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Binge drinking - lightheadedness

Well my indecisiveness prevails again ha.. which i think translates to Im simply not ready for a relationship yet. Would i like one, yes but im not sure im able to love someone else quite yet. I mean im only learning to love myself - and some days thats a challenge. So ive deleted all the apps from my phone, I see no point in wasting my time window shopping if im not going to follow through, my energy is better spent else where.
This weekend I ended up at my dads again.... My ex was going to her friends baby shower and my daughter wanted to see the friends oldest, who is the same age. So it was dont let het go, dont see my daughter for the weekend, or bite the bullet and stay at my dads again.

Staying here is challenging but im trying to look at it positively. if i am able to take care of myself here and abstain, a place which i associate with a lot of stress and previous escapist/addictive tendencies, then elsewhere should be easy in contrast.

It seems staying here also helps accepting the loss of my mom. Its been almost a year now.... Accepting doesnt not mean forgetting

And finally staying here helps to reinforce the idea that we cant let the actions of others define our own. My dads tendencies are his own, not mine but they do help me better understand some of mine - despite trying hard to grow up in spite of him, 18 years with him and i unconsciously picked up some bad habits.

Well this weekend wont be soo bad. Santa claus parade this morning with my daughter (my dad wont come because he cant stand my little cousin ........ yay, lol), then my daughter goes to the baby shower and ill take some me time for exercise, yoga... hopefully get some fishing in as the trout are running, then onto some fireworks and festivities tonight with my daughter as they put up a bunch of christmas lights up here. And then tomorrow well go to my grandmas.

Hope your weekends as insightful as mine ha
Well I have to say that was the least stressful visit Ive had in years. There is still room for improvement though.

I didnt manage to get to my healthy routine as much as Id have liked. I only managed a run on friday, nothing else. I did eat well and keep a good sleep schedule though.

Unfortunately my dads behaviour has kinda of clinged to me though. I find myself unusually impatient. Though perhaps thats a result of my lack of meditation/exercise. I also find Im more critical - something my dad is incredibly guilt of. It would seem I wasnt as successful at not letting his actions affect me as much as Id hoped - next time. But im definitely learning.

Despite not getting to my routine I came to an important realize - i need to devote more time to my hobbies. While I was at my dads we managed to head out fishing twice. I even managed to catch 3 rainbow and a lake trout, all between 4-8 lbs. Not bad for my first time in 10 years (up there), too bad its not always like that ha.... But i digress, whats important here is the positive effect getting out and partaking in my hobbies had - it really helped ease the stress associated with staying with my dad.

Suppose that should be a goal for this week - more hobbies!
So im not sure whats going on lately. Getting up and motivated has been an issue. I have missed my morning routine almost half the time this past week (weekends excluded), simply because im not motivated to get out of bed. I go to bed on time, get a solid 7-8 hrs of sleep but when the alarm goes off i think... Ah why bother, Ive got all day and proceed to attempt to go back to sleep.

I feel like Im lacking a purpose since my daughter moved and that was in july. School has failed to provide me with such. Or perhaps its just my outlook on school. Lab books are due this week. Exams are coming. Yet i sit idle.

Could be partaking in my hobbies. Yet i sit idle.

I manage to keep up with most of my exercises and chores (laundry, food prep, keeping the house up, etc) but beyond that I lack motivation and Im not sure I entirely understand.
I'm like you, i used to drink an 18 pack a day. Drink a gallon of water a day if you feel lightheaded and add some gatorade mix into it. You must take your B vitamins and regular vitamins and eat proteins. I've cut way back from my 18 beers but some helpful supplements are BCAA's that weightlifters use, potassium and magnesium supplements. Try and cut back your drinks by 1 a day if you want to get off drinking. When you hit 4 beers just cold turkey it.

I totally understand the motivation issue, I get those days myself. Sometimes a high dose of caffeine works or a big blunt to the face will give me the motivation to 'get it done' and get back home.

You MUST work out. Alcohol lowers your testosterone levels and elevates estrogen (bitch hormones). Do bodyweight squats, use your cell phone and count how many steps you take, sets of 10 pushups all day, lift heavy shit, the list goes on etc.

I wish u the best of luck
Thanks for your reply chompy.
Truth is Im well past the lightheadedness and Ive been on and off the sauce since, as I try to not only stop drinking but regain sobriety throughout my life.

