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RCs 3-MMC (3-Methylmethcathinone) Megathread (v1)

I think we're all going to agree that bk-mdma and 4-mmc are the best of the cathinones by quite a long way. Just like 34-mda and 34-mdma are the best of the substituted amphetamines. Or maybe 2-cb. DAMMIT... I don't know.
Yeah, too bad all cathinones except fresh Khat itself are now illegal in most of Europe. I had a similar experience to the OP's when coming down from a high dose of 4-MMC: I had no benzos, no weed, hadn't eaten for days, so booze was out of the question. My stash at the time was all stimulants, nitrous, which was fun on meph comedowns, but only took the edge off for about 5 minutes per balloon, salvia...and some Kanna, which I took for its sedating properties: forgetting it's a virtual SSRI. Sweats, hot flushes, nausea, headache - it was kind of like a sudden few hours of intense dope withdrawal, combined with a psychotic sense of mental 'overheating.' Pretty much turned me off of 4-MMC, as did witnessing people take to it with the fanaticism of newbie crackheads. A lot of people over here got into serious trouble before the ban, using daily at work, et cetera: it was deceptive stuff, superficially similar to MDXX, but with that methy edge of easy addiction and psychosis. Of course, the ban just means it's now cut to shit with God-knows what.

BK-MDMA was sweet, though - wonderful for sex, almost worth the grinding, lengthy comedown, and a very pleasant social lubricant, especially if there was plenty of weed or a benzo or two to end the night on. The rebound insomnia and anxiety, otherwise, made it seem a long fall for a short slide, on its own.
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Try 5 meo mipt at 7mg for the most erotic-horny drug on the planet IMO
Here`s a WARNING !!!!

Saturday night I took 125mg of 6 apb then at 6hrs into it it I took 400mg 3mmc (usual dose) both gelcapped.

This was the first time ever I was in trouble with anything. I started to sweat which I do a lot on all sorts of drugs but never ever like this. Sweat suddenly started pouring out of me. It was like a river running down my head and I was getting all sorts of weird and frightening effects. Vision was all over the place. I started sipping water immediately and by the time I had taken half a pint I was calming down.

I am very very experienced with all sorts of rc`s over the years (70+ types) and I could clearly see this was a BAD COMBINATION.

Please dont do this combo!

Thank you very much for saving me from a possible experience with those 2. I recently tried Methylone/6-apb combo
and it was off the charts. Not as intense as some of the beans I used to get, but way more intense than any RC
on the scene right now when it comes to loved up ridiculousness. First good roll I ever had on 6-apb but it was bcuz
I mixed the methylone with it. I had a terrible comedown for about an hour or two but then was ok after that. Still drains you like MDMA though. So, you say no 3mmc and 6-apb. Had you tried the methylone 6-apb combo yet?

I think we're all going to agree that bk-mdma and 4-mmc are the best of the cathinones by quite a long way. Just like 34-mda and 34-mdma are the best of the substituted amphetamines. Or maybe 2-cb. DAMMIT... I don't know.

Nah...3mmc is better than methylone. More intense and lasts longer. The combo of the two is absolutely amazing though and is closer to MDMA than either one is on its own. I would say it even beats the 6-apb/m1 combo just because the comedown isn't as bad from what I remember..and the roll itself is more speedy which I personally like better. But both combos are amazing. I do not recommend anyone try it however, as you could get serotonin syndrome. I know Ive gotten it before, from mixing all sort of shit. Usually it seems 6-apb is the culprit.
I tried the m1 combo on Friday.

My usual dose of 3mmc would be 400mg gelcapped as I have high tolerance due to 4mmc. I used 150mg of m1 and 250mg of 3mmc.

It was great but to be honest I couldnt really feel the m1. At the 40 min point I started to feel the lovely m1 hit creeping over me but 10mins later the 3mmc kicked in and overshadowed it with the strong stim buzz.

