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Why does it matter if your a drug addict

The word "addict" is inherently negative. Drug user =/= drug addict. Most drug users, even of illegal and/or "hard drugs", are not drug addicts.

Sometimes I feel that this needs to be constantly emphasized in conversations about drugs or drug use. But determining what exactly makes someone a "drug addict" can be tricky when the term is broadened outside of a physical dependency & encompasses psychological addictions too, I understand that side of it...

There is nothing wrong in a moral or ethical sense with ingesting psychoactive substances, at least not in the abstract. But the word "addict" means that you DEPEND on drugs to function, which is never good.
I just hate all the Labeling and the Stigma. As if I'm a lesser human being because on a piece of paper somewhere it shows doctors fed me shit tons of opiates n then dropped me and labelled ME the problem.
I wonder if I will ever stop being angry about that? ??
Sometimes people who abused drugs in their past are treated unfairly, I agree. But I think that society has a more enlightened view on drug addiction today than in previous decades (in the United States)...I think there has been some progress & improvement.

In regards to drs, they've been under a lot of pressure recently from the medical, political and law enforcement establishments...the pendulum has swung the other way regarding pain management and now they're overly cautious & tight-fisted with even low octane opiates, you're lucky to get a 10 mg hydrocodone tablet outta some of these bastards. And forget it if you have some kind of history of drug abuse lol

It may not be right but I understand why it is happening, they dont want to take risks in this socio-political environment
Distinction between the words user and addict is a very good point. The line gets blurry when non-drug users conflate the two, i.e. believing that if you were not a drug addict, you wouldn't use drugs for recreation at all. I've met a people who think like that, who can't understand enjoying drugs and think the laws against them protect us. :(
@ burnt --- i agree to all your points . Mostly in that in May not be "doctor cops attitude with Fox; refuses to see Fox as suffering ".... it's more likely the doc has been Warned by their high-ups, Anyone with a history gets ZERO meds !
Oh.... and I don't know about society's attitudes toward addiction in past decades too well
Only headlines but not much personal experience. My dependence on opiates started just about ten years ago (clean now of course) so almost ALL my exposure to the Drug World began there
Except a past boyfriend who smoked weed n meth. That I just did not understand. I was young.

@ sir topham-- agreed. It's essentially very sad that In school if drugs are mentioned at all its a DARE campaign . Horror stories and warnings of "jails institutions and death" --- while all the time the principal n the Secretary go home n drop acid once in a blue moon and the cafeteria lady smokes weed every night for her arthritis. Are these addicts?
These are users. Dependent perhaps esp cafeteria lady but I still would not plant the seed in young minds that "YOU use a substance ONCE and you are an ADDICT and an addict IS NOT a good person!" --- which is essentially what my parents pushed. The straight party line and I mean fuggin STRAIGHT.
I taught my kids, "some folks use things. Some dont. Some folks lose control, some don't. And not all who lose control use a substance and not all who use a substance lose control. Look at me: my opiate use went beyond my hands dependence development. Am I a rotten, useless person?"

So here's the run-down of the kids. All early 20s with exception of a 18 and a 30. All drink on special occassions. (18 year old says it's too pukey so has stopped). Only one among them.has ever even used a substance aside from alcohol. Bet cha can't guess which one LOL.
the best point though from raising kids to have this attitude : well....they are very compassionate. Very caring. If they have a student (two of mine teach) who has substance issues they sit down n talk n listen. Sure ya might catch a suspension from Zero Tolerance policy but my kids are not gonna stop talking to you , asking if you need anything, giving advice. They have dealt with this a few times.

Flip side of coin--- let's say a youth who is having issues . My kids (all) will listen care lend support etc..if the youth's issues involve say Daddy does meth n mom is in prison.... not one of my kids will speak negatively about that set of parents , either to the youth or behind her back. They simply won't feel harshly toward the parents. They simply wanna help support each one esp the child.

Incidentally (now mind you we are northern mid west farm country Catholic white folks ) my kids can be pretty uppity about a few things. But substance use vs abuse /good vs bad in it are not a THING. I think it happened this way Only Because they saw their own white -bread churchy / educated mom become addicted to opiates. And they learned alongside me all I learned since that time in spring 08 when I tried to stop using pain pills and realized i was unable to stop.

So... all In all my Shitty story has some positives come of it
Actually we have a close close family friend who is in prison now for some kinda substance issues himself
One of my daughters stays In regular touch / in full support. (She just happens to be the closest one).
I do see the OTHER (older than my.kiddos..... my generation n older) seem more opinionated on substance use or even hypocritical : ex : old man on his porch cusses them "damned no good long haired pill popper teens" on the skateboards. But he takes a swig of his 27th beer for the day while doin it.
There's NOT enuf Proper education. That's what.
P.S. (*who won't it let me edit? ??I tried)
I derailed from my train of thought in yeah yeah drug education ain't happening at school so it's up to the parents. Sadly I fear parents who preach that "strait party line" I mentioned oh God oh God i KNOW they have the BEST intentions. However it accomplishes two things (possibly). One it makes the forbidden fruits look sweeter..
. Two (esp for females I have met) once they use , esp make a habit of use, they may feel so badly for it that they run away from home .we all know where that leads.
another point here is that there is also a difference between an addict and a junkie. an addict needs the drug, a junkie will do anything to get them. ive known people who would deal with dopesickness rather than steal to support thier habit. and ive know people that as soon as the comedown starts theyre ready to cut your throat over 20 dollars
^^^^^ well. Maybe that's your definition. I do believe "junkie" has various meanings. It's a regional thing. Here in the upper Midwest USA ppl only say *junkie* if they're talking about someone who uses needles (regardless of what drug goes in the needle but generally it's applied to heroin meth coke pills pretty much assumed to be illegal. That's a "junkie" in regional dialect here. Slaaaaaaang.