As you eluded to i think the lightheadedness was a result of my almost entirely liquid diet at the time and im happy to say Ive greatly improved in that area since then as I recognize the importance of all the food groups (fats, carbs, proteins) .. haha who knew something so elementary would be so challenging later in life. But I enjoy cooking and eating so its not too much of a hassle.

I also started implementing a strength routine at that time but its ebb and flowed but Ive been back at it for a bit now. Im following a basic 2 day "full body" workout (it doesnt hit everything), with cardio on the off days.

As far as motivation goes...
I managed to find a groove this week so far and have been partaking in more hobbies, as well as the necessities (most aspects of my healthy routine, cooking/cleaning, etc). But Ive yet to start my lab book for class and with it due on friday Im starting to stress - yet I still choose to do anything or nothing in place of it. Im not sure why Im avoiding it so adamantly but having a toke doesnt usually help with my school work. Hobbies, cooking, cleaning, exercises - yup... Not school work haha
Hi TOC et al. I had a rehearsal for Carmen today. It was nice to be sitting in an orchestra pit once again. I worked with the conductor once years ago on Madama Butterfly and he's much improved and much less of a dick. He must have found a benefactor because he has some really good singers.

Our AA team went to our weekly trivia nite at a bar. I know that sounds incongruous but I'm certainly not going to drink in front of my AA peers. We actually won. In fact, it was a rout. We won by 15 points. We won a $50 bar tab but obviously we're not going to drink with it so it went to pay for our dinner tab.

I couldn't travel with that opera rehearsal today so I'm having Thanksgiving with my AA fam. When I was a vegetarian I was always frustrated that the only thing that I could pick at at potlucks were certain sides. I couldn't find a tofurkey but I found this thing called a celebration roast which is butternut squash, apples and mushrooms. It sounds delicious. Had I not had that opera rehearsal I would have made my favorite pasta salad.

Hope all of you on this side of the pond have a great holiday tomorrow.
Hey aihfl,

Glad to hear that the rehearsal went well. How are you feeling about the upcoming performance?

AA at a bar, now I have heard of everything haha.. I was never one for trivia, so congrats. Part of a meal, paid for, yup sounds like a good time to me.

Are you still a vegetarian or are you just being considerate of those who are? Either way butternut squash with apples and mushrooms sounds delicious.

Well im on this side of the pond, no thanksgiving here in canada. With the exchange rate we have ours in october ha ...but wait. Is your thanksgiving today, on a thursday?
So yesterday was particularly difficult. Ive been avoiding something lately, it shows in my school work, and skipping half of my morning routines lately due to this avoiding is having noticable effects.

I wanted to skip my exercises last night too but realized that wouldnt be a good idea. But given I didnt sleep much the night before (smoking weed after dinner is not a good idea - it just keeps me up) and it really showed. But i felt better after.

I was back on my morning routine today and it was a meditation on emotions after the am yoga. During this time I realized part of my sadness (leading to an avoidance, not only of my emotions but to countless other tasks) stems from the loss of my mom. It was this time last year that her health really took a turn.

I left my running shoes at my dads place last weekend - perhaps subconsciously I knew I needed to return to continue to deal with these goings on.

Im not too sure how to face this problem. Part of me says to take a mushroom trip while im up there - no avoiding anything then. But well see.

Off for a run and some yoga before i hopefully get down to some work.

Have a thankful thursday
Yes, our Thanksgiving is always on the fourth Thursday in November. I'm not a vegetarian anymore because I became anemic. That came as a surprise because I was eating spinach by the bagfuls but the doctor explained that the body can't process plant iron like it can from meat. He said don't eat a big steak every night but advised eating meat 2-3 times a week. I used to work at Disney on Christmas Day (as a musician) and we'd have a big Christmas potluck and I was vegetarian at the time and people would bring big hams and a turkey and the vegetarians were left to try to put together a meal of sides, so I started bringing tofurkeys. They're virtually indistinguishable from real meat anymore and I won over a lot of converts. I'm looking forward to see what this thing today tastes like. The store was out of tofurkeys and this was the last vegan/vegetarian holiday entree left so I snapped it up.
Well i ended up at my dads again because i had forgot my running shoes there last week and couldnt go another week without them.

It was another learning experience as i integrated more healthy activities into my visit.

