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Knockin' boots! v. When wuz the last time you did the funky monkey?

Calm down folks...twas only a joke....

I forget how badly even mild lounge humor can go over outside the lounge.

Also, CS and i had a go about 2 hours ago...we came together at the end. but only after he gave me a few O faces first.
Tomorrow....it's our anniversary and I can't wait!! Made a trip to the sex store for some goodies that we don't have. Looking forward to seeing him :)
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This afternoon, it was awesome as always. But we have to take a few days off due too a small dick injury. We have had some extra intense sessions the last 4 or 5 days which caused an area of CS's dick to chafe and get a small crack. It was nothing at first, but after a few more days of fucking with it like that its gotten worse. The pussy juices def arent helping.
Oh LAWD I dont like to argue with you, but the makeup sex from last night was fucking ridiculous.

When cum is splashing everywhere... you know its a good time.

lol, wasnt even mine.
The last two nights and the last two mornings...it has been ridiculously good.
^ Nice ;)

I took a cute Greek guy home last night (I seem to be a magnet for Greek guys doing PhDs at the moment for some unfathomable reason) - he was friends of a friend and as soon as he joined us in the pub I clocked his cheeky smile. Turned out we're both into similar things in bed - and have similar ideas about sex and relationships - but annoyingly he lives up north. Still, nothing like 3 hours of solid fucking, I really needed that after a long week :)
yesterday morning.

i wanted coffee. he was horny. our children were due to wake at any moment so i gave him a blowjob and we shared coffee in bed <3

it was lovely.

Thursday night. I've been seeing a coworker. She was on her period. Earned another notch on my red wings tab. I don't care it was great.
A new-ish fwb came over on Thursday night from a different city - we had a crazy sex marathon session, I made him come from a bj then had sex again - really hard fucking, condoms kept breaking - and afterwards we fucked again in a more BDSM style and I got a good belting. He's amazing - in his 30s and doesn't even need much recovery time between orgasms... We both collapsed for a while, woke up and did it again on Friday morning, it was sooo intense... on Friday evening I had a different fwb over - he's a hot black guy, and really good fun. That night he ended up pushing my head down while fucking my ass and talking to me in French. I really don't care what he said, it was like being hypnotised and he could have said anything, it was incredibly hot... then we did it again on Saturday morning and he ended up joining me and my friends on Saturday, so repeat performance last night and this morning - he's strong and fucked me standing up while holding me in front of the mirror, I have to say we look pretty good together ;) no more action for me for a while now - busy week then my mum is staying over - but I'm literally feeling too fucked to worry about sex right now!
Last night. And the night before. I finally feel like we're back on track!! Friday night was only okay, since we were both drinking, and sex + alcohol does not work for me. But last night... that was fun... tried out some basic very beginners bondage stuff for the first time (well, first time for me anyway). So that was fun :p
Last night, went out with this girl I met recently for the second time. Spent the evening at a Ska/Punk show then I escorted her back to her apartment, since "I was concerned for her safety, walking and riding the bus through Oakland late at night alone". ;) (I really was concerned actually, but I'd be lying if I said that was the only thing i was thinking about)

She invited me to stay the night, we kissed/made out for a while then did the deed. :) First time I've been with a girl in 3-4 months, since I was in rehab and working on myself for a bit.

To be honest I felt really awkward at first, because I've been with the same girl for 4.5 years until recently, she moved back to New Jersey after a bunch of crazy bullshit happened and then wanted to give it another shot, so until I decide if I'm moving back to Jersey it's an "open relationship". Felt weird being with a different girl than I'm used to, and even more weird hooking up sober. I had a lot of fun though, kinda like this girl actually. Not looking for a serious relationship(made that clear) but I definitely like her, and would like to hook up with her again.

Except today, she texted me asking if the condom broke last night - I said not that I noticed and if i had i would have said something(truth) - and then I sent a message saying "I had a great time last night, would love to hang out with you again sometime" to which she replied: "Yeah, it was fun."

Not exactly sure how to take that, I guess it just didn't sound too enthusiastic to me, but it was a text after all, so no way to tell tone or body language or anything. I'm just worried because the whole night I was being a bit introverted, really struggling to think of things to talk about. Big problem I've been having since getting sober. Am I just over thinking everything, or would she not have hooked up with me if she really cared about my inability to maintain conversation?

I always over think shit >.< Fuckin being sober - I really struggle to maintain focus and conversation these days... I was honestly really surprised she was receptive to hooking up with me because I thought I blew it by being boring and not talking enough.
Last night, went out with this girl I met recently for the second time. Spent the evening at a Ska/Punk show then I escorted her back to her apartment, since "I was concerned for her safety, walking and riding the bus through Oakland late at night alone". ;) (I really was concerned actually, but I'd be lying if I said that was the only thing i was thinking about)

She invited me to stay the night, we kissed/made out for a while then did the deed. :) First time I've been with a girl in 3-4 months, since I was in rehab and working on myself for a bit.

To be honest I felt really awkward at first, because I've been with the same girl for 4.5 years until recently, she moved back to New Jersey after a bunch of crazy bullshit happened and then wanted to give it another shot, so until I decide if I'm moving back to Jersey it's an "open relationship". Felt weird being with a different girl than I'm used to, and even more weird hooking up sober. I had a lot of fun though, kinda like this girl actually. Not looking for a serious relationship(made that clear) but I definitely like her, and would like to hook up with her again.

Except today, she texted me asking if the condom broke last night - I said not that I noticed and if i had i would have said something(truth) - and then I sent a message saying "I had a great time last night, would love to hang out with you again sometime" to which she replied: "Yeah, it was fun."

Not exactly sure how to take that, I guess it just didn't sound too enthusiastic to me, but it was a text after all, so no way to tell tone or body language or anything. I'm just worried because the whole night I was being a bit introverted, really struggling to think of things to talk about. Big problem I've been having since getting sober. Am I just over thinking everything, or would she not have hooked up with me if she really cared about my inability to maintain conversation?

I always over think shit >.< Fuckin being sober - I really struggle to maintain focus and conversation these days... I was honestly really surprised she was receptive to hooking up with me because I thought I blew it by being boring and not talking enough.

Try calling her. I suspect she might actually like you.
I don't want to Hijack this thread, but really do want some advice on this. I'll post my own thread.

What makes you think she might like me? (reply in the thread im about to make)
weve had a bunch of sex this weekend. i didnt think we would as my s/o has been sick with the flu, but it seemed to do wonders for us both. :D

2 mins ago.

Best sex ever.
Never had a woman tall enough for me until recently.

Win. <3