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Benzos Etizolam

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I found this to be quite an enjoyable benzo. No euphoria to mention, but I never took large doses (over 4mg) and I've been eating doses equivalent to 1-2,5mg clonazepam of benzos for more than half of the last 4 months, so I've got tolerance.
Good anxiolytic action, very relaxing, also helps to get to sleep. Not very amnesic, which was nice. Could maybe be a little longer-acting, but otherwise, a very nice benzo (or thienodiazepine, to be accurate, I think).
I'm trying to get some etizolam or midazolam this week. I hope it is very euphoric for me. I kind of got sick of klonopin and right now i'm prescribed ativan. but i'm looking for something new. I think i should take like a 3 month break from benzos so my tolerance comes down a bit. cause needing 8mg of lorazepam just to feel it kind of sucks.
DISCLAIMER: Please don't try what I am talking about if you are not a "benzo expert" (for lack of a better term). to give an example what I can handle without losing control 200 mg diazepam gets me where I want to be as does 6-8 mgs of alprazolam or klonopin (not listing anything else because I don't have adequate experience with them). Also remember everyones body is different. Things could turn out ugly and when I say ugly you could at the very worst end up in jail not knowing what happened

Did research on a 10 strip of the etilaam brand etizolam last night. No loss of memory, hell of a hangover though (it is hard to move my limbs are so heavy). Don't really get why people say they compare it to alprazolam rather than diazepam. I vote for being similar to diazepam because had I eaten ten mgs of alprazolam I wouldn't even be able to tell you what happened. Definite euphoria though, have to be careful not to fuck up tolerance with these I would hate to lose the ability to research etiz effectively.

Edit* So much about worrying about tolerance I always had a problem going balls to the wall with drugs. plugged over 200 mgs morphine ir and 5 mg etizolam+ 2 mg etizolam insufflated an hour ago. synergizing beautifully if you ask me and I am feeling pretty tight right about now.
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Can you tell me how the Etilaam look? Are these the small blue ones, inside white? And are they branded? I thought i was getting the original etilaam, but i cant tell. they were small, outside blue, inside white and on line to break them on em.

the etizolam i got were pretty useless.
To a MOD:I know that ID's are technically a no-no but I don't feel that is what I am doing since I am directing him to a post made earlier in this thread that contained a link to 3 pictures of different "versions" of etizolam they received. If you disagree please delete the post and except my apologies!

yes, it is likely you got the etilaam brand based on your description however, I would not rule out the possibility of counterfeits. I believe someone posted three different images of different types of etizolam they received in different orders. I personally wouldn't trust it to be genuine etilaam unless it came in the blister packs and I insisted to the vendor that I receive them in their original packaging.

On another note it is possible you just didn't notice it. if this is one of your first benzo experiences it doesn't surprise me that you didn't really notice the effects. give it a few shots before you throw in the towel.

My last question to you is do you have any type of benzo tolerance currently because even though it is not a textbook benzo there is still some cross-tolerance?
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thanks for your answer. is there any logo or something else on the etilaam branded except the line to break them through?

no, it wasnt my first experience with benzos and i really noticed every i took benzo pretty strong except bromazepam (but i noticed the anxiolytic effect, etizolam did nothing anxiolytic)

i am sure i had a bit of tolerance, but not that much, that i wouldnt notice any effects from 4mg etizolam. i noticed 2mg phenazepam, and 50-100mg tetrazepam (not taken together) but not the 3-4mg etizolam. it doenst sedate me, no anxiolytic effects...maybe a little bit of "something" but could be placebo too.
Etizolam can be really sneaky. You think you didn't feel anything and the next day you realize you're munching on a giant bag of cookies late-night without even remembering it ;)
thanks for your answer. is there any logo or something else on the etilaam branded except the line to break them through?

no, it wasnt my first experience with benzos and i really noticed every i took benzo pretty strong except bromazepam (but i noticed the anxiolytic effect, etizolam did nothing anxiolytic)

i am sure i had a bit of tolerance, but not that much, that i wouldnt notice any effects from 4mg etizolam. i noticed 2mg phenazepam, and 50-100mg tetrazepam (not taken together) but not the 3-4mg etizolam. it doenst sedate me, no anxiolytic effects...maybe a little bit of "something" but could be placebo too.