Addict can mean pretty much any substance you've lost control over causes you to be an addict
Oh except alcohol. There's a special term for a person having an addiction to alcohol : alcoholic . And they just are NOT seen in the same horrific light as addicts or junkies. I suppose it stems from alcohol being LEGAL. Smfh
agree with you on the alcohol thing. dui laws are a fuckin joke. slap on the wrist
That's just collateral damage. Others lives n all.
But geeepers creepers the health risks of alcohol; the crimes that do get committed (fights/ domestic violence/ gun slingin ) and yes the drunk driving.
Just amazing such a damaging substance you can pick up at any corner store (some Doses as low as a buck or two) ..... and sick n hurting folks cant get effective pain control cuz of the DEA. I will never get a grasp on this.
Here we go again. Why people can't apreciate that a substance is legal intead of compaining it's legal while others are illegal. I can understand someone who wants all psychoactives to be illegal and so wants alcohol to be illegal, but demonising booze isn't a point for other substanses to get legal.
If, theoriticaly, this point reached the ears of people in power, more likely we would get an other failed attempt of alcohol prohibition instead of drug legalization.
^^^^^ well. Maybe that's your definition. I do believe "junkie" has various meanings. It's a regional thing. Here in the upper Midwest USA ppl only say *junkie* if they're talking about someone who uses needles (regardless of what drug goes in the needle but generally it's applied to heroin meth coke pills pretty much assumed to be illegal. That's a "junkie" in regional dialect here. Slaaaaaaang.

Addict can mean pretty much any substance you've lost control over causes you to be an addict
Oh except alcohol. There's a special term for a person having an addiction to alcohol : alcoholic . And they just are NOT seen in the same horrific light as addicts or junkies. I suppose it stems from alcohol being LEGAL. Smfh

Fun fact:In Greek we use different words for heroin, alcohol, stims and weed addicts/users. Other than heroin addicts, who are the most demonised, all others are equally looked down by hypocritical "classy" people.
I agree with you op
Being an addict doesn't make one a bad person
agree with you on the alcohol thing. dui laws are a fuckin joke. slap on the wrist
In the US maybe, but not here in Canada.

Fine of $1,000.
Permanent criminal record (which would be a felony in US).
License automatically suspended for 1 year.
Insurance climbs up to $10,000 a year (which will never come down).

And thats just for your first offense
^"Never comes down"
Even if that person goes to AA or something?
Seriously, permanent stigma for something like that is unfair af. People fucking change.
i salute you canada. no sarcasm there. dui laws arent something to skimp on. with bomber on the insurance thing tho thats kinda harsh
^"Never comes down"
Even if that person goes to AA or something?
Seriously, permanent stigma for something like that is unfair af. People fucking change
Not according to the stats. People with DUI convictions are up to 40% more likely to get into accidents afterwards.
Read this: https://beta.theglobeandmail.com/gl...19100767/?ref=http://www.theglobeandmail.com&

You can get a reduction if you get one of those ignition devices though, but not every insurance company offers that.

I dont even drive after one beer anymore, its not worth it.
I take taxis everywhere
A buddy of mine got a DUI while he was in college.
He has to pay around $10K a year now, and that hasnt come down in the last 15 years or so.
He's fucked, he takes buses to work now
In the USA you catch a DUI for any substance that either impaired your driving or was not legal. . . I mean weed. I mean a codeine cough syrup prescribed to yourself but ya maybe had a tail light out so the fuzz stopped you n noticed your eyes look a lil funny .so he requests you drop a UA.
That IS driving under the influence. You still get suspended. Big fine. Gotta take the DUI driver education class n sign up for SR 22 (?) Is that what it's called? High risk insurance. Length of suspension of drivers lic depends on who you are, where you're at, and past offenses if any. Fines vary as well.

I don't demonize alcohol. It's no more nor less harmful than heroin. No more nor less harmful than xanax etc etc. A drug is a drug is a drug. I'm only pissed off personally that my past w opiate dependency keeps me from being taken seriously when I'm ill or injured.... however a buddy of mine drank himself to severe life threatening pancreatitis not once but twice.... and they sure as shit gave that kid dilaudid on a self-administered drip in the Hospital (rightly so).

But I can't have Tylenol 3 when I have a tooth pulled? Cuz I'm a "drug seeker "..... see I just have a bee in my bonnet over that discrepancy.

Not doggin on The Drink. It's got its purposes n i have NO problem with its use in moderation or even its abuse, as long as the drinker keeps himself / others safe while using it.

That's all.
I feel lucky to live in Australia right now. All I got for my DUI (heroin not alcohol) was a 12 month suspended license and that was with a bunch of other charges rolled in with it.