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Have you ever falsely accused someone of rape?


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
My friend's sister has been drifting the last few years and has some mental health issues it is very sad to see as she was the captain of her high school and had a lot going for her.

She is now 28 and every week she has a new illness based on her own self diagnosis. First it was depression, fair call then it was issues with radiation so her parents bought her a 3 grand broach to detect and deter radiation. Then she said she had bipolar and schitzophrenia and then she just left the family home and moved to the inner Sydney centre aka Newtown and hooked up with the Hare Krishna eating for free at their centres.

As of recent she got a vision and accused her dad of rape. She doesn't know if it happened but senses it did. So now she is painting portraits of rape victims hoping to get money to go to Vietnam and is telling her story at numerous places.

She told her dad if you give me 30 grand for the trip I will drop the rape charges but as they are not true he disagreed.

My mate is quite stuck with what to do as his wife just had a kid and his sister is being selfish. She has not seen the kid yet.

Want to help him out so any advice will do.

From what he has said she is trying to communicate with the family again.
this sounds crazy as story

the sister sounds like a finanical parasite.
Wow, that is seriously messed up. I'm not sure what to say because like 99% of the time, the victim (of rape) - true or not - will win.
If she has a date/time when it happened, bring it to the judge, and ensure he has a cover for that date/time that he could not have done that.
99% of the time, the victim (of rape) - true or not - will win.
Where did you get this number? Because it seems like you just pulled it out of your ass, and it is totally, totally wrong to the point of being actually harmful. If you had said it the other way round that 1% of the time the victim will have a favorable outcome, this would have been closer to the truth.

In the USA, 994 out of 1000 rapists are estimated to walk free.

In the UK, in 2013, only 1070 rapists were sentenced, out of 95000 reported rapes, with estimates putting only 1 major sex crime out of 38 leading to a conviction.

In Canada, in statistics from the period of 2011/2012, there were 1610 convictions out of 472000 reported sexual assaults.

Seriously, where do you get that number from?! 99%?!? Bear in mind the statistics I quoted are from reasonably developed, first world nations - globally we can surmise the rape conviction rate is still staggeringly low. While false reports of rape like the one described in the OP do happen, and no doubt do, sadly, sometimes result in unjust convictions, the data suggests that the high frequency of actual rape resulting in nothing whatsoever is still a much larger problem.
Where did you get this number? Because it seems like you just pulled it out of your ass, and it is totally, totally wrong to the point of being actually harmful. If you had said it the other way round that 1% of the time the victim will have a favorable outcome, this would have been closer to the truth.

In the USA, 994 out of 1000 rapists are estimated to walk free.

In the UK, in 2013, only 1070 rapists were sentenced, out of 95000 reported rapes, with estimates putting only 1 major sex crime out of 38 leading to a conviction.

In Canada, in statistics from the period of 2011/2012, there were 1610 convictions out of 472000 reported sexual assaults.

Seriously, where do you get that number from?! 99%?!? Bear in mind the statistics I quoted are from reasonably developed, first world nations - globally we can surmise the rape conviction rate is still staggeringly low. While false reports of rape like the one described in the OP do happen, and no doubt do, sadly, sometimes result in unjust convictions, the data suggests that the high frequency of actual rape resulting in nothing whatsoever is still a much larger problem.

this sounds crazy as story

the sister sounds like a finanical parasite.

I just find the whole scenario weird. No one expected this from her.

The thing is she just has started to believe it happened just recently through a dream of hers. This was meant to have of happened when she was a kid and she fell asleep on the couch and he took her to her bedroom where she normall sleeps. She doesn't know if she was drugged though. However it makes no sense as even if it did she went on a holiday with her had only last year and they had a blast. Like she could of brought it up back then etc..

She seems to have always been attention seeking from a young age.

It's just baffling as she doesn't use substances and doesn't drink.

I feel beyond sorry for my best mate and what he's going through. He's just had a kid and she hasn't even bothered to call him to congratulate him etc...

From what he has told me she is speaking to her dad again however the damage is done. Her giving out speeches at women's groups how she was raped and falsely slandering her dad for cash has done enough damage already.

