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Carfentanyl found in LSD blotters

I really can't believe quite the extent of the FUCKED UP here.

Shit, acid users and H or other opioid users, they are likely in completely different circles, hopefully the former would have heard of fentanyls generally being the educated or bright type, to look for mind expanding substances in the first place
But to lay the blotter with an opioid active in the range of a few micrograms, to tolerant people, not that its meant to be used in people, they use carfentanil to fucking drop elephant and rhino when they are wanted alive, by conservationists rather than ratbastard poachers.

It would be one thing to lay a sheet with each single square bearing the word 'carfentanil' and the dosage, whilst also getting the dosage uniform and correct, not overlarge, and basically, as perfect as that format could be in such circumstances, whilst also being HIGHLY selective about one's customers.

And by that I envision the psychotropic-salesman's equivalent of a named-patient basis. Like cancer patients have to be for thalidomide treatment, or schizophrenics in the UK about to go on clozapine due to the agranulocytosis risk.

Otherwise this is close to murder. Shit, fentanyl itself is 100x the potency of morphine, or roughly so, carfentanil is according to wikipedia (I've been up all buggering night, after an IV shot of methadone to deal with my sore neck and skull after a fall and a thorough smack off of a stone floor backwards this morning, the methadone being not long ago though, or at least that particular 60mg 'done. So I'm fucking bushed, and I've got chemistry to do [not making fentanyl or its relatives] so buggered if I'm looking deeper for more research. So 10k morphine it is then. Doesn't really matter does it, I suppose, because micrograms don't matter to a corpse.

I could see why Taco said about the govt. That is just the sort of thing a cack-handed coprophagous haploid imbecile parasite like whats his face....that ginger cunt in the whitehouse, looks orange, IQ of a particularly stupid bin full of dog muck and cement, and generally a danger to the planet..its just the sort of thing that bloody wanker would come up with.

Especially on bicycle-day. What better to trick millions of acid users into taking fucking carfentanil?!?
Not saying I have PROOF, of course I'm not privy to that sort of information. But its just the kind of thing, both cretinous and moronic, that I would expect him to have his spooks do (it'd have to be the CIA/NSA, not trump, because he wouldn't even know what bicycle day is), given that he is a whorebegotten prize pillock with the cognitive capacity of your sub-average mollusk and a streak of malice as fat as the minge canal of kim cardassian or whatever the fuck that thing's name is, is wide.

You have to admit, the republican party in the USA, it IS a humongous coagulation of fungating, poisonous and stinking pus and offal from the last dying squirtings of an ebola virus victim. If they shat and vomited their liquefied liver, spleen, eyes and most of the rest of them too, into an uncleaned victorian cess-pit which not only hasn't been cleaned since the victorian era, it has been repeatedly shat and pissed in up until trump's birthday, upon which, he climbed out, covered in what in hindsight, he realized was his conscience and sense of honour.

The only way I'd do fent is volumetric dilution from a KNOWN maximum point. Absolutely and without a doubt known. And thats just fucking fentanyl. Not carfentanil. Ok, so I've done lofentanil but buggered if I'd repeat it due to the insane potency. I've seen what fent itself has done to H users, even over 20 years of H use, I've seen the same happen to every dealer and customer I knew of or their contacts, within a bit over two or three weeks or so after it surfaced, fent cut dope, and fucking bollocks, not a one of them have I ever heard from again. Not one, not once. Phone lines down. Presumed deceased.

I'm the only one I KNOW to have taken it or handled it, and lived. I'm a lot more careful than street users, homeless folk etc. of course. And the test-dosing (vaporized) of a quantity no more than 5mg, FLOORED me. Out cold.

To put that into perspective, if Harold Shipman had tried to do his thing and wipe me out, he'd have found me calling after him 'oi, come on don't be fucking stingy, if I can stand a gram and a half of un-cut dipropionylmorphine (IV, one shot), I think you can do better than THAT', at the time, I had a MAJOR opiate tolerance. I wouldn't even weigh morphine, known pure H or DPM even at one point. I'd just know I couldn't physically fit enough into a pipe if I were to smoke them, to OD me, and via IV, I just know I'd a fuckton of a safety margin.

But that 5mg or so, of what was sold as H, quite literally knocked me unconscious for about 4-5 hours, wankered out, on the sofa off the second toke at most. DEFINITELY not heroin, thats for sure.

