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The Cuddle Puddle vers. The Black Knight has fallen..

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lmao, you can't really call hardstlye a fad then go listen to dubstep. I mean, what the fuck is that about :! It waaayyy less commercial than a lot of the other EDM genres.
its not gossip when its true and its things that should be worrying.
just saying.
keep it real junglist massive up in dis bitch
jungle is by far the best genre and i'm not going to argue this with anybody.
LSDMDMA&11626594 said:
its funny
you should have heard the conversation me and another bluelighter had on the phone last night involving a 3rd bluelighter.
when you say "involving" you coyly mean "about", right? the coy act is pretty childish.

now who's back in grade school? why not man up and just say what's on your mind?


What festival you off to Cz?

Few of my friends are going to this next weekend, the weathers turned a bit shit though otherwise I was really up for it, set in a forest in north wales, come out of the forest and your on a beach. Mix of techno, house, electronica, bit of DnB. Friend Djed there last year so got free tickets, going to see what happens with the weather.

It gets trippy as fuck at nighttime, great festival though.

This 3D Dome tent gets you on a different level.

Nass Festival, Glolal Gathering, Bestival and probably innovation.

This saturday! So excited :D

Jaw will get a good workout huehehehe
what up sluts? went to nyc over the weekend, tried buying some blow of some punk on the street. He gave it to me in a cap which was weird so I was questioning the legitimacy of this shit in the first place. At this point its 5 am I'm thinking its a bad idea to start doing lines, when the opportunity arose I cracked the pill open and first thing I notice is a fine yellow substance... It failed the blow taste test, fack.. That fucker was probably selling it to kids as molly or something. Lesson learned never try to score off of rando's... My friends told me that guy wasn't wearing any shoes so I picked up shit from some gutter punk kid..

Vegas next week, shit should be wild!
Festival season is here and there's shit going on in Southern California. I can't convince myself to buy into the current state of EDC nor drive to shithole Vegas to go to it. I used to get so excited for summer!

What's going on ED? :)
Dropped for the first time in two years today, was an excessive honeymoon user in 2010. Now there is no desire to redose, along with the intention to keep my initial dose low to begin with, since I am aware of what it is now. I am feeling incredibly positive, and my happy thoughts are exploding in all directions. I just can't stop the energy from unfolding, I am opening up INSANELY as per usual, but without taking so much that I am still able to type and not just compulsively dance. But now I am going to enter the reality surrounding myself and this computer and DANCE because I know this stuff is bomb and there is nothing to worry about at this responsible dosage level... oh how things have changed
^ Dude, nice!

I graduated today :D

and by that I mean I just baarrreelllyyyy slipped by

This saturday! So excited :D

Jaw will get a good workout huehehehe

1 day and 1 stage festie? seems like its missing a few things

I did EDC a few weeks ago next in line is

Spring Awakening (Chicago) (just Saturday)

EDC (Vegas)

Wavefront (Chicago - really stoked for a beachside festie)

and lastly North Coast
Man I am happy for you. I barely slipped by too, had my fair share of D's, and now it seems that someone is giving me a chance at the graduate level just because I had a smart interview and acted like I cared a lot. I always knew I was bound to be a high level academic - drugs fucked up my undergraduate grades, and stoned laziness fucked up every one of my references, but fate still held up to my bullshit. I'm pretty much just too overly intelligently useless to do anything else than teach people about the mathematical nature of reality, which I am good at.
1 day and 1 stage festie? seems like its missing a few things

I did EDC a few weeks ago next in line is

Spring Awakening (Chicago) (just Saturday)

EDC (Vegas)

Wavefront (Chicago - really stoked for a beachside festie)

and lastly North Coast
1 day and 1 stage yeah :)
Incoming wall of quotes and text...

I was talking EDM, but come to think of it, yeah. All music pales in comparison to that melody. I'm going to get this mix done TONIGHT, I've got to lol.

As much as I love EDM and the culture around it... Nothing beats some good old Scandinavian metal... :)

Not sure if you will like this at all but just give this a listen to, one of my favorite metal songs.

^ So many good ol' drunken nights blasting this with some close friends singing terribly along. :')

Oh shit! Speaking of amazing festivals out in nature (no Mr. MD, not the gorge lol but there too)

lol I wouldn't really call that nature... but it is still breath taking. :)

I would love a to go to a festival that is really in touch with nature, next year I'm going to go to a ton of local festivals for sure (they are always in the woods or along rivers!)

it's definitely underappreciated in Canada, but it's not awful in Vancouver. We usually end up having hardstyle at 2 massives a year (one of them being the biggest one each year, which is half trance/half hardstyle and goes from 10pm-8am) There's also an afterhours club here downtown that plays hardstyle friday nights 11pm-7am.