No logo whatsoever that is why i insisted they be i the packaging, but the way you are describing them they are the etilaam brand which are dark blue in appearance very thin and only a score line on one side with white interior. Just google etizolam and then click on the images tab. you will see a variety of different pictures including one with the number 1 2 3 underneath it. That is the actual image that I mentioned about a bluelight member posting and if you click on it it will take you to page 21 of this thread where that post is located. As I said before you likely have the etilaam brand etizolam based on your description but there are a variety of different etizolam pellets going around and I wouldn't write off the fact that it is possible a llab produced a counterfeit. On the other hand there are people who say etilaam sucks and pure powder is the way to go but I am happy so far with my etilaam brand tabs, and I don't think I would mess with the powder because I don't trust a vendor to put the right label on the right powder. I really would be pissed if I ingested something and it wasn't what I thought it was supposed to be and I don't have the capability to check or the cash to send ecstacydata.org 40$ everytime I get some shit.

Also, you have to find your sweet spot. everyone's etizlam sweet spot varies just as everyone's sweet spot is different for all the other diazepines.

Edit*here I said the hell with it and got you a link. just click there and compare yours to the photos.

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why do all you buy these tablets if you can buy 250mg pure powder for 100 tablets.

dont ask me where from as i dont source (seriously) but it is rather easy to find if you just look hard enough
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i wanted to buy the powder, but i really didnt find any site who offers it. just one and they sell it "invite" only
I dont see whats so great about these. Etizolam,the Real deal, are darkish brightish blue fairly small and thin, and a bitch to break in half with white inside. They are scored on one side. They are small thin pills not even as big as a blue xanax 1mg pill (purepac). I almost didnt like my experience and I have been on benzos for years. They made everything really slow and it is best described as Valium like and nothing remotely close to xanax. They lasted a while and all you really need is 1mg tbh with you. I mean you can take as much as you want but I do NOT see these as being something one could use as a benzo substitute. They feel slightly different and have a weird feel to them IMHO. I am not bashing on them they would be good for Sleep anything else and it seems like itd be dumb. There was a lot of powder going around and very pure at that you just have to Look for it if your super interested.

There is no euphoria either. I guess to a benzo naive person yea but to someone whos on a benzo prescribed No. It seems like theyd be great for comedowns. Dont pop these like candy I read so many retards have been taking ten or so at a time and thats how drugs get banned. Be mature and grow up if you want to use drugs otherwise you are just ruining it for Everyone and there by pissing people off. It makes me so disgusted to so stupid comments like I cant feel 20mgs anymore. You shouldnt need 20mgs or your getting weak ass etizolam that was pressed by someone. I just find it real annoying. Please use responsibly and dont be a dumbass like some posters in thia megathread.
why do all you buy these tablets if you can buy 250mg pure powder for 100beans

dont ask me where from as i dont source (seriously) but it is rather easy to find if you just look hard enough
because powdered etizolam if pure is a lot stronger than a pill and is harder to weigh and for most which will lead to a disaster for the fuckwad trying to get a buzz with no mg scale. The pills are NOT THAT EXPENSIVE. It seems like a lot of you think this is like xanax or something and its Not a Benzodiazepine. Its pretty sedating shit. You could buy just as many pills domestic if not more for that much cash so what would be the point unless youre pressing your own shit.
why do all you buy these tablets if you can buy 250mg pure powder for 100beans

dont ask me where from as i dont source (seriously) but it is rather easy to find if you just look hard enough

I would never have tried etizolam if I could only get it in powder form. You never know who is running those sites/who is manufacturing the powder/who is weighing it and putting it in the bag.

This is the exact reason I have never tried any RC's because I don't trust the people who make them and the people who sell them.

At least if you get the etilaam brand and they are still sealed in the blister packs you can be somewhat sure that they were made in a pharma. grade lab in india, and not some fuckwits in a clandestine lab who will synthesize whatever you want for the right price. The way the tablets are pressed and uniform gives me the idea that there is quality control at the factory. Might not be as much quality control as a U.S. pharma. plant, but at least they give a shit enough to put out a uniform/consistent product.

And also, I have a good idea of the source you (as well as sonnyblack) are mentioning, and you have to submit a research plan to get their intermediate and advanced RC's.
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That pretty much sums it up.