Her case is not uncommon though, some females have falsely accused people of rape and it's gotten the dad into jail and broken up families. Then the daughter comes back and apologises saying she wasn't feeling happy etc and wanted the father to hurt.

Sounds like spoiled shit syndrome to me.

The dad could of dealt financially better with his kids. The youngest one has been in Japan now the last 5 years and his dad's funded everything. He was meant to be doing an animation course then finished it and didn't want to work in that field. He still owes his dad close to 300k for all those freeloading years. The sister is also always changing careers and in the end is doing not much. She did some course is kinesiology which speaks volumes of the type of person she is. My friend's come out the best though. Interesting how the older siblings always seem to fair better than the younger one's.

Thanks for the opinions guys.
Get her somehow to put this in writing. The 30k for keeping quiet thing. Keep all texts or record her . Get evidence and tell the police what is going on. Then cut all contact and if it means moving then do so..
Get her somehow to put this in writing. The 30k for keeping quiet thing. Keep all texts or record her . Get evidence and tell the police what is going on. Then cut all contact and if it means moving then do so..

That's the thing she's been dumb enough to do this all through email. She doesn't pick up the phone to call.

The dad's kept all the emails. The mum's not talking to her.

My friend has had to cut off his own sister due the allegation she's made. He also told me she snuck into the house when no one was there, took one of the paintings her mum did and then put her name on it and entered some art comp.

I just don't get how you can slander your own parent like that to a large group of women who are at some meeting for rape etc..Then she is painting portraits of females who have been raped saying she has to.

She never even got booted out of the house just she didn't get cash to do some art course in Italy and she got childish about it.
Shes probably not realising the affect this has had on her family and is lost in a delusion of her own making. If this is pandered to or simply shrugged off as a stupid story without fighting it, it could just become truth to her by default.

Id suggest the mate gets all family together and all cut her off totally and all go to the police about it. Change the locks. Get decent security. Change phone numbers.

She might need help but it cant come from the family. Its sad but has to be done.
She sounds crazy, or is she using a lot of meth or coke? Has she ever been diagnosed or seen a mental health professional at all? If so what did they say?

I hope your mate's dad has consulted a lawyer especially since he did not rape his own daughter. At least he has all of this in writing and keeps records of it. Tell him to make up backup copies of the emails.
Shes probably not realising the affect this has had on her family and is lost in a delusion of her own making. If this is pandered to or simply shrugged off as a stupid story without fighting it, it could just become truth to her by default.

Id suggest the mate gets all family together and all cut her off totally and all go to the police about it. Change the locks. Get decent security. Change phone numbers.

She might need help but it cant come from the family. Its sad but has to be done.

The locks are changed. My friend and his mum don't talk to her. Not sure bout other brother. From time to time she emails the dad. Anything to do with her illness is off limits. She picks and chooses topics. She was doing this with my friend towards the end.

Not sure what will happen.
She sounds crazy, or is she using a lot of meth or coke? Has she ever been diagnosed or seen a mental health professional at all? If so what did they say?

I hope your mate's dad has consulted a lawyer especially since he did not rape his own daughter. At least he has all of this in writing and keeps records of it. Tell him to make up backup copies of the emails.

She has seen a specialist prior to the accusations. However her psych has let her believe she was raped.

Unfortunately this girl is one of those mental health patients who thinks she is a qualified psych as well so doesn't take advise.

She goes to a psych to get reconfirmation for things she wants to believe.

It's fair funny she tried studying to become a counsellor then couldn't do it.

It sucks for the dad hes had to tell his brothers and family what he is being accused of. That must be hard.
She sounds very sick, but it's difficult to judge without hearing her side of the story. If what you say is true, not saying I doubt your credibility, then there definitely seems to be some eradict behavior and I wouldn't be surprised if there was some drug use/mental health problems going on. However, there are always two sides to a story.

On the one hand, she very likely could be lying in which case it would be reasonable to cut off ties. However, there's also the possibility that she in fact believes this happened to her, in which case she isn't lying but she's delusional. If that's the case, it seems tragic that not only is she dealing with mental illness, she will also lose her family as a result. She's still very young. If she has a mental health problem and she got help, there's still a good chance she could recover, have a normal life and in time mend the relationship with her family.

