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post your roll tricks HERE! (MERGED)

i find bounce circles to be effective.

1 have a group of people all put there arms around each other and hold tight (so you dont fall)
2 go down into an almost crouched position and begin bouncing in a small fast motion.
3 hyperventalate (spelling ewwww) breath fast for a long time.
4 contine for 30 seconds.
5 at once have averyone stand up (stay holding on to each other) and hold there breath for as long as they can.

i've had some good experience with this.

also of course vics, tigers blood and all the other nice little inhailers
*although when ussing inhalers be sure to plug your nose and blow as with Poppers, with lungs full of the inhalent

a serotonin push, spinal tap.

a form of massage that can help the serotonin flow nicely

1 start at the lowest part of the back.
2 in a classic massage start stop pater dig your thumbs into the persons spine and move up constantly.
3 go all the way to the neck.
*4 if you can have the person breath in slowly the entire time you are doig this.
*5 at the end grab the back of the persons hair and jerk there head backwards (carefull)

light shows and massages mixed!
1 start a light show with preferably a song (techno) with a VERY good DROP
2 keep teh light show mellow untill the drop.
*3 when the drop hits intessify the light show A LOT
*4 as soon as the drop hits start massaging the head of the person recieving the light show (prefferably with something that vibrates)

*i tend to stay away from 5 Gum as i had a bad experience when i was peaking and recieved some 5 spearmint and couldnt breath for a minute or so. (to each his own)

laying down facing downhill
*i dont know if this has any base in Roll Science
lay down with your head at the lowest point, when my blood all rushes to my head i feel like im rolling harder.
okay, I didn't come up with this, but it's AWESOME!

first, BLAST! dubstep/trance/ whatever you're into, and get into a shower that has a bench and glass doors/any kind of door that isn't a "curtain". Close the door, turn all the sprayers on high heat, and rub the walls of the shower with vicks vapor rub. Now, without getting wet, sit on the bench and chain-smoke menthol cigarettes.
I enjoy getting a bag of pipe cleaners, taking about 5 of them and twisting them into a claw looking device and rubbing it on my own, or others, faces and other various places :) be sure to fold over the tips to avoid the scratchy metal tips. Enjoy!
Blanket party
1) get big blanket glow sticks and contestant
2) 4 people to hold the corners of the blanket recommended 3 is fine
3) lay contestant in the middle of the blanket (make sure they are holding two glow sticks in there hands)
4) throw about 4 or 5 glow sticks in with them than have everyone pick up the blanket at once
5) turn the blanket in circles (or what ever you want to do its up to you) just make sure its a smooth transition
6) look at the face of the person in the blanket (pure joy)
-Drinking hot water or tea on the comedown feels excellent and helps you get to sleep. It also soothes the throat if you've been puffin' on cancer sticks all night.
-Lightshows :)
First vicks vapor rub yeah it smells good but its a greasy mess, and i dont think people realize you can disassemble the Vicks inhalers pretty easily you just pop the bottom out. but this is what you do:

It requires something fuzzy, i have these fingerless, they look like care bare hands, mitts but, any faux fur glove would be perfect. You disassemble you Vicks inhaler and take the little cartridge out and just rub the fuck out of into the fur, don't worry it will wash out and not mess up your gloves, but i just walk around and wave it near people and as soon as people start smell menthol they look show them glove and when the go to smell it you just rub all over there face and head, Instablown up everytime, and you get the added bonus of haveing hands that are minty cold.;)
BAAAAAASSSS........mmmmmyyeeehhhhhhhhh... and other bodies :)
and a ciggy to keep my hand and mouth somewhat occupied.
I was at an event a couple weekends ago in SoCal with free water refill stations, and i walked up to get my water filled, rolling dick and I guess I looked like I was really hot haha so the girl at the refill station asked if I wanted her to douse my head and spray me with the water. I'm pretty sure I jizzed my pants hahaha it was the greatest feeling in the entire world hahaha so if your at any of those massives in SoCal ask the refill people to spray you, so awesome haha
The BEST BEST BEST is rollin at a waterpark during the summer. For the experienced only though... The lazy river is a DREAM, the squeals of children, the apprehension of waiting in line to go down a slide... Oh yeah !!!!!!!!
Last time I rolled I found myself taping cotton balls to paper, holding the paper, and using it to rub myself/ girlfriend (like a cottonball glove). Needless to say it worked rather well. Another idea, with the same cotton balls, is to just slowly drop them on the person lying down. So elegant. lol. Also, if you are into meditation, it can do wonders for the roll.
Molly, Airborn powder mixed with orange juice, mangos or mango juice, LSD. Best day youll ever fucking have in your life. Almost too good.
gotta have lots of people on molly very loud dubstep a few drinks defently some weed and ofcourse the old vix inhailer ;) 1-2 big whiffs of that and BING!
Does anyone know the elevator trick? Something where you hold breath and stand up?
Stretching is a good one, plus it can loosen you up for some wikkid dance moves that you wouldn't otherwise try when not rolling.

