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ya all i was at the Gloucester city murder the son killed the mother that was pregnant..

Did the clean up, blood everywhere crazy man
Internet forums are all the same. I swear the limited ones I've been on - it's all the same. The same thing happens like friggin clockwork orange every time. Every time.................

I get a few unmotivated insults, and a moderator comment. Then the jealous types who don't have any intelligence or wit start coming out of the forest, and then the banning threats start flying. It's all the same. I'm used to surfing message boards, and I was blown away by the serious nature there. Dude, it's a friggin Jeff Spicoli surfing message board. It's not a cancer survivor message board. Ya know what it is that I be sayin"

Anyway, I hear the same garbage anywhere I go, yet by the end, I become a mythological hero. Why heck, I won Swellinfo.com's Memeber of the Year award for 2013. And Member Achievement of the Year, also.

So I got that going for me, which is nice.

Hey, why are internet message board moderators so damn uptight? They are always so uptight. I don't know much aboot these moderator dudes here, but it's a message board for dudes who shoot bags of Super Buick into their arms (old defunct brand, so chill out). How can there be any rules and regulations? That's just crazy.

Post it all and let God sort it out.

JUNKIE DAYS.........don't ever say I'll eat dirt.

South Jersey? Where you at, partner? You from Haddonfield, I bet. Or maybe Morrestown. If you from Marlton, I'll get you up good.

It's ok if someone from New York or Baltimore insults me, but I do not take trash talking from my own kind. So, you will apologize or reveal yourself to me. Listen dude, I was YARD DOG at the Atlantic County Justice Facility, and I stepped-up to the biggest Muslim in my dorm. Yeah, mother trucker had my pillow. Those sons bitches decided to give us these plastic-like pillows, all of a sudden, at 4:30 am. We didn't have no pillows, then all of a sudden they give us pillows.........at 4:30 am.

I was on the afternoon kitchen shift that day, as YARD DOG, and was half-asleep when some fool said, " You want this?"

I as all, " Nahhhhh...." I didn't even know what it was at the time !!!! I DIDN'T KNOW !!! I was half-asleep. But then later that morning I found out, and learned some Pollack Town G had it. That's Pollack Town in Camden (Whitman Park -there's no Poles left there anymore). So I had to get at him for my pillow. Ya know what it that I be sayin'?

Wow, my penis hurts. Any of youse guys ever have your penis hurt?

I got some good waves today, and was hoping on getting twenty bucks in the mail. I ran into this son bitch a month ago who has some small bags of decent dope. I was going to call him today, but my money never showed. Maybe tomorrow, huh? I don't like that guy because he acts like a real dip wit ghetto trash on the phone. In person, he's cool, but on the phone it's like he purposely tries to sound retarded. But I don't have the scratch to get to Camden, and I'm not really trying to get policed on the streets. Ya know what it is that I be sayin'?

Hey would any of y'all give me some money?
Lol dude ur really fucking pretentious..

Im in bellmawr by the way

And i kno junkie days hes a good man..

As i was reading your post this is all i could think about that old copy pasta everyone knows

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Replace navy seals wit yard dog

And boom..
First of all Newport, I wasn't axing you where you was at. Second, why you be claiming Camden if you be from Bellmawr? And you be at Gloucester when the stabbings go down too, huh. Damn B, you all over.

Pretentious? Where'd you come up with that one?

Dude, the garbage you posted - The copy pasta (God I hate the internet buzzword terms) - has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. It's not even in the same universe.

Man, you smoking wet today or what? If you equate what I wrote to your little display, then you are dumb as hell. Are you dumb as hell?

Yo, you know what I also find retarded aboot this place? Well, I'll tell you.

You guys think anybody who is new to some town and is looking for advice is a cop.


Yeah, a Chicago vice cop is going to try and figure out drug corners on this site. He has NO IDEA where they are........NO CLUE. The cops need to come on here, and get info from you clowns to make a big bust. This is like a Cheech and Chong movie. Paranoia.

MAYBE, just maybe, a rural cop might do something like that. But no cop from Baltimore or Chicago is coming on here looking for leads. Dudes, they know everything already.......and I'm not just talking aboot the corners. Don't be so naive guys. The government knows all of the major players. You guys are just little pawns in the game. Don't be so naive and try and make out like you guys are onto some secret thing nobody knows aboot.
lol im not from jersey so go respond with 5 paragraphs to that or something
First of all Newport, I wasn't axing you where you was at. Second, why you be claiming Camden if you be from Bellmawr? And you be at Gloucester when the stabbings go down too, huh. Damn B, you all over.

Pretentious? Where'd you come up with that one?

