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The Big & Dandy 25I-NBOMe Thread (2nd edition)

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I have a lot of experience with pure MDMA powder, as well as pressed pills, so I know what to expect. I didn't even have the slightest pupil dilation, that should tell you something.
I wish you had that posted here just a few hours earlier, as I would have seriously reconsidered taking some 25i. I want to make sure nothing messes with my upcoming mdma night. 25i does act on the serotonin receptor, so I would not be surprised if this did indeed kill your roll.

How long was it between your 25i dose and your mdma dose?
Yes, MDMA and 25i both acts on the serotonin receptor. But in two totally different ways, as Psydoonym tried to explain.
I dropped my second tab of 1mg 25i-NBOMe this past night and went and saw peaking lights.

I had taken it previously the tuesday the week before and had some pretty extensive psychedelic use since then.

If I remember correctly, 30mg of AMT on friday, 3 tabs of acid and 80mg of molly, and about 18mg of 2c-b on wednesday (with quite a bit of MXE sprinkled around the whole week)
I can honestly say that I didn't noticed any diminished effects due to tolerance.
The trip was much more pleasurable due to the inclusion of 20mg of valium (10 about an hour before taking, 10 about an hour after).

My only wish was that it lasted longer.
I conducted a trial salting of 25I-nbome freebase today:

38mg freebase + 17mg citric acid (according to molar mass) + 3mL sterile water. the majority (~75%) of the freebase dissolved.
I then added 10mg more citric acid and 1mL of vodka, bringing the dissolved 25I to about 90%
From there i struggled to get past about 95% dissolution, going so far as to add another 30mg of citric acid, 3mL of water, and 3mL of vodka. whatever was left simply would not acidify/dissolve as desired.

this gave me 3.8mg/mL (freebase mass) as a final solution. initial testing indicates blotter will hold about 0.04mL comfortably per "hit". Because of the liquid and excess acid added, I could have otherwise obtained a solution of roughly 10mg/mL, perhaps more if patience, heat, and restraint were used. tasting of sample indicated a definite overabundance of citric acids.

Can anyone shed light on why not all the freebase crystals appeared to dissolve 100%?
I have some concern over a 25I-nbome "freebase" sample i revceived (38mg)

I converted (or so i think) the entire amount to a citrate salt using a fairly excessive amount of citric acid. took it in increments, ~250mcg at t+0, ~250mcg at t+1.3hr, ~100mcg at t+2hr with no discernable effects all afternoon

I then added a LOT more citric acid to a single liquid dose (700mcg) in hopes that method may work. 40 minutes sublingual, and another hour since, without effects.

I dont know if my powder was bunk (I dont expect so, as vendor had good reviews on other products), or if during my conversion the excess of acid actually degraded/broke down the freebase particles (this strikes me as unlikely though). I hope to get a gram in from the same vendor (but a more recent batch), and eventualy place it into a very strong solution for storage. I am considering locating muriatic acid rather than citric due to higher ka values.
klondike_bar, probably you got immediate tolerance from the first one or two doses, and that prevented the higher dose from working at all. Others have reported that redosing even only an hour after the first dose doesn't work. You'll need to wait a week or two for the tolerance to wear off, and then try again with a single, larger, dose.
there are more reports indicating a successful redose then there are indicating 100% tolerance. I find it odd that no effects appear to show through. being 420, a lot of weed was even smoked

However, in interest of disclosure i also attempted an IM injection of 40mg MXE using my shoulder once it became apparent the redosing wasnt working. I dont know if there was some cross-interaction, or i hit a vein (i used my left hand to inject and didnt have the control/thought to properly aspirate to check if blood or vacuum formed in the needle), but i got an insane rush for about 40minutes, and then it died out and was gone by the 2hr mark. my previous (right-handed) IM use was a lot longer
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Does anyone else agree that 25-c is a much better compound?
In my opinion 25c had a much less overstimulating body high and more colorful visuals. 25i's visuals are more geometric and fractal filled
both of them have that aspect of clearheadedness that NBOMe's share.
I was able to get my hands on some 500ug 25i-NBOMe blotters with Cyclodextrin mixed in. Cyclodextrin makes huge difference. I took one blotter on Monday. I kept it between my upper lip and gum for 20mins. Right off the bat it was stronger than any of my LSD trips(highest lsd dose was 3x80ug blotters). It took 15 minutes for first effects to show up. Around 30-45mins it was 'peaking'. Around 2.5 hours after taking it I smoked little bit of weed. That's when shit got crazy. I went from level 2~3 trip to 4 (on 1-5 shroomery scale). I always had 100% clear mind on LSD. Only the visuals. Now my thoughts were racing at lightspeed CEV's went from 2D to 3D and then so clear that I wasn't sure if my eyes were open or closed. It was like watching a movie when eyes were closed. Compared to this my previous 5 "trips" were nothing. Thought I was going crazy but when I got used to it I loved every single second.