I loooove meeting first timers. Just gives it the extra bit of magic. Classic line I say: "Wouldn't the world be at peace if everyone took E?" (Then I mutter to some vets: "Yeah, and WWIII would break out on Monday.")

If you're at a big club event/rave/rock concert, don't just face the stage. Take a moment to turn around and look at everyone having a good time. If you time it right, it can be quite a moment.

Those are the best times when you are looking around, My favorite song perfect- markus schulz was playing at this rave, i turned around and me and this guy were singing it and ended up singing it to each other haha.
No Offense But Where Are All The Fun Roll Tricks? There used to be a thread on some creative unusual tricks, but everyone in this post is saying the same thing like: "Light shows, vicks, and music," Well NO SHIT SHERLOCK! I know I should remember one of those tricks so gimmie some time and I'll help u youngins! I'm 28 and first rolled at since 16 and after a few years only rolled 2 to 3 times a year. Anyway there are many tricks that will blow your mind, I guess the problem is that it's not 1999 where almost every pill u would find had MDMA in it. Well when u test a pill and confirm its MDMA, look up some roll tricks. I remember if you stand back to back with someone and lock arms you can bend down and pick them up then they can do the same and it's feels crazy.
I think I posted a few better ones in the first few pages of this thread ( it could also have been in the last one and gotten archived/pruned) They are long and drawn out and a pain in the ass to type but I will give you a rundown if you are looking for something new.

Here are the best of the best IMO:

1. Roller's Hug: takes 2 people and alot of abdominal strength...the hugger sits on the floor with legs out in front of them spead apart. the huggee crouches between your legs and pulls their knees into their chest with both arms with their feet flat on the floor...eyes closed. you then wrap your arms around them and slowly start moving them in a circle. keep moving them in a circle and lean back to pick them up off the floor ( kinda like you are holding a big barrel) continue with the circle motion and lean back futher and further until you are laying flat on you back with the person in you arms balled up on you chest. contiue cirular motion for a minute then use your abs to sit up while slowly rocking the person back and forth...keep sitting up until they are back to their feet on the floor....it a pain in the ass for the guy doing it but everyone loves it...it sucks dick when you drop the person so you need to be strong enough to do it. it feels like youa are on a euphoric rollercoaster. back in my hay day I would go around raves to random rollers and ask them if I could give them a roller's hug...after a quick explination it was on and soon people would be lined up to get them....but that was way back in the way back before I was old and fat and lazy and aout of shape and...etc.

2. The fuzzy blanket trick...takes 2 or 3 people...best with 3. get the person as neked as they are conforable with being. the more skin the better it will feel. have thm lay down flat on the floor and cover them with the fuzziest blanket you can find and leave them under there for a minute so they get nice and warm...DON"T FORGET ABOUT THEM YOU E-TARD!!!! it is really easy to forget and leave them under there. you want them o be warm though so that they get a rush of cool air as you pull the blanket off. you can pull it off head to feet or feet to head...it does not matter. but the key to this trick is that you need to pull the blanket as slowly as you possibly can and and as smoothy as you can without stopping the motion with the blanket contacting as much skin as possible. the third person can be used to pull the blanket from side to side as you pull front to back....the most important thing though is that it has to be one fluid motion....the feeling is undescribable but I will tell you the most people end up drooling on themselves it is so good.

3. the spray bottle trick...you can do this one by yourself but it is better with 2 people...it is really simple but one of the most unique feelings I have experinced on MDMA. fill a spray bottle with water and set it to mist. lay on the floor with your shirt off and have someone spray hemist into the air above you and let is fall on you bare skin...it feels like a thousand tiny explosions all over your body. this one is hit or miss though...most people like it...some hate it an some could take it or leave it. don't do it too much though or it looses the effect and you get really wet.
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Yes yes yes yes!!!!
vicks is sub-par, at best.

olbas is the best!
