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The Cuddle Puddle vers. "Dude, can't handle it unplug this bastard"

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My mate just lost his shit looool. Decided to do some mushrooms with my other mate before he does the rest of them with me tonight when I get home. Both him and my mate go seperate ways but ring eachother an hour later saying they're tripping too hard to go home LOL. G's just got home this second and rung me up about it. Idiots haha
Cool. Thanks I read the ''Six Simple Rules'' thread many times =). One other thing I was thinking about recently is that since I started taking MD it's as though I can be happier than I was before I started taking it, even when I haven't taken it in a while.

I think there might be something to be said for, instead of rolling on a monthly or 2 month basis, taking 1-5 mg per day as a supplement in combination with 5-htp and other supplements to keep your brain active at producing and releasing serotonin. Sort of the same principle as weightlifting only for your brain. Has anyone looked into this or have there been any studies done?

You won't get anything out of 1-5mg and it will slowly build your tolerance. It's not enough to be therapeutic and obviously doing it too often, which may provide long term complications. The amounts are almost nothing but I still wouldn't want to try it. Your brain chemistry isn't something you should be trying to alter every day in my opinion. The constant unbalancing especially in combination with 5HTP sounds dangerous, with the possibility of leading to serotonin syndrome.

I guess we'll never know until proper studies are done into it but I would not suggest you do it. Your brain doesn't need supplements, it produces everything it needs naturally.
I get this weird thing on acid and mushrooms where peoples eyes join together, so I'm going with cyclops haha

When I trip with this girl her eyes always wonder round her face, to the point where I can't look at her without being in hysterics on the floor. It only happens with this one girl though.
Unexpected roll happening tonight, been only a week but I figure only once couldn't hurt. Have a good one party peeps <3
When I trip with this girl her eyes always wonder round her face, to the point where I can't look at her without being in hysterics on the floor. It only happens with this one girl though.

Lol love that feeling. Half the time shit ain't even funny. Upping my dose to 3g tonight hopefully I done come on here asking to be pulled back into reality lol
Lololol ^

I know what you mean about the laughing though. Never have I laughed as hard as on mushrooms, and never has it been for any particular reason lol. They just send me into giggle-fits. :p
Unexpected roll happening tonight, been only a week but I figure only once couldn't hurt. Have a good one party peeps <3

Well it COULD, probably won't though ;)

I might be doing some 2C-B tonight instead of New Years, not sure yet haha. Might just do some 4-FA and tweak around instead lol

Lol love that feeling. Half the time shit ain't even funny. Upping my dose to 3g tonight hopefully I done come on here asking to be pulled back into reality lol

You should go for the full 3.5 man :) When I settle for only 3g I feel like I'm tripping like 1/6 less than I should haha
Well it COULD, probably won't though ;)

I might be doing some 2C-B tonight instead of New Years, not sure yet haha. Might just do some 4-FA and tweak around instead lol

You should go for the full 3.5 man :) When I settle for only 3g I feel like I'm tripping like 1/6 less than I should haha

Will next time man. Only had 6g between us ! Was pretty mental but the lack of liberty caps made the trip not as strong. There weren't any thai caps either, two species I'd never heard of before, cant even remember what they are. Think one of them began with an I. I am fucking exhausted exhausted today.

What's 2CB like?
Will next time man. Only had 6g between us ! Was pretty mental but the lack of liberty caps made the trip not as strong. There weren't any thai caps either, two species I'd never heard of before, cant even remember what they are. Think one of them began with an I. I am fucking exhausted exhausted today.

What's 2CB like?

I know you weren't asking me, but I thought you'd appreciate another opinion =). I tried it for the second time 2 nights ago. Really nice, not the most sociable drug as I was pretty argumentative and forceful with my opinions (not like me normally). Also I did not get very strong visuals, took the same dose as a buddy of mine who was getting mad visuals...so I redosed (snorted this time...hurt like hell) same amount and still just colours seemed blurry and streaky.

I was having a great time and laughing like crazy though, and the body high was comparable to good MD at some points. I think I ate too much both times doing it, leading up to it and while tripping. I am thin, and I eat like a pig all the time, heehee. Next time i'll have an empty stomach.
Ended up taking half a gram of speed and 160 mg mdma. I don't think I'm every going to roll without amps again in a party setting tbh. More energy, and when the mdma was wearing off I was happily socializing and dancing my ass off where as normally I'm a wreck and want to go home. The comedown isn't even bad aswell. Feeling quite good and fuzzy :)
Will next time man. Only had 6g between us ! Was pretty mental but the lack of liberty caps made the trip not as strong. There weren't any thai caps either, two species I'd never heard of before, cant even remember what they are. Think one of them began with an I. I am fucking exhausted exhausted today.

What's 2CB like?

2c-b is so cliche, it's what you imagine tripping to be like. Pretty colours, wobbly lines, moving patterns and a lot of laughs. (unless you're some fool that thinks tripping is dropping 1 tab and jumping off a building thinking you can fly.)
I need a big fat cap of GHB, a powernap and a pizza.

Who's the lucky lady that gets to deliver all those things to my suburban mansion?
2c-b is so cliche, it's what you imagine tripping to be like. Pretty colours, wobbly lines, moving patterns and a lot of laughs. (unless you're some fool that thinks tripping is dropping 1 tab and jumping off a building thinking you can fly.)

yeh but there is not much mind fuck or introspection like with lsd or mushrooms. 2cb is ok for seeing pretty colours and shit but as for learning something about yourself its a failure ime. reckon high doses of mdma are more psychedelic in the sense of being able to dissect your ego and better your self than 2cb.