On Friday I took 2 blotters (1000ug). Went on walk around the city. Had to come back home because I couldn't control my emotions anymore. Started crying out of nowhere while walking. When I got back inside I smoked some weed. Things were pretty similar than the trip on Monday. My thoughts were looping a lot. Every 5-10 min's I would "snap" back to reality. "shit I had my eyes closed the whole time?!" Can't say much a bout how things looked because I literally spent the whole peak eyes closed. It was very pleasant trip. Later that night after all the effects of 25i had vanished and lightheadedness of weed was around. My friend popped over wanted to test it so I gave him 2 blotters and took one myself. I was sure it wouldn't work at all but I was wrong. It worked quite okay. This time I didn't go inside my head so I was able to observe the world around me which looked totally different. Didn't like it as much as my previous trip though. Had clear mind and everything just looked very very odd.

Another friend of mine wanted to test it on Sunday.. (here we go again...) I'd be sitter for him. So I went "what ever" I could take 2 blotters but they wouldn't probably work. Again I was wrong. Effects were mix of Friday's trip and "redosing" trip. By the way my friend had level 5 total ego death trip on 1 blotter :)

So my conclusion about the 2 weeks of tolerance = not true. Or at least not for everybody I was able to trip 3 times within a week and twice on same day. Sure this might not be smart. In fact I'm regretting it because I'm having horrible headache and feeling dizzy today. Don't know if it's because of the 25i. I hope it goes away by tomorrow or I'll get worried.
It's extremely interesting that certain people seem to develop a massive tolerance, while others can use the stuff nearly every other day. I wonder why this is.
After (somewhat) processing my last trip, I have come to the conclusion that 25-NBOMe scares the absolute bejesus out of me, and I will not be touching it again for a very long time. It's just, too strong. There's just something about those full agonists.
Hey guys,
My names is *********, Im new on the forum and new on SR, but Iv been around tremendously in other forums and groups throughout the web. If your an Erowid follower, Drug-forum, hip-forum, or grass-city person, than youv probably stumbled on my posts through-out.

I was fascinated to try 25i considering how many different experiences iv read about it, so I thought Id try to type up my own trip report(s). I ordered the 550ug tabs from Kwiktrip, which got here lightning fast (2 days after paying), and I did 4 separate trips. Here is a quick trip report in regards to my experiences with Kwiktrips blotter. My first dose was 1 blotter, the second was 2 blotters, the third is 3 blotters, and the last trip report is 4 blotters. Each blotter accounting (550 ug).

My past experiences: Iv done LSD on over 150+ occasions. I frequently enjoy the 2-3 tab range (200-350 ug range). Iv taken up to 10 tabs of 150ug before at my maximum (what a doozy). Iv had past experiences with mushrooms on several occasions, DMT a few times, MDMA several times, MDA, LSA, and many many many derivative chemicals and RC's a few times. Besides that, im a frequent cannabis smoker at 6'0'' 200lbs. Im an undergrad studying bio-chemistry and psychology, so hopefully I can try to be as insightful as possible.

Day 1:
Dose: 1 Tab
Method Of Ingestion: 1 (550 ug blotter between the gums and lip for 25 mins) I brushed my gums a tad aggressively so absorption would occur quicker.

1 pm: Tab taken... I go to the bathroom to try and clear my bowels before the trip (I hate using the bathroom tripping).

1:40: I start to feel something... might be jitters, but nothing significant.

2:30: I start to realize the room isnt quite right. As soon as I try to do something, I find myself noting the surroundings moving, but nothing significant again.

3:00: Im definitely feeling the 25i. My body has the goosebump feel all over. Music is sounding mesmerizing.

4:00: My mind is still feeling clear headed. I leave my apartment to go for a lap around the block. No anxiety, no concern in the world. Very mild visual distortions.

4:30: I return from outside, which is looking vibrant and awesome, nothing to intense. Feels similar to a gentle 2-3 g mushroom trip, minus the mind fuck.

5:30: I begin getting gentle waves of gentle color changes, as music intensifies, visuals intensify.

6:30: Waves start getting shorter and shorter. Music is still what keeps "melting me" into this trace-trippy state.

7:30: Coming back to normal. The hue and saturation of colors seems to be waayyyy off, but cool. Minimal distortions of physical objects, just mere color discoloration.

