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Opioids O-Desmethyltramadol

Awareness of and interest in this compound is steadily growing in these types of online communities. The UK vendor that had that batch of excellent ODT tells me he can't find another lab capable of producing it, after the one that produced the last batch closed down. Apparently it's very difficult stuff to produce. I'd love to know more about this scene of underground chemists/pharmacolgists. There must be someone somewhere with the required expertise, knowledge, eqiupment and all the chemical pre-cursors. If any of them happen to read this, please get onto it folks, there's a lot of demand for it, and a lot of money to be made.
I take it yours were capsules,mine were pink pills from a Spanish pharmacy and extremely good,i admit that tolerance is a problem,but from the start what i had was top quality and gave a really good hit...Not saying that yours are inferior but just stating that mine were really very good,but effects did diminish with tolerance.

Mine are good quality, that's for sure. How much did you take?
Awareness of and interest in this compound is steadily growing in these types of online communities. The UK vendor that had that batch of excellent ODT tells me he can't find another lab capable of producing it, after the one that produced the last batch closed down. Apparently it's very difficult stuff to produce. I'd love to know more about this scene of underground chemists/pharmacolgists. There must be someone somewhere with the required expertise, knowledge, eqiupment and all the chemical pre-cursors. If any of them happen to read this, please get onto it folks, there's a lot of demand for it, and a lot of money to be made.

Agree with you completely.I dont believe it can be that difficult to manufacture,i think the main problem is getting a legitimate lab to make it for the grey market,so maybe they have to rely on third world labs with questionable methods,or clandestine labs that just don`t have the knowledge or equipment...Granted these processes cost money so this maybe another factor.

I suspect that legitimate laboratories have been tipped off by the powers that be about the world of research chemical manufacture and have decided to take the moral high ground,even if money talks.
Agree with you completely.I dont believe it can be that difficult to manufacture,i think the main problem is getting a legitimate lab to make it for the grey market,so maybe they have to rely on third world labs with questionable methods,or clandestine labs that just don`t have the knowledge or equipment...Granted these processes cost money so this maybe another factor.

I suspect that legitimate laboratories have been tipped off by the powers that be about the world of research chemical manufacture and have decided to take the moral high ground,even if money talks.

Sounds to me like your analysis is spot on. Maybe the RC vendors are wary about contacting the legitimate labs which surely would have the means to produce this for fear of them informing the police or something, even though ODT isnt illegal, it might lead to some problems.

Maybe we need someone like say a good proffessional chemist/pharmacologist who maybe has unfortunately had his/her legitimate career damaged for one reason or another, and cannot get any more work in legitimate labs, so would be prepared to get involved in something like this.
I know, this is the O-DT-Thread but just to clear this one out: last weekend i took some liquid Tramadol<3, 1st dose 150mgs followed by another 150mgs perhaps 60mins later... Guess what? It was VERY nice, i was totally overwhelmed by it's intensity and got a typically, really strong Opiate-feeling followed by a even more pronounced nod, which made it almost impossible to stay awake for longer than 5 mins.

Crushed the other pills (sustained-release) to fine powder now (3x100) and put it into one single gelcap...i'm really looking forward to see if i'm getting the same effects off of pills?!
I know tramadol as compared to this drug has activity at another receptor, causing much different synergistic effects with its opioid receptor agonism. Probably why u feel much different, bcuz they're really different in their binding targets. Also I understand the seizure thing is exclusive to tramadol... But do ur own research don't take my word for it.
That goes for everything on this site, take wit a grain of salt and use ur noodle. Reputable posters and mods may be a small exception but I'd still check out their info and do my own research.

Also, I pretty sure it about twice the strength of regular tramadol. Check conversion multiplication online to b sure.
Crushed the other pills (sustained-release) to fine powder now (3x100) and put it into one single gelcap...i'm really looking forward to see if i'm getting the same effects off of pills?!

I doubt that since the liquid preparations of Tramadol (from my experience) have a quicker onset. Despite the conversion to O-dt etc.
Regarding the consecutive dosing I can't contribute anything. Always dosed all at once.