Putting something THAT powerful on a blotter for unsuspecting acid users, that is a murder attempt IMO. Nobody is THAT stupid, because if they WERE, then they would not have survived the synthesis procedure required to produce the carfentanil. The people laying blotters are likely to be right at the top of the supply chain, logistically speaking. Be it acid, carfentanil, bomamines, DOx or whatever else in the bleeding bastarding whoreamuffinbesodomized Hades they are putting on blotters. So whoever made it, isn't a cretin.

Well they are, big time. Biggest moron since that orange wanker...forgot his damn name how, sounds like a british vernacular term for passing wind anally, but they are obviously sufficiently uncretinous, to both perform, and survive the synthesis. Which, as pointed out, requires sufficient precautions, as if handling nerve agents. In fact the lethal dose of carfentanyl to a nontolerant user would be so many orders of magnitude beyond the likes of sarin, or even VX, that there are scarcely words to frame the concept. IIRC a human dose is something like 1-2ug, certainly single-digit ug (micrograms), for a therapeutic quantity, or one to get a heavily tolerant user fucking squirrelfaced right out the wazzoo.

Granted if I had to die, and go either by nerve agent or carfentanil overdose, I know which I would choose assuming escape is impossible. I've been poisoned by anticholinesterases (as well as an acetylcholine releasing agent, and a potent one at that) and both feel like you've had the fucking bleeding screaming shit thats just been forced, as a five year old piece of faeces, to watch daddy having his face slit to the bellybutton with a hacksaw, slowly, and his momma turd raped before having a fist stuck down her throat and up the southern, misused entryway, and both grabbing handfuls of squishy, whatever feels like an internal organ, and then, whilst assraping momma turd in front of little 5-yo turd that you will feel like after being nerve-gassed (actually they aren't gases, most are liquid, whilst afaik the novichok agents are solids used in finely dispersed dusty form), because your muscles all went into severe spasm, that just does not stop, until the effect has worn off or one is treated. And pumped full of strong opioids.)

(wasn't a military agent that got me, but when I was in my teens, something went wrong) and as for the ACh-releaser, that was courtesy of one very pissed off, broody widow-spider, a pet of mine, who'd just laid two egg sacs)

That too, left me barely able to move, even breathing was painful, and to make it all the worse, just for spite, that sort of thing makes you need to piss like crazy in sublethal doses, eyes watering, needing to spit because everywhere is filling with fluid, the shits, and the AGONIZING muscle spasm. Not spasms. Just spasm. One, long continuous big fucking bastard of one.

So you can barely move a muscle, yet your desperate to piss, and piss, and piss and piss. Hobbling, if your lucky, to the bog like an old man with every joint possible arthritic, rheumatic, and whatever other diseases can afflict joints. Like one, massive agonized piece of screaming meat that WISHES it could scream.

Yeah...if I had to go I'd take the carfentanil any day. But still, this does look to me like someone trying to murder drug users. It wouldn't be without precedent for a countrie's ruler and psychotic cockwrangler-in-chief. Just look at Dirty Duterte, Duterde or whatever that slanty eyed children-butcher is called.

And as I said, whoever is making those, ESPECIALLY with that artwork, they need to be turned over to me. Because I don't test things that come from my lab on animals. And for risky stuff, I could certainly use either him or that gook tossweasel for bioassay materiel.

Hell, kidnap the two of them that way if one starts screaming in agony, bleeding from the eyeballs, drops to the ground, convulsing with his eyes rolling back in his head and a puddle of piss and shit coming from both ends of him simultaneously, then dies, after crapping his liver out in milkshake format; I'd have a spare. A big fat ugly orange spare but still, nothing some duct tape, a set of arm and leg shackles bolted to a soundproofed room wouldn't cure. Oh, the advances medically I could make then. Granted it'd be in a somewhat Mengeleesque sort of manner. But I'd get results, methinks. Use up the child-butchering gook piece'o'shite, as far and as much as possible, and then just poison him by getting him dependent on barbiturates and opiates, big time, and cutting him off cold turkey. With a few kicks to the groin thrown in for good measure; and then I could just take the body of noodlemuncher, bath-tub, lots and lots of concentrated sulfuric acid, a hacksaw and then switch to the fatsuma (see what I did there =D)

Bet I'd get plenty of testing done too.
This is a great thread.. People need to know this for protection sake.

I suggest this become a sticky.