8:00: My buddy just drove me around on a joint ride. The mary-jane definitely helped kick the effects back in. Feeling super relaxed. Coming down and ready for some food.

***Over all, a very gentle trip. Not too "insightful", but gently visual. As I said earlier, it felt like a very gentle trip with no mind fuck. Definitely a good first experience for first time trippers. I didnt have any uncomfort when I saw people while walking around. Though, dont get me wrong people didnt look right. haha****

Day 2:
Dose: 2 Tab
Method Of Ingestion: 2 (550 ug blotter between the gums and lip for 25 mins). I scraped my gum gently with my nail before I placed the tabs this time... Dont cut into your gum, just a gentle few scratches on the spot you plan to place your blotter is fine.

12:00 pm: Tabs taken and I begin to pack and finalize checking my bags before I begin a hike with a buddy. Were hiking up 5 miles of mountain to watch the sunset attop an uncharted mountain peak in *******, USA.

12:30 pm: Were both already starting to feel our toes and finger tips feel tingly. We take a break to toke a bowl before we keep going up the mountain.

1:00 : Were definitely starting to feel something. We stop to drink some water and slowly walk and toke a jay. We play the "are you feeling it yet" game.

1:30 : The mild visual distortions from 1-tab that took 3 hours to feel, came. I start to notice the pattern of trees in the forest. I have to start telling myself to remember to follow the trail and not to wander.

2:00 : Both of us are definitely feeling great. We stop to smoke another joint and enjoy the scenery. The trip really starts to kick in though once we turned on our portable audio dock. My friend turns on a pink floyd sountrack and soooo it begins to feel like a movie for us. haha.

3:00 : We havent moved from the spot where we smoked the jay. We are blown away by the view and are taking a ridiculous number of pictures. My mind still feels very clear minded. Also, I feel exhausted from the hike.... (although I havent really moved in 40 minutes). hahaha.

3:30 : We begin to grab our shit, drink some ice cold water, and continue on the trail before shit gets really funky. haha.

4:00 : Were walking slower, enjoying all the aspects of nature. Trees, leaves, and the general vegetation seems to synchronize to the wind and breeze. My friend and I geek out that these two 25i tabs have us feeling like this.

5:00 : we've made it about 3/4 of the way up the mountain and way ahead of schedule. The visuals have gotten way way better. While looking off the cliff of the mountain I oversee an entire mountain side with forest of trees. The branches have fractals of leaves, cycling and growing, shrinking and whirling in repeating patterns. My friend and I are amazed at the symmetry and fractals in nature.

5:30 : Were exhausted and walking slowly. My friend who hasn't tripped as much feels overwhelmed a little and is feeling extremely tired. We sit, drinnk more water, and he eats a apple and half a PB and J and said he felt amazing after a tad. We toked another joint, bowl, and then one hitter and chilled and listened to some deadmau5 attop the mountain. The bass filled music gave us an awesome vibe as we continued walking up the mountain... Made us feel like we were in a damn movie. hahah. Listen to "Where are my keys" by deadmau5. Oh my! ... hahahahaha

6:15 : We reach the peak, the view is out of this world. My friend is exhausted and just wants to chill attop. He says this is one of the best trips he's every had, visual wise. He said this was the best physical scenery he's tripped and seen in combination.

6:30 : The sun setting looks like some wild stuff. It almost looks painted. Absolutely beautiful. Great quality stuff.

6:45 : We smoke another bowl and finished off our water. We enjoy the physical and mental peak we've reached. Still feeling very clear minded in my opinion. Extremely blown away that we made it all the way to the top.

7:00 : We start our decent and walking down. Going down the mountain-side is thousands of times easier and we crack jokes about it all the way down. We reminisce about the hike we had up and re-cap locations were we began feeling the onset of the 25i more and more.

7:30 : We got half-way down and feeling gravyy. The 25i is still pumping in and out of waves. We continue to have sporadic moments of laughter while seeing the different perspectives of the same locations we obseved, but during difference phases of our trip. (sorry if that sounds a tad confusing)

8:15 : We make it down to the bottom of the mountain. Still feeling the hue discoloration and color modification in waves during the come down, only far more notable than the 1-tab comedown. We unpack our stuff and toke on another bowl before we prepare to leave.

8:30 : Were on the road because I feel comfortable driving now. Were both definitely still feeling it a tad, just in the sporradic waves. My friend was feeling the waves more than I, but none the less, all was a-OK.

9:00 : I arrive home and sit on the john and stare into the floor tiles... Realize the 25i is still pumpin. I look in the mirror and note I still have phases of eye dilation.

9:30 : I passed the hell out after a blunt... My friend said he wasnt able to pass out till almost midnight.

