Holder plan would ease mandatory stiff sentences for some drug offenders

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Now if the states follow through on the same plan and eliminate some of their minimum mandatories

Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Why I changed my mind on weed

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A pretty big endorsement. This guy's like the Lebron James of doctors.

UK - Those killed by PMA are victims of the war on drugs

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This piece deserves more attention, it illustrates exactly why a rethink of outmoded drugs law is long overdue & how the law as it stands is doing alot more harm than it is good...

How Addiction Treatment Killed Cory Monteith

Cannabis springs up all over German town after campaigners plant thousands of seeds

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Good for them, more oxygen for me, more thc/free weed for them.

Win-win if you ask me...

I would like to thank them personally.

I bet you they are going to be chopped down with taxpayer money.

"Officers have been told to be vigilant and destroy any plants they see.”

Edit: Spoke too soon...

Ignoring drug advisors, the UK will ban khat

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Remember David Nutt got sacked for telling the truth?

These politicians don't want to hear the facts, it's all about point scoring with the general public for the next election.

Welcome from Rick Doblin and MAPS

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Dear Bluelight & MAPS community,

As the founder and executive director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), I'm honored and excited to welcome you to the MAPS Forums on Bluelight. MAPS and Bluelight have grown together over the years and have been mutually supportive, with this new partnership signifying a new depth in our work together.

MAPS' work has two main goals, which go hand in hand: discovering ways to use psychedelics and marijuana safely and beneficially, and educating people about how to reduce the harms associated with their use. Open, scientifically-informed conversations about the risks and benefits of psychedelics and marijuana pushes back the stigma that has built up around them, and allows us to create new, more just policies and a safer, more open cultural attitude to psychedelics, marijuana, and human consciousness in general.

Do Antidepressants Impair the Ability to Extinguish Fear?

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This is why I say it is wrong to use antidepressants as anti-anxiety drugs...

Using it to cover up the depression in a toxic way creates more harm than good...

Introducing Bluelight's Donations Portal!

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Attention Bluelighters!

I want to thank all of you for your patience while we’ve been gearing up for Bluelight's first ever donations campaign. I know I speak for The_Love_Bandit and the Admin team when I say we wanted to create a solution that offered the most to our members.

Long ago, we could have created a simple "click and donate" function, but it was our desire to allow all Bluelight donations to be 501(c)(3) tax deductible. Perhaps not many members will claim their donations on their taxes, but we believe it says something about the caliber of Bluelight as a community.

It is with great enthusiasm and pride that I announce we have reached such an arrangement with our friends at, who have graciously agreed to facilitate Bluelight’s donations under their 501(c)(3) umbrella. On behalf of all of us on Bluelight staff, I am happy to announce the launch of the Bluelight Donations Portal.

The war on drugs is about the disposal of excess Americans; "a holocaust in slow motion" says Wire creator David Simon

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I agree, put this on the first page! Good read.