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EADD Benzo Discussion V. I forget

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has anyone done diclazepam? Do you get it in pills or powder form? How would it compare to Etiz?

I need some benzos but I'd rather not take any more etiz because of the potential for re-dosing and abuse and also the blue coloring that's on the pills makes me feel sick just thinking about it.
I have but my GABA receptors are fecked so I didn't feel much.
Had powder n though I've not seen them, I'm sure tablets are either available or will be soon.
Much longer half-life than Etiz + metabolites do too.
Mellow, not too sedatory but a nice anxiolytic.
Diclazepam to me is a bit like Pyrazolam except it has muscle relaxing properties and is more spacey, it really chills the brain out and is long acting, nice benzo.

You can get it in pellet and powder form, there are new uncoated pellets that are much more soluble, these are very nice, although every pellet/tablet has a colour so I don't see how you could take any tablet in the world if a colour makes you feel sick lol
Personally i found i got nausea associated with diclazepam which made it a non starter from my perspective. However, if you are one of the individual's who get's no nausea then i think diclaz is potentially a really promising benzo.


Regarding what you said a couple of post back i do believe you are bang on the money. Some may recall that in my original post i said i was willing to expand as much as anyone wished. I believe the area you are currently residing in with your concerns over juggling benzo's relates to something called "cross tolerance". I don't really know much about my audience on this thread so i'm just gonna fire away, no intent to teach anyone how to suck eggs. Ok, so say you were to alternate pyrazolam with etizolam. This could be the key to an unusually smooth taper or it could end up being of no additional benefit whatsoever. Both pyraz and etiz hit different receptors so alternating them makes perfect sense so long as the ephasis is on shifting towards the more benign pyrazolam habit (which is so much easier to kick than etiz). However, there are also liver enzymes involved in tolerance that can quite easily mistake the pyraz and etiz as the same drug, therefore additional liver enzymes will be produced and this will carrry on regardless, whether you use etiz or pyraz.

Ok, so far i've done a shit job of getting to my point. But hang on, like all thing's in life, tolerance is complex. While there will be some aspects of "cross tolerance" to watch out for, there will also be many receptors and enzymes in the brain and liver that are perfectly able to discriminate between pyraz and etiz. Now so long as a sensible method is followed and a taper is always at work then tolerance will start to drop quite rapidly with a rotation system. You see producing extra liver enzymes to break down benzo's is not something the body would ideally like to do. It is expensive. It takes energy to build all those fucking proteins. Not only that, but the body makes use of statistics. It likes to know when it will need peak production of liver enzymes etc...

I'll just finish up by saying that through years of study in combination with meticulous notes concerning my own drug use(when i was just 25 i kept a diary of every sunstance i put in my body for nearly 2 years, even including 50 mg caffeine every time i drunk a cup of tea ). Personally i don't even like to take benzo's two days running, but i don't want to confuse the issue.The point i'm trying to make is that I know what i'm talking about and I how to make a solid "brick wall" tolerance almost evaporate over the course of 6 weeks - though you'll see results as early as two weeks in.

What anyone wishes to do with their own bodies is their choice, and believe in that strongly as a libertarian. But getting down to brass tac's I'm willing to put my reputation on the line any time in exchange for helping design a tapir plan for anyone that need's one (unless they're an arse hole in which case they can rot in their own filth).
I get seen by a Phych in a drug clinic for that sort of thing so I wouldn't need to self medicate my own taper, but I should not be in that centre I should be in another centre near by for people who have genuine mental health issues, I'm only there because following a W/D seizure that hospitalised me I told a bunch of lies in hospital in a desperate attempt to get help because where I live unless you're a junkie nobody listens to you,

So in hospital I told them I had been taking 50 street blues a day and stuff and so they released me after a week under the supervision on a drug centre and on a Valium script,

When in actual fact I was only ever taking 5 (max 10) blues a day, and the reason for the heavy seizure was because they had 10mg+ Diaz in them and fucknows how many mgs of Phenazepam it was a dodgy batch,