My goal for this week is significantly less social media throughout the day. Seems simple enough..

Have a good week folks
Bob Dylan one said
"...the times they are a-changin".
And I can feel a change happening in/around me.

To begin with the most obvious. My inability to study/do work has resulted in the need to drop out of all my classes. I was stressed about it. But why? I had the option to act. I didnt. Now i just have to make arrangements to find a job. Before i drop all my classes Im going to use the resources at the school to tweak my resume and brush up on my interview skills.

Not knowing what Ill do for a job/money is scary but its also kinda exciting. Im resourceful and im hoping to be able to turn some side projects into cash flows in my spare time. Im hoping to have a couple weeks of downtime before i need to find a job (goal for today is to budget to see how long i have) so i can run some experiments and have some leads before i get working.

... My sleep schedule is also changing.. i fought it at first but now im accepting it and learning my new highs and lows and when to do whats . Most of my friends werent on the same 8 pm bed time schedule and i rarely saw them, so it has its benefits.

Otherwise things have been good. My healthy routine is on par, ~>80% of the time and ill take it. Im learning how to incorporate all of it into a balanced plan and its definitely a learning experience.

My drinking will be 8 weeks sunday. But its not about that anymore. Its about not escaping, whatever the technique. And as i accept schools not for me and integrate healthy lifestyle choices into my daily activities I escape less and Im more aware. Sometimes I still have fleeting thoughts of getting wasted when im stressed... Or i notice im avoiding certain tasks or situations. But Im learning.

Im so thankful today for all the progress Ive made so far. Ive come a long way and dont plan on stopping yet.

Thanks for always listening bluelight
Well seems we're into December already.

In light of having to pay rent I did manage to do up a budget and my school loans will carry me for a while (it is truly amazing how much money I waste/debt I accumulated doing to drinking and the eating poorly which came along with it). So Im not too worried about finding a job asap. Next week I will brush up my resume and visit the folks at the school for help. Im not entirely sure what Ill be looking for but I just need it not to suck haha.

In the mean time I met with a friend and hes adamant we can sell this kombucha. Hes starting up a biotech business and knows lots of other entrepreneurs he feels will be interested ... so we're starting up a batch on Sunday. Im not so sure itll be enough on its own but its a start. Honestly I see it being part of a bigger brand including all of our other hobbies - as to me they all seem to have a common theme of wellness. Throw in a dash of sustainability and a pinch of ethical behaviour and boom. Or hopefully boom haha.

As much as things are improving lately I had a surprisingly power edible experience yesterday which showed me some areas I need to work on.
I changed my procedure slightly and added more lecithin to aid in absorption. And with my increased tolerance lately due to all the smoking I was unsure where to start. Thankfully I aired on the more conservative side and ate only a grams equivalent.

I swore I could feel it almost instantly (less than 10 minutes). Maybe its the lecithin, or maybe its placebo?
Slow subtle climb to an hour and things are only very light. Maybe the changes werent for the best. Smoke? No, no. I know things are typically slow until the 2 hour mark - patience. At 2 hours I was still kinda only at a meh and I considered smoking again. But in the name of science I held off. Boy am I glad I did.

I went from "Im kinda stoned" to standing in the mirror naked just looking at myself - trying to understand why I have such trouble loving myself, in the course of about an hour.

I was later confronted with the fact that I still hold on to a very negative outlook. For some reason I am very understanding of the faults and mistakes of others but this is not the case when I turn my gaze inwards. I recognize this comes from my father -even on recent visits he is hyper critical of everyone, including himself; he can even be heard referring to himself as many negative slurs for little mistakes such as forgetting what he was doing - and it is something I have been working on for a long time.

And I also became aware of the desire to partake in more physically demanding extra-curricular activities. Asides from yoga and exercise many of my hobbies are quite sedentary. While Im pleased that I am engaging and learning more about the things that matter to me, most of it is spent sitting and reading/brainstorming. I felt (and still do) that I need to partake in more physical activities.

The effects seemed to begin to fall off at about the 8 hour mark but I was by no means down. In fact I swear Im still slightly stoned this morning.
While you need more per dose I find edibles far more insightful and healing than smoking.

Guess thats about it.
Oh, I also scored 0/8 hours of driving this weekend as my ex is coming this way to visit friends. Praise the lord!
Funny how the little things can mean so much some times.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Well, the weekend was decent.

