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is it true that there is only tar in colorado?

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Mar 22, 2012
ive heard that china is virtually unknown and its just the sticky stuff
im not trying to source or find any hookups just wondering if the rumor is true
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Moving to NASASADD.

I think you guys allow these threads about regional heroin availability?

If not, i'm sorry and of course feel free to close it.
its not about availability, im just wondering if powder form of heroin is not big in colorado and if it is predominantly tar
I highly fucking doubt that in the entire state it is JUST black tar. There may be MORE tar than powder, but I am for sure willing to bet that there is SOME powder out there.
Ok? What's your point? We can't help you find powder. There's no sourcing allowed.
I'm not from Colorado, but I am pretty sure all you are going to find is black tar there. And the only place I know in Colorado where tar is readily available is Denver. Again, I am not from there just posting from what I have read/know. That's all Mexican territory. If anyone is getting powder there, it's probably being sourced from out of state. But as for finding it on the street, I am almost 99.9% sure tar is all you are going to get there. But on the upside, I have heard it is extremely easy to acquire in Denver and is some of the best tar in the US.
It's only tar. Like SD unless you have a friend from the East Coast who brings a bag or two. But It's all tar. I grew up there.
I have gotten bags that are very powder-ish and light brown. It is definatley different than the heroin than I normaly get, which is already hard and is usually darker. The powder does gum up though when you breathe on it and touch it so i dont think it is like east coast powder but i dnt know.
I have copped a few powder ballons in the past, the kind that tar up if breathed on. Here lately just been picking up tar though.
I have gotten bags that are very powder-ish and light brown. It is definatley different than the heroin than I normaly get, which is already hard and is usually darker. The powder does gum up though when you breathe on it and touch it so i dont think it is like east coast powder but i dnt know.

I have copped a few powder ballons in the past, the kind that tar up if breathed on. Here lately just been picking up tar though.

That's still tar though, it's just been cut (with lactose I believe) to make it powdery, but it's still tar. I believe it's what they refer to as "gun-powder" tar.

I'm with the others that have said that tar is the only thing readily available, and that any legit powder from Colombia would be from someone that brought it to Colorado for their small group of friends to use.

I have heard of tar being available in NY, but it's just a few people that have brought it there in small amounts to make a quick buck. I know of 2 people that personally bought it here, and have only read of 1 or 2 drug busts in which the heroin that was seized was tar. If powder was found in Colorado, it would likely be under similar circumstances.
I'm not from Colorado, but I am pretty sure all you are going to find is black tar there. And the only place I know in Colorado where tar is readily available is Denver. Again, I am not from there just posting from what I have read/know. That's all Mexican territory. If anyone is getting powder there, it's probably being sourced from out of state. But as for finding it on the street, I am almost 99.9% sure tar is all you are going to get there. But on the upside, I have heard it is extremely easy to acquire in Denver and is some of the best tar in the US.

sorry to derail the thread but you kinda fell off the map (or atleast stopped postin on BL) after you got the NSASDD mod position

good to see you still alive n posting
I'm not from there and Ive never been there but Ive heard the same as just about everyone else says which is it's all tar down there. A really good friend of mine used to do loads of smack in Colorado and all they ever had was tar as far as i know.
Yea I lived in colorad for a couple years... it was before my days of doing smack but everyone i knew down there had done/did it only got tar down there, I hear a lot of it comes from the mexican mafia
That's still tar though, it's just been cut (with lactose I believe) to make it powdery, but it's still tar. I believe it's what they refer to as "gun-powder" tar.

naw, I think gunpowder tar is that nasty shit. I think it's street slang for like tar cut with mad aspirin and who knows what else

the tar that you have to breath on to actually tar up, is IME, almost always twice as good as that tar that is already tarred up. if you can get it like this, get it like this

and I just got back from Colorado a couple days ago. I really only think there is a scene in Denver, but the People's Republic of Boulder has enough crust punks that I'm sure it's in there too. Colorado Springs and all the other smaller cities in CO seem too conservative for their to be a huge H scene

you are really having trouble finding in Denver? damn, people can be so lazy here. ask a crust-punk kid next to the chess tables, downtown. if you're having a hard time finding the crust-punks, just open up your nose and you will eventually smell them. they will also be on the corner, asking for change, while texting on their iPhone ;)
naw, I think gunpowder tar is that nasty shit. I think it's street slang for like tar cut with mad aspirin and who knows what else