***This trip was extremely similar to an acid trip, minus the "insight" feeling. Strong visuals, strong, waves, strong physical sensations. It was overall absolutely awesome stuff and a great start.*******

Day 3
Dose: 3 Tabs
Method Of Ingestion: 3 (550 ug blotter between the gums and lip for 25 mins). I did nothing to my gums this time. Just planted them in...

8 AM : I place the tabs in the position. And go to the bathroom to shower.

9 AM : Im already feeling funky as shit. Im attempting to read and reply to alot of my email and work before the full trip kicks in.

9:30 am : I cant get shit done. The letters and spacing keep changing in size and width, but very gently... Enough to annoy the shit outta ya, so I stopped to keep the vibes positive.

9:45 : I go to the kitchen to see if I had any Orange Juice.... Fail. I find cranberry juice instead. Meh... Than I find 1/4 - 1/5 of a jar of moonshine in the freezer.... woot woot! Game on! I pour 24 oz of cranberry juice into a masonjar of moonshine. I add one scoop of nestle ice tea mix and one scoop of cool-aid. Couldnt even taste the shine. The floor tile designs and wood grains were expanding and contracting a tad more than normal. hahaha.

10 : This jar of cranberry cool-aid nestle shine tasted like sugary heaven coming up. I look out the window and realize the clouds are looking funky as shit. I go outside and start noticing my yard elongating... Bingo!

11: Everything is looking fucking wild! The city looks "hustly and bustly" and cartoony.... Like a filtered image of an old school kids book cartoon scene. I like!

12 PM: I didnt think this 25i could get any better, but it sure as hell did. A very "mushroom-mind" fuck started to come on. Not intensely, but in waves. There were short points of confusion, but id come right back to the snap of it mentally. The visuals got awesome, very colorful, very distorted.

1:00 : I found a 1/4 oz of some bud that I had lost almost a month back under a box, while hunting for my fractal glasses. #winning... Though no glasses :(

1:15 : I attempt to roll a joint and could not do it... I like to pride myself on my ability to roll any sized joint, but on this occasion, I was incapable. So I call a buddy to come over.

1:30 : I listen to some Skrillex's discography while awaiting my friend. (Dear god! That'll put you into quite the damn trip)( Enjoyable, but I like when a trip rapidly changes).

1:45 : My friend arrives and asks me how I liked the acid and couldnt bring myself to describing the situation. He described my talking as "word vomit" and stuttered. Pupils where dilated as hell.

2:00 : The joint is rolled and it definitely chilled me out, but intensified sensations as I smoked more. My buddy brought his Red Hot Chili Peppers Soundtrack and Nirvana, and that was mindblowingly pleasant. I love intricate music when im tripping. I definitely experienced lots of visual synesthesia.

3:00 : Im about mentally the same state I was about an hour ago. Definitely feeling the 25i hitting strong. I look outside my window and a hill that is normally nothing more than an elevated
8-10 ft bump, loooked more around 10-15 ft big, growing and shrinking... The hues of the colors where extremely deep and heavy interchanging through light and dark phases, extremely awesome

4:00 : The come down waves are starting to come, but the 25i is still pumping strong. My buddy takes me on a joint ride. The hills and mountain sides seemed to elongate and contract. Sharp, mountain, turns seemed extremely narrow to me and the roads would "hour-glass" open when we would go through them. Mary jane definitely helped make the waves feel easier and chill. My buddy had a reggae CD in his car that just had me feeling in pure bliss. And im not normally a big reggae guy.

5:00 : I arrive back at my place and try to grab something to eat. I wasnt to hungry, but i felt like tasting something because I feel like the "Stonedness" was starting to phase me here and there. I ate a PB&J which tasted amazing with some real berry jam.

6:00 : I take a gravity bong that really puts me on my ass. I lay back and put on some pretty lights. My mind went into pure bliss. I slowly felt myself phasing out. I didnt quite go to sleep, but I wasnt quite awake. I felt in a state of trance for about the next hour listening to an hour+ long set of "Pretty Lights" tracks.

8:00 : Feeling straight as a ruler. I just had my eyes closed for the last 1 1/2 hrs or so and now everything is back to normal visually.

***This was really great. This was alot stronger and had alot more awesome visuals. Very similar to an 4-5g mushroom trip (varying on mushroom batch and species) or more along the 250-350(ug) acid range. It had small insightful phases here and there, but I had a little more of the mushroom mind confusion feeling at time. Just completely blanking out and forgetting something one minute and on to the next thing the other minute. Great experience none the less*********

Day 4
Dose: 4 Tabs
Method Of Ingestion: 4 (550 ug blotter between the gums and lip for 25 mins). I did nothing to my gums this time. Just planted them in... again.

