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Harm Reduction (Social) OD Social v.6 (VI) - It's okay eat fish, cos they don't have any feelings

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Went and made a run by myself to pickup crack and heroin, sadly I accidentally lost 1 dime of crack while trying to make change for the heroin. Shit must have fell one the ground. I feel terrible for the guy I was getting the crack for as he pays me for the trip with the heroin. I'm gomna pay him back but still feel super bad. I'm easily led to feeling guilty for things.

I did manage to get a 50mg hydroxyzine for the first time. My junkie friend got a bottle and I asked if I could have one. So happy cuz I wanted to always use hydroxyzine with an opioid. Def adding to the nod more than dph.

Hope everyone is fine
aww that sucks clody.

I accidently took a girls thizzle awhile back while I was rolling balls cause I forgot it was hers.
I paid her back but still felt super bad !

Another time when I bought 2 points of black, this guy gave me the wrong bag apperently (i was new so i didnt know how much a point was). The bag had six points... I also felt bad so I smoked the last of it with him when he confronted me about it
actually as stereotypical as it sounds i think people should not try heroin or meth even once.

from my first meth hit i was definitely addicted.

I actually agree with you on that one.

It took me awhile to get addicted to meth. It wasn't till I started smoking it that I noticed I might have a problem.
But honestly, I was probably addicted before that. I snorted it everyday for a year.
I actually agree with you on that one.

It took me awhile to get addicted to meth. It wasn't till I started smoking it that I noticed I might have a problem.
But honestly, I was probably addicted before that. I snorted it everyday for a year.

lol yup daily use usually means addiction

i was addicted before i even took meth, i was addicted to adderall and coke for 3 years before i got my first bag of meth
Methamphetamine, not even once....

Hashing it up, just woke up, in madd withdrawals, I don't think I'm going to make it much longer without dosing.

Underneath the bridge...
...tarp has sprung a leak
the animals are trapped.
h=Have all become my pets.
Living off of grass
and the trickles from the ceiling.
it's okay eat fish,
cos they don't have any feelings
Nah man, just choose something from your personal "pharmacy" and then remember to re-order to keep stocks at the same level.
No one should try CCC's. Cuz if you want dxm buy a product with dxm alone. Also shit like dratura I feel isn't worth ever doing once. I do say to people who've never done drugs that they shouldn't start but if you do learn about harm reduction. If one can be perfectly happy without any substances, then more power to them, and less chances of becoming addicted to drugs. Honestly if I wasn't ADHD I wouldn't have used drugs that often. I would be spending my time learning and learning (If I could go to Perdue for a phd in pharmacology or medical chemistry I'd be the happiest Id ever be
I denied being an addict so much that eventually I started believing myself that I wasn't.
I'm in the same place tricomb.
I woke up and had mad chills / shakes.
No one should try CCC's. Cuz if you want dxm buy a product with dxm alone. Also shit like dratura I feel isn't worth ever doing once. I do say to people who've never done drugs that they shouldn't start but if you do learn about harm reduction. If one can be perfectly happy without any substances, then more power to them, and less chances of becoming addicted to drugs. Honestly if I wasn't ADHD I wouldn't have used drugs that often. I would be spending my time learning and learning (If I could go to Perdue for a phd in pharmacology or medical chemistry I'd be the happiest Id ever be

TRIPPLE CCC's never again. I will never ever put my hands on anything dxm.
It's taken me 20 mins to eat my food from taco bell because i'm a zombie today.
a scatterbrained irritable restless creature.
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