Friday night I had my ex and her partner for dinner as they arrived right around that time. Although its not awkward, usually haha, I invited a mutual friend and her kids, who are friends with my daughter, too. Despite baking the sweet potatoes too long (regular potatos turned out :-S ), all went well.

We spent time on saturday visiting with friends we hadnt seen in a while. And then had a bonfire. My daughter ended up having a sleepover with the kids though. While I normally have no issue with this, it cuts into my already limited time with her; but I wouldnt say no, I know its important for her to see her friends too. So I ended up at our friends this morning until everyone left.

Im normally not in a great mindstate sunday evenings after dropping my daughter off... And today was no exception given the lack of (alone) time I had with my daughter. After leaving it even crossed my mind to get drunk. .

These thoughts occur less these days and I see no point in using drugs for the purpose of escape. Even my pot use is at worst recreational, not escapist ... So I was surprised to find myself considering it: "well, it has been a long time", "itll only be this once"... The thought passed once I became aware of it. Old habits die hard I guess. Stay the path.

... So I decided to pick up some cacao butter and flavourings so I could experiment with different recipes for chocolates this week. I love these sort of experiments, even if they fail, theyre usually still quite tasty ha
After writing that I just vegged out, watched a movie or two. Felt sad and without a purpose. I chose not to eat rather than to eat junk food, despite having healthy food already to warm up here already.

I knew I needed out and went to visit friends. He just returned from being away for a week, so it was nice to see him. We got stoned and hung out.

I realized how stagnant I am lately. I literally do nothing; since I realized school was a crap shoot and gave up (thats a whole other story ha) I just sit around reading or surfing the internet. Which has its place, I am learning, but I feel a drawn to act.

I need to find a job now, before I run out of funds and stress even more. I talked to my friend, who has her own cleaning company and I think were going to look for new clients. With 2 of us working itll diversify her client base and benefit her as well. So i have to post her add online and off and see if we cant strum up some business.

In the meantime Im going to work on my resume, in case that is slower going than anticipated, and head over to student career services to see how it looks and brush up on my interview skills. I really dont want to work for someone else but at least it wont be factory/shift work crap, hopefully itd be 9 to 5...

Doing a mock run of my christmas chocolates, kombucha and tidying a messy house after the weekend for tomorrow.
Seems like its wednesday already.
Ive been idle for well over a week: no yoga/meditation/exercise/proper diet.

Ive been experimenting and keeping up with some other hobbies though. I finally started another batch of kombucha, itll be ready before christmas. Pretty excited to have a fizzy non-alcoholic drink (that isnt pop) to partake in/offer while everyone else indulges. Ive also pretty well dialed in a recipe for gummy candies. My daughter, loves junk food (like most kids but what makes matters worse is that her mom will eat it in front of her and tell her no, its not good for you) and thus she is always nagging me for it when shes here. I told her I have no issue with having a treat but Im not going to buy it (its too expensive and filled with shit I can barely pronounce), rather we'll make a healthier version of it. So gummies were pretty easy - gelatin, a little water and some fruit juice (that $400 juicer is finally getting some use again ha) and bam. Stuff a bunch of straws in a cup and pour the gelatin mix to fill - voila, gummy worms. Todays task is to get to work on a chocolate recipe.

Aside from the chocolates Id like to get back to my routine.
Well I cant blame the weed for my little slide lately there is definitively a correlation (though Im not suggesting its the cause). I find smoking postpones my eating, as it brings me down. When I dont eat I dont exercise. When I dont exercise I dont eat properly.... vicious cycle, huh? I also find smoking keeps me up and when I stay up late I sleep in and when I sleep in I lose motivation to do yoga/meditation...... Ok maybe there is some causation in there somewhere - but I cant blame the drug, I made the choice ha... But I smoked the last of it and now Im broke af (as the kids say) and cant buy anymore.

SO... today
- back to a proper diet.
- write a letter to request a late drop for my courses this semester
- meddle with a chocolate recipe
- run and core exercises later this afternoon
- start work on a resume (Ill make it to january but some funds flowing in would definitely alleviate some stress)
Glad to hear you’re are doing so well taking care of yourself! I think it’s safe to say your recovery is coming along quite nicely :)
Yesterday when I read your post I was just like "uhh didnt you read my posts?"...
As i didnt feel like my recovery has been progressing the way Id imagine it would.