11am - In go the tabs.... I go off to the kitchen to see what I could scrounge up before to eat before the trip begins.

11:30 am - I begin my day with nice toaster stroodle, lean pocket, the magical PB&J and Orange juice. I already feel these tabs "tingling" through my body.

12 pm - Im definitely just loosing myself to the patterns on the rug. The 25i has begun its drive, no doubt.

1 pm: Im full blown trippin. Quite surprised im feeling this intense of visuals this soon in. Perception of time is extremely distorted. The physical distortion of objects is become more apparent and more obscure.

2 pm: My friend comes over with a few Oz's of some funky blue dream he had just gotten and so we toked. I was kicked into trip over-drive once I took a giant rip out of a bubbler. Immidiately the room began to grow and everything slowly warped to cartoonier colors. My friend told me I kept having a confused wandering look on my face. My friend puts on some MGMT and that was definitely amazing. I

3 pm : Im staring at the wood grain texture on the wall watching the cycling patters repeat and move around. MGMT's "Kids" is locked in my head. The song is on repeat. My buddy leaves after hearing "kids" for the 6th time. But he was greatful enough to leave me a nice doobie.

4 pm: I didnt think this was gunna get much wilder, but it did. The visuals became more and more exaggerated. Nature and the outdoors looked like it was never ending patterns. I definitely felt extremely strong, spiritual, vibrant vibes. It felt extremely similar to the one time I ate an 1/8 of mushies and a 1/2 button of mescaline. Waves of confusion, but random happyness kept hitting. There were slight points of looped cycles of thinking and thinking about the thinking. (kind of redundant, but thats all I thought about for an hour).

5 pm: The visuals become yet even more intense. Im shocked and shattered. I kinda got into a bad vibe state, where I wondered how many more "levels" of intensity id experience. I quickly talked myself out of it, but truly couldnt get the thought of "how much more intense can this get", out of my head. The carpet began to look like "shag-rug" texture. The physical texture resembled more of fiber glass insulation.... Weird eh?

6 pm : Things begin to settle down. The room was still warping in very intense waves. I put on some reggae to chill the mood. I stumble and accidentally drop the Jay my buddy had rolled. I examine it and try to text him about how perfect it was rolled... didnt work so well. haha. I spark the jay and inhale the sucker like it was oxygen. I couldnt even begin to tell It was smoke. I finish the jay and the synthstasia begins again and I get a little freaked because I think I restarted the trip.

7pm : I lay on my Lazyboy and feel as if the couch is growing and retracting in size around me. I feel as if im sinking into the couch in the synchronization to the reggae.

8 pm: the waves become alot less intense but my stomach begins to hurt. (I presume this is out of hunger). I go and call my buddy to bring hash and food.

8:30 pm : My friend arrives with Jimmy Johns, Mushrooms, and hash.... -___- .... I refuse to eat the mushrooms, but definitely devour the jimmy johns. The hash taste delicious and I can finally taste some slight properties of the smoke...

9:00 pm : We'v smoked almost 2 grams of hash on an oil piece and are feeling stoned as fuck. I still feel gentle wave cycles passing though me. When I lose focus, I begin to feel myself go back into that "tripping" state.

10:pm : Im so stoned and just fried I begin to watch beauty and the beast... I smoke till im passed out pretty much.

**** Over-all this was alot more intense visuals, alot more phases of mental confusion, alot more phases of insight. I definitely had to "talk my self out" of some "bad trip" vibes, but overall another great experience. *******

4/4 on KwikTrips 25i-Nbome 550ug.

In my opinion, the only thing I found negative about the whole experience is that the blotter paper that the tabs were on, were rather thick and came as one giant sheet and were not perforated, making it a tad of a pain to measure, draw lines, cut, etc. None the less, great product.

Posted by a guy that calls himself bigblackDJ or something, I thought it was a fantastic read.
So i have a Sample of the HCL Arriving.
25mg sample arriving
Now I want to put it onto blotter.
250 ug per square. This is purely for my own research
Now. My main question is,
It seems alot of you had the freebase version of this substance.

Does anyone have experience with the HCL version?
Does it suffer from the same solubility issues in terms of absorbtion buccally or under the tounge?
or it it simply too new?
Are the questions i am asking better left discovered on my own accord.

Considering i would most likely be placing two blotters under the tounge
which would equal to 500 ug, if the absorbtion factor comes into play. I take it my dose would be closer to 275-350ug correct?

I am curious about this cyclodextrin stuff. I have also read things about Mannitol... does anyone have any other...
Suggestions for substances that increase absorbtion?
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