the tar that you have to breath on to actually tar up, is IME, almost always twice as good as that tar that is already tarred up. if you can get it like this, get it like this

and I just got back from Colorado a couple days ago. I really only think there is a scene in Denver, but the People's Republic of Boulder has enough crust punks that I'm sure it's in there too. Colorado Springs and all the other smaller cities in CO seem too conservative for their to be a huge H scene

you are really having trouble finding in Denver? damn, people can be so lazy here. ask a crust-punk kid next to the chess tables, downtown. if you're having a hard time finding the crust-punks, just open up your nose and you will eventually smell them. they will also be on the corner, asking for change, while texting on their iPhone ;)

Colorado springs? Top Conservative for drugs?? Not the colorado springs I lived in.
naw, I think gunpowder tar is that nasty shit. I think it's street slang for like tar cut with mad aspirin and who knows what else
Nah, that's "cheese" you are thinking of. I was searching around to see what other people refer to gunpowder heroin as, and I found this answer that I just had to share:
"gunpowder heroine is a newer form of heroine wich is tens of times stronger than black tar heroine. where as black tar is composed of morphine the gp is made from phentenol wich is one of the most potent opiates."
Nah, that's "cheese" you are thinking of. I was searching around to see what other people refer to gunpowder heroin as, and I found this answer that I just had to share:
"gunpowder heroine is a newer form of heroine wich is tens of times stronger than black tar heroine. where as black tar is composed of morphine the gp is made from phentenol wich is one of the most potent opiates."

Sounds dangerous, Ive heard many death stories as a result of fetanyl laced heroin, that shits active in the MICROgrams... not milligrams
and I just got back from Colorado a couple days ago. I really only think there is a scene in Denver, but the People's Republic of Boulder has enough crust punks that I'm sure it's in there too. Colorado Springs and all the other smaller cities in CO seem too conservative for their to be a huge H sceneyou are really having trouble finding in Denver? damn, people can be so lazy here. ask a crust-punk kid next to the chess tables, downtown. if you're having a hard time finding the crust-punks, just open up your nose and you will eventually smell them. they will also be on the corner, asking for change, while texting on their iPhone ;)

i got family out there in CO springs and they are the richest family of hippies/whte trash that wewonder how the hell they have been able to do it..so m not sure how conservative they are out there..i get you might think that with the air force base out there that they might be conservatie no..i got 2 cousins out there and one is my age and the other is a few years older..the younger one got pregnant with her long tme bf and literally 3months after her older sster got preggo cause she was jealous with how the younger one was getting all the attention..so much so shes not even 100% ure who the father is, maury here we come!..lol

now they both have been to rehab numerous times, the younger for meth and the older for opiate pills..the younger one split up with baby daddy so she started strppin and when dude found out he came back cause he saw how much money she was makng dancing..lucky she was able to get a hold on the meth but her older sister cant get off the opiaes and as far as my family goes its only pills but i doubt it..

now their parents are the hippies well maybe not hippie, more biker with dad who smokes the finest CO medical and sometimes tweaks and mom is a xanax eating hypochondriac who m pretty sure tweaks like my uncle smokes(thats wy shes nuts like she is) got lucky being born at the right time cause they were both in the air force when they met back in the 80s and my uncle got involed with the techy/computers side of the air force..they both retired with many years from the air force and my uncle goes back to work as a civilan workin for them still doin computers and just made bank doing it and we dont know how it happend beng the stoner biker he is..

i dont know what they do now but i know they had a failed chicago style hot dog stand that was a little to ahead of its time cause they weerent able to really profit like they should have since they where having all chicago products like vienna hot dogs and italian beefs and deep dish pizzas but being the early to mid 1990s the shipping costs just ate up the profits, if they opened it 5years later then they did, the resturant would prolly sill be open but that happens..

smart people granted but stoner bikers that we just cant understand how they did/do it. my other aunt who lives out there and is my uncles sister is biker who will drink a 5 of tequilla to party but she maks 6figures too I wouldn't say that

again like i said hillbilly white trash biker hippies and we and we cant figure how they do it
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