Etizolam is my second favourite benzo (of the 12 or so I'd tried) after Flunitrazepam.

Thanks for the ref, shamby :).

I thought temazepam was your favorite? I've tried all three and I still like temazepam better.

In anycase, etizolam is a great anxiolytic and a good over-all benzo. I prefer temazepam, nitrazepam, flunitrazepam, lormetazepam, and triazolam myself - in that order (top 5).
I dont see whats so great about these. Etizolam,the Real deal, are darkish brightish blue fairly small and thin, and a bitch to break in half with white inside. They are scored on one side. They are small thin pills not even as big as a blue xanax 1mg pill (purepac). I almost didnt like my experience and I have been on benzos for years. They made everything really slow and it is best described as Valium like and nothing remotely close to xanax. They lasted a while and all you really need is 1mg tbh with you. I mean you can take as much as you want but I do NOT see these as being something one could use as a benzo substitute. They feel slightly different and have a weird feel to them IMHO. I am not bashing on them they would be good for Sleep anything else and it seems like itd be dumb. There was a lot of powder going around and very pure at that you just have to Look for it if your super interested.

There is no euphoria either. I guess to a benzo naive person yea but to someone whos on a benzo prescribed No. It seems like theyd be great for comedowns. Dont pop these like candy I read so many retards have been taking ten or so at a time and thats how drugs get banned. Be mature and grow up if you want to use drugs otherwise you are just ruining it for Everyone and there by pissing people off. It makes me so disgusted to so stupid comments like I cant feel 20mgs anymore. You shouldnt need 20mgs or your getting weak ass etizolam that was pressed by someone. I just find it real annoying. Please use responsibly and dont be a dumbass like some posters in thia megathread.

I 100% completely agree with you about them being more like valium and nothing like xanax. the next day hangover is exactly what I used to get with valium and I liked it too. As for your comment about there not being euphoria I agree with that too except for the benzo naive. for me, the positive effect of etizolam is a sense of wellbeing and not having a care in the world (etiz provides that feeling).

It is wrong for you to generalize and say the people who use high doses are retards. It is rude and you are a prick for doing so. yes there are people that make bad choices with all different kinds of drugs, but the government does not usually give a shit until those drugs are making it into the hands of kids and they are ending up in the hospital and/or dying from their poor choices when it comes down to what to ingest.

Also, I ate 17 mgs yesterday and got high as shit (some people do like the effects of high dose diazepines). I wrote/submitted some homework which I already got the grade back as an A. As a matter of fact the responses I posted on BL yesterday I was heavily under tthe influence when I wrote them.

They list one mg of etiz as being equivalent to 10 mg diazepam I found this to be accurate in my use of etizolam hence my high dosages. I wouldn't even consider eating less than 200 mg of diazepam (recreationally, not therapuetically (sp?) so why shouldn't I eat 10 - 20 mg etizolam?

So far, since I received my pack the first day I dosed 10 mg over 5-6 hours. Second day 17 mg over 12 hours. Third day (today) I plugged 10 mg with 200mg morphine ir. 2 hours ago (so far). The point of this story is that I was around multiple people who didn't know what I was on and they kept asking me "What are you so happy about today?". I have not blacked out once and remember everything that has happened the past three days.

Think I should mention I never went through benzo withdrawals (besides rebound anxiety) and I always save enough of whatever benzo I have to do a fast taper so the only withdrawal issue I ever deal with is rebound anxiety.

If people were smart enough to know their limits we wouldn't have problems with drugs being illegal. It is unfair for you to group everybody into a "retarded" group when you know jack shit about their situation.

I personnally am pissed at the government for thinking they should regulate what people put in their bodies, and as insensitive as it sounds when people fuck up and take too many drugs and they know it is a bad idea I have no sympathy for them. I consider it sterilizing the gene pool (please note that I feel terrible for people who have lost close friends and relatives to overdose). The world is overpopulated anyway. However, when someone does not have knowledge about drugs and someone tells them oh your cool etc. etc. and they end up dead or in the hospital I do feel bad for them, but there is still the feeling that they should have done the proper research before they ingested whatever substance it was.
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I cannot answer that for you but look at MXE ...its getting banned in the UK. If more people up there dose of etizolam and call it the legal benzo its going to get attention.
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