2cb would be a great introductory to psychedelics, where the user can experience all the visual and some noise disturbances without going balls deep into their own psyche.

i keep hearing on here that 2cb is not neurotoxic, well it one of the only psyches where i have noticed lasting movement disturbances some days after dosing. think theres an acronym for that hppd perhaps.

in saying all that i did still thoroughly enjoy 2cb and got a lot of giggles and a generally positive headspace similar to good speed or mdma.

i dont really know why it isnt a lot more common?
reckon high doses of mdma are more psychedelic in the sense of being able to dissect your ego and better your self than 2cb.

See I was not to impressed with 2c-b to start with, I really thought I'd explored the chemical as far as I could. Ended up snorting 30mg + in a line after a heavy night on MDMA and holy shit, it actually blew my mind. It was easily comparable to when I did acid (did three legit mediocre tabs so I'd estimate 150-220ug in total), the visuals were to much better and I know set/setting probably had something to do with it but the amount of positive vibes was ridiculous. If you want to dissolve a bit of your ego then do some Nitrous Oxide when you start to come up, you'll spend the rest of the trip contemplating what just happened.

2c-x family has been a fun experience, but 2c-b was by far the best. 2c-e being the worst.
I couldn't see myself taking those and going to a rave. Too much socializing. I want to be in on clouds with MDMA.

Ketamine, or LSD do the trick.

One time I took PCP that was sold as acid.
Fun time feeling absolutely nothing but excitement and fear. Being completely warped into another dimension for what seemed like 5 minutes, but was actually 7 hours. Bluah. Dumb of me.
Ended up snorting 30mg + in a line after a heavy night on MDMA and holy shit
yeh i have only done the bee once, snorted somewhere between 40-60mg in two lines about 20mins apart. the colours were great, like lsd though more solid if that makes sense, and the swirls of colour and light were very similar to what you get with slow shutter speed photography. the following days i had some lasting patterns on objects, patterns were hard to explain cross between lsd and mushroom, they finally subsided. i didnt notice the patterning the night i was high but their was a hell of a lot of colour and swirls. i just didnt get any introspection or trippy thoughts, just a whole lot of colour and a good strong happy positive vibe. i remember thinking this stuff would be lovely at a rave or under strobe and lasers.
2c-x family has been a fun experience, but 2c-b was by far the best. 2c-e being the worst.
i find it extremely hard to come across rc's here in australia, i know they are around i just dont yet have the connects. was lucky to score the bee. its funny from all that i have read about the 2cx's bee was on the top of my to do list and im now on the hunt for 2ce. what did you not like about the 2ce? i hear it can be quite difficult and challenging.
i find it extremely hard to come across rc's here in australia, i know they are around i just dont yet have the connects. was lucky to score the bee. its funny from all that i have read about the 2cx's bee was on the top of my to do list and im now on the hunt for 2ce. what did you not like about the 2ce? i hear it can be quite difficult and challenging.

I've been lucky enough to be able to source everything I've ever had a desire to try. The only one i found difficult to source was Mescaline HCL, ended up waiting over 4 months before I could get hold of then another few months for the right time to go all in and do a 800mg dose. I can see a few similarities between Mesc and 2c-b but it really is an experience I'll never forget. Apart from the stomach pain it was amazing. The only things left that I want to try would be MDMA & a small dose of 2c-i. Sitting on a small amount of DMT but that's hardly recreational, I think I'll only do that if it feels right.
I've been lucky enough to be able to source everything I've ever had a desire to try. The only one i found difficult to source was Mescaline HCL, ended up waiting over 4 months before I could get hold of then another few months for the right time to go all in and do a 800mg dose. I can see a few similarities between Mesc and 2c-b but it really is an experience I'll never forget. Apart from the stomach pain it was amazing. The only things left that I want to try would be MDMA & a small dose of 2c-i. Sitting on a small amount of DMT but that's hardly recreational, I think I'll only do that if it feels right.

Very interesting. I envy you =). I also noticed I had a very very sore stomach, as did the other people who were there when we did 2c-b. Then I went for a power-house round of diarrhea just after it hit me...felt much better at the time, but my stomach still ain't right even after 2 days...also I snorted a cap of it and it hurt more than I could ever imagine snorting such a small amount of anything, possibly could.

Sorta makes me think that there must be some nasty shit in there if such a tiny amount hurt my nose/stomach so much.
Very interesting. I envy you =). I also noticed I had a very very sore stomach, as did the other people who were there when we did 2c-b. Then I went for a power-house round of diarrhea just after it hit me...felt much better at the time, but my stomach still ain't right even after 2 days...also I snorted a cap of it and it hurt more than I could ever imagine snorting such a small amount of anything, possibly could.

Sorta makes me think that there must be some nasty shit in there if such a tiny amount hurt my nose/stomach so much.

About 3 hours into the Mescaline trip I was actually in a lot of discomfort, I was hoping the whole needing a crap situation would pass but it wouldn't. I came out of that disgusting portaloo a totally new person, luckily I had a white disposable painters suit in my tent so i simply put that in and got a friend to rip a nice poo hole for me. Managed to drop my trousers inside my suit and stay totally clean, even used baby wipes to open/close the door. So many envious bitched in the que watching me dispose of my suit on the way out.

All of that on 800mg of Mescaline and some K. Then I went and saw Stevie Wonder play at the main stage, people started helping eachother up onto a 12ft bar roof. Then someone chucked a baby doll up there that had a noose round it's neck. The person that caught it stood at the highest point on the bar overlooking a considerable amount of people and pulled off some lion king shit.

(Skip to 00:47)

The group behind me all managed to scream the dramatic lion king music at the top of their voices perfectly, such an amazing night. After Stevie Wonder finished there was a fireworks display and I swear I could feel them splashing on my face.
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