And I dont think that O-dt is as twice as strong as regular Tramadol. 60-80mg always were enough for me who was used to 200mg of Tram.

doppelgänger: without any tolerance I wont dose more than 100mg. Better start with 50 and maybe another later if it isn't enough. And beware, Tramadol takes a relatively long time to kick in.
Also if plugged? I read that it doesn't really require much less material than oral.

It's similar in potency but hits much quicker and more reliably. I have waited three hours for an oral dose to kick in before. I never wait more than 5-10 minutes for a plugged dose to hit. For that reason alone, plugging is the way forward, plus it is a bit stronger.

DickTate's advice is right for plugged too, start about 50mg after an allergy test then work up. Individual sensitivity varies. No-one can tell you how "far you can go". Personally I will vomit at about 90mg with no tolerance, but it's easy and over quickly, then fun from then on.
Does plugged Tramadol really hit that much faster? 5-10 Minutes, really? Oo
It has to be converted to O-dt (first pass effect) which in my case takes about 30(liquid) or 45(Tabs) to 90 minutes to really get going. Just curious although I would never plug this minty tasting liquid cause it must be horrible for your colon.

But back to topic, I got informed that our beloved lost child will return soon :)
Does plugged Tramadol really hit that much faster? 5-10 Minutes, really? Oo
It has to be converted to O-dt (first pass effect) which in my case takes about 30(liquid) or 45(Tabs) to 90 minutes to really get going. Just curious although I would never plug this minty tasting liquid cause it must be horrible for your colon.

I was talking about o-dt, not tramadol. doppelgänger doesn't mention tramadol. I might be confused though.
Plugging is of course the way to go with Odt. Was the 1st compound ever i ingested via this route :)

Btw, isn't the phenol in this compound very toxic???
No infos about that? Phenol itself (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenol) is very toxic, and since it's part of this compound (3-[2-(1-Amino-1-methylethyl)-1-hydroxycyclohexyl]phenol) i'm a lil' bit concerned about it's toxicity?

Does really no one knows anything about this?
I would speculate, that since o-dt is a major metabolite of tramadol and responsible for much of its effects, it has to be not worth worrying about.

Were you not posting about ethylphenidate toxicity? You seem a little concerned ;) not that it's a bad thing. Personally I don't stress too much. There's been plenty of things which could have killed me so far but nothing has.

EDIT: No it wasn't you. Sorry! :|
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^^ Hahaha :D

I was asking many thinks regarding toxicity of various substances in the past (but not about eph). Dunno why it is, i'm becoming more and more über-careful as it seems. Perhaps it's the weed ;)

I also thought that btw, but are there any other opinions perhaps? Thing is, Odt is a research chemical, made in a lab somewhere in XY, it's not pharma-grade stuff like Tramadol is. I don't wanna stress out about this, since there are no people reporting worrying experiences, i'm just interested in more information about this? Perhaps the "phenol" is part of the substance in a way which makes it non-toxic, as with 4-FA (or was it some other substance?).
I bought 1g of o-dt a few years ago when one reputable vendor still carried it. Never tried it until a month or so ago when I strained a muscle in my back and though well let's see if this helps. As far as painkilling it was great, didn't feel any pain at all. But recreationally it was crap. Low doses killed the pain and didn't really make me feel different and high doses just gave me a headache and nausea. Is o-dt a sucky opiate for getting high or am I just not an opiate person?
If you've not got an opiate tolerance, you should probably get high off o-dt. What are you comparing it with?

Drugs are subjective, of course, and some people don't think much of o-dt, but plenty people think it's great.
It's the only opiate I've ever tried so I can't compare it to other opiates, and I did get the pain killing effects for my back. But everything else just wasn't all that pleasurable. I felt like I drank a few beers except much more nauseous and with a headache. My favourite drug is ghb if that matters.
Never had ghb but i think o-dt is probably more subtle, at least until you reach nod-provoking doses. It's a functional high, a boost of energy and a brightening of mood. Could happily do detailed academic work, for example.