jobbies rather than a ready meal as such. Ingredients inna box. They seem to be struggling to sell 'em cos there's always loads reduced on the bottom shelf. Must get my oven sorted so I can make more use of 'em cos there's some really tasty sounding ones at the moment.
Nor can my mother but she'll happily eat smoked haddock.

The one exclusion to my "no fish!" rule is sushi/sashimi. Most sushi fish, with the notable exception of mackerel, (ick) doesn't really taste fishy to me, so I can eat and enjoy it.

Perhaps the gallons of soy sauce and wasabi goes some way to mask the fishy flavour....
^ I can kinda see that. Sort of. The texture tends to be quite different and properly fresh fish doesn't tend to taste or smell 'fishy' anyway. That also applies to non-sushi fishy fings though but I'd agree any sushi I've had (which is precious little) hasn't tasted especially fishy - mostly tastes of rice and dipping sauce.

Is it just the heating element that's gone you reckon Shammy? - fairly simple to sort if you think it's just that

* Disclainer - please don't blow yourself up investigating it :)

I honestly have no idea but since it died cos I set the fukker on fire it's probably best left dead. I spoke to one of my support workers this week and she's looking into getting me a cheap second hand one delivered next week so should be fine. Thanks all the same but me and trying to fix shit just ain't a good mix ;)

In munchings news, Szechuan Chicken was really bloody tasty. Fried it in chilli oil and did that thing were you don't faff with it and just let it char each side. Definitely the way to go. I'm usually a faffer when frying. Must get out of the habit cos that crusty bit really does taste a lot better <3
I'm being a fat bastard and having McDonalds for tea. Not had it in ages so should make a nice change.
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