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Harm Reduction OD Social v4 - We be a buzzin'!! (Like beez in the trap)

Fuck facebook. Just post and tell me how much you love my posting.

i think i shall change my font also just to be semi-original %)

nvm, too much work before each post lol

EDIT: where's errrrrrrrrrry body at? odchat? i will check.
nope no1 in there.. oh well i will continue my creeping around OD
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sorry for the double post but my laptop is over heating (something it's NEVER done before) and i can smell it so im gonna turn it off for a little bit.
hopefully when i come back there is more life to this thread %)
dude stop being crazy, leave it on. just close all the fetish porn thats taking all your CPU resources causing it to overheat in the first place. le duh.jpg
What kind of hash tricomb?

I got a gram of "full melt" wax extract cuz it was the same cost as bubble, and both were less than a g usually is cuz they are going out of business due to the crackdown. I really don't like it.

I greatly prefer bubble hash.
dude stop being crazy, leave it on. just close all the fetish porn thats taking all your CPU resources causing it to overheat in the first place. le duh.jpg

lol it was actually my anti virus scanner and i realized it and shut it down just so i could stay on BL lol
^ i was just in and no1 was there but "admin" whoever the admin is right now and i talked and got no response so left
I'm teh adminz. come back hood. and all. TC. just post in the social "I'm in" so I go check it.

I wasn't looking at it because no one was in there for so long.
21st century

lol i donno if its the best but it is the kind i have and works good for me.

the white part is the battery that is rechargeable and the "filter" is either orange for regular or green for menthol.. there are different dosages available. it was rather cheap for the quality. when one filter run out (300 drags/filter) you replace it, its cheap for a 5 pack
no, since the filters are alrady filled with the solution.. you would need one where you refill the canister yourself instead of disposable ones like mine.