In the end it was as though I had taken maybe 450mg of 3mmc as it was definately stronger but as I say the m1 was overshadowed. Next time I will try 150mg of each but something tells me experimentation will be needed to get a good ratio and I think a lot less 3mmc needs to be used than m1.

Another bad mix on Saturday night. I took 400mg of 3mmc at midnight then at 5am as it was wearing off a bit I took my usual dose of 4 ho met which was 20mg. I really didnt like it. It was as though I had taken about 50mg of ho met and it was pretty frightening. Total intense OEV`s but the feeling in me was crude. You just `knew` that this was not a good combo.

I have a feeling that 3mmc isnt going to mix well with pea`s or tryptamines`s very well at all.
not when you take them on the comedown it won't!.

Got a 250mg sample of this coming, will report back.
Here's my take on this chem:

Comparisons to 4-MMC I find tepid, if not inventive. In my experience 4-EMC is a closer substitute; this stuff just feels like a less tweaky, less yawny, less dirty 4-MEC. It might as well be 4-MEC, as that stuff feels just like a more edgy and sickening version of this. It simply feels like a warming, mildly stimulating euphoric cathinone. It lacks significant dopamine push (and I mean significant). It is face chewy as all fuck (I hardly got that from 4-EMC and 4-MMC, though did with 4-MEC). I therefore reckon this is vastly more serotinergic than what comes to mind when you see the MMC part. Reminds me a lot of 5-ME in fact.

It's so disappointing as to raise doubts in my mind as to the legitimacy of the vendor, but I purchased it from what is probably now the gold standard in RC suppliers, and the only store carrying it who ships to the USA. It hardly smells like a cathinone, let alone anything.

Dosages tested were around 210-225 mg, several times over the course of a few hours.

Is there some secondary threshold dose to cross an initial plateau and end up on mt. mephedrone? I'll try 400 tomorrow and see how that goes. I was plugging it this time so maybe for whatever reason this positional isomer is not as rectally bioavailable as 4-MMC (which got me high as fuck when I supped up the ass). Dunno. At this point though my advice is to not sell your bicycle preemptively if you are looking for one last meph high, this stuff probably isn't it. It is however not even remotely moreish, to its much respected credit. Maybe I'm inured to the highs from these things, but I haven't had a cathinone in a long time and I never was a head when they were around. Maybe it's the phenibut I had taken, I dunno, but I hope other people get more from this than I get.
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Got a 250mg sample of this coming, will report back.

I dosed this while on MDMA and coming down off some 5-meo-MIPT. Lines of around 80mg. There was stimulation but little euphoria and all 3 lines were gone within 30 minutes. Better than 4-MEC but not a patch on 4-MMC. Worth a free sample to try, but not worth buying imo; especially not at the price that is asked!
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My dose on 3mmc is 400 or 420 gelcapped so it would be interesting to see an update after this.

As it went on sale it WAS reported that you need to dose higher than 4mmc. I love the stuff and think its far superior to 4 mec.
I bombed around 350 and felt only an increase in the apparent serotenergic effects established for in the earlier smaller doses. 350 should jave been enough for any uneaminated threshold left tofind, as I'm light enoughtp qiualify for lightweight status as guineq pig. The telltale characterisits of this drug are, for a mephysuggesting compound, hardly flips a neuron in the DAT system whereas 4MMC would have been playing at those switches like a kid in nuclear submarine. It is pretty much all SERT fiddling around, bereft of peripheral and central stimulation seen in other caths. This is smooth and not without merit if one could appreciate a compared to 5ME and M1, where 5ME is most similar and m1 is (when it's good) much better than either of those as far as euphoria goes. They, being SERT modulators, caused the same bruxism/face gnawing that this stuff did with me, a telltale sign that we're not dealing with the DAT workings of Meph at al.

Because of its striking similarity to 4-BMC and 5-ME, I wonder if any common reagant purity test could be done on this in order to establish its relative purity as an authentic substance? Anyone interested PM me: i have no reagant kit but a bit of the actual chem worth analyzing.
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So i got some 3-MMC the other night.. 2 grammes..