I would try not to be reactive and accusatory. I would urge her family to help her see a qualified mental health expert who can diagnose her and can prescribe some sort of treatment. I would also suggest the family find support groups for family members who are impacted by mental health disorders if those exist in your country.

If she believes her delusional thinking, there isn't a lot of moral blame you can assign her. She's simply sick. She needs help.
This is so sad. As a survivor, some small part of me wants to rape her so she knows what is like. But I don't really want to do that, I just am so fucking mad.

At the same time, you never know, and maybe it did happen(or she was molested by someone else), or maybe not.

Bottom line she obviously has serious mental issues. You must be in severe, severe pain to make something up like that about your dad.
Where did you get this number? Because it seems like you just pulled it out of your ass, and it is totally, totally wrong to the point of being actually harmful. If you had said it the other way round that 1% of the time the victim will have a favorable outcome, this would have been closer to the truth.

exactly this. I have friends that have been raped and the police wouldn't do a damn thing, not even test the rape kit. Shit like that is why victims are extremely hesitant to come forward, because it is VERY unlikely law enforcement will actually do anything, and in return for doing the right thing and seeking justice the women get endlessly slandered, libeled, attacked, slut-shamed, and blamed nonstop for being assaulted and raped.

And then you have shit like Brock Turner where the police actually did do something, but he only got a measly handful of months in jail. For rape, for seriously violating another person's self-sovereignty and severely traumatizing them.
This is so sad. As a survivor, some small part of me wants to rape her so she knows what is like. But I don't really want to do that, I just am so fucking mad.

At the same time, you never know, and maybe it did happen(or she was molested by someone else), or maybe not.

Bottom line she obviously has serious mental issues. You must be in severe, severe pain to make something up like that about your dad.

It never happened. Who tells their dad if you give me 30 grand I'll drop the allegations and disappear forever?

It's sad how a bright kid got so lost. From school Captain to so much potential to then just deciding to get lost in what the world has to offer and then crying rape when it doesn't go your way for a bit of attention.

The fact she says she thinks it happens but isn't sure and it was more than 10 years ago indicates it never happened. I mean how could a thought like that suddenly come to you after having a fun gathering at your parents the day before?

I do feel very sorry for actual rape victims however her trying to use them to better her art career as she now paints portraits of victims is fucken twisted. If only they knew the truth.
exactly this. I have friends that have been raped and the police wouldn't do a damn thing, not even test the rape kit. Shit like that is why victims are extremely hesitant to come forward, because it is VERY unlikely law enforcement will actually do anything, and in return for doing the right thing and seeking justice the women get endlessly slandered, libeled, attacked, slut-shamed, and blamed nonstop for being assaulted and raped.

And then you have shit like Brock Turner where the police actually did do something, but he only got a measly handful of months in jail. For rape, for seriously violating another person's self-sovereignty and severely traumatizing them.

In Australia rape is treated very seriously. You would have the police getting involved in no time.
She sounds very sick, but it's difficult to judge without hearing her side of the story. If what you say is true, not saying I doubt your credibility, then there definitely seems to be some eradict behavior and I wouldn't be surprised if there was some drug use/mental health problems going on. However, there are always two sides to a story.

On the one hand, she very likely could be lying in which case it would be reasonable to cut off ties. However, there's also the possibility that she in fact believes this happened to her, in which case she isn't lying but she's delusional. If that's the case, it seems tragic that not only is she dealing with mental illness, she will also lose her family as a result. She's still very young. If she has a mental health problem and she got help, there's still a good chance she could recover, have a normal life and in time mend the relationship with her family.

I would try not to be reactive and accusatory. I would urge her family to help her see a qualified mental health expert who can diagnose her and can prescribe some sort of treatment. I would also suggest the family find support groups for family members who are impacted by mental health disorders if those exist in your country.

If she believes her delusional thinking, there isn't a lot of moral blame you can assign her. She's simply sick. She needs help.

She has tries to get help for her mental health issues but she thinks she is a psych as well. So she goes there doesn't listen and does her own thing.

Any how this topic is nothing new. Some daughters have actually sent their dad's to jail after falsely accusing them of rape. Then regretting it later only to try it again.




I don't know why you would want to inflict this pain on the family? It doesn't affect just the dad and daughter it affects others too, siblings etc.