When is said "biggest" massive... I want to go! haha let me guess 19+? :(

EDIT: One more song for you Folley... let me know what you think!

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^ Dude, nice!

I graduated today :D

and by that I mean I just baarrreelllyyyy slipped by

Join the club...if you didn't just gaduate by the skin of your teeth...you didn't do it right IMO :)

Now you have 4 more years of bliss until shit gets real....these are the years your want to kill it at school though.

If you want some advice from someone who was once in your situation....stay in until you get a masters...a baccalaureate is the GED of the 21st century.
Ok next producer goal: [video=youtube_share;OP22hXanlNA]http://youtu.be/OP22hXanlNA?t=2m55s[/video]

Learn how to make vocals sound like this 0.o, that breakdown is some dark shit.

Also about the whole music thing for me it isn't about people not liking what I like, it's about people pretending to like what I like...
It's going on in holland sadly. Hipster's bragging about going to techno "raves" and boasting the most unknown DJ there to seem cool, they usually drop pills and go home and never listen to it again.

Fine, what ever they want, the problem is they crap all over a subculture while doing it and then move on to the next big thing, and I got history to back me up on this.

Hip Hop, check out stuff like grandmaster flash... amazing skills, was about bringing a bad neighbourhood together in NY bronx and have fun for a change instead of surviving. Then commercial america came... now it's about niggers/guns and money...

Dub-Step, atmospheric, dark bass heavy sounds with a lot of wobble, actually existed since 1980's. Commercial america came, now dubstep is the monstrosity called skrillex who relies on the same boring samples in every track and predictable drops.

Dance was about... beats, about dancing, about a vibe, not the artist or a show but a great crowd and a feeling of being the show instead of watching it. America came, and you guessed it, it's now called "electronic dance music" and they put the lame rock concert feel to it, it shouldn't be like U2 where the artist gives and you recieve, yet they are currently taking the enormous arrogant shit on it without even flushing the toilet.

You see it's not about people not liking what I like, it's about sheep fucking ruining some really great cultures, and I'll fucking hate them for it.

I'm glad this EDM crap is all happening over seas though, david guetta clubs are empty here on saturday nights :)

I wonder what genre is next, before you know it Rihanna is singing her cheesy lyrics with kanye west over "Electronic Techno" Music

-end rant
^ I can respect that. Well said. I myself am relatively new to the rave scene and culture, I was introduced when I was in grade 11 through some of my brothers friends. I'm on my third year in the scene and when I started off I only went to underground raves and parties and what not but now I only go to "mainstream" events.

As you've pointed out there is a big difference between a "rave" and an "american rave"... At all the underground raves I went to the DJ wasn't on a 20' tall stage the size of school gymnasium focusing on fist pumping, he or she was just doing their duty of dropping killer beats and keeping people moving. They all did this using basic inexpensive set ups cramming in the corner... So I get where you are coming from.

But at the same time I must admit I do love the whole "Rock Concert" set up the mainstream event have. *MOST* have a good vibe to them and tons of energy, especially if they are larger events, aka massives.

Sadly I have fallen out of the underground scene due to the people I used to go with moving away and what not and they were my way "in" so now I'm stuck with mainstream events until I can find more underground raves myself.

One thing I have to say about raving in general, it really brought me out of a shitty time in my life. The main thing that pushed me into raves was the fact that one of my better friends was moving to New Zealand for a year and he was pretty much the anchor to my social life (He would have people over every weekend and throw parties and what not.) Right as he moved away my long time friends stopped talking to me so I ended up going to raves on the weekends with the people who got me into raving. That was my "way out"..

Anyways I'm getting too lazy to type more haha.

^ old age creeps up on us all. ;)

I used to be right into what I now class as "fucking drivel" music. I was into hardcore techno back in the 90s but I simply cannot listen to it nowadays.

I'd like to think my music taste is more mature now........whatever that means. Each to there own............But I bet most folk in theit teen that listen to hardstyle or what ever passing fad genre is currently doing the round wont be listening to it in their 30's. Well its highly unlikely.

I had twice the energy in my teens as I do now........and so did my drivel music of choice.

House music will never die.

Electronic music has been a huge part of my life since I was young. The linndrum, the sound of new-wave, and everything in between. If a song evokes some kind of emotional response, then it's a good track. Quality mixing and producing are huge components of music for me as well.
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