The 1st Diazepam tablet I ever took was prescribed from a GP at about 17-18 yrs old who told me I had severe anxiety, I have been suffering from this as well as symptoms of paranoid psychosis from a very young age, tried anti-depressants and anti-psychotics and all that shit, and the only thing that relieves me is benzos,

Cut a long story short I have admitted to the drug clinic that I told them a bunch of lies to get help and told them about my childhood, when I begged everyone for help telling the truth I got nowhere so now they are thinking about transferring me into the centre I should be in who deals with people who are NOT addicts but just have issues,

So I don't plan on any sort of taper at all, just sensible use, I know my mgs and limitations, but if the day comes that I DO need to start tapering them I told the Psychiatrist that it should be done using 2mg tablets cutting me down by 1mg per month,

Problem is the script I'm on (25mgs Valium P/D) isn't even enough as it is, so the day the doses start going down I don't even want to imagine what my life will be like, I'll probably end up not leaving the house at all, it's anxiety inducing for me just to leave the house now never mind benzo free, don't get me wrong it would be great not to be tied to a chemist but that's the hand I was delt...

And as far as Etizolam is concerned, that is something I would only ever take at night time once in a blue moon, it's a thieno, and thienos are not day time drugs as far as I'm concerned, not for my body anyway, plus I get that eye twitching shit from it, my ideal script would be 6mg Clonaz per day with 2mg Xanax as and when required :)
Ive been using diclazepam for about 4 months now and it works reasonably well but I need relatively large doses for any real effect (8-20mg). Flubromazepam seems to be the best in terms of comparitive effect to pharm grade benzos but again I need to take loads 32-40mg per dose and its far too expensive. The diclaz is best value, etiz is shite for anxiety as the half life is far too short, only use I find it has is as a sleeping tablet. Im quite a fan of pyrazolam (most people dont rate it) nice pure anxiolitic with no sedation but it has a disappointingly short half life.

Thats my 2 cents on RC Benzos. Wish id had a chance for a blast on the phenazepam missed the boat there
my ideal script would be 6mg Clonaz per day with 2mg Xanax as and when required :)

I love clonazepam, its my favourite benzo and I used to be able to get 80+ 2mg at a time when i was nursing (one of my duties was to 'dispose' of out of date or unwanted prescriptions) but its a fucker for raising your tolerance. One summer i went to crete to detox from the gear for 2 weeks. The chemists were alot more lax back then and i was able to buy tons of clonazepam without a script. I was taking 6-12 mg a day as i was rattling really badly and when in a chemist for another matter i noticed that they had a load of random medicines just sitting in a basket - they must have just been delivered - sitting on top was a box of 14 1mg alprazolam which i pocketed. As id been in heroin withdrawal for about 5 days i was fucking desperate to sleep so I ate the entire strip in one go that night. Didnt feel fuck all - which i put down to the amount of clonaz id been yamming. The clonazers are great but i dont see the point in taking them daily as they lose their effect fast
^^^ thienodiazepine (s) and benzos are very similar if not almost the same iirc.
at least i couldn't tell the difference (if there ever was any)
I can tell the difference between Benzodiazepines and Thienodiazepines defoe, have u ever tried Olanzapine ? it's a ThienoBenzoDiazepine, I took half of 1 and couldn't keep my eyes open man,

I've can get another Thienodiazepine, Brotizolam, who knows I may try out of curiosity some time, It is market for sleep, I do that from time to time order something I've never tried lol, my last 1 was Oxazepam 30mg pink tabs which was the weakest benzo I've ever took in my life, tho the vendor is shady so I'm not gna jump to that conclusion.