Dude, the garbage you posted - The copy pasta (God I hate the internet buzzword terms) - has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. It's not even in the same universe.

Man, you smoking wet today or what? If you equate what I wrote to your little display, then you are dumb as hell. Are you dumb as hell?

Yo, you know what I also find retarded aboot this place? Well, I'll tell you.

You guys think anybody who is new to some town and is looking for advice is a cop.


Yeah, a Chicago vice cop is going to try and figure out drug corners on this site. He has NO IDEA where they are........NO CLUE. The cops need to come on here, and get info from you clowns to make a big bust. This is like a Cheech and Chong movie. Paranoia.

MAYBE, just maybe, a rural cop might do something like that. But no cop from Baltimore or Chicago is coming on here looking for leads. Dudes, they know everything already.......and I'm not just talking aboot the corners. Don't be so naive guys. The government knows all of the major players. You guys are just little pawns in the game. Don't be so naive and try and make out like you guys are onto some secret thing nobody knows aboot.
Ok #1 bro this is the fucking internet and everything shud b shouldnt be taken as serious as you fucking take them

cuz we all kno the fuckin internet is serious fukin biddness..

Secound you obviously dont kno theres 2 bellmawrs..

One right outside of camden IN CAMDEN COUNTY!! Which Gloucester city is also 10 mins away..

Yu come on here speaking like some internet tuff guy of course people are gonna respond...
Ok #1 bro this is the fucking internet and everything shud b shouldnt be taken as serious as you fucking take them

cuz we all kno the fuckin internet is serious fukin biddness..

Secound you obviously dont kno theres 2 bellmawrs..

One right outside of camden IN CAMDEN COUNTY!! Which Gloucester city is also 10 mins away..

Yu come on here speaking like some internet tuff guy of course people are gonna respond...

Yo dawg, you think I'm being serious on the internet?

Dude, go back and reread my posts. I take nothing seriously except the stuff I take serious.

Yes, I know of Belmar in Monmouth County, and Bellmawr in Camden County. Being from Bellmawr still doesn't allow you to claim Camden City baby. I know everything aboot New Jersey.

Which leads me to this: North Jersey sucks. North Jersey is horrible, and all the people are New York City-wannabes who smell bad from toxic waste dumps and landfills. They are the ones who give New Jersey its bad name.

South Jersey and Philly is the balls we are the best.
Ok #1 bro this is the fucking internet and everything shud b shouldnt be taken as serious as you fucking take them

cuz we all kno the fuckin internet is serious fukin biddness..

Secound you obviously dont kno theres 2 bellmawrs..

One right outside of camden IN CAMDEN COUNTY!! Which Gloucester city is also 10 mins away..

Yu come on here speaking like some internet tuff guy of course people are gonna respond...

Don't even bother with the guy. He's a troll.. don't feed the trolls. Dude is clearly a tweaker too with his nonsensical ranting posts.

Just ignore people like that and then they go away and hide under whatever rock they came from. He's not the first delusional troll we've had here, and he won't be the last. They don't stay long once they realize nobody actually cares..
Don't even bother with the guy. He's a troll.. don't feed the trolls. Dude is clearly a tweaker too with his nonsensical ranting posts.

Just ignore people like that and then they go away and hide under whatever rock they came from. He's not the first delusional troll we've had here, and he won't be the last. They don't stay long once they realize nobody actually cares..

Dude, shut the truck. I am not a "troll."

Anybody who uses the word troll is a dork and has no business doing drugs.

So..........show me something on this thread that is even remotely interesting. Be specific.

I'm trying to do something for God's sakes.

This is a fucking drug forum, and it's nothing but silence and crickets.

I don't care if anybody "cares," Moderator. What in the world would anybody care aboot on this thread?

And the limited stuff I have read from this site is pretty much useless. Here's how it goes......

A thread pops up concerning Baltimore heroin and drug corners.......

Dudes chime in aboot how scketchy it is buying on the street.

Dudes chime in aboot how they have a connect that meets them in a better hood.

Raw dope


Grey raw dope....

Then the moderators threaten action because someone mentions a street or seems to be hunting for info....

Moderator threatens some more.......

Thread gets closed !!

WHOO HOOO, Boy Howdy !!!

Oh, Mr Scagnattie, sweets, you couldn't ignore me if you tried. What is with you internet moderators? You guys are all on some kind of "power" trip. It's quite amusing.

Don't ever call me a troll again. And what can you do on here? You can't mention spots, you can't bro-down with other dopers..........How you can have rules on a friggin heroin site. These guys on here suck penis for heroin money......and rob CVS of baby formula to sell to bodegas.
For the record I'm a peoples moderator. I've never been on this power trip you speak of.
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