Put some on a CD case to rack up some lines but didn't do them straight away.. Within an hour or 2 the lines were turning into paste :\ You could actually see drops of water gathered around each of the little fly away crumbs..

Wtf.. is this the most hydrophilic substance known to man?
change vendor

mine dont do that although i have noticed it seems slightly mushy in the bag but when you pour it out it runs dryly with nothing stuck to the bag


So i got some 3-MMC the other night.. 2 grammes..

Put some on a CD case to rack up some lines but didn't do them straight away.. Within an hour or 2 the lines were turning into paste :\ You could actually see drops of water gathered around each of the little fly away crumbs..

Wtf.. is this the most hydrophilic substance known to man?
Sounds like bad/fake batch to me, mine behaved exactly like 4-MMC ie. pretty stable for months, not even sticking to bag, could leave a line on table for days.

I'm not gonna ever buy 3-MMC again though, it seemed very similar to 4-MEC to me. They could possibly send me 4-MEC to me as it really felt almost identical, although MEC is regulated almost everywhere including here in czech rep. while MMC surprisingly isn't so I don't think they did. Either way not really worth it for someone who has at least slight tolerance to such stims, and I have almost (read: at least) moderate tolerance now.

IMO the only RC stim worth using is 4-FA. That stuff is just wonderful, I wish I was using that instead of drone 2 years ago because it is clearly much less addictive and damaging, the euphoria doesn't disappear so quickly each next time you do it, also it can't be snorted which is a plus for me because when I can snort something I will.
You told me in pm where you got it and others have now confirmed it is indeed crap they are selling.

Change vendor for it.

......reply to Ilamer
Based on what?

Someone who bought a crap synth of it?

If you get a good quality synth of it then it is excellent!

.....replying to danharper01
IMO the only RC stim worth using is 4-FA. That stuff is just wonderful, I wish I was using that instead of drone 2 years ago because it is clearly much less addictive and damaging, the euphoria doesn't disappear so quickly each next time you do it, also it can't be snorted which is a plus for me because when I can snort something I will.

who says 4-fa can't be snorted? i've snorted it several times - yeah it burns like a mf'er - it brings a tear to my eyes - but for some reason it never stopped me from doing it again.
^I know some people do it but it irritates the nose so bad, if only it bringing tears to my eyes would be the only issue I would endure it too. The thing is within second I get CRAZY runny nose and don't even feel the effects that much, probably because I have to sneeze it out before it even gets absorbed and spend the next 15 minutes worrying about my nose. During which the main rush decreases anyway and I'm left with high that's identical to oral so no point in snorting it imo.

Of course I also tried doing several smaller lines instead of one big, but even 20mg hurts badly.. and since I need 200-300mg at once, that means 10-15 lines, no point (although I need those 200-300 with oral, its possible with snorting bioavailability is higher).
My two cents:
This is not a trip report, nor is it a well thought out post or scientific in any way. But Ive tried a bit of 3-mmc (roughly 100mg) insufflated, purchased from a highly reputable source (if you PM me regarding sourcing Ill report your ass.)

It was decent, sort of like a dumbed-down, not as fun but still euphoric Mephedrone; 4-mmc. Stimulation was a tad bit similar to dexamp, or perhaps a less anxiety-inducing 2-fma (yes, I find 2-fma much more anxiety inducing than other stims including methamp and amp). I was not going off much sleep and my body was aching from work when I did these lines of 3-mmc, so obviously take what Im saying with a grain of salt.

Interestingly, I found it not to affect my heart rate much at all, especially when compared with other stims. I actually found 3-mmc slightly anxiolytic, not ACTUALLY anxiolytic, like a benzo, but it hardly caused me any anxiety or tunnel vision as compared with other stims Ive tried, mainly 4-mmc, 2-fma, amp and methamp.

I would describe it as a more euphoric, rushy, Vyvanse.

My two cents has now been provided.
Has anyone tried oral ROA? Gel-cap on an empty stomach is how I like to do these things. Thanks for any pointers.