But generally Thienos are night time drugs, I think 2mg Intas Etiz with 10mg Zolpidem and a single skinner of good Cheese would be my perfect sleep aid, had insomnia my whole life and that combo sounds pretty good for me,

Keep the normal Benzos for daytime.
i've tried olanzapine but didn't feel it, and also i tried etizolam and it was pretty similar to a benzo.
but i am only mildly experienced with (above terapeuthic dosages) benzos and very little experienced with thienos so i believe you
i've tried olanzapine but didn't feel it, and also i tried etizolam and it was pretty similar to a benzo.

I'm with you 100%.

Olanzapine might share certain structural similarities with etizolam and other thienodiazepines, but that's about it. Olanzapine is an atypical antipsychotic, whereas etizolam is very much like a traditional benzo. In actual fact, even though olanzapine falls into the thienodiazepine class, it's probably closer to other antipsychotics (such as clozapine and qietapine) than it is to etizolam.

You may have been extremely sedated by taking olanzapine, benzoman, but that's more to do with its own sedative qualities than its thienodiazepine structure.
I'm really liking Flubromazepam, especially since I got the powder, the pellets are a joke, way too weak individually.

It's nice and stoney, easy to dose as it's not that strong by weight. I make capsules between 8 and 16mgs, and store them in different bags, so I know of I'm necking a strong one or an easy one.

As for diclazepam, I really , really liked it. Love the fact one of its metabolytes has a half life of like 200 hours.

The thing I always hate about etizolam, is you munch a whole blister of Intaas and yet you wake up all agitated at 7 am.
Olanzapine and etizolam are miles apart, structurally. The only reason they are both colloquially referred to as thioenodiazpepines is because they happen to both have a ring fused with sulfur. Etizolam is much more like a classic benzodiazapine. Olanzapine is from outer space, chemically speaking. It's got a fucking para methoxy piperazine where etizolam has the classic halogenated benzene ring for fucks sake. I know that's double dutch to a non chemist, but trust me, if you are a receptor in a benzoheads brain then olanzapine and etizolam with barely resemble each other in the slightest.
Olanzapine and etizolam are miles apart, structurally. The only reason they are both colloquially referred to as thioenodiazpepines is because they happen to both have a ring fused with sulfur. Etizolam is much more like a classic benzodiazapine. Olanzapine is from outer space, chemically speaking. It's got a fucking para methoxy piperazine where etizolam has the classic halogenated benzene ring for fucks sake. I know that's double dutch to a non chemist, but trust me, if you are a receptor in a benzoheads brain then olanzapine and etizolam with barely resemble each other in the slightest.

As an antipsychotic I never saw any abuse potential in olanzepine, especially consdering the price, when i was nursing it was still under patent and the unit costs were ridiculous, about £140 for a 28 day supply. This was the Zyprexa brand so im sure there are probably cheaper generic versions now. Ive read about its chemical similarities to etizolam but the psychotropic effects couldnt be more different.
Gotta admit the 1st time I took Etiz I was impressed, felt stoned and happy, hypnotic 8o

I need to stop taking them for a while, i had a full strip of etilaam yesterday, they knocked me out eventually, but it took spliff and a bag of gear to do it. apart from a bit of miscoordinationanI I could hardly feel them when i was awake
I have had 2mg of clonaz feel niceeeee can i have my regular 6-8mg dose of etiz? Will i be ok? Im guessing so, clonaz is really weird for me, dnt really get high more flat happy calm, anyways can i mix away at my delights? Plz dnt tell me i am breaking BLUA guidelines :)
4mg of melatonin, another 4mg of etiz and 20mg diaz? Surwlt that willlnknock me out? Im getting frustrated here
Think i had some mild etiz rebound earlier... doesnt take much at all to rebound off them things... and i dont do them that often and in low amounts. Much more re-boundy than diaz etc
I take vals like lollies and need to cut down or I run out before I see doc. I get 500 diazepam at a time but heard if I take say, 300mg of Lyrica before I can then use just a couple of vals. Apparently, for whatever reason, they together produce feelings of diazepam but also add a feeling that hard to explain.
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