And truthfully it hasnt.
I imagined it going flawlessly: completing my minor, getting into peak physical and mental health and starting anew.

But today that seems unrealistic. And Id have to agree things are progressing quite well. They may not be where I want them.to be but I have come a long way and I am.thankful for that.

What I would like to achieve is more balance. Seems im either all routine or none. All hobbies or none. Lots of socializing or none. All.... you get the idea.

Does anyone have any recommendations on how to achieve such a balance?
Hey TOC, after reading through this thread I see many similarities between your story and mine as well. Here's a few things that helped me.

The "pressure" of completing every single minute of every item on my routine every day discouraged me from even starting it sometimes. On days I felt less motivated, I would just do one (i.e. even 5 minutes of meditation, or a walk around the block, etc.). I never liked the style of planning out incremental advancements (like meditating 5 minutes today, 6 tomorrow, 7 the next...) but rather asking myself what I would benefit from most right now, and just doing that. No pressure to do more the next day, or even the same part of the routine. The goal being trying something, even if for a few minutes, to start forming new habits. It honestly felt super weird being so sober for so long, and when I would veg out part of it was because that's what I was doing what I was drinking. So now that I wasn't drinking, I was doing what I had been doing, just sober.

Switching up the timing of what I was doing during the day kept things interesting as well. Meditation in the morning for Monday, exercise in the afternoon for Tuesday, nothing on Wednesday (sometimes it's good to take a break day and just listen to your body. Vegging out isn't bad for you!), exercise Thursday morning...also there are many different types of meditation to try, as with exercises. I know it's super generic, but "trying new things" can actually be interesting. I bought a whole fish a few weekends ago, and even though I never thought it would be fun, cleaning and preparing the fish methodically turned out to be incredibly satisfying. I've only done it twice since then but maybe I'll go fishing over Christmas...who knows. Definitely opened up my mind about what stuff I'll try in the future and mixing activities up.

The peak of my drinking hit during school due to stress. Now that you don't have classes that is one less thing to stress over (school will always be there if/when you want to go back). I much prefer working a job to being in school, and it keeps my stress levels lower. Working helped take my mind off of drinking/doing nothing, even if I didn't necessarily feel A+ at the moment. Just doing seemingly boring tasks in general would give my mind a break. Something as simple as going to get a coffee. I don't know if you can do this anytime soon, but maybe planning a day trip with your kid would be cool.

I definitely feel the "well I quit drinking, why am I not on top of the world right now" vibe. You've come so far - making the commitment to yourself to quit and you continue to work on it every day - keep going!! Some days I still don't feel good. Some days I still don't do jack shit. Some times I've slipped up. But new habits take a long time to form, just as I spent years feeding into old, bad habits. I think back to when I was drinking daily, heavily, and even though I don't feel great just yet I'm definitely feeling better. Keep it up TOC, it's a struggle and you're doing great!
Yesterday when I read your post I was just like "uhh didnt you read my posts?"...
As i didnt feel like my recovery has been progressing the way Id imagine it would.

And truthfully it hasnt.
I imagined it going flawlessly: completing my minor, getting into peak physical and mental health and starting anew.

But today that seems unrealistic. And Id have to agree things are progressing quite well. They may not be where I want them.to be but I have come a long way and I am.thankful for that.

What I would like to achieve is more balance. Seems im either all routine or none. All hobbies or none. Lots of socializing or none. All.... you get the idea.

Does anyone have any recommendations on how to achieve such a balance?


I'd suggest exploring other ways of improving your physiological (body), psychological (mind), emotional (mood) and spiritual health (connection), but particularly with mind to activities or with subjects you are interested in and that have the real capacity to bring you more joy.

One of the best things that helped me find more balance (and still very much does) is hooking up with a community of people who I feel safe with and share similar interests. I definitely didn't find 12 step communities to fit my needs. In my case it turned out to be the secular mindfulness community.

Co-regulating with other people is the best way to regulate you mood, to recharge and generally help you care for yourself.

The all or nothing route is very commonly struggled with for people getting out of addiction (and generally very common prior addiction as well).

Do you have any passions outside drug use? I've heard from many people who basically say no, but frankly I have not ever met a single person who doesn't have a variety of interests. It can take a lot of effort (not overnight, but consistent small efforts over the long term), but exploring ways you can make your life feel more meaningful by pursuing interests you personally find meaningful, there isn't anything more significant to healthy long term development IMHO.
Yes I was very all or nothing before my addiction too.

I have lots of interests outside of drinking.... Yes drug use is one of them but thats not it. I love all the chemistry surrounding it and I try to learn a bit each day by reading legit papers gleamed fromthe universities peer reviewed access and experimenting - optimizing my procedures.

I love experimenting with baking and cooking and when im on ill usually make 1 nice meal and 1 dessert throughout the week for myself as well as my usual stuff. And with christmas coming Ive been messing with recipes for little snacks for when I have everyone over on the 24th. Ive also started a batch of kombucha (finally!) With a friend, so hell hold me accountable and ill follow through. Itll be done in 2 weeks.

I enjoy fishing and before I got my daughter today I went out for a few hours.

I live growing things and my plants have been taking off now that I remember to actually water them. Just a few orchids and some other plants from my mom. Id like to get more.

Actually the friend who I usually go hiking with is all about farming and gardening. Though she doesnt know much about it she is always so enthusiastic about it. She talks of a bunch of us renting farm land this spring and gardening. Given my new apartment and lack of gardens I am totally down. And I may totally have a crush on her. Shes such an inspirstional parent. Always so calm.and her kids are good kids too, they get along with my daughter so well. And shes just a very thoughtful, caring person..But i digress haha

So i think i have "accountabil-a-buddies" for most things now with the exception of exercise, yoga and meditation. Im going to email an old friend about it. I havent spoke with him in about 8 months but .... He usually follows a routine and Im sure we can work something out.

So when im not so caught up in thought like some prey in an alligators death roll im able to recognize my progress. Im slowly learning. Incorporating different stabalizers (?) As I go, at various times and rates. Usually im able to see this but some times i lose the trees through the forest.

So thank you both for your kind replies.

I liked your recommendation for living in the moment. Recognizing what activity woukd best suit my needs now and partaking is brilliant.

And youre right. School stressed me tf out
Im actually looking forward to a part time job. And learning what I want to in my free time.

I totally agree with the years spent engraining bad habits and the time itll take to relearn positive ones. Im at 10 years bad and 2.5 trying to relearn. Ive still got mistakes to make and lessons to learn but atleast Im on the right track, even if sometimes Im not always on the right train.
But im rambling. My other hobbies won this afternoon before fishing and in the name of science I taste tested my latest edible. pretty tasty and definitely stoney. My best work to date. Needs some tweaks but Im defintely proud of my accomplishments in this regard. Its taken many attempts, lots of reading and experimenting.

Anyways thats it for now.
Hope everyone has a good weekend
Im at my dads again
Welp... Another weekend at my dads.

I was still stoned/after glowy (?) saturday morning. We had to go to my little cousins birthday party that afternoon so we had a pretty lax morning. But knowing the kids would go nutters at the party i took my daughter out to feed the birds and a hike at the park. It had and was snowing pretty good so... It was awesome! I love snow, its really the only part of winter I enjoy.

The party posed a dilema for me though. I had intended on eating another bunch of oil to deal with my family. But.... I was still stoned and i pondered my intent a minute. To deal with my family....

My family can be annoying, boring and frustrating. But do i really need to get high to "deal"? ...

In the end I decided against.

I know I keep flogging this horse and Im not trying to persuade anyone but edibles > toking x 1 million, for me. If i had smoked friday I guarantee you I would have "needed" a toke for the party. But the psychedelic nature of the edibles challenged my normal thought processes and allows me to view things in a differrent light.

The party went well enough.
But my dad shit his pants (not literally, read lost his patience) a couple hours in and we had to bail - I wasnt complaining ha.

This morning dad went shopping and i took the opportunity to take my daughter out on another hike. We went out to a local trail where there is a beautiful water fall. We went for a 2 hour hike along the river and back. Then it was home for some hot chocolate, lunch and then dropping her off (early - because her step dads sister had a baby and she wanted to visit before going home).

After dropping her off I went fishing with Dad. Damn it was cold, but I managed to catch another fish - about a 10 lb rainbow trout.

The drive home was snowy.
Tired now.

Catch ya soon.